Operation: GALACSIA

By Gamewizard

981 13 40

The very first story of my popular Gameverse multi-crossover saga, Operation: GALACSIA, and the first of the... More

A New Order
New Friends, New Enemies
Zim Pays a Visit
The Menace of King Croacus
Jirachi, the First Operative
Wish Upon a Star
Meet Dib!
The Rocky Relationship of Tak and Zim
Dimentia Talks of Love
The Irken Battleblitz
Luvbi's Negligence
Enter: Star Wolf
The Tale of the Nightmare King
Nigel Shrinks
The Nerd King's Wrath
The Purple Dragon
Ripto's Rage
Unexpected Vacation
Rachel vs. Zim
Rachel Visits
Welcome to Nightmare Land
The Nightmare King's Memoirs
The Invasion
Galaxia's Light
Welcome Home


26 0 2
By Gamewizard

It's finally time, people. Time for the final stretch of this little game, er, story. I try my best to make it good, so let's hope it is. Alright, here we go.

Chapter 28: Zathura

KND Arctic Base

It was a quiet day at KND Arctic Base. The 44 Twins were standing guard at the sooper secret safety vault. "I'm bored." said Pete.

"Me too." replied Peter.

"Man, how long do we have to guard this thing?"

"According to Numbuh Infinity, until they catch that circus freak. Still, it would be nice to have a little break once in a while."

"Bored, are we? Well, then I'll relieve you of your duties."

They searched around to see where the voice had come from. "Who's..."

Dimentia appeared before their very eyes, wrinkles on her skin and her clothes still beaten. "Hey! You're the circus freak!"

"Shoot her, Bro!" The 44 Twins fired at Dimentia. After a few seconds, a puff of smoke was created. When the smoke cleared, they looked to see Dimentia was gone.

"YEAH! Who's laughing now?" exclaimed one of the twins, his brother cheering as well. Their cheering stopped when they heard a giggle, and looked to see Dimentia reappearing in that spot.

"Why, I believe it's me!" she smiled. The 44 Twins gulped as Dimentia waved her hands, and the spot they were standing exploded, blowing them away a few feet and knocking them out. "Well, that takes care of that nuisance! Now, to claim my prize!" With that, she shot pink lightning at the vault and slowly made a circle around it (similar to what Father did). When she was finished, the vault broke open, revealing none other than the sparkling Star Rod.

"At last..." Dimentia said as she reached for the wand. "It's mine..." and she finally grabbed it. The moment she touched it, any wrinkles or scratches on her being vanished. "Now, Star Rod: grant me that which I desire! Rid me of this accursed aging! Keep me 10 forever! And give me the power of stars!" The Star Rod engulfed Dimentia in a blast of light.

KND Moonbase

Rachel was once again filling out paperwork. She looked to see Fanny and Patton coming into her office. "Hey, Fanny! Is your leg okay?" she asked her friend. Fanny had to rest in the hospital for a few days after being bitten by Jake.

"Ya, Ah'm fine." she replied. "That snake sure knows how to bite. And Patton didn't leave me for a second."

"Aw, how sweet of you Patton!"

Patton blushed. "H-Hey! It's not what you think! I was-" He was cut short when the three of them were trapped inside a box-shaped barrier. "Hey! What's-" Before he could finish, they were teleported.

At their treehouse, the Sector W team was playing videogames, with Sonya just watching. Their playtime was interrupted when they were teleported.

Lizzie was doing extra credit work after school. But she was interrupted when, like all the others, she was teleported.

Grass field

Soon, everyone reappeared in the middle of a grassy field, where they met up with others, like Sector V, Eva and Kade, as well as Herbie. "Hey, what happened?" Nigel asked.

"I think we've all been teleported." Patton answered.

"No kidding." Fanny rolled her eyes.

"By what?" Rachel replied.

"LOOK!" Sonya shouted, pointing up at the sky. They all looked up to see a bunch of storm clouds gather and circle around a tiny dot high in the sky.

Nigel got a closer look. "Wait... that's..." When he squinted harder, he saw that the dot was none other than, "DIMENTIA!"

