Cross My Heart

By Joan0324

22K 1.1K 207

Edward has not had an easy life and it's not about to get any easier. After being involved in a gang shooting... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note

Chapter 1

2.2K 56 10
By Joan0324

Edward's P.O.V

Mike falls on the ground and the whole room goes silent. It's not good. Shit, shit, shit! Eric grabs me by my shoulder and shoves me back. One second, two seconds go by. That's when all hell sets loose. Shots are being fired from one side to another. Ben, who was standing beside me, gets shot right in the eye. Blood splatters all over the place. I press my back against the set of boxes behind us and take out my gun. Fuck. His body falls like a rag doll.

"How many you got?" Eric shouts over the loud sound of the gunfire around us. We crouch down when the shots are being fired above our head.

"Two rounds, you?" I shout back as I load my gun. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. This isn't good.

"Two." He pauses for a moment, looking down at his gun and then looks at me. "Fuck it, let's make a run for it! I'll cover your back and you cover mine. No looking back. I'll call Luke."

I nod. I take a quick look around us. All the men I used to see as friends, members of The Coven are lying dead on the floor. Most, but not all. They're fighting back but we're nothing compared to The Vulturi. They're stronger, they can outnumber us. I can't leave without a fight, but I can't risk to die. I have people that depend on me. But if I leave, I'll be seen as a traitor and they'll come after me. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I look at Eric and nod. They're going to hate us for leaving, but I have more important things to care about.

"Edward Masen, show your fucking face!" There's a loud crash. "There's nowhere you can hide, you piece of shit! Now that the shit has hit the fan, there's nowhere you can hide!"

I don't hesitate. I get up from my hiding space and start shooting. Eric jumps up, shooting at the opposite end as we make our way out. It's a war zone and there's a probable chance we might not make it out alive. But we do. We fucking do.

I jump in the car with Eric and he takes off, leaving a trail of smoke behind us. I get my phone out, adrenaline running through me like fire on gas. My fingers shake as I type in his name and dial his number. He answers immediately.

"Edward, what happened?"

"Shit just went down!" I shout at the phone. "Mike is dead."

"What!? What the fuck happened, wasn't it supposed to be a fucking peaceful meeting?"

Eric takes the phone. "Aro's people showed up. Started making demands. They wanted Coven to fucking serve them as their fucking slaves. It was either we work for them or they kill us on the spot. Mike said fuck no and they fucking shot him. The whole operation went to shit! There's so many dead. Fuck!"

"Where are you guys?!" You can hear the shuffling on the other side of the line. Luke is about to lose his fucking head. "Where are you guys?!"

"We fucking left! But that's not the worse, Luke."

No, not even close. Cold shivers run down my spine just thinking about it.


"They're looking for Edward," Eric says slowly. "That was also part of the demands. They're going for his head."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Luke cursed.

"Tell me about it." I groan when a sudden pain hits me my shit. "Shit..." I lift my shirt and notice the blood and my wound. "Oh fuck."

"What's the matter?" Eric asked. The car swirls a bit. "Are you hurt?"

"Fucking bullet skimmed me," I groan. I press my hand on my side and groan. "Nothing I can't handle. What the hell happens now?"

Eric looks at me as if I'm crazy. "What happens? I'll tell you what happens, you're going to a hospital."

"No!" Luke shouts on the phone. "They don't know if he's hurt or not, but we can't risk it. Hospital is the worst place we can take him right now. Right now we need to make sure he is wiped off the fucking map." 

"Wow, so you're planning on killing me?"

"Shut the fuck up, Edward, this is no time for jokes! Look, I'm on my way to your place. We need to get Elizabeth and Emma safe as well. I'll pack your bag. You're leaving tonight."

"Where the fuck am I going?!"

"I'm wiping you out of the fucking map. I'll get the bus ticket, to wherever! The sooner you're out of Boston, the better."

"I can't!" I protest. "I can't leave my mother and Emma, who is gonna protect them?"

"We'll talk when you get here. But it has to be fast!"

