Operation: GALACSIA

By Gamewizard

981 13 40

The very first story of my popular Gameverse multi-crossover saga, Operation: GALACSIA, and the first of the... More

A New Order
New Friends, New Enemies
Zim Pays a Visit
The Menace of King Croacus
Jirachi, the First Operative
Wish Upon a Star
Meet Dib!
The Rocky Relationship of Tak and Zim
Dimentia Talks of Love
The Irken Battleblitz
Luvbi's Negligence
Enter: Star Wolf
The Tale of the Nightmare King
Nigel Shrinks
The Nerd King's Wrath
The Purple Dragon
Ripto's Rage
Unexpected Vacation
Rachel vs. Zim
Rachel Visits
Welcome to Nightmare Land
The Nightmare King's Memoirs
The Invasion
Welcome Home

Galaxia's Light

30 0 0
By Gamewizard

Welcome back, everyone! It's time to confront Dimentia!

Chapter 29: Galaxia's Light

Nigel stepped into the throne room, wherein stood the Nega Machine with Jirachi in the core, Nega Wisp containers connecting to it, and the Supreme Leader herself sitting in her throne, sipping a glass of Dream Water. Despite the fact the roof was blown off the place, the air seemed rather fresh. "So... you've finally come. I knew you would." Dimentia said.

Nigel stepped a little closer and held up his S.H.O.O.T.E.R.. "Well, you did choose me for a reason."

"Mmm, yes. I did, didn't I? Looks like I made the right choice, yet again." She took another sip of the water. "So, what now? Here to overthrow me? Bring me in for decommissioning? Use my own invention for creating misery against me?"

Nigel was silent for a moment and held his gun down. "No. Not yet. First, I need to ask you something. Why are you doing this? I thought the purpose of the GKND was to save the universe from evil."

"I AM saving the universe from evil!"

"You're destroying it!"

"Let's face it, Number 1. We're all destined to grow up eventually. Everything's destined to become dust. It's like you said: you're only a kid once. But it doesn't have to be like that. There doesn't have to be any more misery. Not anymore. Once Zathura swallows this universe, I can make a whole new one where no one nor nothing has to grow up and get old! We never have to worry about adults or anything that can make us miserable! Especially not love."

"But what will this accomplish? Everything has to get old eventually. Even if you do stay a kid forever, you're going to grow up. All you're doing is killing kajillions of people for selfish and stupid reasons! It won't change a thing!"

"I've been a kid for more than a million years, and I still act like one! I'm willing to take my chances. Perhaps THIS will change your mind!" Dimentia stood from her throne and fired a blast of magic at Nigel. When he opened his eyes, he saw the area was changing to a beautiful forest where the ocean was in sight, with kids running around and sliding down slides (similar to Operation: A.R.C.H.I.V.E.).

"Pretty sweet, isn't it?" Nigel looked over to see Dimentia floating in a nearby river, surrounded by kids. "Now, doesn't this look MUCH better than living with boring adults adults?" she asked as she walked up to him.

"...No. This isn't real!"

"No, it's not. But it could be. It could be all ours."


"Think about it, Nigel! A world with NO adults! A world where all kids are free to be kids! Free to eat candy and ice cream, play videogames, watch TV, and play on playgrounds whenever we want, and not have to worry about going to bed, or eating our vegetables, or doing chores, or going to school! Nothing but pure, unparalleled freedom! And when Zathura destroys the old universe and lets this all be so, we'll be the center of it all!" She went up to him and held her hand out. "Just take my hand, Number 1! And I'll take you to that whole new world! Your perfect utopia!"

Nigel looked away from her and began to think. He didn't really know what to do. If he let Dimentia make her world, their really might not be any more pain and suffering. But... the images of his friends and family burned in his mind. From going to the beach with Sector V, fishing with his dad, talking to Eva at Sector J, and, most of all, being with Rachel.

"What's the point of the perfect world if all my friends are dead?!" At this, the illusion vanished and turned back to Dimentia's throne. "I'm NOT letting you destroy them and I WILL bring you down!" With that, he attempted to punch Dimentia, but she jumped back. Afterwards, she went over to the machine where a mechanical device, which looked like a scepter's handle, lied on the ground. Dimentia stuck the Star Rod in this device and hooked several cords around it. Jirachi screamed as negative energy was transported from him to the Star Rod. Afterwards, she fired an electric blast at Nigel, making him scream in pain.

