Harry Styles is Cheating on M...

By StripesAndBraces

996K 5.5K 403

*WARNING THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL STORY* Haha, hey! How's it going? I'm Amelia Parker, and I've got what ever... More

Chapter One! A Long Overdue Visit
Chapter Two! Disguises, Disguises... Or Why You Can't Trust the Boys to Blend in
Chapter Three! Ways You Don't Want to Say You Love Someone
Chapter Four! Death... Well, Close Enough
Chapter Five! Behold, The Wonders of The Wig
Chapter Six! A Little Criticism Never Hurt Anyone... Right?
Chapter Seven! Date... Afternoon!
Chapter Eight! ...And That's Why You Don't Be Romantic in Grocery Stores
Chapter Nine! One Direction has No Taste In Movies and TV
Chapter Ten! Cheating only Leads to Fighting
Chapter Eleven! You Still There?
Chapter Twelve! Tiny Spaces= Lots of Yelling
Chapter Thirteen! First Stop In America! ... The Emergency Room
Chapter Fourteen! Suites! And Not So Sweet Food.
Chapter Fifteen! Liam Swims With Dolphins... And Amy gets a Boyfriend
Chapter Sixteen! Just. Hold. Hands.
Chapter Seventeen! Well Hello Amy... Or Lily.
Chapter Eighteen! Messups and Pucker Ups
Chapter Nineteen! Slides and Suprises
Chapter Twenty! Nothing Serious
Chapter Twenty One! Who Ever Thought Louis Could be Serious?
Chapter Twenty-Two! Blue is Really Zayn's Colour
Chapter Twenty-Three! We Will Never Speak of This
Chapter Twenty Four! It's My Sandy!
Chapter Twenty-Five! Some People Never Change
Chapter Twenty-Six! Wakey-Wakey!
Chapter Twenty-Seven! Not Happy Birthday!
Chapter Twenty-Eight! What Else Would Louis and I do in Disney?
Chapter Twenty-Nine! A "Pretty Good" Performance
Chapter Thirty! Now Let's Talk About Zayn...
Chapter Thirty-One! Looking Back and Laptops
Chapter Thirty-Two! Moving Forward
Chapter Thirty-Three! Lost and Liam!
Chapter Thirty-Four! Ignorance Bites and Fake Fights
abuse accent act afternoon age airplane airport aisle alarms america amy anesthetic argue article asleep attendant avoid awake baby bag baldcap barbra beach beautiful ben big birthday blame blonde blood blue bowtie boxes break bribe bright brit broke bruno bunk business bye cambridge camera career carry carrying caught change cheap cheater cheating chicago closet college colour comfy connecticut contacts cpr crumple cry daft danny dark date day death decision despair die direction disguise disguises disney doctor dolphins double drama dramatic dream drink drive driving drown drunk dye eleanor elevator end eyes face factor faint fake famous fancy fans fat fight file fire fish flashback flat floor fun funny gag giggling ginger girl girls goody grave grease green ground guitar hair harry harvard heart heavy hewy high-five hold horror hospital hot hotel humour insult internet interview iphone ipod jealous just kevin kid kind kiss leather lesson liam lie lily loitering loopy loss lost loud louie louis love lunch mad mall mars mcdonalds minnesota modern movie necklace never new newspaper niall normal nose one onesie onsy oven pack pan pancakes panel paradise part party perspective peter phone picnic picture pictures plan plane playground police popcorn prank present product push race rain read recorder records red return ride room rubbish sandy save scared school scream screen screwed secret security service shifts shiver shoe shoes shopping shorts shove sing sleek sleep sleepwalk slide slow slumber solo song spazz speak sprout stage stairs states steward story stuff stupid styles summer sunglasses sunny surgery surround swollen tag tantrum tardis tears tickling time tired toms tops tour trip triple truth twenty twin twitter two usa van vent watch way wig wigs window woke yale years yell york zayn zaynums

Chapter Thirty-Five! Multiple Parts, And Mended Hearts

22.7K 162 43
By StripesAndBraces

Part One: Set Ups and Stages

Amy's POV:

"I don't want to go! Why should I? This is pointless." I snapped to Louis, who had his arm around my waist and was practically pushing me in the mall.