* * *

Mom runs to me when we walk in through the front door. "Oh dear Lord, Edward what happened?! What's going on? Luke is acting all weird, telling us to pack up! Oh my god, you're hurt!"

"Mom." I cup her face between my hands. "I'm okay. Did you do what he asked you?"

"A-a-almost," she stutters out.

"Finish, please. Where's Emma?"

"In bed."

"Let her sleep until I know what's going on. Go." I nudge her to her room and walk to the kitchen, where Luke is quietly talking to Eric. "Okay, what the hell is going on?"

Luke leans down and grabs a backpack and hands it to me. "You're going to Washington, tonight."

"Fuck no, I'm not."

"This isn't into question!"

"It isn't because I'm not leaving my family. Who is gonna protect them if I'm not here?" I snap.

"That's why I'm here!" He runs his hands through his hair. "I'm your best friend, Edward. You and that woman and that little girl are all the family I have. Don't doubt for a second that I won't risk my life for any of you. So, as of now, I'll protect them. The Vulturi don't know I exist, I'll have them in a safe home I have in Denver. We'll be safe there." He walks up to me and places his hand on my shoulder. "But in order for us to be safe, you need to be."

I sigh. He's right. There's no one else I would trust the life of my mother and Emma with. I just wish it didn't have to be now. I knew, we all knew, this day was bound to come. That one day I'd have to run for my life and my family's safety. I knew that our past will eventually come and bite me in the ass.

"Now, I have all the papers you will need. There's money in the bag. Let Eric bandage you up and get to the first hospital and get medical help. Your bus leaves in two hours. The sooner you're out of here, the better." 

I take a seat and let Eric bandage the wound up and change into clothes that are not covered in blood. It's not nearly as bad as I thought. It's just a surface wound but Eric is afraid it can infected so I need it to get check out as soon as possible. While this is happening, Luke explains the situation to my mother. She cries, of course and she hugs me, telling me she loves me.  I have not much to say to her. I don't know what to say. We both knew this would happen, but didn't know it would happen so soon. We hug, not too tightly before I go say my final goodbye.

Emma is getting her jacket on. Backwards. I smile to myself and walk in her pink bedroom and sit on her Frozen theme bed.

"Let me help you."

She's still half asleep. Her full lips are in a pout and her eyes close as I take her sweater off and put it back on. I take her little angelic face in between my hands and kiss her tiny little face so many times, it wakes her up.

She laughs. She rubs her tired green emerald eyes and looks at me.

"Where we going?" She signs.

I sigh, running my hands through her blonde hair.

"Daddy has to go away for a while. You and Mama Lizzy are going with Luke to a very special house," I sign back.

"But I wanna sleep on my bed, Daddy." She pouts. "And I want you there with me."

"I'd like nothing more, baby. But I have to leave for a while. But I promise, Emma, that I'm coming back for you and Mama. And we're going to buy that big house and get that white puppy you want so badly."

"And we name it Star!" She jumps, throwing her arms in the air.

I smile at her. "Yes, and we name it Star."

She smiles but her smile slowly fades as she looks at me with a worried look. "You coming back, right Daddy?"

"I am, Emma." I take my hand and make a cross over my heart. "Cross my heart, I'm coming back. But I need you to be a good girl, okay? Do as Uncle Luke and Mama Lizzy tell you so I can come home quicker. Can you promise me that, baby?"

"Yes, Daddy." She makes a cross over her heart. "Cross my heart."

I smile sadly at my baby girl and make the cross all over again. If only I could hear her voice or she could hear mine. "Cross my heart. I love you, Emma. Never forget that."

"I love you, Daddy." And she wraps her arms around my neck.

* * *

I look back at Luke before boarding the bus. "Please, Luke. I'm begging you. Take care of them." 

"You offend me, do you not trust me?" Luke tries to joke, but it's not the time to joke. I'm truly worried about them. "Don't worry. They're safe with me. Call me when you're at the motel."

"I will. Have a safe trip to Denver."