"You can't keep this up forever, Number 1."

"It's NUMBUH 1!"

She shocked him again. "As your Supreme Leader, I order you to-"

"You are NOT my Supreme Leader AND NEVER WILL BE!"

This only made her more enraged. She zapped him even harder. "I tried being nice. I tried giving you immortality. I GAVE you excitement! You can have it all forever!"

"Sorry, Dimentia, but I'm a Kids Next Door operative." Nigel panted as he looked up a bit. "I now understand why I left Earth..." He started to get up. "It was because I was on a mission. A mission to stop YOU once and for all! And I WILL!"

Dimentia sighed. "Very well. If your friends are all that matters, I'll let you die with them." With that, she rose her Star Rod and charged for another blast against the bald Brit. She was then stopped when she was hit by a barrage of dark balls.

"DARK VOID!" shouted a voice from above. Both Nigel and Dimentia recognized it.

"Darkrai!" Nigel said as none other than the Nightmare King himself flew down.

Darkrai slowly approached the Supreme Leader. "Hello... Dimentia."

"What are you doing here, traitor?"

"Just thought I had to see my old friend's crowning moment."

"You missed your chance to be with me long ago! Now, why are you really here?" Dimentia asked.

"To stop all this! Dimentia... Nigel is right. This really won't change a thing! You're destroying everything everyone loves just for something pointless!"

"SO WHAT? Everything's just going to get old and die, anyway!"

"Dimentia, everything has to end eventually. But that's why we all have to enjoy things in the time we have."

"Except for you! You're a spirit that gets to live forever! You have no idea what pain I'm feeling!"

"Dimentia, a spirit's power is not something to be abused. When you misuse a god like Jirachi, you mess up the universe. And Dimentia, I suffered, too. Not just by discrimination, but by watching you suffer, for eons without end. But your suffering can end right now! If only you stop all this!"

"I...I..." She wiped her tears and became more serious. "I don't care." She blasted Darkrai, making him scream in pain as he was knocked against the wall. Dimentia slowly approached him and pointed her Star Rod. "Say good-bye, ex-king."

"Hold on, Dimentia!" At this, Dimentia ceased charging and looked to Nigel, who aimed his gun at her. "Your battle's with me!"

"Oh, please! You really think you can beat me with THAT old thing?"

"Oh, this?" he asked sarcastically. He then smashed his blaster against his knee and broke it in half. "Like I would use any piece of junk YOU created! I have something better!" With that, he reached into Numbuh 2's backpack and pulled out a S.C.A.M.P.P.. "THIS!"

Dimentia stared at it for a moment and burst into laughter. "If you can't damage me with one of my SUPERIOR weapons, what makes you think that'll do you any good?" she asked in-between laughs. "You know what, tell you what! I'll let you have the first hit!" She held her arms wide open. "Just fire away! See what damage it does!"

"Okay... here goes!" With that, he aimed the S.C.A.M.P.P. at her chest and shot. To Dimentia's surprise, the shot knocked her back and burned a whole in her chest.

Dimentia barely got up, panting and grasping her chest. "But... how?... How can that scrap piece of junk... damage me?"

Nigel smirked. "Never underestimate Numbuh 2's technical know-how!"

"I spit on your friend and his technical know-how! Very well." With that, she touched her chest with the Star Rod and healed her wound. "Then let this fight determine the fate of Earth... and the universe." (Play "Final Boss 1" from Sonic Colors!)

Boss fight: Dimentia

Dimentia removed the Star Rod from its mechanical container and rose into the air. Nigel immediately fired his S.C.A.M.P.P. at her, but she was able to dodge. She fired more electric blasts from the Star Rod that Numbuh 1 barely dodged. She then conjured an energy ball with her left hand and tossed it at Nigel, but the Brit kicked it back up to her like a soccerball. Dimentia then knocked it back with her Star Rod, and the two started to knock it back-and-forth like a tennis ball.

Finally, Dimentia failed to hit it and took the shock, making her drop to the ground. Nigel took the time to shoot at her while she was stunned. Once the shock wore off of her, she quickly teleported. Nigel searched around for her and finally noticed her appear behind him. "Can you pierce THIS illusion?" She warped again, and Nigel soon found himself surrounded by four Dimentia clones. The clones moved around in random directions, attempting to confuse Nigel, while also firing magic at him.

