Taken by One Direction (1D Fa...

By 4GirlswithaDream

44.6K 515 103

One Direction is our boyfriends? Yes, 100% in love with them. Meet us, Kristin, Mason, Elizabeth, and Rhianno... More

Taken by One Direction (1D Fanfic)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter TEN
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Nine

1.1K 15 0
By 4GirlswithaDream

Heart breaking drama has just sprung out, aww D:

Keep reading for tons more of drama!

Thanks Mason!


Kristin's POV

*Before proposal*

I was watching tv, flipping through the channels and Liam kept looking out of the door.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I-I need to ask Mason something." Liam said, walking over to Mason and Niall's flat.

Well okay then. I picked up my phone and decided to text Liz.

To: Liz (:

Go out soon? Bored, we'll just have a girls day, me and you. Sound good? - Kris xx

I waited for her to text back, my phone started buzzing and vibrating on the table beside me.

From: Liz (:

Sounds great, we'll leave at 10. That good? -Liz xx

Good time.

To: Liz (:

I'll be ready by then. See ya soon! -Kris xx

I got off of my texting and decided to check twitter. Boring, nothing new. Oh look,  Elizabeth posted about us hanging out later, I should check my mentions.

Aw fans are so sweet, oh wait, I lied. WHAT?  Why do they hate me, 3 people said they hate me. Why? You haven't even met me... Ah, I'm too sensitive, even the thousands of people who say they envy and love me doesn't even help me.

Tears started falling out of my eyes. I want to talk to Harry about this. He had this same problem...

Some of them say: Why are you even dating Liam, you're stupid and ugly. 

Another one says: Die, Liam is mine, you aren't good enough for him, no one likes you!!

And the last one that I could read before my eyes got blurry with tears, it said: Liam will never love you, get out of here. Wait til he meets me. You'll be dust in the wind.

How can fans be so mean, those aren't even fans, this isn't what they should be saying. I started crying and tried wiping the tears, but more and more kept coming. Liam finally came back after about 20 minutes.

"Baby what happened?" Liam ran over to me, hugging me, holding me tight.

"Look." I grabbed my phone and showed him. He took my phone and shook his head, "Baby, you can't believe the stuff they say. You are one of a kind, and don't worry about them, real fans like these are the  true, hearted fans, hating on my girlfriend isn't a fan. I love you and I don't regret meeting you." He kissed me and one more tear streamed down my face, Liam kissed it away.

"Don't forget I love you." Liam said, before pulling me close.

"I love you too." I, kissed his cheek and then looked at the time, 8:22. I gotta get ready!

I pulled out of his arms and ran into the bathroom.

"You okay?" He asked, chuckling.

"Yeah, I gotta get ready, Liz and I are going out! Thank you baby, by the way!" I said, stripping down and getting in the shower. It felt good on my face. My face was red and puffy, totally attractive. Oh god, that sounded like Mason...can't turn into her, as much as I love her, we can only have one of those... (A/N: Besides, no one can compete with Mason)

I scrubbed down my hair, and washed my old make-up off. I felt so refreshed after a nice shower. Also, I think we all had a good night of sleep.

When I stepped out, I blow dried my hair, and re-applied my make-up. I got dressed into yoga pants, and Liam's hoodie. Warm. I thought, smiling, then I slipped on some flip flops and checked the time. 9:52 a.m.. Pretty good timing.

"Look who's wearing my hoodie." Liam said smiling, he was watching tv, or at least staring at it, he had his DS beside him. Pokemon... Fun game though, I've actually beat him before. Don't I feel special.

"Yes, and it's warm too!" I said, then flipping my hair down then back.

"You look beautiful, as always." He came up to me and kissed me. I love his lips, kissing him always makes me feel better. They're so pure and soft.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Oooh. That's Liz, bye baby. Love you!" I said, grabbing my phone and purse. I kissed his lips one last time and opened the door. Liz!

"Love you too, have fun babe!" Liam yelled out.

"Ready to have fun?" Liz asked, grabbing Lou's keys.

"Yes ma'am." I said, strutting behind her.

We got into the car and I stared out into the window, all of these places are beautiful. We have to go out more often. Hopefully we don't get swarmed with fans. That'd be nice for one.

Liz started pulling up to Starbucks, good, I could drink some coffee.

"Reading my mind today?" I said, laughing as I got out of the car.

"You know it!" Liz said, laughing with me after locking the car.

"Think we'll get caught by fans or paps?" I looked at her as we walked in.

"I hope not." Liz said.

"Hi, what would you two ladies like to get?"  The cashier said.

"Uh, two vanilla latte's please?" I said, looking at Liz, confirming.

She nodded and we paid and waited for our Latte's.

"Mm, a vanilla latte sounds really good right now. Where  are we going next?" I asked Liz.

"I was thinking to the store and then shopping or the other way around, just as long as we get things from the store, we need more food. Mason and Niall-"

"Ladies, your Latte's are ready!" The cashier said.

We took the vanilla latte's and left Starbucks. We headed for a nice store that sold lots of nice clothes and dresses.

"Liz look! Look at that summer dress!" I say, it's a beautiful blue and white flowing dress, with thin straps.

"Girl. That looks like something you would wear!!" Liz quietly screamed with me. We ran inside and asked to see the dress. I tried it on and questioned Liz if this is the right dress.

"PERFECT! Oh and look! Do you like this dress?" Liz showed a black and pink dress that would look fantastic on her!

"LIZ THAT WOULD..look Fantastic on you!!!" I yelled. She grabbed it and ran into the dressing room. She looked great. We took them off and bought them. Ah fun day!

"Now, let's go to the store, we'll get food, and other things that we might want or need." I said as we grabbed our bags and headed to the car.