The clouds were circling fast around Dimentia. She held up the Star Rod, allowing lightning to strike at it. Her body began to glow brightly, like a star. When the brightness cleared, her purple and yellow-striped clothes were gone. She now wore black and white-striped clothes, and a long black cape. Her hat was also gone, letting her black and white hair flow smoothly.

Once she was finished, Dimentia flew down to them. "Ladies and gentlemen! Behold the new and improved Dimentia!" Everyone gasped. "You didn't really think your pitiful vault would hold me back, did you? Now the Star Rod is mine at last. And it's time I showed each and every one of you my true power!"

"Not before you taste our power first, Freakshow!" Rachel exclaimed. "GET HER!" With that, all the operatives drew out weapons and fired at Dimentia. When the smoke from all their fire cleared, Dimentia was shown to be protected by a barrier.

"You'll have to do better than that!"

Lee threw his yo-yo and successfully tied her up. "HA HA!" he laughed. Dimentia merely smirked and warped away, making the yo-yo drop. "Huh?"

"Have some of this!" Dimentia exclaimed, appearing right behind him and shooting a blast of magic. Lee screamed as the Star Rod shocked him, and after a few seconds, he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"LEE!" Sonya exclaimed. When the smoke cleared, they all looked to see a hole in the ground. Sonya slowly walked over to it: inside was a little frog wearing Lee's hat.

"Not cool. RIBBIT!" the frog croaked in Lee's voice.

"Lee?" Sonya questioned, picking the frog up. Dimentia merely laughed.

"Ah, the old turning-someone-into-a-frog trick. A true classic to witch-doctors and magicians everywhere!" In an instant, Dimentia was tackled by Paddy and Harvey.

"That's it! Nobody hurts my friends, Circus Freak!" Harvey yelled as he and Paddy were holding her down. "Now you're gonna get it!"

"Oh, I beg to differ!" Dimentia replied as she warped again. She appeared right above and fired her Star Rod at them, turning Paddy into a hamster and Harvey into a beaver.

"Oh, how original." Harvey remarked.

"Anyone else?" Dimentia asked. She was then attacked by Fanny.

"No one hurts my brother except me!" she shouted.

"Well, this is a tad ironic." Dimentia replied, dodging Fanny's punches. "No matter. How 'bout THIS?" She fired a magic blast at Fanny.

"NO!" Patton screamed, running over and pushing her out of the way. As a result, he took the hit himself and turned into a tiny mouse.

"I expected as much! So, I got this!" With that, Dimentia spawned a black cat, which hissed at Patton. Patton squeaked as he quickly scampered over to Fanny and hid behind her boot in fear.

"Ugh." Fanny sighed, smacking her face in disbelief.

"Stoopid boy!" Dimentia exclaimed. "Thought you could beat me, huh?"

"Maybe he can't, but I sure can!" Eva exclaimed, throwing a kick at her face. "Ready for Round 2, Freakazoid?"

"More than you know!" Dimentia replied, attempting to whack Eva with her Star Rod, but the nimble news anchor dodged every swing. Afterwards, Eva leaped behind and threw more rapid punches at her back.

"Try fighting us with your chi blocked!"

"You forget that my Star Rod holds the chi now!" Dimentia leapt away a few feet and shot a magic blast at Eva.

"EVA!" Kade yelled, running up and taking the hit himself, which then turned him into a little, brown bird.


"He should've seen that coming! No one betrays Dimentia!" Said girl then heard a scream behind her and looked back to see Lizzie charging at her. "Oh, please." Dimentia said, shooting at Lizzie and turning her into a pig.

"LIZZIE!" Herbie shouted.

"Can't say I'm surprised at that." Rachel noted.

"Foolish humans. It's impossible to win- AH!" Dimentia screamed as lasers shot at her from above. She looked up to see Nigel's alien friends (plus Dib) coming down in their ships.

"If humans can't beat you, then maybe WE can!" Zim exclaimed.

"Thou shalt NOT turn mine possible prince into a beaver without consequence!" Luvbi shouted.

"You think you all can stop me?" Dimentia asked rhetorically as she fired magic blasts at them, but they swiftly avoided.