Nigel tried shooting at each clone and finally found the real Dimentia after taking the other 3 out. That's when Dimentia waved her Star Rod, making a box barrier grow below Nigel. Nigel noticed this and immediately ran before he could be trapped. As he ran, more barriers came from below him. Soon, a whole line of barriers came up along the path he ran. Dimentia snapped her fingers and made all the barriers explode, blowing Numbuh 1 back a bit and dropping his S.C.A.M.P.P..

Nigel rolled over and grabbed his S.C.A.M.P.P., then began firing more lasers at Dimentia. Dimentia flew high up in the dark sky of Zathura and started to wave her rod. "ZATHURA!" she shouted as strikes of lightning came down from the sky at Nigel. Nigel dodged the first bit, but what knocked back by the last one, making him drop his weapon again. That's when another strike of lightning came down and destroyed his S.C.A.M.P.P..

As Dimentia came back down, Nigel ran over to his backpack and pulled out a G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A.. He fired mini gumballs at Dimentia like a machinegun, but she twirled her Star Rod and deflected all the shots. Nigel instantly stopped, knowing he probably wouldn't get anywhere from there. Dimentia warped again and came back with 8 clones, which flew around in attempt to confuse Nigel more. As Nigel dodged the electric blasts, he charged up his G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A. and fired a soccerball-sized rainbow gumball at one of the clones. The ball bounced and vanquished the clone, then began to home in on all the others, destroying them.

Finally, the ball hit the real one and started to bounce off her repeatedly, making her slightly dizzy. Once the ball vanished, Dimentia shook the dizziness off. That's when she waved the wand again. Nigel looked up to see fiery meteors coming down at him. He quickly ran out of the way, barely dodging the meteors, but the impact from one of them blew him back and made him drop his weapon. Like before, another meteor came down and crushed his G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A..

He then ran over to his backpack and pulled out a F.R.A.P.P.E.. Dimentia twirled her rod as Nigel fired blasts of ice at her, but the impact from all that ice caused the Star Rod to freeze, along with her hands. Nigel smirked as he fired more ice at Dimentia, eventually freezing her and making her drop to the ground. After a few seconds, Dimentia broke free and began to fly around the area at great speed. Soon, she came and shot right at Nigel, attempting to whack him with the Star Rod, but he made several quick dodges and eventually kicked her in the face.

Dimentia warped again and came back with one more clone. The clone warped and shot the F.R.A.P.P.E. out of his hand, while the real Dimentia shot and destroyed it. Nigel attempted to run and grab another weapon, but was held back when Dimentia shocked and stunned him. She continued to do so, while the clone slowly approached his bag of weapons. That's when Darkrai, who was barely waking up from the knock-out, aimed his hand at the clone and shot at it with a dark ball. He fired another one at Dimentia and released Nigel before fainting.

While Dimentia looked over and approached Darkrai in rage, Nigel grabbed a B.A.J.O.O.K.A. and fired at her, covering her in orange juice. "AHHH! VITAMIN C!" she screamed, despising the taste of healthy juice. Nigel ran over and threw more punches and kicks, knocking her back. Dimentia quickly recovered and flew at Nigel, throwing more whacks with her Star Rod, but he swiftly avoided. Afterwards, he gave Dimentia another healthy dose of Vitamin C. She screamed as she blew the juice off of her.

She then waved her hand, making the spot where Nigel stood explode and knocked him back, making him drop his weapon. Dimentia waved another hand and made the weapon explode. Nigel quickly ran over to his backpack and took out the B.E.A.R.-H.U.G.G.A.H.. He shot at Dimentia, causing the bear to latch onto and hug her tight.

"AH! Stupid bear! Get off me!" she demanded, trying to shake the large bear off.

"I'll still never understand how that thing fits in my pocket." Nigel said. Dimentia shook the bear off, but that's when Nigel leaped in the air and came down tackling her, making her drop the Star Rod as it spun and slid across the room. The two exchanged glances and immediately raced for it. The two grabbed it at the same time and began fighting over it.

"ERRGH! Give me that!" Nigel demanded, trying to pull it away.

"NO!" Dimentia pushed him back and took the Star Rod. Afterwards, she fired at the backpack, destroying it.

"NO!" Nigel screamed as smoke rose from where it was.

"Now, you have no chance at winning!"

"I can still stop you!"

