Wolverine's Feral Flame

By The_Gray_Witch

97.8K 3.1K 480

I sat down under the shade of the tree, Malyshka laying down next to me, a small smile forming on my lips as... More



1.8K 63 14
By The_Gray_Witch


Her outfit for this chapter


"Good afternoon my lovely class!" I exclaimed from the middle of the classroom

"Good afternoon our most awesome professor!" The all exclaimed in unison

"Awe, you guys" I replied, causing some to chuckle, shaking my head slightly with a smile "today . . . we are changing it up!" looking at them "you will be making cookies . . . from scratch" hearing them murmur to one another in excitement "you have the recipe written down in your notebooks! Chocolate chip, and don't be afraid to add more if you feel like you need to!" looking around "and if you need help! Don't! Be! Afraid! To ask!" earning some nods "group one, get started"

Said group looked at their books, two of them grabbing the mixing tools they need, another two of the group getting the ingredients ready, and the last one getting the sink ready. I pointed to the second group, causing them to begin and I walked over to my desk,

"Hey" I began, looking at my phone "what do you guys request today?"


"Avenged Sevenfold!"

"Blue October!"


"Three Days Grace!"




"Five Finger Death Punch!"

"Who said the last four?" I asked, causing four groups to hesitantly raise their hands " . . . extra credit for today" looking back at my phone "let's set it on shuffle for those four" pressing play

Music blasted through the speakers I had gotten the other day, loud enough to where every one can hear it but not too loud to where they can't hear me. I removed my leather jacket, laying it across my swivel chair and giving Malyshka a pat on the head, while I had gotten the speakers, I took the liberty of letting her choose a bed for herself, which is next to my desk. Every once in a while, Shawny, Remy or Logan would come and take her for a walk, bringing her back as soon as she's finished, which she lays down on her bed right after she enters the room. I clasped my hands behind my back as I slowly went from group to group, checking to see if they need assistance, most of them not needing it.

"If you choose to become a chef when you graduate, there will be people talking to you, talking over you, or talking to each other!" I informed "people will be buzzing in your ear at the same time! So you need to focus on your task and their voices, should you need to! In other words . . . I know you're at the door, Logan, you don't need to just stand there!" turning around and seeing said man standing in the doorway of the room

He made a come here motion with his index finger, causing me to playfully roll my eyes and walk over to him, crossing my arms over my chest as I stood in front of him,

"Why are you interrupting my class?" I asked playfully

"Just wanted to remind you about our date tonight" he said, placing his hands on my waist, causing me to place mine on his chest

"Do I need to change?" I asked, causing him to shake his head slightly

"All you need is you" he replied, "its the fair, remember?"

"Oh yeah, huh?" I asked playfully, causing him to roll his eyes, "check this out" gently walking away, back to the center of the room "what is it we always say?!"

"No recipe is a hundred percent accurate" they said in unison "no matter how carefully its written, the judgment of the cook is still the most important"

"Excellent!" I praised, walking back over to Logan and lowering my voice "I never told them to memorize that, they did it on their own. These kids . . ." pointing to them "they say I'm the best professor they've ever had since they've been here. They want to learn all that they can"

"And that's why you're here to teach them" he replied with a smile "I'll come get you after this is over"

"You're helping me taste all these" I informed,

He gave me a small nod, placing a kiss on my lips, one of which I happily complied to, feeling him slowly pull away to let it linger, a smile forming on my lips, watching as he walked down the hall. I was now glad I got him those jeans, because they make his ass look good. Softly biting my bottom lip, I walked back inside, clasping my hands behind me and looking over everyone's cookie shapes, which is normal size because of the cookie scoopers we had recently gotten.

