RWBY X Male reader Volume 1+...

By Akiokasai

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Hey guys!! This is my first fanfic and my first time writing!! Hope you guys enjoy it! This will kinda be a m... More

Author notes
Your team.
Last Mission
The Rose & The Wolf
The Shining Beacon Part 1
The Shining Beacon Part 2
The Shining Beacon part 3
First Encounter
Blood Arts
While We Wait
The Badge and The Burden
A "Normal" Day
Jaunedice & an Upcoming Fight
An Evening "Lesson"
Forever Fall

The Initiation

205 2 0
By Akiokasai

Your POV

Darkness. That's the word that I could describe my surrounding. Nothing but an empty void. Suddenly I heard the sounds of sizzling. I headed towards the noise and smelled the burning flames.

I arrived at an abandoned warehouse. This place. I know this place too well. This place is where everything changed. I looked at the roof of the warehouse and saw it. The Grimm... No the Demon. Its yellow eyes saw me.

It slowly walked towards me but I stood my ground. The Demon growled at me. And I return by showing my teeth and growled back.

(Y/N): One day. I'll get you.

Then I snapped my eyes open and saw everything was back to normal. I saw Gil and Romeo sleeping beside me. I looked at the time and it was almost time for initiation.

(Y/N): Guys *yawn* wake up... Initiation soon.

Gil: Five more minutes...

Romeo just replied with a snore. I then places my hand on each of their noses and blocked them from breathing. In a few seconds all of them stood up. Both of em just glared at me.

G/R: I hate you...

(Y/N): Yeah yeah. Just go get ready.

I then stood up and went to find Ciel and Nana. When I found them, I already saw Ciel up but... as usual Nana's still sleeping.

Ciel: Don't worry. She will get up. Go get ready first.

I nodded and went to take a nice hot shower. The moment I came out of the shower I was shocked too see a ginger haired GIRL in the BOYS shower room. She seems to be talking to the... Um.. Depressed? Tired? Guy who had jet black hair and a few pink strands on it. Poor guy. I passed by Gil and Romeo and I could hear their shocked shriek when they saw the ginger haired girl strolling out of the men's shower room.

I went to the locker room and saw Ruby and Yang. I decided to go and have a little chat.

Ruby: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!

(Y/N): I don't think it works that way.

Ruby and Yang gave a shocked shriek when they saw me. Didn't mean to snuck up on them... Meh.

Yang: Jeez! Don't do that first thing in the morning.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

(Y/N): So what you guys talking about?

Yang: Nothing interesting.

Ruby: Yang keeps rambling on about me "socializing" with others.

(Y/N): Well Ruby you do kinda have too open up to new people. Like how are you gonna form teams then?

Ruby: Well I just can be on Yang's team then...

Yang then nervously braids her blonde hair. Oh uh. I can see where this is going.

Yang: Maybe you should try being on some else's team?

On that note, I escapes from the two sisters before they could argue. While I was heading to my locker, I saw Gil making a few adjustment to Heritage.

(Y/N): Making adjustments again Gil?

Gilbert: Yeah. The spear's balance is kinda off. So I'm just twiking it abit.

(Y/N): Hey mind if I ask a you too fix a few quirks on Kurogane after the initiation?

Gilbert: Yeah sure.

I then opened my locker only to find a chess piece from yesterday too fall and a note following it.

Dear Team BLOOD
Please report to Beacon Cliff immediately for briefing as observers of today's initiation

Sign: Ozpin

I showed the note to Gil and he just nodded. I told him to inform the others while I headed to Beacon Cliff. When all of us arrived, we saw Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch waiting for us.

Ozpin: Ah you're here. Ms Goodwitch if you may.

Professor Goodwitch just nodded.

Glynda: As you've been informed. You will be acting as observers for today's initiation. For today each of you will be given earpieces to stay contact with us and your teammates.

Professor Goodwitch then passes each of us earpieces.

Glynda: Your job during the initiation is too keep an eye on any of the students that you encounter undetected. If any problem arise, immediately contact us.

BLOOD: Understood.

Professor Goodwitch then ordered us too stand on the platform. Gil then raised his hand.

Gilbert: Um Prof, but I'm kinda wondering. How do you get into the forest. Are dropping us off?

Ozpin: No. You will be falling.

Gil then broke into a sweat. Yeah get this. Gil's a tough guy. No doubt about that but talk about heights he goes crying back to his mother. Then one by one we got shout out of the air.