"How? I don't know how those pieces of scrap damaged me, but they're gone now! And soon, this adult-filled universe will be, too!" As she said this, Nigel heard Zathura give a loud roar and the whole area started to shake. "YES! It's already happening! Now, Zathura! Destroy this cosmos! Destroy everything! THEN LET US GO TO THAT WHOLE NEW WORLD!"

"No..." was all Nigel could say. (End song.)

KND Moonbase

All of Nigel's friends on Earth had gathered in the Moonbase (including Lizzie for some reason, who, along with the other animals, reverted back to their normal forms after the magic wore off). They felt the area shake as they watched the darkness of Zathura gather in the sky. "Numbuh 5's got a bad feeling about this."

"Lee... I'm scared." Sonya said as she held Lee's hand.

"You think he's going to make it?" Kade asked.

"He has to. Otherwise, it's over." Eva replied.

"He's going to win." Rachel said surely. "If I know Nigel, he's not one to give up so easily. He's not going to let the universe go down like this. Especially us."

Eva nodded with a confident expression. "Yeah! After all my cousin's been through, I don't think he'd want to get beaten by a circus freak like her!"

"Come on, Nigie! Show that clown who's boss!" Lizzie cheered.

"Come on, ya stoopid boy! Or Ay'm gonna kill ya in the afterlife!" Fanny yelled.

"Wow, Fanny, I can't believe you're cheering for a boy against a girl." Patton smirked.

"The only time I do that is when that 'girl' happens to be destroying the universe."

"Makes sense to me."

Supreme Leader Dimentia's Throne Room

Nigel was worried how he could win without his weapons. As he panted from exhaustion, he looked to see Jirachi glowing with light.

"What are you..." Dimentia began as she turned to see him glowing as well. "What...What's happening?"

"I'll tell you what's happening." Darkrai said, getting up while Jirachi glowed even brighter. "The positive energy from Nigel's friends is being transported to Jirachi. The light inside him is awakening to fight off the negativity. Your power is through, Dimentia!"

"But that's impossible! He can't..." Dimentia screamed as Jirachi glowed to full brightness and, eventually, shattered the dark barrier surrounding him. The light dimmed down as Nigel and Dimentia gazed at the glowing Jirachi.

"I understand everything now." Jirachi stated. "Adults ARE a part of the universe. They DO protect kids and they DO teach them right from wrong! While we may not realize it, they're doing good. It's just evil ones like the Tallest we have to watch out for. I won't let you destroy them!"

"Hmph. And just what do you plan to do? I have the Star Rod! I control you!"

"Maybe. But you don't control him." he replied, pointing to Numbuh 1.


"Numbuh 1... You have to stop this. You have to stop Dimentia. Here... maybe this will help you." Jirachi closed his eyes and his ribbons began to glow. He focused all the light into one spot and slowly formed it into a glowing golden Wisp shaped like a star.

"It's... a Wisp." Nigel said.

"Not just any Wisp." Darkrai replied. "The Golden Wisp. The Wisp of Light. A Wisp made from all of Jirachi's positive energy. I... never thought I'd see with my own eye."

The Light Wisp spun around and shot right into Nigel. As he felt the Golden Color Power coming on, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Galaxia Sword hilt. A bolt of lightning sprouted from the hilt and formed into the actual sword. Nigel made a few swings with it as a golden cape, similar to Jirachi's (only not cut in half), appeared along his back.

"Use the sword to lighten Dimentia's darkness." Jirachi instructed. "Good luck, Numbuh 1." With that, Jirachi was surrounded by the dark barrier again.

"Oh, YEAH! Now, THIS is cool!" Nigel exclaimed. "You're in trouble now, Dimentia!"

"...You may have your little Light Wisp, but I have all the dark Nega Wisps right here! And it's time I put that darkness to the test!"

"Hey! What are you-" Nigel began as Dimentia stuck the Star Rod back into its mechanical container and hooked the cords up. Afterwards, she shot right into the dark barrier with Jirachi. "NO!" Nigel screamed as the dark energy was being transported to Dimentia, who screamed as the area shook tremendously.

"COME! LET'S GO!" Darkrai shouted, and with that, he and Nigel flew out of the throne.

Meanwhile, Star Wolf and the others were back in the hangar, preparing to board their ships. "Well, that should be all of them." Dib said.

In a few seconds, Nigel and Darkrai came flying in. "Come on! We have to get out of here!" Nigel shouted.