"All ovens preheated?" I asked, earning nods, causing me to look at my watch, setting the timer "assistant chefs, please open the ovens" watching as they did as instructed "chefs, please put your trays of cookies in said oven" causing them to do as said "close ovens in three . . . two . . . one" pressing a button on my watch just as they did so "and what you can do while you wait, is finish cleaning up the kitchen, I will come by and check"

They began to do as said, which caused a small smile to form on my lips, lowering my hands and straightening up some of the desks, and walking over to mine. While the kids were preoccupied, I sat on my desk and grabbed my clipboard, taking roll of the students while they were cleaning, crossing my legs, resting my left over my right and and checking off the names. When my timer went off, I instructed the kids to turn off the ovens and safely take the hot pans out, telling them to set them on their wire racks to cool. I laced my hands together, resting them in my knee as I watched the kids close their notebooks, walking over to their desks and putting them back in their bags,

"I know you're not supposed to eat in your other classes" I said "just tell them I said its okay if you get caught" smirk forming on my lips "and if its Professor Summers, just argue with him"

A few of them chuckled, shaking their heads slightly as they divided their cookies onto small plates, leaving two on a separate one and cleaning off their baking pans, drying them off and putting them in their original spot just as the bell rang.

"Excellent job today, guys!" I said "class dismissed!"

They slowly piled out of the classroom, a smile still on my lips as I hopped off my desk, straightening all of the chairs once more and gathering the cookies the students left, setting them on one plate and grabbing my leather jacket, shrugging on. I snapped my fingers, causing Malyshka to quickly rise to her feet, following me out of the room before stretching and shaking out her fur, following me down the hall as I bit into one of the cookies, loving the chocolate chips.

"I told you I'd come get you" the voice of Logan said, wrapping his arms around me from behind, stopping me "so you should have waited for-"

I shut him up by shoving the other half of the cookie in his mouth, causing him to growl lowly, earning a small giggle from me, both of us soon finishing off the cookies. Finding Remy a few minutes later, I asked him if he could watch Malyshka and he agreed,

"Its gonna take a little while to get there" Logan informed, "so we might wanna leave in a bit"

Nodding slightly, I pecked his lips, which caused him to pull me into his room and pin me against the nearest wall, slamming his lips with mine, quickly getting over my shock and complying, my hands running through his hair. The kiss had left me breathless, Logan pulling away slightly, a smirk forming on his lips, causing me to playfully roll my eyes and push against his chest a bit, softly biting my bottom lip and walking out of the room. Logan and I left a couple minutes later, Remy distracting Malyshka with a ball, a small smile on my lips.


A few hours later, Logan and I arrived at the fair grounds, an excited smile on my lips as I looked at all of the rides that were visible, hearing Logan let out a small chuckle as he parked the truck and shut it off. We got out, shutting the doors, Logan lacing his hand with mine and leading me to the entrance,

"How many?" A man in a booth asked

"Two adults" Logan replied, pulling out his wallet "and the wristbands for unlimited rides"

He gave Logan a nod, ripping two tickets and grabbing the wristbands, Logan paying for them and sticking his wrist in the small hole, letting him put on the wristband. I did the same, not failing to notice that his hands lingered on mine, a smirk forming on my lips as our eyes connected, causing me to darken mine, my smirk growing when he backed up in fear. Taking my wrist from him, Logan and I walked to the entrance, where we took all metal from our pockets, looking at the coding of the metal detector, switching it around as I passed through.

The light turned green as Logan did the same, causing me to look at him with a small smirk, changing the code back as I handed him his wallet, keys and phone, giving him a wink as I laced my hand with his,

"So what do you want to do first?" He asked

"I. . . don't know" I replied, "its been a while since I've been to one, remember?" looking at him "what do you recommend?"

". . . Lets go through the maze" he replied, looking down at me

I nodded slightly, letting him lead me to said maze, which was all mirrors by the way. A small giggle emitted from me as I shimmied my way in front of him, my nails softly brushing against the smooth surface of the glass as I led the way through the rest of it, coming up on a small little river, with about an inch of water, stones leading across. Letting out a surprised yelp as Logan picked me up, bridal style, he carefully walked across the stones, gently setting me on my feet once we reached the other side. I playfully smacked his chest, which earned a small chuckle from him in return, both of us making our way to the spinning tunnel, then to the bar we had to balance on, and the hole we had to jump though, which led to a foam pit.