"It isn't pointless. Trust me, now come on." He sighed.

I crossed my arms. "Fine. But I'm talking, not Harry."

"Eh... Fine." Louis finally grumbled, looking at Niall. He nodded.

"Hey Louis!" Niall said, as if he just thought of it.

"What is it Mate?"

"Why don't you go make sure everything is ready to go, since I'm sure Amy doesn't want to be here longer than she has to." He had a glimmer in his eye that looked suspicious. I let it go.

"Right! Well I'll see you there Jamie!" Louis waved goodbye and ran off ahead of us, and through security. Niall put his arm around my shoulders. They really didn't trust me not to leave. Probably a good move...

"I just want you to remember when you're talking that this thing with Harry could be just a spat. For all we know, you guys won't even call this a breakup." Niall said cautiously. I could tell he was really thinking hard about what he was saying.

"No. It's definitely a break up." I sighed. I couldn't really be angry with Niall as in snap at him, he was too happy all the time. But I wasn't going to lie to him either...

"Okay, just wanted to remind you..." He said a little more downcast.

Harry's POV:

"Are you guys ready?!" Louis screamed, full of excitement.

The massive crowd of people in the even more massive mall screamed and shouted. I couldn't believe the reaction. Well actually... I could. But I knew who wouldn't.

"So we're almost ready! Give us ten minutes!" He waved goodbye, and came back to join me, backstage.

"So, plan." He said, looking at me expectantly.

"Well she's gonna go up there, and start talking, and we just cut her off." I nodded. He nodded back at me. After he stopped, he paused before asking the question we were all wondering.

"Will she go along with it?"

"We can only hope."

Amy's POV:

When I walked inside, I took a deep breath. It wasn't necessarily the people, that didn't bother me. Nor did the screams, I mean Niall was with me, what could I expect? It was the setup I had a problem with. I expected a table to hide behind when the fits of anger happened. Actually, I didn't really think there were going to be any since I was announcing the breakup as well. Still, the table would have been nice. Anyways, all that was there was a single stool and a mic on a stand in the middle of the stage. Once more, I probably shouldn't have been surprised. I had said I wanted to speak alone, but whatever.

"Here we go Amy. You ready?" Liam asked, taking me by the hand and up the steps to the small stage after a nod of encouragement from Niall.

"As I'll ever be. The mic's ready?" I asked softly.

"Yep. But before I leave you, I want you to listen to me." I nodded, telling him to go on. "Just go with it." He turned to leave.

"That's a movie! Not advice!" I yelled after him. Though he either didn't care or didn't hear, because he didn't react at all.

I took a deep breath and walked to the stool. The crowd seemed to quiet for a moment and everyone looked at me expectantly. I looked them over. Strange enough, there weren't just girls in the crowd. No offense to the boys or anything, but most of their fans were girls I had thought. There was a reason that they called them "The Girls" after all. Yet, the crowd seemed to be at least a third guys. Boyfriends? I thought to myself, then shrugged. I supposed it didn't matter at that point. I took another breath before taking the mic out of the stand.

"Hi fellow people." I nodded curtly. They roared. When it died down a little, I continued, kind of confused. If I were them I'd be pretty pissed...

"So we all know why we're here." I sighed. More cheering? These people were weird. "I admit it, I kind of li-" just as I began to tell my story, I was cut off.

But not by a person, by a guitar. An electric to be exact. Next, a bass, keyboard and drums. But this wasn't a song I had heard just anywhere before, it was from somewhere different. My head. I had written this song on my guitar, then later added in my piano. I recorded it on my camcorder, then had written the song in my notebook. The notebook in my messenger bag. I was confused, and intrigued to be honest. I had never heard it like this. I had never sung it in front of an audience like this either.