We share a quick but meaningful hug.

"Good trip, brother," he tells me as we pull away.

"See you on the other side," I say.

I pat his shoulder once and get in the bus. He waits, patiently as more people board the bus and we're all getting settled to depart. I wave at him goodbye when the bus is in motion, setting for a final destination to Washington, Forks.

I pull out the backpack he gave me and take out a yellow envelope inside it. In there are fake IDs, drivers license, birth certificate and social security and a passport I hope I never have to use. There's also a large stack of money in the bag, probably around ten thousand dollars and clothes. I look at my temporary name.

Silas Stevens.

I chuckle to myself. He couldn't think of another name? I put everything back in the envelope and open the smaller pocket. There's a picture of Emma the night she was born. It's concentrated on her but I know the arms around her. It's Tanya and she's cut out of the picture. I'm not surprised. I run my finger down my baby girl's angelic face and sigh.

I make a personal oath to myself to come back for her. To end this shit and give her the life she deserves. I will one day and she'll be proud of being my daughter and not ashamed of a man who used to be part of one of the deadliest gangs in the U.S. I'll survive this for my daughter, for Emma, even if that's the last fucking thing I do.

Cross my heart.

* * *

I haven't slept this entire trip. Every stop gives me anxiety, every person that walks by sends shivers down my spine. There's a constant fear that they might know where I am, where I'm heading and where my family is seeking refuge. I've never been more alert, on all five senses, paying attention to everything I hear, see, touch, smell and taste. I tried not to get out of the bus much, but when I did I was always sure to have my head down and to draw as less attention as possible.

But soon the stops started becoming less regular and we were entering a very cloudy weather. The air seemed to be more humid, even when no windows were open and we were constantly surrounded by forest, not deserts. By the time the driver announced that we were an hour and a half away from our final destination, there wasn't much people left on the bus. I guess Washington, Forks isn't a popular place.

The sign comes up almost an hour in. 

         Population - 1,004

And now 1,009 with the five people left on this bus.

The town is small. Very small and very quiet by the looks of it. There's people walking down the small streets, waving at each other and going through their day for what I see. There's nothing much but home shops and a small hospital. There's seems to be more homes than there's businesses and things to entertain and the woods seem to be from walking distance from the backyards.

The bus comes to a complete stop and the trip comes to an end. The people seem nice enough, at least the two or three I ask for directions to the Waters Motel. It's a small motel. There's probably thirty rooms in total and a minibar and diner just by the register. When I walk in, some country music plays in the background and a few folks turn to look at me strangely. This place needs an update quick. It reminds me of some eighties horror movie. I ignore the stares and walk to the register, where an old man sits reading his book. Misery, that's a interesting choice.

"Hello, young man." He gets up when he sees me and leans on the counter. "How can I help you?"

"I have a room booked under Silas Stevens."

He opens his antique book to the second page and nods. "Ah, yes. ID?" I hand it to him. He doesn't look much into it because he hands it right back. He turns and grabs a key from one of the thirty little hangers he has behind him. Number 23. "Your room is number 23. How long you staying in town?"

I take the key. "Uh, that's hard to say. Might be here for a while."

"Well, if you are, I'm Henry Clearwater. Owner of the motel and at your service." He offers me his hand and gives me a smile.

"Ed-I-I mean, Silas Stevens. Nice to meet you." I shake his hand.

"Well Silas, there's an 24/7 open diner, though the food is shitty after ten-thirty, I won't deny that and the bar is also 24/7 so if you feel like a drink at three in the morning, don't be afraid to come down. You been in town before?"

"Uh, no. Never." I pull my backpack over my back, holding tightly onto the straps. "First time."

"Huh, odd. What brings you here?"

"Need a change," I lie.

That seems to be reason enough for him because he smiles and says, "well, if you ever need a tour guide, my youngest son, Seth, can take you. It'll be over in two hours, trust me."

I smile. "That's for the offer. I'll keep it in mind."

The doorbell rings and Henry Clearwater cheers.

"Charlie! You're here!"

