Ice Fantasy : Loyal Companion

By DrPinkOrchid

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What lies in Cherry Blossom Hill was something more unexpected than anyone could ever think. There was someth... More

Authors Note
Welcome To Rue Xen City
Manipulating The Devouring Spirit Sword
Reborn Immortal
Mortal Realm
Hidden Secrets
Settling In
Meeting with Best Friend
Mysterious Old Woman
Unsettled Buisness
Welcome Back Dear Friend
Proper Friendship
The Past Of The Lost Brothers
Taste of Fire
Falling In Love Unwillingly
Unforgettable Love
Forced To Be Brothers
Black Fog
I Am Your Father
Unusual Help From The Foe
Unclear pt2
Dreams Are Like Reality
Unconditional Love
New Start
The Blessings & The Curse
Planning Ahead
Preparing For The Ice Queen
Wedding Day
Saints & Sinners
Severe Punishment
Promise Breaker
Grandmother's Return
Troubled Sea
Faithfully Attached
Two Strings
Battle Between Two Hearts
Festival Of Life
Love Will Restore
Eaten By Guilt
Accepting Fate
Love As Sakura
Attack Of The Fire Tribe
Prison Break
Last Battle For The Lotus Flower
New Beginning
Till We Meet Again
The End


920 33 0
By DrPinkOrchid

Everyone in the Three Kingdom was called upon for a meeting from the Ice King. It was sudden but Pink Orchid knew what the meeting was going to be about, today was either her success or her failure.

Standing just about, she watched most of the tribesmen enter, one by one each individual clans had came including The Spirit Clan, The Bear Clan, The Dream Clan and The Healer Clan and the rest of the remaining other clans.

No one really knew the plan that was going on, or the reason why the King had invited them without short notice. Each one of the clans met each other gazes as they greeted one another with a simple nod as they we're all settled and prepared.

Just as everyone had arrived, they all bowed in respect of the Ice King who had stood up to welome all Tribesmen.

"I gathered you all here today to confirm you all about my early retirement, I am soon to pass the throne to the next descendant to take over and keep peace among the three kingdoms. These passed few weeks I have been thinking very clearly and thoroughly. The Ice Kingdom is still recovering from the invasion of the Fire Tribe, we had lost many brave men and even those who we loved. I- The Ice King had already made a choice on who to be the next Ice King to protect the Three Kingdoms, The new Ice King is-"

Feeling the tension in the room, everyone was skeptical that the King had already decided on who the King was going to be, awaiting for the King to announce them there new King. Everyone in the room was quite until the Ice King had finally gave them the answer they all wanted.

"Ying Kong Shi"

Lian Ji face brighten in joy when she had heard her son being announced as the Ice King, she was quite surprised from the Ice King to chose her son and not his own beloved so Ka Suo who he wanted to be on the throne.

Everyone muttered to themselves from what they were hearing, some had agreed on the choice of the Ice King and some had denied immediatley.

Ying Kong Shi body stiffened at his name was called , his fists tighten against his grip as he was utterly shocked. Why did the Ice King change his mind? Looking over his brother, his brother was calm throughout the meet without any expression that was readable.

"I have to object your majesty, Ka Suo is the only hope to keep peace among the three kingdoms. Ka Suo was your first choice why did you choose Ying Kong Shi?"

Lian Ji jaw clenched , the nerve to speak low of her son. That had made her mad. Lian Ji was about to get up and confront the man but Pink Orchid stepped in.

"Are you asking Ka Suo for a death wish? That wouldn't be a death wish but a asassanation attempt towards Ka Suo. Ka Suo is no longer an immortal and if he was to become King, he would be eliminated immediately. The Fire Clan now has another open chance to invade since Ka Suo is in this state.Who would be able to protect you all? Who would even protect Ka Suo himself? You're only leaving him a burden to the Kingdoms. If you have not forgotten he is now a mortal with a month to live"

The room was once again silence as they all been publicly humiliated, everyone already knew that was the whole spoken truth but they didn't want to accept them, the man pointed at her from her rudeness as he then hissed in annoyance of there argument.

"You- Who do you think you are? Ka Suo has loyal men who will fight for him. I disagree in this, we all disagree"

"Either you disagree or not. This is not your choice. The King spoke upon himself. The King is Ying Kong Shi, and he will be the one to bring peace against the kingdom. Without him, he wouldn't be able to close off the Ice Curtain"

Lian Ji smiled at the brilliant girl, whoever she was she was pleased on her behalf, standing up to join the argument Lian Ji walked towards Pink Orchid as she stood her grounds.