If I had thought the crowd was crazy before, this was seriously mental. They were screaming their heads off, jumping around, and waving signs in the air. These were unusual. They said my name. Yes. MY name. As in Amy Parker. What the Hell is going on?

I did what any sane person in my position would do, I just went with it. I sang along to my song (which coincidentally was about my life as Amy and Lily.) And I sold it. If any of them were recording it, (which by the looks of it, they were) it would've looked like I knew what I was doing. I have to admit, it was amazing. The rush frombeing in front of so many. The affirmation of my rightdoings from the applause. AMAZING. Way too soon for my liking, the song was over. But before I could respond, Zayn and Niall came over with their own microphones.

"Let's give it up for Amy everyone!" Niall yelled, which made them scream even more. While they were getting sore throats, he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "They'll explain everything." He pointed to Louis, Liam, and Harry who were giving me thumbs up and smiles from backstage. I ran over to them, hyped up, and heard Zayn announce that we had a little business to take care of, and him and Niall would sing while I was off doing that.

I ran into Louis' arms. He lifted me up in a hug and spun me around.

"You were amazing Jamie." He said cheerfully.

"Thank you so much." I sighed, close to tears. I turned to Harry, and ran into his open arms. "I don't know what you guys did, but I love it. And that fight was choreographed. I knew you wouldn't." He kissed me, then smiled cheekily.

"I knew I couldn't act."

I rolled my eyes. "Not a good way to test it." I laughed. I gave Liam a hug as well before taking a seat on a step, and looking expectantly at the boys. "Explain. Now. Or I won't go back."

"You wouldn't." Louis smirked.

"Right. Still tell me though." I smirked back.

"Well it started when I saw that article... I realized you were going to be upset, and you had the right to be, but I knew you'd start thinking about America and that Yale again. And we were going to Yale the next day anyways, I figured it wouldn't be a huge help for the campaign of staying with us. But I knew that with the stage you would sing... So I went back in the controls and taped it all so I could post it online. That's where I was. Louis didn't know about it, until right before we got on the plane, that's when I told him." Harry said.

"But by then I had seen the songs you had written. Not thoroughly read them, but seen them. So I told Harry that we could do even more than just post videos of you singing musicals with me, we can sing one of your songs, then somehow get you to sing it, and post ours as a cover. But first, we would need the music. So when Harry texted everyone to leave, I texted Niall to take your bag with him. When he gave it to me, I got more than that, I got videos of your songs on your camera. So we posted those plus the recordings Harry got, and posted our cover. Long story short, last night alone, you got over a million views." Louis smiled.

"And a ton of feedback." Liam grinned, turning his laptop so that I could see all of the comments. And boy were there a lot. I looked at the views, five million.

"I was uploading videos when you tried to use my laptop. That's why I had to make up the fight thing. This whole time, I've been talking about today on Twitter, and having people watch the videos." Harry said. "I'm still sorry about what I said though. Oh and here's your bag back."

I took it and put it on the ground softly. "Don't apologize Haz. I understand. But understand this. Even though you didn't mean it, I don't love Lou that way. Only you." I said softly.

"I know." He smiled genuinely. "You have to get back up there though!"

"Right. How many songs am I doing?"

"Six." Liam replied. "Plus What Makes You Beautiful with Harry at the end."

"Can't wait." I said, waving goodbye to everyone as I started walking back. I paused for a moment, then turned to Niall, who was going back offstage. "And it doesn't count." I winked covering my microphone with my hand.

"Told you." he laughed.


And that's how it all began. From there, that night, things started getting ridiculous. It started with a call from Simon Cowell, it ended with me getting a record deal and signing a contract to open for the boys on their tour. By the time that came around, a symester of school had come and gone. 

"So what did you do about school?" Great question Random Person I Made Up! Let's just say that while I no longer have to be blonde, I was very close with a certain brunnete girl at Cambridge. 