"'ave some o' THIS, Freakface!" Marine shouted as she rammed Dimentia and dragged her ship along the ground, eventually running her over. "Now, THAT'S how it's done, eh?"

"WOOHOO! GO MARINE!" Wally shouted.

"Hmph!" pouted a jealous Kuki. They heard another giggle and looked to see Dimentia reappear in midair.

"Poor simple fools! Don't you understand? I control space, bend time, twist reality! Like this!" With that, Dimentia snapped her fingers and, before their eyes, an army of Magiblots spawned out of nowhere. "Eva and Jake may have taken out the first five, but I have plenty more! And with the power of the Star Rod, my dimensional bending can increase eleventy-billion fold! Now, it's time I put it to the test. The Magiblots will keep you busy. Pretty soon, no one will remember you ever existed! Now... ATTACK!"

Dimentia vanished and the Magiblot army charged to attack. The GKND (plus Dib) hopped out of their ships and began to fight back, with the help of Sector V, while everyone else had to protect their now-animal friends. Wally and Marine were working together to fight Magiblots.

"You're pretty good for a girl!" Wally complimented.

"Not all girls are Rainbow Monkey lovers, Mate!" she replied.

This distracted Kuki from her fighting, making her growl in anger. "Stupid raccoon." she said through gritted teeth.

"LOOK OUT!" Ava shouted, rescuing her from some incoming Magiblots. "You need to pay more attention!"

Kuki gave a nervous chuckle. "Sorry."

"I take it she has a secret crush on him?" Kweeb asked Hoagie.

"Yeah, but it's not really that big a secret. Heck, you should see how many stories they have about them on FanFiction."

A few minutes have gone by and they continued to fight. "Man... how many are there?" Nigel asked, panting.

"Don't start sounding like a quitter, yet."

"Huh?" At this, Nigel looked up to see the Star Wolf team coming down in their ships. As they got closer, they fired at the remaining Magiblots, nearly hitting the heroes. "Hey, watch where you're firing!"

"We are!" Wolf shot back. Once they were done with the Magiblots, they landed their ships and disembarked.

"What do you guys want? To eat our now-animal friends?" Rachel asked.

"Not a bad idea." Jake hissed, scaring the animals.

"Eat later, Jake. We got bigger problems." Wolf said.

"What?" Nigel asked.


A few hours ago...

"NO! I won't let you do this!" Jirachi shouted, struggling to get away from Dimentia in her throne room, but was held back by the force from the Star Rod.

"You wanna know why the Star Spirits kept you in that rock? It WAS to keep you safe! Keep you safe from people who want to abuse your powers! Like me!"

"What did you do with the Star Spirits?" Jirachi demanded.

"That's not important! Pretty soon, it won't matter, once I'm through with everyone!"

"Dimentia! STOP!" The Supreme Leader looked to see Gabe and Jeremy flying in through the doorway.

"I have had just about enough of you two!" With that, Dimentia fired a magic blast at the Wisps, turning them back into their human forms. "I always liked you better that way, anyway. Now, BEGONE!" With that, she warped them away.

"GABE! JEREMY!" Jirachi cried.

"Forget those fools! Now, let's get down to business!" She waved the Star Rod and, in an instant, the throne slid out of the way and an enormous machine, with containers of Nega Wisps attaching to an empty central area, rose from the ground. "Get in!" Dimentia ordered, trying to force Jirachi into the central area.

"NO!" He struggled.

"The holder of the lamp controls the genie, Jirachi. In this case, YOU are the genie and the Star Rod is the lamp! Now, GET IN!" Against his will, Jirachi was forced into the central area. The Nega Wisp containers began to glow and transmitted their energy over to Jirachi. A ball of darkness engulfed the young Star God, making him scream in pain. "Now... open your true eye!"

Despite Jirachi's attempts to break free, he did as Dimentia told against his will. His eyes glowed with darkness as his true eye opened. Dimentia threw a massive blast of magic, blowing the ceiling off, exposing the room to outer space. Jirachi was then forced to face upward into the starry sky and release a dark laser into the distance. Dimentia rose into the air to get a better look. The direction where Jirachi had fired began to turn into darkness. Slowly, a black hole emitted and started to grow.