"She's correct, Ying Kong Shi is most powerful and his spell has increased drastically within the several days.  He was even the one who eliminated the Fire Kings armor . If it wasn't for him you all wouldn't be here"

The King sighed to himself, this whole controversy and his pride would be looked down upon today even the seven saints that was present was angry at his betrayal. The King didn't follow the order just because of being the King but because he as father. He wanted to protect his son to the point he had give his trust in to some stranger, Ka Suo is all he cant lose his only son other than Ying Kong Shi.

"My mind will not change. Ying Kong Shi is still the next Ice King" Dismissing himself, he gave one last look at Pink Orchid before leaving the hall.

Pink Orchid knew the look, but they have to trust her in this. She won't fail for anyone of them, expecially for Ka Suo .

Everyone then bowed in departure after the Ice King , everyone had all left as Pink Orchid so trail off with the crowd. She could feel some heavy eyes gazing right at her but she ignored it and went on to meet with the Ice King in private.

Arriving in his sanctuary, she folded her arms over her chest and looked back at the King as he stood there awaiting for her anxiously.

"I hope you kept your words and if you don't-"

"Your Majesty, you can taunt me all you want. I'm not doing this for you or for me but for the sake of your son's life. Your majesty, I will fix him back to normal again. Just believe in him. If you don't mind, I have someones life to save" Pink Orchid bowed once again and left the King there to think to himself.

"A stranger who randomly arrives inside the Ice Kingdom wants to risk it all to save a person's life?"

Pink Orchid sat herself unto the chair as she  poured herself some water. Taking a sip from the water, Pink Orchid had heard a knock from the other side as she jerked herself up a hit. Watching the doors open, she then met Lian Ji who entered inside the room. Pink Orchid did admit that she was beautiful, like a goddess if you asked.

Pink Orchid had never witness anyone so beautiful and young just like her, she was even suprised that this woman was Ying Kong Shi's mother herself!

Standing up from her random visit Lian Ji then chuckled at Pink Orchids posture as she bowed in respect of the soon to be empress.

"That was very noble of you to stand up for Ying Kong Shi like that, no one other than myself speak highly for him"

Pink Orchid just gazed at the elder as she let her talk, she had never face his mother ever but the feeling from her was not as good as she seem to be.

"Since you caught my attention from earlier, here's a question I would like to ask you personally? When my son becomes the crowned King. Will be able to protect him? Be along his side as his companion and keep him company? His head been wrapped around that Ka Suo for quite some time and I think you are capable of it. What do you say?"

Pink Orchid smiled at her and her offer, she would take the offer immediatly but she just didn't want to be distracted from her plans. Her emotions beat her up every time and she will not let that stop her from her purpose of being here.

"I would love your offer but I kindly have to deny it. I won't be staying here long enough. I have other business to attend to so that won't be a good choice your highness."

Lian Ji nodded as she smiled at the girl. She tried to read her facial expressions but nothing really ring a bell.l, she was quite a mysterious one.

"Are you asking for a proposal, you do remind me of someone I knew awhile ago" Speaking about herself , Lian Ji then looked at Pink Orchid

Pink Orchid eye widen as her face flushed, did she really think that Pink Orchid was here for a proposal for her son? Just because she was trying to help Ka Suo?

Lian Ji laughed at her expression, she could now sense it. Pink Orchid was unnatural and ordinary, she must of liked her son very much to do stand up for him the way she had.

"Ah- it's getting late, I came here to tell you that there will be a festival here that will be held here in a few months , as soon Ying Kong Shi is crowned I do wish to see you around before leaving for your business. Rest well ." Lian Ji gave Pink Orchid a smile before  she had left with the Ice maids.

Heaving out a sigh , Pink Orchid sat herself  back down as she ran her fingers through her hair in fustration.

Just in a short amount of days, she had been thinking to much and planning to get Ka Suo back to his old self.
No one even dare suspects her as a enemy but what if she did do something wrong, would they still call her there friend if she were intended to go the wrong path to save others as well?

Resting her head unto her arms she then closed her eyes to rest to get rid of her weird thoughts.

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