"Dude, where'd you get the cool sword?" Dib asked.

"Later, Dib. Now, let's move!" With that, they all hopped in their ships and took off.

They flew a good distance away from the base just in time to see a ball of darkness growing and engulfing the station. "Yes..." said a distant, echoey voice. "YES..." it continued as the base was almost fully engulfed. "The power..." Soon, the base was swallowed completely and the ball of darkness made a huge explosion. "THE ABSOLUTE... POWER!!!!" The explosion cleared and what they saw gave them great shock: an enormous god-like being, the size of the base, appeared before their eyes.

The being had Jirachi's face, only black, with a mouth similar to the Nega Wisps', and Dimentia's purple and yellow jester's hat. Its body wore Dimentia's purple and yellow striped shirt, which slowly spinned around its body, giant chain arms, linking the body to giant gloved hands, chains along the bottom, serving as legs and linking the body to black shoes, and several dark tentacles sprouted from the bottom.

"THE UNIVERSE IS MINE TO COMMAND! TO CONTROL!" Dimentia roared. Her voice sounded in unison with Jirachi's.

"Whoa! What is that thing?" Nigel exclaimed.

"Dimentia has mixed her power with Jirachi and the Nega Wisps and made herself super-dimensional." Darkrai replied.


"Not so fast, Dimentia!" Darkrai announced. "You aren't the only one who has the power of a god! It's time I showed you the true power of Nightmares! EXOR!" At his call, his sword shot from a distance and into his hand. "I CALL UPON THE FORCES OF NIGHTMARES! RAHHHHH!" Nigel flew away as the Nightmare King was being surrounded by darkness. He then curled up into a ball with small, white stars, which began to spin rapidly. The ball grew and grew until it was the size of Dimentia's form. "I AM... HOLY NIGHTMARE!"

The Nightmare King was now a god-like being with a dark cloak with stars, big hands with long fingernails, a big nose and two big chins, goggle eyes with stars inside, and horns. Inside his cloak was a real vision of space itself. "Now, Numbuh 1: are you ready to decommission her once and for all?"

"Yes...Yes I am! Kids Next Door: BATTLE STATIONS!" With that, Nigel, Nightmare, the GKND, plus Star Wolf, went to battle. (Play "Final Boss 2" from Sonic Colors!)

Final boss: Nega Dimentia

Nega Dimentia conjured a magic barrier around her, shaped like a star that was neon-colored. Nigel, Nightmare, and the others charged at her. "Okay, team! Ready to give Dimentia her decommissioning?" Nigel asked.

"Heck, YEAH!" Ava cheered.

"Then let's go!" As they charged toward Dimentia, she fired several meteors and giant Nega Wisps at them.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME?" Dimentia fired more Nega Wisps at them, but the team was much faster. The ones that were coming for Nigel ended up being sliced in half by his Galaxia Sword.

"How are we going to get through this shield?" Dib asked.

"Leave that to me!" Darkrai said as he drifted over to the side of the barrier.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU-" Dimentia tried to say as Darkrai cut the side of the barrier and tore it open. He swiftly slipped inside just before the barrier closed.

"I'll distract her! You disable the shield! Try attacking the dark tentacles!" As Holy Nightmare and Dimentia engaged in battle inside the barrier, Nigel and the others looked to see the tentacles with Nega Wisp faces sticking their heads out of the barrier.

"You heard him, team. Attack those tentacles!"

"FOR WAFFLES!" GIR shouted as he was flying around outside himself.

"DON'T THINK IT WILL BE SO EASY!" Dimentia shouted as one of the tentacles fired mini stars at them. Nigel knocked them all away with his sword, while the others barrel-rolled. Nigel flew up to that tentacle and struck several blows with his sword until the tentacle vanished into light.

"AH!" Dimentia cried. "MAGIBLOTS! MOTHER NEEDS YOU! CRUSH THOSE FOOLS!" At her command, more Magiblot ships sprouted from her and phased through the barrier, going after Nigel's teammates and Star Wolf.

"Gah, stupid blobs! Think you can take me?" Wolf asked as he chased after and shot a few ships. At the same time, Jake was being chased by some, but he fired some bombs from his tail and scattered them. Afterwards, he wrapped himself around a few and crushed their ships.

"Yeah! That's it!" Nightmare cheered.