The tour, to sum it up, was brilliant. Huge, exstatic crowds, traveling on a tour bus with my band. Yes, I have a band! I've got a guitar, keyboard, drums and bass and they're all pretty cool guys. We get along well. Don't get me wrong though. The best part was spending and experiencing the entire time with the boys. They knew exactly what I was going through, and I, what had already happened to them. It actually brought us closer than we'd ever been before. Another thing that we got to experience together... Schooling. Yup. We had a couple tutors for us six, and that's how I ended up getting my degree. Not as posh, but whatever. 

And finally, one day I realized that the tour was over. Well for me. Opening acts can only get so popular before they have to go on their own you know. And with One Direction endorsing you, what can you expect? That day was especially hard. I had spent practically the whole year with my best friends, and after two week's vacation back at home, it was time to go in different directions. Oh Lord, I just realized how fangirl I sounded. Ah well, back to that day...


Part Two: Long Goodbyes Make me Sound Like Liam

I fingered my necklace in the waiting area of the airport.  I was getting ready to head to America for my tour, while the boys were off to Australia. Cameras flashed and fans yelled and screamed as we said our goodbyes. 

"When you go to Florida." Zayn began, when I gave him a hug goodbye.

"Look for Jessica. Will do. I'm sure she'll remember me, the girl that's been with her beau while on tour." I laughed.

"Well... I have told her some stories." He pulled at his collar jokingly, as if it were suffocating him.

"Oh no, she'll know I'm a weirdo now." I patted him on the shoulder before walking to Niall to give him a goodbye as well. 

"Good luck not having a Nandos." He said jokingly.

"I think I'll survive. Plus, I can count on you to eat my portions in Australia, right?" I smiled sadly.

"I thought you'd never ask." He grinned. After a hug goodbye, I sidestepped to Liam, to most likely be given a lecture.

"Now remember this." Liam said sternly.

"I know, I know, don't get drunk." I sighed.

"No I was going to say-"

"Be careful." 


"Remember my image."


"Don't get cocky"


"Just go with it...?"

"Can you just let me talk?!" He laughed.


"I was going to say, if you need any help with anything at all, just know I'm here for you." He smiled.

"Oh Liam" I sighed sadly, pulling him into a hug. "You're going to regret saying that. I'm going to call you if I break a nail." I giggled a little.

"Looking forward to it." He smiled, and with a small salute I moved on to Louis. By this time, tears were streaming down my face. I hate goodbyes.

"Hewy." I groaned. He pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

"It's okay Doll. We knew it would happen at some point." He said softly.

"But we've spent practically a whole year together... Not to mention all of our childhood. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"You're going to take your tears, stomp on them, crumple them up, throw them in a bin and throw that scenario in the fireplace. You hear me?" He laughed half-heartidly.

"Yeah. You take care of yourself. Try to be a little less of a slob. Get a new shirt." I tugged at his stripes, smiling. "I'll see you for your birthday in a couple months... Lord I sound like Liam."

"You do!" He gasped. "What has happened to my precious Jamie? And for your information, I do have more than this shirt! I just have six shirts identical to this one."

"Right. You and I both know you have seven." I laughed, finally coming to Harry. Fresh tears.

"Let's see... What advice do I have for you?" I said as lightly as I could. He smirked a little.

"Don't get a big head. Cook for these boys or else they will be eating Nandos every day, every meal. And as we both know, they wouldn't mind. Pick up your stinking phone for once. And don't go being your flirty self with a bunch of models or whatever. I'm watching you." I laughed a little, giving him a hug.

"No promises." He laughed, showing his dimples.

"Don't even joke." I said, kissing him. How I would miss that.

"Eeew!" Louis screamed, from close by. "Make it stop Liam! Make it stop!" As I heard it later on, Liam covered his eyes for him.

Harry gave me that butter look. "I'll really miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

We stood there, staring at each other for a moment. Finally, Harry looked away, and put his wrist close to his face.

"So you're going to New York today right?" He said.

"Right. Turn it back five hours." I said, pulling my watch out as well."Canberra?"

"Yeah, back three hours." He mumbled, as he finished setting his. I finished with mine shortly after.