I take that as my opportunity to make my way out of there before anyone else notices the new guy in town. My room is one of the furthest ones away, facing the woods instead of the street. That's a good sign. I dread it from the moment I walk in. If I thought the looks of this motel gave me a horror movie vibe, this room achieved it at a whole new level. There's a small, what seems to be a queen bed and a TV stand and a small TV with one of those big boxes behind it. I walk in the bathroom. The toilet and shower seemed to be squished in this room.

I lift my shirt over my head and look down at my bandage. I need to get it changed and maybe checked out by a doctor. I'll do that tomorrow. I get everything out, getting ready for a shower when the phone rings. I pause for a moment, not exactly sure who is calling. I look at the caller ID and it says Front Desk. I breathe a little, not completely and answer.


"Sorry to disturb you, but there's a man called James Hunter on the phone for you."

I sigh in relief at Luke's undercover name. "Uh, yes..."

"Okay, I'll transfer him."

There's a dial tone and Luke's on the phone. "Hey, you there?"

"I'm here." I sit down on the bed. Shit, it's almost like a rock. "You guys make it safe?"

"Yeah, they're asleep right now. No word from Eric yet so we're in the clear."

I lay back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." 

"Tell me about it. How's it there?"

"A shithole," I say. "Couldn't pick a worst place to send me to?"

"Its small, isolated and as far as possible. So yes, that's the best place I could send you to. Get some sleep, go to the doctor, okay? I'll call you tomorrow and see how you're doing. Also, it's important you blend in. Get a job, pay an apartment, socialize, but not too much. Don't draw any attention to yourself."

"An apartment? How long am I staying here for?"

"Not sure yet, but do as I say. Take care, brother."

"Bye." I hang up and groan. Blend in, fucking blend in. Do you know who blends in? People who have to stay here forever. I don't. I haven't seen this fucking town and I already hate it.

* * *

I walk in the Diner/Minibar and wave at Henry at the front desk. I'm surprised to see people at the bar already. It's fucking nine in the morning, they're already drinking?

I take a seat at the furthest booth and grab the menu on the table. Food looks somewhat edible. I haven't eaten a real meal since I left Boston. I'm kind of craving French toast. All the things I have to do comes rushing to me and it overwhelms me. I throw the menu on the table and cover my face with my hands.

"Seems to me that someone is in need for coffee." A woman speaks. A cup is placed in front of me, but I don't bother taking my hands away. "Hard day?"

I slip my hands away and nod. "More like hard life."

"That doesn't sound good," she says.

"Tell me about it..." I trail off when I look up. Her eyes are the first thing that I notice. Those big brown pull that match with her chestnut hair. Her fair skin and the full pink lips. And that smile... fuck. Her name tag reads Bella. She's holding a tray against her hip and a coffee maker. Her uniform is an ugly pink with white that really hugs her body.

She chuckles and blushes a little. "I think you might want to close that mouth. There can be flies flying around." 

She pushes my chin up with her index finger, closing my mouth. A small electric current runs through me centering from the spot she just touched. My jaw dropped again. I close it and look down, totally embarrassed by my reaction.

Get a hold of yourself, Masen!

"You're new in town," she says, looking at me with curiosity. "Are you the man in checked in room 23 last night?"

"Uh, yeah that'd be me."

"You staying in town long." She starts pouring coffee in my mug. I notice a few strays of hair falling out of her messy bun and her profile... shit. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow when I don't answer.

"Oh! Uh, yeah. Maybe. I'm not sure yet," I stutter out.

She stops pouring coffee and offers me her small hand. "Well, in that case, we might be seeing a lot of each other so I'm Bella."

"Ed-I-I mean Silas. My name is Silas." I chuckle and take her hand in mine. I emphasis on the Silas part because it's kind of hard remind myself that I'm no longer Edward Cullen, but Silas Stevens.

"Can't remember your own name?" She beams.

I shrug, slightly embarrassed. "Kind of hard to remember."