"NO YOU DON'T!" With that, Dimentia took her hands and stuck them through Darkrai's chest, making him scream in pain.

"DARKRAI!" Nigel yelled. As a response, he flew over to a nearby tentacle and threw more slices at it, but the tentacle quickly retreated back into the barrier. "Hey, no fair." Nigel then looked to see Darkrai floating by Dimentia unconscious, and noticed her staring at him. "Uh-oh." He gulped.

Dimentia waved her hand at him, and Nigel looked back to see more giant meteors flying straight at him. Thinking fast, Numbuh 1 flew around as fast as lightning and was able to dodge each one. "Phew." He breathed a sigh of relief. He then looked and gulped again when he saw Dimentia open her mouth and charge a laser. In an instant, she fired an enormous laser through the shield and attempted to hit him, but he was able to avoid.

As the laser stopped, Darkrai finally recovered and struck Dimentia again with his sword, Exor. That's when the tentacle Nigel was after rose from the shield, in which he took the time to strike and destroy it. "Only five more to go!" Marine exclaimed.

"Yeah, but these scum are getting to be quite a handful." Wolf said as more Magiblots came.

"Just keep fighting!" Nigel ordered as more giant Nega Wisps came his way.

As Kweeb was circling the barrier fighting Magiblots in his hovercar, he noticed one of the tentacles sticking out and shot at it, successfully destroying it. "I GOT ONE!" he declared.

"NO!" Dimentia yelled, shaking Darkrai off of her against the barrier and stunning him. As Nigel was cutting more Nega Wisps, the tentacle he was above and waiting for shot out and caught him in its mouth. "NUMBER 1. WHY...WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADULTS ARE INFERIOR MONSTERS? WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES TRULY DESTROYING THE UNIVERSE? THE ONLY WAY TO BE RID OF THEM IS IF I DO WHAT I MUST!"

"I'm not doing this so much to save the adults. But more for my friends!" Nigel shot back as he cut off the tentacle trapping him, destroying it.


"As long as I can be with my friends, a mortal life is worth it!" With that, he chopped off another tentacle and destroyed it.


"I'd rather be decommissioned than live with the guilt of letting you kill them!"

Dimentia found herself being attacked again by the Holy Nightmare. "GAH! YOU'RE INFERIOR! JUST LIKE YOUR PITIFUL HUMANS!"

"Mayhap, but the very least he is not a killer!" shouted Luvbi as she shot by and scratched another tentacle with her wing, destroying it as well.


"What kind of leader uses her operatives for her own gain?" Ava retorted.

Nega Dimentia launched more giant Nega Wisps in Nigel's direction, but he was able to fight them off one by one. Once he was finished, Nigel noticed the final tentacle sticking out of the barrier. "Your barrier is toast, Dimentia!" With that, he shot over and stabbed the final tentacle, vanquishing it.


"Who's crying now, Dimentia?" Nigel yelled.

"You did it, Nigel!" Ava exclaimed.

"It's too early to celebrate. LOOK!" As Wolf said this, more Magiblot ships came out of Dimentia.

"MAGIBLOTS! SEND THOSE FOOLS TO OBLIVION- AH!" Dimentia was struck by Darkrai once again as she gave her command.

"These fools are quite dedicated." Panther stated. He heard a scream and looked to see Ava being chased. "AVA!" He pursued the Magiblot ships and shot them one by one, taking them out. "Are you okay, my dear?"

"Yeah... Thanks, Panther."

At the same time, Dib was shooting Magiblots, while also being chased. As he struggled to get away, he was soon rescued by Rattlesnake Jake. "Wow. Thanks, Jake."

"Don't thank me, yet."

Zim was still flying in the Arwing, with GIR on top, as they were coming to more Magiblots, while also being chased. "GIR! Take the ones on our tail out!"

"SIR, YESSIR!" With that, GIR flew to the ones chasing Zim and shot them down with his missiles, leaving Zim to shoot down the ones in front without trouble.

"HEH HEH HEH HEH! Feel the wrath of ZIM!"

While the others were fighting off Magiblots, the Holy Nightmare was still striking Dimentia with his sword. "DIMENTIA! YOU HAVE TO STOP!"

Nega Dimentia grunted. "NEVER!" With that, the points from her jester hat wrapped around the Nightmare God. She squeezed him tight as he struggled to escape.

"DARKRAI!" Nigel shouted. "GUYS! HELP HIM!"