"But doesn't that defeat the purpose of a watch?" Niall asked, quizzically.

"No, if we do this, we know what time it is for the other." I said, smiling at Harry.

"But you won't know the time-" Niall began again, still a little confused.

"Niall, Niall, of course this doesn't make sense. That's just romantic rubbish." Louis said, turning away. "It's gross."

"I love you." I sighed, giving Harry a peck as I heard my security team and bandmates say we had to leave.

"I love you too." He said, waving a little. "I'll call you when at your watch says eleven."

"Can't wait," I started backing away from everyone. "Bye guys." I said. Everyone stood and waved. I couldn't believe I was actually leaving the boys for months. I couldn't believe I was actually going to be on my own. I couldn't belive we would be on different sides of the world. I couldn't belive those were my last words I would say for months.

I mumbled that I needed one more second to security and got in a group hug with the guys.

"That was a long time away." Louis laughed.

"Shut up, I need this." I weeped, taking in the moment. Finally I was told that I had to go. "I love you guys." I said, wiping the tears away and starting away towards the plane.

Well world, here comes Amy.  


Part Three: Lessons, and A Look Ahead

So now I should probably close up. There's usually a moral to stories, right? Alright, give me a second, I'll think of one. Let's see... Don't lie, especially if the press is involved, because they WILL find information and you'll have to lie more to fix that. Lord knows I wasn't happy about having to date Louis. Alright, next lesson. If you DO choose to lie, be consistent. Not to where you fail like Liam and announce that your alter ego is married. But more like wearing your disguise, all the the time. Be smart. Don't let other people get in the way of you achieving your goals! There we go! There's the main one! Don't let people get to you. If I had cared less about what people thought of me, things would've been so much easier. I wouldn't have even had the whole Lily thing at all! But then again... I might not be writing a memoir right now if it wasn't for that. Man, these lessons are hard. Well your friends will always be there for you, and will give you that push you need sometimes. But sometimes you try to stop them because you care what other people will think. Which brings me back to that other point. Ugh. I can't win, can I? Alright, here's one you can't go wrong with. Stay in school. Excercise. Eat well. *Even though I didn't stay in school, I got a tutor. I distinctley said "excercise is rubbish," and we pretty much never ate anything nutritious.* My editor will take that sentence out, so that's okay.

You guys get the picture though, right? About how I got famous? See, the reason for this memoir is for those interviews. You know the ones where they say "so how did you get where you are today?" And I have to explain THIS. It's pretty complicated, is it not? Can you imagine explaining this twenty times? Exactly. So now I can just hand them this book, and say "read up." AND it's free advertising! It can't get better than that. Yeah, I understand I most likely will still have to explain it, but it's worth a try with the book thing.

So, two years later, I've still got a pretty good life. I still have a great family. I may not be going to college, but I DID get accepted to Yale that time I applied. I like to brag about that and Cambridge if you haven't already figured that out. I still have four best mates who are... Famous and hilarious to say the least. Not to mention that one of them has this American girlfriend *cough* it's Zayn *cough* who I get to see whenever I go to Florida. And of course, a very special boyfriend... Louis. Are you screaming? Dying? Thinking the world is upside down? You should be! Because I'm kidding! I just wanted to see if I really got the point across that WE'RE JUST FRIENDS. That's for all you reporters out there that try to say there's more! Sorry, ranting. No, I'm still with Harry. And luckily, life is a little less crazy... Who am I kidding? I'm with the boys, of course things are crazy! But it's a good crazy, and that's all I really need.


Part Four: My Awful Fail of A Last Author's Note

Oh my gosh Lovelies. It's really over. I'm so sad. But I've really enjoyed the ride with you, and I want to thank you for reading and all of your support. I pray that you'll continue with that on this story, and then with the prequel. I'll post the first chapter of that either late June or early July, so stay tuned for that!(:

Okay, I really don't know how to end this. xD

*Awkwardly backing away* Alright, thanks again!

-FanFiction101 xx

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