Nana was screaming about food when she was launched. Ciel was covering her skirt. Romeo made a mistake and now was launching while spinning. Gil was screaming for his mother and I was... well being badass.

When I saw the ground approaching fast, I changed Kurogane to its gun form and loaded it with dust. I aimed towards the ground and pressed the trigger. The shot was powerful enough to decrease my speed and I landed safely...or so I thought.

The moment I landed, I saw a pack of Beowolves surrounding me. I raised Kurogane, still in gun form to my side.

(Y/N): Okay then... Who's first?

At that moment, two Beowolves lunged at me and I jumped and shoot them from above, killing them. The moment I landed, the other Beowolves start to attack. I focused my attention to one of the Beowolves and drove my gun to its head upwards and shot it and roundhouse kicked the bastard to its friends. I changed Kurogane to its blade form and dashed towards two Beowolves in front of me and did a barrage of slashes.

The last Beowolf was about to attack until I used 4% of my aura and focused it on my fist. I did a straight punch to its gut and the Beowolf and flying knocking down a few trees on the way. I dusted myself off and hid silently on a tree. I pressed the earpiece to check on the others.

(Y/N): This is Alpha. Landed safely. Status?

Romeo: Hey... Why did you get to be the Alpha?!

Ciel: Beta reporting. All green.

Gilbert: Charlie. All good.

Nana: Delta. All clear here Cap!

Romeo: *groans* Fine! Echo here!

(Y/N): The students will land any minute now. So keep a watch on them. Alpha out.

I rested on the branch of the tree and suddenly heard someone shooting a couple of rounds. I peeked out of the leaves and saw Ruby. She seems nervous but determined at the same time. I jumped from one tree to another to keep up with her pace but damn she so fast! 


Oh. Bad idea. Rule number one in surviving in the wild. Never. I mean NEVER shout out loud. You never know what you'll meet. Beowolves. Ursas. Heck you might meet a Nevermore. She then suddenly stopped in her tracks. I looked ahead and saw something terrible. Oh god. She's gonna team up with Weiss!! That's worse! Well being Weiss she just strolled of leaving Ruby behind. Wow cruel much? I was about to bail until I saw Weiss return and dragged Ruby off.

I decided to check on the others.

(Y/N): How you guys holding up?

Romeo: Hey Cap believe it or not. I found Jaune and Pyrrha Nikos together!

(Y/N): Wow. Lucky. 

Ciel: Nothing yet. 

Gilbert: I saw this dude from before and the gingered haired girl hiding in the trees. Oh wait! A King Taijitu just appeared. Want me to help?

(Y/N): No stand down. Engage if he really needs help. Alpha out.

Ozpin's POV

I was listening to every conversation team BLOOD had and Qrow was right. They don't disappoint. Mr (L/N) is managing his team very well. Well I can't judge him. He was been the leader of his group for two to three years or so. 

Glynda: Professor Ozpin. Miss Xiao Long and Miss Belladona was been partnered up for your information. 

I just nodded at Miss Goodwitch statement. Suddenly, statics appeared in my earpiece. Glynda must have heard it too because she immediately took it out. Connection must not be good. Well not all technologies are perfect. 

But for some reason. I have a bad feeling lingering in my chest.


Weiss: We have to go!   

With that, Weiss pulled Ruby away after creating a forest fire. Oh boy. I was about to follow them when I saw the Beowolves about to climb over the burning tree. I sighed and took out Kurogane. I jumped from where the tree  I was hiding and landed in front of them.

(Y/N): Look it's nothing personal.

I then slashed the Beowolf that was about to jump over the tree. I then heard static over my earpiece. Damn that's loud! A Beowolf took advantage of it and tried to lunge at me. I just transferred 3% of my aura in to my hand and back hand slapped it to a tree.

(Y/N): Okay now that was rude.

In an instant I used 10% of my aura for my legs for speed and rushed towards the remaining Beowolves and slice them all up. Damn this stuff is tiring. I swung Kurogane to my side to get rid the disgusting Grimm blood on my sword. Suddenly I saw a Nevermore flew past me but what caught my eye was what was on it. Is that... A HELL NO! 

I then rushed towards where the Nevermore was heading and saw Ruby jumped from it, leaving Weiss. I was about to chase her when a what I believe was... Jaune? Smashing against her and they both got stuck on a tree. GG mate. At the same moment, I saw the ginger girl from before... Riding a damn URSA!? I then noticed Gil beside me.