"We're on it, Nigel!" Ava said as she flew to one of the points and shot and destroyed it.

"Me next!" Dib said as he flew to the next one and took it out.

"Saveth some for me!" Luvbi exclaimed as her angel wings scratched and destroyed the next one.

"Hope she likes the smell of burnt hat!" Kweeb said as he shot a Powuh Shot and burned the next one.

"Take this you heartless circus drongo!" Marine shouted as she fired at the next point.

"Here! Have some of this!" With that, the last point was taken out by Zim.

"There goes your hat, Dimentia!" Nigel exclaimed.

"NO! I WON'T BE STOPPED THAT EASY!" She charged her mega laser and fired straight at Darkrai, who held his sword in front for defense.

"DARKRAI! HANG ON!" With that, Nigel shot in front of Darkrai and pointed Galaxia at the laser. Unbelievably, the laser was blocked off by Nigel's sword, despite the laser being much bigger. As Nigel gave it his all to hold the laser back, he could hear the voices of his friends and family.

"COME ON, NUMBUH 1!" shouted Hoagie.

"YOU CAN DO IT, NUMBUH 1!" cheered Kuki.

"DO IT, MATE!" shouted Wally.

"GO, NUMBUH 1!" cheered Abby.

"DO IT, UNO!" yelled Harvey.

"DO IT, YA STOOPID BOY!" yelled Fanny.

"GO, NIGIE!" cheered Lizzie.

"YOU CAN DO IT, COUSIN!" Eva cheered.

"COME ON, OLD BOY!" cheered Monty.

"Uh... Hello? Uh, ECHO!" shouted a mysterious voice.

"Uh, Patrick, I don't think we're supposed to be here." replied another voice.

"Oh... What is this, anyway?"


At the sound of Rachel's voice, his became more dedicated. With all his strength, he used his sword and pushed hard against the laser, forcing it back toward Dimentia. Afterwards, Holy Nightmare came forth and sliced right through her with Exor.


"MY TURN!" exclaimed Nigel. "WISPS!" At his cue, one of each colored Wisp flew out from the distance and into his sword.











"FINAL COLOR STRIKE!" His sword shined bright with all colors and he began to shoot toward Dimentia's direction. "Lesson learned, Dimentia." With all his might, Nigel Uno pierced through Nega Dimentia's chest. "Never mess with Planet Earth!"

"AAAAAHHHHH! NO! I'M NOTHING... WITHOUT MY YOUTH! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" As the goddess screamed, parts of her began to explode and she finally fell straight into Zathura.

As Dimentia fell, cracks of light appeared on her body, and Zathura began to roar in despair. "EVERYONE, GET OUT!" Nigel ordered as everyone immediately evacuated the area. Nega Dimentia's body began to crack more light until... (End song.)


Everyone on Moonbase looked up to the starry sky to see a big, bright star light up the area where Zathura used to be. Everyone cheered knowing that Numbuh 1 just saved them. Fanny and Patton embraced each other in a hug. After realizing they were hugging, the two blushed and pushed each other off.

"Uh... So, Fanny! Seeing as how a boy not only saved the universe, but defeated an all-powerful girl more or less, does this mean you'll have a little more respect for us?"

"Not on your life, ya stoopid boy! Nigel, however, I have slightly more respect for."

Sonya, Lee, and Paddy cheered, then noticed Harvey looking away. "Well, Harvey?" said Sonya.


"Are you okay with Numbuh 1 dating your sister now?"

"Pfft. Big deal. So he saved the universe. Anyone could do that."

His team exchanged disbelieving looks. But when they weren't looking, Harvey glanced up at the sky and gave a small smile.

Rachel and Eva stood together as they stared at the sky. "Boy, who would've thought my cousin of all people would save the universe?"

"Not so big a loser as you thought, huh Numbuh 10?" Rachel smirked.

"Hey, I never said he was a loser! Just a workaholic! And one heck of a workaholic at that."

"Well, I can't say I disagree with that."

Kade looked up at the large star and approached Eva. "Hey, Eva?"


"Since the universe is saved and all... there's something I need to tell you."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Well... it's something I wanted to tell you for awhile, but, you see, I've always..."

"Hm?" she raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"Uh...you know what? I don't wanna ruin the moment."

"Okay. Take your time." Eva complied, although she had a feeling what he was gonna say.

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