One Piece One Shots

By AnimeMeg

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(REQUESTS ARE OPEN) All of my One Piece one shots will be posted here. Inside there is a request page you can... More

Luffy x Reader (Smut)
Zoro x Reader (Smut)
Zoro x Angel!Reader (lemon)
Sanji x Reader (lemon)
Ace x Reader (Lemon)
Kid x Reader (lemon)
Trafalgar Law x Reader (lemon)
Usopp x Reader (smut)
Zoro x Reader (Fluff)
Trafalgar Law x Pregnant! Reader (Fluff)
Sabo X Pregnant!Reader (Angst/Fluff)

Sabo x Reader (lemon)

3.9K 62 14
By AnimeMeg


( female reader insert )


Just a quick warning before you continue; this is, as titled above, a lemon, which means it contains sexual content. If you are uncomfortable about this please click off or skip that part. As well there will be some angst to the story as Sabo ignores reader and their feelings.

Please vote if you enjoy it and feel free to leave a comment or request!! Thanks!

Spoiler Warning
[Marineford +] no spoilers really mentioned but just incase.

If you are reading this please keep in mind that this has characters or themes from AFTER the two year time skip.

Word Count : 4425


Another day of paper work, another day for training and another day of feeling ignored. It wasn't something you weren't used to by now. To make matters worse your stupid feelings for the jerk wouldn't go away. Your heart still would pound in your chest at the mere sight of his blond hair walking by with once again no acknowledgment in your direction. You were tired of the constant heartache that was delivered from seeing him smile. It was never in your direction. Your (e/c) eyes tracing over his figure as the chief of staff chatted away to his close friend Koala. Turning away you began you walk home to the girls barracks.

Koala was your friend too, however the three of you have never been together before. When you were first introduced to the chief of staff it was two years ago, you had made your way up the ranks. You were an intel specialist, when missions would take place you would advise teams on certain figures, the people to know and all the info that came on them. That's when it began. You admit he was attractive when you first laid eyes on him, offering a quick and pleasant greeting. However this was the first, last and only time his eyes would meet yours. You remember starting to work on mission with members of the army, delivering them the information they need, via transponder snail.

Then it was your lucky day, you heard you'd be working on a mission with Sabo being on the team.  You'd be their informant from the base, giving out the info they needed or needed to hear had something changed.  You remember studying everything that you could find on the location, the people and the mission in general. You sat in the information HQ, waiting next to the transponder snail, headset on and ready to deliver whatever he could need. You wanted to show him, for some strange reason, that you could help.  Hearing the heroic stories of missions in the past he did, made you even more the admirer of his. You waited patiently, then finally the call came through.

Koala's voice came through requesting information before the voice switch and the smooth voice of Sabo came through. Already knowing exactly what they needed you began to speak, only getting a snippet of the information needed before you heard him cut you off and ended the call.  You stared in frustration at the snail, now droopy eyed and asleep. Was it wrong? Did he get the information from you, then again how could he when he cut you off!

The following day they returned, a another successful mission. The smile on his face as he was greeted by friends entrapped you. He was honestly beautiful. You suddenly lost all frustration about being cut off. Heading forward to congratulate them on a job well done. He looked in your direction, starting a step forward and your heart stoped for a second at the idea he was coming in your direction, wasn't this what you wanted? To be in his presence? Your eyes stared forward as Sabo bushed your shoulder, passing you by.  Halting in your steps you turn your vision as you see him shaking hands with a few other men. You eyes quickly found the floor, the pain of the embarrassment you felt was excruciating. How could you think he'd want to come to you? Someone he's met once, but at the same time it made you feel like you were non existent to him.

A tap on your should pulled you from your thoughts to the smile of Koala, "oh, hello Koala." You smile back at the girl.

"Sorry about the mission back there." She spoke in awkwardness, she then continues "he has a bad habit of that trust me. It's once he has his sights on something you know? He can be selfish like that sometimes" she was offering up an apology to you, smiling back at her you took it.

