Plans change - Gilmore Girls

By KatyBrown078

165K 2.8K 377

This story picks up right at the end of Season 7, immediately after the cameras quit. Rory and Lorelai are s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24


6.7K 148 29
By KatyBrown078

Sometimes life doesn't go in the direction you think it will.  Logan and Rory's tenth anniversary found them living in London with two more kids. 

In year five, the London branch took a major nosedive.  Mitchum tried to clean it up himself, but his health wasn't what it used to be and the grueling travel back and forth was taking its toll.

Logan had begun splitting the trips with him at first, but eventually took them over altogether, as well as all of HPG. It got to the point that he was in London more than New York. Rory finally decided that if she was going to have any kind of relationship with her husband, that they needed to be on the same continent. She had just found out she was pregnant too and took it as the final nail in the coffin. So they decided that from August to May they would live in London, and June and July would be spent in New York and Connecticut.

It had worked well for them over the years. It was hard to be away from their families, but they made do and tried to visit both ways frequently. Rory had intended to find a job when they got settled in but found that she wanted to try her hand at writing novels. She had an idea for modeling a series of young adult books after her life growing up. She had now published two and had plans for at least two more.

Luke and Lorelai were coming to celebrate Christmas with them this year. After Christmas, they would all head back to New York for New Years.

Finn, of course, had been hard to keep away. He had thought seriously about moving too, but Rory insisted that he not uproot his life. She also told him that they were keeping their apartment and wanted him to be close when they were back. Eventually, he had settled for very frequent visits.

Tonight, he was there to stay with the kids while they celebrated their anniversary. Tori, Finley, and Adam were over the moon, of course, to stay with their Uncle Finn. Logan and Rory were just excited for a little time alone.

The years had held many surprises for their friends and family. Colin and Stephanie broke up not long after Tori was born, though they never actually admitted they were together to begin with. Then they tended to relapse a night or two every year. Right around the time Logan and Rory were moving, one relapse was a little more fulfilling than the others, and Stephanie showed up in London, distraught. She had found out she was pregnant and didn't know how to tell the dad. Everyone suspected it was Colin (there had never been anyone else for her), who somehow knew where she was and followed her. They finally admitted to each other that they were hopelessly in love and eloped before their son was born. They had a little girl two years later.

Robert had held out longer than most and just got married last year to another partner at the firm. They had just announced her pregnancy at Thanksgiving.

Juliet married an LDB member that she had reconnected with at a reunion, and they had two kids too.

Rosemary had been married and divorced twice. She had been married to her job for years, and it made it hard to maintain a relationship.

Finn had actually had a few relationships over the years, including the secretary, but nothing that lasted. He focused as much time as possible on his nieces and nephews and traveling to London and back frequently. He always said that someday he would get around to settling down. He did have a golden retriever that went everywhere with him, even the office. It seemed that, for now, that was enough for him.

Josh and Honor had a boy and the two more girls. They were all around the same ages as Logan and Rory's kids and thick as thieves when they were together.

Luke and Lorelai had talked a lot about having more kids but eventually decided that they would like to adopt an older child that needed a loving home. To their surprise, an opportunity arose to foster a set of twins, a boy and a girl, that were seven years old. They had to work hard to earn their trust but, eventually, they had formed a strong bond that turned them into a family. It was actually the kids that asked Luke and Lorelai to officially adopt them. They had been ready for awhile but waited for the kids to be ready too.

Richard and Emily travelled to London often in the first few years after they moved, but it didn't take long for their health to make it harder and harder. They still tried to come once or twice a year, but mostly just enjoyed their time together at home or at their house in Nantucket.

Mitchum and Shira didn't make the trip often, but, when they did, it was always nice. Shira had never stopped supporting them and doting over her grandchildren. Even Mitchum had become a softy where his grandkids were concerned.

Paris and Doyle eventually got married and had a daughter. She was a world renowned surgeon in New York, and Doyle was an editor at the New York Times.

Lane and Zach had one more kid, a girl. They would tour the state in the summer and stay home with the kids during the school year.

Logan whisked Rory away to Paris for their anniversary. They had a beautiful and delicious supper and were now relaxing in their suite.

"Well, Mr. Huntzberger," she held up her glass of champagne, "it has been a hell of a ten years. Do you think we can do another ten? Maybe even twenty?"

"I'm not going anywhere, Ace. You'll have to die of old age just to be rid of me," he said as he clinked his glass with hers.

"What do you think the future holds?"

"Well it's hard to tell. There is one thing I've been meaning to talk to you about though."


"How would you feel about going home?"

She turned and looked at him, shocked. "What do you mean go home?" She asked slowly, trying not to get ahead of herself.

"Well, I think it's time we go back to New York, maybe even Hartford if you want."

"For good?"

"Barring the occasional, and I promise very occasional, trip to check up on things here...yes, for good."

"Yes, yes, yes!" She set down her glass and crawled on top of him, straddling him. "It's not to say that I haven't enjoyed living here Logan, I really have, but I'm ready to go home." She kissed him hard.

"Easy Ace, you already wore me out. I'm glad you want to go home. I've been watching a guy in our office for some time now, and I think he's ready to take over. It's going to take some time, but I think that by the time the kids finish out this school year, I should be ready to hand it all over. Does June sound ok?"

"It sounds perfect. I love you Logan." She kissed him again, but this time he responded in more ways than one.

"I love you too Ace," he murmured as he rolled her over and showed her how much he loved her and appreciated her.

The End.

Ahhh! It's over! I have had so much fun! I didn't even realize until just now that it is technically ending where the timeframe for the revival picked up! Since it's almost that time, Merry Christmas! Thanks for the votes and the wonderful comments! 😘

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