Pulling myself up, Logan helped me, lacing his hand with mine as we exited, there were so many things to do here, a ton of rides, booths to play games, food trucks, a petting zoo, even a large bird cage. Logan had to get me away from the last too because all they wanted to do was get near me, a small chuckle emitting from him, throwing an arm around my shoulders as we continued to walk around the fair grounds. We had gone on most of the rides, played some games, split a funnel cake, then fried zucchini sticks, and eventually, the day had turned to night. There was a cute stuffed panda I had been eyeing when we passed a certain booth, I think it was the baseball one . . . or the ring toss. He had seemed to notice this, narrowing his eyes slightly before dragging me to the booth, which happened to be darts,

I was way off

"Hit the target! Win a prize!" The worker exclaimed "you sir!" pointing to Logan "win a prize for the lovely lady!" pointing to me "and a beautiful one at that"

Logan pulled out his wallet, tossing some cash on the table, the worker taking it and giving him four darts,

"Get at least one in or close to the bullseye and its free pick" he instructed simply

You'd never think Logan would be good at darts, but when we got bored with billiards at the school, I materialized a dart board and set it up in a free spot on the wall in the lounge, we had eventually created a new game between us and he's actually pretty good. Logan looked at me out of the corner of his eyes, throwing a small wink my way and getting ready to throw the dart, watching as it flew and hit a little close to the target, doing it over and over again until he had one left. He basically created a triangle around the bullseye, hitting it dead center with his last dart, causing the worker to look at Logan.

"Alright, what'll it be?" He asked the feral man

Logan pointed to the panda, earning a nod from the worker and causing him to get it, handing it to Logan, who held it out to me in return. A smile formed on my lips as I grasped the stuffed panda, pressing a kiss to his cheek, throwing an arm over my shoulders once more, the two of us continuing on,

"Thank you" I said softly "I'm happy now, the panda made it better"

"There's a few more things I wanted to do" he replied with a smile, earning a slightly confused look from me "and after that . . . I have a surprise for you"

Without letting me respond, he led me to a different part of the fair grounds, a smile forming on my lips when he opened a small curtain, one of which I noticed was part of a photo booth,

"Logan?" I asked

"We'll wing it" he replied with a smirk

The first two were funny faces, one where I was on his lap, one where he was kissing my neck and another where we were kissing in general. A smile was still on my lips as we walked, I looked at the pictures with an arm around Logan, my stuffed panda being tucked in my right elbow as I looked at the five small pictures of Logan and I. It feels a little weird not having Malyshka at my side, but I guess I'm gonna have to get used to it since Logan and I are going to be together, but I can't complain. Shaking my head slightly, I looked up as we slowly came to a stop, seeing that we were in line for the ferris wheel, a small chuckle emitting from me as I leaned more into his side.

In return, he softly tightened his hold on my shoulders, both of us patiently waiting in line, my smile faltering slightly when my right ear twitched, picking up a new sound, causing my eyebrows to furrow slightly, closing my eyes as I tried to focus. Screams suddenly filled the air, causing my eyes to snap open and look up, seeing the all to familiar glow of a large fire. Everyone in the fair began to go ballistic, scattering, screaming, yelling, panicking, Logan and I instantly heading towards the opposite direction of where everyone was going.

"Don't" Logan said as we stood in front of the burning booth

"Logan, there's a child in there!" I exclaimed

I dropped everything in my hands, running into the flames and covering the body of a panicking little girl, who was no older that four or five, we had passed this booth many times, she had been with her family, sitting and playing with a stuffed bunny while her parents worked. My arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her close to me,

"Sweetie, look at me" I instructed, causing her to do as said "I'm going to get you out-"

"You're one of the good ones" she said, earning a nod from me "use it, I'm not scared of you"

"Whatever you do" I said "don't. Touch. My skin"

She gave me a nod, my blue fire igniting on my hands, placing my fingers on the floor and looking at her, watching as she looked at my hands in amazement. Ice slowly began to spread from my fingers, the fire sizzling and shooting toward my chest, causing me to close my eyes, letting the ice freeze everything that was in flames, the actual fire being absorbed by my core. Soon enough, my eyes opened, seeing that there was no longer fire, the poles being knocked away, some of the Avengers crowding us,

"Genesis?" Iron Man asked,

"Sup" I replied, drawing the ice back in "what are you guys doing here exactly?"

"Came back from a mission" he replied "saw the fire, thought we'd try to help"

I picked up the girl as soon as there was no ice, holding her close to me as I kicked some of the burnt objects out of the way, walking out,

"She's okay" I informed a paramedic "no burns, no wounds. She's a little scared right now" gently handing her to them

"What's your name?" One of the cops asked

"Genesis" Cap said "she's with us"

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