"I get it, when you see an opportunity you take it." You reply back, looking at her you thought it was sweet that she's at least offer an apology.

"I did scold him for that too, as usual" you giggle as she mutter the last part out in obvious annoyance.  Looking back over your eyes thought for a second that his were on you but as you found him in the crowd he was in mid conversation with Hack. Why the hell couldn't your shake this feeling for him?

Thinking back to that first mission you realized Koala was right, he had a bad habit of cutting calls short when he already had a plan, or  his sights were already set on the objective. That would be the days where no one could reach him, as he had a tendency to break off from the others. You and koala because fast friends too after that. you tired to keep your feelings for Sabo under wraps especially around her, you just didn't want it getting back to him. God forbid that would happen, he already ignored your existence.

There was one time were you overheard a conversation you were absolutely sure you shouldn't of, but you couldn't help it. His voice was almost desperate as he spoke, "she's perfect Koala. Never would I think I'd meet someone like her." Your heart was shattered. You knew this would happen and yet here you were trying to hold back the sob of realization you could never even dream to have him. He doesn't even see you in his world.

That night you didn't sleep just stare up at the ceiling above. Chanting over and over how you were gonna trash the feelings you had for Sabo. You were foolish for falling for a man who ignored your every attempt at a conversation, every bit of information you had to give when assigned to his team. You wanted the words to work like a mantra in your head, forceing the feelings away.

However the next time you saw him he had returned from Dressrosa with the team, as well as some new abilities and the smiling face he had on was almost contagious as he slope to friends about being able to see his brother again. The happiness you felt for him as you watch him celebrate was not what you needed. The feelings you held for him deepened, it left you feeling like you couldn't breathe. Seeing him smile like that made him look more attractive than ever before, you wanted to make him happy like that. As selfish as that felt you really wished it was you he was happy about having. Suddenly arms wrapped around you as koala came in for a hug, squeezing you tightly.

" ugh I'm glad to be home! I mean mission was completed but I missed you too (y/n)" you laughed out at her.

"Yeah I'm sure you did," smiling you joke with her. "I'm happy everyone returned back safely. But I'm gonna head to bed, I have a mission tomorrow and I want to go over a few things first." You wave at her as you left the main area, you've learned you lesson to not wait around on Sabo, after numbered attempts to get his attention, all ended in failure. 

That was a few months ago. You were tired of it, tried of being ignored.

Heading out to the lunch hall for breakfast you spot koala in line already, and bonus she wasn't with Sabo. You quickly made your way to her picking up a few breakfast items along the way, to snack on. "Morning (y/n)!" She greeted happily to you. The past two years really getting your friendship to blossom becoming very close friends. However you'd never ask about Sabo to her. Taking a seat at a table you both began to catch up. However your interrupted as the seat across from you was pulled out and down sat a figure you spoke to a few times as well.

"Hello, Renzo" you heard koala greet the man who occupied the space I front of you now. Renzo was another member, not as notable as a few other mentions, however he was a sweet guy, genuinely honest and someone you can bet will have the job done.

"Hey Koala, hello (y/n)." He greeted back as you gave a polite greeting back. His smile forming on his face as you did so, you could feel who you believe was koala staring at the two of you, "I was hoping to run into you this morning." He began.

"Why you wanna ask her on a date or something?" Koala giggle obviously enjoy the attention her friend was receiving from the man.

"Actually, I was." Flustered he rubbed the back of his head as he pulled out a paper with his transponder snail info on it. " I mean, I would really like to take you on a date, if your free this weekend?" Your mouth was slightly open and browns furrowed as you took in his words, he wanted to take you on a date. You felt like somewhere some weight you were carrying began to lift away. Maybe this was your sign, this was your moment to take, to rid of the painful feelings for Sabo that you endured.  "Just give me a call with an answer for me! It doesn't have to be today." You could hear the slight desperation in his voice as he spoke.  You nodded slowly back to him as he smiled. "Great. Awesome! I'm looking forward to your call." And just like that he was gone.