"Finally... after so many eons, I can awaken you..." Dimentia said as the black hole grew more massive. "ZATHURA!"

"ROOOOOAAAAARRR!" The gargantuan black hole made a great roar.

"Now, Zathura! Do what you were born to do! Feast on this grand buffet known as the universe! Let us build a whole new world where adults are inexistent and only kids rule! Let aging be a thing of the past!" Zathura roared once again.

Star Wolf, who was driving by the base at the time, watched all this occur. "Hrrrgh. This ain't good." Leon said.

"Come on! Let's go!" Wolf ordered, and with that, they flew off.

Current time

"Afterwards, we made the jump to hyperspace and got back here." Wolf finished.

"So, Zathura's been awakened..." Nigel said grimly.

"What do we do now?" Rachel asked downtrodden. Everyone held their heads down in doubt.

Nigel put on a serious expression. "We fight! It's time we bring Dimentia down once and for all! Her thousands of years of spreading negativity to the universe are over!"

"Yeah! I'm with you!" Ava cheered.

"Me too!" Dib exclaimed.

"Forget not me!" replied Luvbi.

"I'm with you, too!" said Kweeb.

"Can't say Ah disagree with that, Mate!" Marine grinned.

"I'm going, too." followed Zim. "After all, it's the least I could do."

"If saving the universe is the least you could do, then what's the most?" Dib asked.

"I dunno." Zim shrugged.

"You kids sure are the real deal." Wolf replied. "Then count us in, too!"

"Don't worry, Ava. I'll protect you along the way." Panther said smoothly.


"Just how the heck do ya plan to stand up to her, ya stoopid boy?" Fanny asked. "We couldn't beat her!"

"That never stopped ME before." Nigel said.

"Well, I'm coming with you!" Rachel stated.

"No. I may be reckless, but I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"But Nigel-"

"Don't worry, Rachel. I'll be fine. You and the others just stay here and... wish me luck."

Rachel was unsure, but decided to go with it. "Okay."

"Just one problem:" Wolf said. "Didn't your Arwing go down with the Massive?"

"Don't worry about that, mate! Ah'm one step ahead!" With that, Marine pushed a remote, and the Arwing came down from the sky and landed perfectly (running Dib over on the way down). "Ah had thing rebuilt just for the occasion!"

"Wow! Great job, Marine!"

"Aw, she'll be apples, eh?"

"Then I guess we're all set to go. So, let's go." Wolf said as he, Star Wolf, and everyone else boarded their ships.

"Be careful, Cous." Eva said.

"I will, Eva." With that, they all watched as the ships took off for the sky. "Next stop: Zathura!" They went to hyperspace.

The mariachi band was left on Earth, playing their music. "And so, our heroes head off to face their final challenge. Their final battle on Zathura. The fate of the universe now rests on them."

"Is he going to die there?"

"Oh, yes. Most definitely."

Approaching Zathura

Nigel, his friends, plus Star Wolf made it out of hyperspace. The GKND operatives were quite surprised to see the black hole up close. "So, THAT'S Zathura?" Dib said.

"It sure does look menacing. Be careful, everyone." Nigel cautioned.

"Keep your advice to yourself and your eyes front, Baldy!" Wolf shot back. "We got company!" As Wolf said, a fleet of black ships, similar to Magiblots, came out from the GKND H.Q., which so happened to be in the very center. The ships began to fire energy blasts at the team, similar to the blasts that regular Magiblots fire.

Ava chased after and shot some ships, while she was being chased herself. Luckily, Panther was following behind, protecting her. "I hope to see you again once this is all done." he said.

"If we lose here, you'll never get the chance." she replied.

"I hope you never get the chance, anyway!" yelled a jealous Kweeb.

"Oi, these guys sure are persistent, eh?" Marine said, struggling slightly to take out some Magiblots.

"They're no flying sheep, that's for sure." Wolf replied.

"We canst taketh them! After all, they art merely bubbles of goo!" Luvbi said as she shot past and sliced a few ships.

"Well, aren't you the brave little angel now?" Leon remarked.