Her smile just grows bigger. It's the prettiest damn smile I've ever seen. Apart from Emma's. "So, have you decided what you're gonna order?"

I look at the menu. I rarely ever eat anything different for breakfast.

"Yeah, yeah. How good is the French toast here?"

"I'm not one to brag, but they're the best in town," she says innocently and gives me a wink.

"Well, that's not saying much. Boston is ten times the size of the hellhole."

She scoffs. "Well if it isn't the big city guy. Let me tell you, us small town folks don't brag for nothing."

I smile at her sass. "Oh really? So these really are the best French toasts in town?"

"Hell yeah." 

"And who are you to judge?"

"I'm the one who cooks them."

I laugh again. "Okay, so you're a waiter and a chef?"

"And I'm also a bartender."

She turns over her heel, playing a little mischief smile on her lips and walks back behind the counter. My eyes follow her until she disappears in the kitchen. I chuckle to myself, really amused by that beautiful woman and look up at Henry, who's looking at me from the front desk. He chuckles as well and says, "Might want to wipe off the drool off your chin, boy."

I roll my eyes and concentrate on doing my coffee. In the end, I do wipe off the drool on my chin.

A big plate of French Toast, sausage, bacon and eggs is dropped on my table not fifteen minutes later. Bella sits down across from me with a proud look on her face. I don't know how I feel about the beautiful woman sitting across from me and is challenging me with her playful brown eyes. It makes me a little suspicious about the French Toast she handed me.

"Go on, try them," she says and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Do you want me to go all chef Gordon Ramsey on you or should I sugar coat it for you, honey?"

"Dig in, Boston."

I grab a fork. "If you insist."

It does smell damn good, I'll say. I pour some syrup on my entire plate, including the eggs, which makes her cringe and take a big bite off my toast. The moan comes out involuntary. I can't hold back it back when I taste the cinnamon and the warm bread mixed with the sweet syrup. Shit, this shit is good. I take another bite and moan again.

"I take it back," I say with a mouthful. "This is the best fucking French Toast I've ever tasted. Shit, even Mama doesn't cook this good." 

And Mama is a pretty damn good cook.

Bella looks proud of herself. "I told you so."

I finish the plate under her watchful eye. I clean it entirely under ten minutes. It's the first full meal I've had since I left Boston. After I'm done, I'm stuffed. I drop back against the booth and look at her across from me. Shit, I'm tempted on ordering another one, but I'm kind of into the little staring contest we're both in.

"You're so cute," she says with a smile.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not cute." 

"You are. Kind of. I can also tell you're a bit of a pain in the ass." 

I frown. "How can you tell if you don't even know me?"

She shrugs. "Oh, you know. I have this gift that allows me to read people very well."

That's not fair. I'm the one who can read people very well, not her. But as far as we've been staring at each other, she's a closed book. I can't read anything from her and it's very frustrating.

"For what I can tell, you're aren't exactly an angel with a halo," I reply, though I'm completely clueless. I can tell she can be frustrating when she wants to be.

She laughs. "Oh really?"

The doorbell rings as a group of uniformed men walk in. I tense up immediately. Bella looks back and chuckles as they all take a seat. They wave at her before, all smiles and talking among each other. Bella gets up and motions to my plate. It's time for her to get back to work. I nod and get up, almost immediately.

"I'll be with you boys in a minute!" She called over her shoulder.

"Don't rush, sweetheart," a man from the group says.

I drop the money on the table and look over at Bella.

"Will you be back later?" She asks, slightly tilting her head to a side.

"Uh, mo-most probably yeah," I stutter.

Her cute smile makes an appearance. "Then I'll see you around, Boston."

I wave goodbye at her and watch her walk away toward the table of cops that just arrived. I might be Silas Stevens here, but there's no way in hell I'm having a run in with the police any time soon. The emergency exit is my quickest getaway route, so I turn on my heel and walk away.

Edward's fake name in Forks - Silas Stevens.

Luke's undercover name - James Hunter.

Song Featured: Him and I ~ G Eazy and Halsey


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