Turning to face your friend you like out a breath once he left the area, "that was strange." You shrug trying to focus on anything but what just happened.

"Strange??(Y/N) he asked you on a date!" She pinched your cheek lightly , " when you make up your mind I better be the first to know!" You laugh at her as you quickly finish your meal.   Parting ways as you leave you head to information HQ, you had a few things to go over before supper then you'd have to think of the answer you'd give to Renzo. After all you of all people knew how it felt to have every  attempt ignored, thinking back to all the times you tried you would of honestly rather be shut down than out right ignored. Heaving out a sigh you hit the books.

Hours go by without notice and by that time you realized you already missed lunch and it was closer to dinner. Putting away all your research you began to make your way to the dining hall. Although you missed lunch you'd rather beat the dinner crowd to the hall before it was swarmed with hungry people. Passing through your personal short cut you created you stop in your tracks as your eyes landed upon your friend Koala and Sabo. Neither had notice as the they we're too caught up in what looked like an argument? Then again you weren't too sure as koala had Sabo by the cheek as he sat on the ground with her standing above him. Not that you thought of it, it looked like she was reprimanding him again. Nothing surprising there, considering the stories koala had openly ranted to you about.

However this one look more serious by the look on Sabo's face. His eyes held shock but his brows were furrowed in concentration up at Koala. "You Fool. What did you think would happen?" She shook him as she yelled down at the poor man. You felt bad for ease dropping but you were frozen in place in the fear of also being caught by any noise you made. For now at least you were hidden from their view.  As you hid through the brush, you held your breath hoping that she finish and they leave to save you the trouble and embarrassment if they caught you.

"How could you mess this up Sabo! I had it Spelled out for you." She finally let go of his cheeks, they were pinched red as he rubbed them looking away from the glare of Koala. Letting a breath out, she looked down at him. "Someone asked her out today." You froze. She wasn't talking about you right? If so why bring that up now?

"W-what" his attention was back on Koala. Fully. His eyes wide peering up at her from his position.

"Renzo. I heard that he thought she was pretty from a few people. I didn't think that he was that into her." She looked at him. Still stone cold almost. As if to drive something home to him with your love life? 

"Why didn't you say something! Your supposed to be my friend Koala!-

"No. Why didn't you say anything Sabo? You're the one with the crush on the poor girl for the past two years! Scaring off anyone else but you never made a move!" Your ears rang. What? Sabo. He ? What. The. Fuck. Your vision started to burr with hurt tears as they continued. "I'll ask you again. What did you think would happen Sabo? That no one would ever ask her out? I can't keep tabs on everyone for you! Why not look at all the opportunities you had! Had you taken a single one of them then maybe it be you with (y/n)! Instead you pushed her so far out of your grasp that even I don't know what to do for you."

"Talk her out of it."

"Sabo. Do you hear your self?" She questioned but all of it was too much. Your head spun with so much new information that you felt dizzy.  You had to leave, you didn't care if they heard. You didn't care about anything. Your chest hurt, your heart ached and felt like it was caught in a snare. You were angry, hurt, but confused. If you thought about it  more questions would just pile up. With our realizing your body reacted to its instinct first, taking a step back with out realizing, the slight shift during a quiet moment in their argument allowed them to alert to the moment.
The moment you lock eyes with him you were off in a sprint.

Racing back to you room you quickly lock the door. Leaning back against it, chest heaving with emotion. Then it happened, the first sob racked your body. It was almost beautifully ironic. You always wanted him to want you. But not this. This hurt? You wiped the tears away from your face , trying to stop more some coming out. You had your self coming back when you felt it. The vibration of the knock as it sounded on your door. And you knew. Hell anyone would know who it was.