Gilbert: Don't ask.

Then Pyrrha came rushing out of the woods... With a goddamn Death Stalker behind her! I saw Romeo hiding behind one of the trees slowly heading towards us.

Out of no where Ciel and Nana appeared behind me and Gil.

Ciel: Me and Nana stumbled upon each other when Miss Belladonna and Miss Xiao Long partnered up.

I was about to say something when Weiss came falling down from the Nevermore and Jaune "heroically" caught her or so I thought.

Suddenly I heard Ruby letting out a battle cry and dashed towards the Death Stalker. Damn it! What is she doing? She fires a few shoots from her weapon and when she clashed with the Grimm, it immediately swiped her away.

(Y/N): Professor Ozpin. Permission to engage.

Ozpin: Denied.

(Y/N): What!? But Professor...

Ozpin: Just observe Mr (L/N).

Ruby then fired a few more rounds and retreated back to the others but she wasn't fast enough. The Nevermore then caws above Ruby and shot a stream of feathers at her and one of it hit her red cloak. I was already gripping Kurogane so hard that my hand started to hurt.

Ozpin: Stand down (Y/N).

(Y/N): To hell with this!!

I jumped down from the trees and rushed towards Ruby. I could hear my teammates calling out to me but I ignored them. The Death Stalker was about to stab Ruby with its golden stinger and I was about to charge my aura but Weiss beat me to it. Weiss stabbed her rapier to the ground and ice emerged from it, encasing the Death Stalkers stinger.

Weiss: You are so childish! 

I noticed that Ruby had her eyes closed and when she opened it she was shocked to see Weiss in front of her. 

Ruby: Weiss?

Weiss: And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer. 

Wow. Weiss Schnee being nice. That's super rare. The two then noticed me and Ruby quickly tackled me to the ground.

Ruby: (Y/N)! Where have you been?!

(Y/N): Ruby...*gasp*... Can't... breathe!

  She lets me go and smiled dumbly and she immediately got a bone crush hug from Yang. Now you know how I feel. 

Gil: Cap! What are you doing!? You were given specific orders!

(Y/N): Just shut up and follow me through the trees.

Jaune: Guys! That thing is circling back! What are we gonna do!?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us. 

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs.  There's no point in fighting these things. 

Jaune: Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!  

Jaune and Ruby then grabbed their artifacts and regroup. Blake noticed me just standing idly.

Blake: (Y/N). Are you not gonna take one?

I took out my gold Bishop from my pocket and showed it to her.

(Y/N): Already got it!

Blake was about to say something else when the guy or Ren I believe piped up.

Ren: Time we left!

With that all of us headed towards the end of the cliff. While heading towards the cliff, I noticed something was off. I grabbed Kurogane and slowed down and let the others pass by. Pyrrha noticed me slowed down and walked at my pace.

Pyrrha: Are you okay?

(Y/N): Yeah is just... Something feels off.

Pyrrha: Okay. Then I shall..

(Y/N): No! Go with the others. I'll meet with you guys shortly.

Pyrrha nodded and left to chase the others. The rest of my gang noticed me and landed beside me.

(Y/N): You guys feel that?

Nana: Feel what?

Ciel: Something is not right! Everyone ready your weapons!

??? POV

I was in my computer lab. Tracking my precious Marduk. The moment I let it out,it was searching for food already. My.My. My babies are always hungry. Then Marduk's movement stopped. I switched on my visual camera that I have placed under its ear and saw my precious children. The Blood Unit.

???: My oh my. All of you sure have grown. Hehehe. Marduk please help me see how much have they grown. Attack.

No one's POV

The Blood Unit readied their weapons to face whatever Grimm they were going to face... or so they thought it was a Grimm. Out of the dark shadow woods, the Blood Unit felt a powerful blood lust and aura surrounding them. Making them hard to stand. The Captain of the team noticed the others were barely trying to stand.

Impossible! It can't be! The captain's head was swarming with questions. But the answer came out from the woods with a ferocious roar. The demon that haunted the Blood Unit for so long. The demon that changed everything. The demon that killed Julius Visconti, previous leader of The Blood Unit, Akina (L/N), and Doctor Rachel Claudius was standing not a mere few feet away from them.

(Y/N): No... Oh Oum.


A/N: Yeah2 I know. Its been too long for another chapter and plus the Cliffhanger makes it worse... Well I'm sorry. It might happen again actually. But I'll try to pick up the pace. See ya guys!

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