"Always hath, always wilt."

Meanwhile, Dib was being attacked by a group of Magiblots, but was rescued by Zim, who was riding on GIR, firing his missile launcher. "Good to finally have you on our side!" Dib shouted.

"Feels good to. And weird. By the way, I've been meaning to ask, how's your sister?"

"What? You mean Gaz?"


"She's fine, I guess. Why?"

"Oh, no reason."

"Stop talking and start shooting!" Jake hissed, flying by them.

"He's right, team! We have to get into that base! So, let's go!" Nigel declared. After taking out a few more Magiblots, they were finally on their way to the darkened GKND H.Q.. Once they landed in the hangar, they went into the main room, where several operatives were fighting against more Magiblots.

"Looks like they're against Dimentia, too." Zim figured.

"Well, you know what to do. Everyone, split up! We have to take out every Magiblot and get every operative and Wisp out of this base!" Nigel ordered as he headed up the stairs. "I have one small trip to make of my own."

With that, everyone ran down separate halls, while Marine decided to hang around and help the operatives in the main room, by punching the Magiblots with her Light Fist, making them explode into goo. "'ow ya like them apples, eh?"

"Thanks, BA-GAWK!" said the chicken operative. "These guys are BA-BA-GAWK crazy!"

"No worries, Mate! Now, get outta here! We'll deal with Dimentia!" The chicken, along with other operatives, headed out the hangar. Marine then saw some Magiblots and chased them down a hall. "'EY! COME BACK HERE!"

Zim, Dib, and GIR were fighting Magiblots down another hall, which happened to be where the prison hold was. "GIR! Smash the door down!" Zim ordered.

"Yes, Master!" GIR saluted as he fired missiles at the prison hold entrance and destroyed it. They ran in and saw several Wisps, as well as Gabe and Jeremy in their human forms, trapped in the cells.

"Dib! Zim!" Infinity shouted.

"GIR!" GIR shouted.

"Don't worry! We'll help-" Dib began.

"LOOK OUT!" At Infinity's cue, a group of Magiblots came out and attacked, but Zim and Dib were able to fight back. Once finished, Zim shot missiles at the cells, releasing Gabe, Jeremy, and the Wisps.

"We have to help Jirachi!" Infinity said, running out of the room with Gabe.

"No, you need to get out of here! We'll save him!" Dib vowed. Gabe and Jeremy exchanged glances and nodded.

Nigel was running down another hall, fighting more Magiblots, with the help of Ava and Star Wolf. "Nice swordplay, Ava." Panther complimented.


"Why are we down here, anyway?" Jake asked Nigel.

"I just need to get something from my room." Nigel replied as he ran down to his room, but was ambushed by more Magiblots. Thankfully, he was protected by Wolf and Jake, who shot at them. Some Magiblots even attempted to flee, but Jake either shot them or ate their heads off.

Nigel was finally able to get into his room, where he looked around. "Ah, there it is!" he said as he picked up the bag of weapons, which Numbuh 2 gave him before he left the first time. Coincidentally, the alarm clock decided to go off.


Nigel decided to take the time and shoot it once and for all. "What's in that bag?" Ava asked him as he walked out.

"Oh, it's nothing. You guys head back down that way. I'll be heading up to Dimentia." With that, they went off in different directions.

Luvbi was in another hall, fighting Magiblots and assisting the blue blob operative. "Thou art safe. Now, retreat!" At Luvbi's command, the blob ran off. "Ay, this be tiresome. I hopeth Nigel hast a plan..."

Meanwhile, Kweeb was flying through the huge halls in his hover car, shooting more Magiblots. "Man, don't these guys ever quit?" he panted. He then turned another corner, where he was ambushed by three more Magiblots. "I know one thing: I DON'T!" With that, a laser turret lowered from below his craft, charged up, and fired a huge laser, burning off their heads. "YEAH! THAT'S how it's done!"

After fighting an army of Magiblots, Nigel had finally made it to the top of the base, where Dimentia's throne rested. He slowly approached and stared at the door to her chamber. He stopped a few feet away and took a deep breath. "I'm ready to face you." With that, he went in.

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