"(Y/n)..." it was so quiet, almost anxious sounding. It almost broke your resolve hearing how he sounded. It wasn't the fun loving voice you loved. Fuck. Why did he have to be an idiot. "Listen... I know... well you see." You heard him groan as he tried to talk to you. A loud sigh sounded as his voice stopped "I'm sorry." Your hand shot to your mouth to almost stop the sound of a sob coming out. "It's just... I think your prefect. Your so beautiful.. I'm sorry for pulling Koala into this. I know she's your friend. She was trying to wake me up" you heard him laugh, almost. "I wish she did sooner.."

Slowly you unlock the door, opening it to look at the man before you. He looked almost shocked. "I was so stupid. Please let me have you. I know I messed up but you're all I could think about." Quickly you see his cheeks slightly tinge pink. But you kept a solid facade on as you watch him.

"You really want me?" You spoke. Genuinely curious if it was a game to him. How did he see you, you were hurt by him for years. Thinking he didn't see you or even recognize you as you pass.

"I know your the one."  His eye bore down into you as you took in the seriousness of his face. "I am completely at your mercy here. It's only you I want." His hand gently reached out. Taking hold of yours softly, "I know, I did it all wrong. But your so beautiful it makes me freeze up, feeling your eyes on me as you look around a room. Hearing your voice on a transponder snail, it makes me want to finish the mission faster just to see you again.  I'm completely yours and you have no idea." He was being so open, wearing his heart on his sleeve for you. You made him freeze up? Had he met himself. You almost wanted to laugh at it all. "Please. Give me this chance." His voice was quiet staring at you. Waiting for an answer.

"Convince me."

Where did that come from?? Your internally shocked with yourself, almost wishing you could immediately take them back as you see a just as shocked expression on Sabo's face. Quickly it changed. A more focused expression forming as he moved forward, shocking you more as you feel his free hand pull your hips towards him as he entered the door way. The hand he kept hold of yours with pulled it towards him. "Okay." He almost whispered it out. He pulled your hand to his lightly kissing the fingertips as he pulled you closer to him as he took equal steps forward.  Fully entering your room. Closing the door, he looks down at you, "your irresistible." Pulling you forward his lips collided with yours as your eyes take in what's happening or a brief second. Then they close. The feeling of his soft warm lips on yours was better than you thought.

His hand came up, cupping the side of your face, pulling you in to the kiss deeper. But you also feel him brush the last of the tears from your face gently. Pulling back to breathe, then kissing you cheek softly "I'm so so sorry Love." He was acknowledging the hurt he had cause you.  Pulling you back in for a kiss, this time his hand on you hip squeezes you slightly as his tongue slipped its way past your lips, finally claiming your mouth as his. With each kiss he would issue an apology, working his way to you jaw line. Sabo now had you trapped against the wall with his knee between you legs, giving you some support. As the revolutionary made you tremble against him.

With each nip at your sensitive skin on your neck he'd whisper complements of endearments as if to make up for the mess of red and purple marks he was being sure to leave in his wake.  His fingers wanted to slip higher up your shirt but he wanted to make sure to worship every inch of you. Not sure when the chance for him to do this would appear after all. He still had to convince you. A chance that's all he wanted. He got it. And he won't waste the opportunity this time.  "You have no idea what you do to me. (Y/n) I've been yours since the moment my eyes first landed on you."  Another mark was placed, letting out a moan in appreciation was all you could muster.

This man had you under his spell. You knew you couldn't forget him. There no way. Especially not now. His eyes pulled your gaze to meet his, as he quickly pulled you from the wall to the bed, using his elbows to support his weight he parted his lips from yours. Standing up from the edge of the bed  he began to remove his jacket and tie removing the objects quickly. Your eyes still taking him in as you watch him reach forward toward you. "You sure you want me to convince you?" His fingertips ran up the outside of your thighs before pulling you close to him. "Because if your giving me this chance, I'll make sure you'll never need to think of another man again. I please you. Worship you. Make up for every lost second I wasted being fool, scared to fall in love." His hands trailed down to the hem your pants.