"HEY, IT'S ELIZABETH AND KRISTIN!!" A fan girl screamed, and more popped up. We ran into the car and drove off.

"Imagine if we stayed..." Liz said, shaking her head.

"Bad, everything would've been bad."

*20 minutes later*

We walked out of the store with food and I got some extra things, mostly for Zayn. I got him hair spray, heat protecter, 2 combs, gel, and special shampoo and conditioner. Ah he'll love me for it.

"Mostly Zayn products huh?" Liz asks, as we pulled into our driveway seeing the bag of hair supplies. I had another bag with different make-up products, for mason, rhiannon, and me. Elizabeth bought her own too, and some carrots...lordy.

I walked into our apartment and knocked on Zayn's flat.

"Yes?" He said as he opened his door for me to come in.

"I bought you stuff today." I said, bringing his bag and placing it down on his counter.

"Ooh! Like what?" Zayn said clapping his hands together. I laughed at his way of being childish.

"Hair products? Oh my gosh, thank you thank you thank you best friend!!" He hugged me and I hugged him back. I'm there for Zayn a lot. He's my buddy.

"Alright, have fun exploring new hair ways, I've gotta give stuff to Rhi and Mason. Later Zayn!" I yelled shutting the door and knocking on Rhiannon's.

"Come in!" Harry shouted.

I entered to see Rhi and Harry watching tv, also on their phones.

"Hey guys." I said, walking towards them.

"Heyy Kris, what's up?" Rhi asked.

"I got you some new make-up and one baby present." I said smiling.

I handed her the bag and she giggled when she saw the bib that I got her for her baby. It said, 'I'll be a rock star just like mommy and daddy.'

"Aw that is so cute! Harry look!" Rhi showed Harry and he smiled. Cheeky fella.

"That is cute, and it's yellow so if it's a boy or a girl, it won't matter." Harry added.

"Thank you!" Rhi said, hugging me.

"Welcome, now I've gotta give Mason her bag too! See ya guys later!" I left their flat and barged in on Mason and Niall's flat. We have that good of a friendship to do that.

"Mase!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" She yelled, coming from her room.

"Got you something!" I shouted.

"Oh hey Kristin." Niall said, as he walked in the room from their kitchen.

"Hey Nialler." I said, smiling.

"What is it?" Mason came running and skipping over to me.

"MAKE-UP AND FOOD!! YES!" Mason screamed, throwing her fist in the air. When I saw her, she looked like she had been crying, but I won't ask.

"Calm down you Little Irish Red Sass Head." I winked at her.

"Yeah yeah Mumma Direction, by the way. Beach at 1 this afternoon!" She laughed at me. I nodded and told my goodbyes and went to my room.

I went into our flat and didn't see Liam.

"Liam?" I yelled, looking around.

I heard yelling from the walls and ignored it. "Liam!" I yelled again. Where is that boy?

I walked out and asked Zayn if he's seen him. Zayn told me he went to the beach to clear his head. Well We're going at 1 so I guess I'll see him then.

I looked for Mason now. And she was gone too.

"Mason went to clear her head." I heard someone say to Niall.

"Liam went to the beach to clear his head to." I said, joining in.

"It's only 12:45 though. Can we leave now and be there by 1, I'm sure traffic will let us get there by then." I heard more people talking.

"Kris!" Lou yelled.

"Yeah Louis?"

"Let's go to the beach now!" 

"Kay, let me grab my purse and phone!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

I grabbed my purse and phone and headed into the car. Everyone seemed so grouchy at this point.

"What did Mason do?" Niall said.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

I sat down and their CD was playing, it started on More Than This. There was an awkward silence between all of us, so I pulled out my phone and logged on to Twitter. Zayn tried stopping me, but what I saw made me gasp. It was pictures of Mason and Liam. One looked like Mason was kissing his cheek, the next one was Liam and Mason hugging, and the last one was with Liam holding a bag and Mason laughing with him.

"Niall look!" I showed Niall and he got angry.

"Is this what you were talking about?!" I showed Lou.

He nodded. "Cheating, yes, cheating."

Those words made me flinch. Liam, the best boyfriend in the world and Mason, one of my closest friends. Why? I was more hurt than angry.

I wanted to punch a wall and cry too. All I could hear was fighting and the song More Than This singing, "When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right, cuz I can love you more than this..."

We got to the beach and Niall stormed over to Mason and dragged her off, both yelling. I ran up to Liam, screaming.

Liam pulled me over and tried talking, but I kept yelling.


"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Please, let me explain for a couple of minutes, it's not what you think, or what all of you think.." He had a tear in his eye, while I had several.

"All of this was for me to do what I am doing now. I would never have the heart to cheat on you. Baby, you mean so much more to me than anyone else. I have loved you ever since we talked from day 1 at this exact place, you mean the world to me, you fixed my heart and made me feel safer, i'm in love with you, and only you, i would never cheat on you, i would never break your heart, i know your angry, but me and mason went to the jewelry store so i could buy you this proposal ring, i love you so much. Kristin? Will you marry me?" I busted out into tears. He was telling the truth, he was buying me a ring to propose.

"Yes, yes!" I nodded, crying like crazy. He wiped some tears and kissed me. Then hugged me tight. Then gave me another peck on the lips.

I ran over to Lou, Liz, Zayn, Harry, and Rhi. "Guys look!" I shouted, showing them the ring. "They weren't cheating! They were just planning a surprise that got way out of line!" I said, crying more. They all hugged me and it made me feel better to know that there was no cheating. I really hope Mason and Niall are alright.


Stopping here. Drama makes everything intense. Mwuahahaha.

Love all fans and readers.


Fan us!


- Kristin xx ( soon-to-beMama Direction ;D)

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