"Convince me." This time you were sure you said it clearly, you wanted this. God, look at him. He was waiting on every move you made.  But those two words were all it took. They lit a fire inside him. It was challenge. He was gonna make sure you'd never think of another man but him. Have him in your thoughts the way you are constantly in his. And in his eyes you were all he needed.  His fingers made quick work of the buttons on your pants before he began to slowly sliding them down and off you. Pls ring kissed that scorched your skin as he went. Coming back up his hand slide over your skin, they were so warm. As he did so light kisses began upwards starting above your panty line. Slowly coming up as he used his hands to slide you shirt up and off you arms, before they encircled you. Pulling you closer to the fire, as he kissed up your neck. moans spill from you mouth as you let out a call of his name as you felt the hardness that grinding down into you.

It was the best thing sabo had ever heard, your voice was whiney and high pitched as you moan from what he was doing to you. He really wanted to show you just how much he had fallen for you. Your thoughts were buzzing at a millions of miles a minute, as this man continues to devour you. You felt your bra slip from your body and hot lips descending down over the newly exposed skin. Marking it up as well ,  he couldn't leave a spot untouched. His hands started to glide along your legs pulling one up to hook onto his hip, giving you and even better feeling of what he was offering to you.

Your own hands finally begin a task of their own as you find your self, helping Sabo to undress. Before long you were both trapped in a heavy make out as you laid still in your panties and him now only in his boxers. His pants kicked off somewhere else not that he cared. His focus was soulful on you. You hands had found place on his back, nail gripping into him as he pleased you. His thumbs caught in the pantie hem on your hip and as he began to remove them he started to once again part form your body as you helped him with his own. Now you could feel every hot and heavy inch of him that touched you.

His tip was hot as you felt him swipe it slowly between your folds collecting the obvious wetness that had gathered. This man had you. And he had to have know it , but just as you let out a whine at the feeling of his swollen head hook on your entrance. Your heavy lust filled eyes met his.  "Your all I want. (Y/n)"  Sabo hoarsely whispered , he was holding back some for you. But you didn't want that. You wanted him just as bad.

"The take me..Sabo."  Your voice was a higher octave than you would have liked but you were too turned on to care,  Smirking Sabo finally side the rest of his length into you. Fully sheathing himself inside your wet cavern, a loud Goan cam from him at the feeling, you felt amazing hugging him in all the right ways. Pulling back he thrusted eliciting another moan from you as the pleasure that coursed though you. 

Sabo wasn't gonna waste anymore time he then began his heavy onslaught of thrusts, push you closer and close to your climax, you couldn't believe that sabo had you under him like this. Fuck. He was good. He knew just how to hold you. Just what to whisper. "How's that. You like that?" His voice like hot fire as all your could do was moan out incoherent word for him. Your mind a jumbled mess as Sabo bullied your crevix  over and over, your walls soon came tightly around him as he pushed you over the edge, chants of his name left you lips as his thrust got sloppy riding himself into his own orgasm filling you completely. He led this mark every where . You were both exhausted, sweaty and at loss for word. 

"Sabo." You grabbed his attention his eyes netting yours, you let out a Breath of air " I've been yours since I first laid eyes on you."  His eyes widen before closing in laughter.

"I guess I really was a fool. I'm so sorry." His laugh quieted down and he slowly continues "Be mine, and I'll never stop reminding you that you have all of me"  he smile at you, you nodded yes pulling him back into a deep kiss.

The next morning on the way to breakfast Koala stoped by Renzo to drop off a small bag of money. "Thanks again Renzo. I really needed to knock some sense into him." She jokingly laughed.

"How do you know she won't fall for me huh?" He smirk in a joking way. And as they locked eyes koala turned and headed off Before added over her shoulder.

"Because once he has his sight on something you know, he's sorta selfish like that sometimes." And off she went knowing that her two friends were probably waiting for her and they were most likely waiting together.

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