Fallout Oneshots

By X0LoneWandererX0

15.3K 171 131

Just some smut, fluff, and funnies with your faves!! Read at your own risk!! Enjoy! :) Upon making a request... More

Paladin Danse X Sole Survivor (Reader)
MacCready [Request] X Magnolia's Sister (Reader)
Nick Valentine X Secretary (Clover)
Danse Jokes
Father x Lab Worker (Reader)
Red Tourette [Request] X Sole Survivor (Nate)
Sarah Lyons [Request] X Initiate Garret
Hancock X Sole Survivor (Nora)
Father x Lab Worker (Reader) PT. 2

Hancock X Sole Survivor (Thea)

1.8K 19 4
By X0LoneWandererX0

Missions were just missions to Sole Survivor Thea she never bothered to think about the task at hand, but she could see something was bothering Mel. Each time his robot, Sonya, blew up a wall, getting them closer and closer to Diamond City strongroom. He became more aware of the location, and nothing seemed right to him.

"Sole," Mel said, gaining Thea 's attention, "If Bobbi's directions are correct, and I have my doubts, the strongroom should be right through here."

"Doubts?" Thea questioned him.

"It just doesn't seem like we're under Diamond City, does it? I don't think Bobbi is telling us everything about this job...."

Thea sighed, "Okay, I'll go talk to Bobbi." She walked away from Mel going up to Bobbi.


"Getting closer..." Bobbi said, sounding pleased with the progress.

"Of all the ways to make caps, why this?" Thea went straight to the point wanting to get this mission done with and walk away with all the caps, but everyone has to be on the same page in order for this to work.

"It may be more personal than I let on. Let's just say I have beef with the mayor, thinks he can keep Bobbi No-Nose on the sidelines... But, uh, forget about all that. We have a job to do."

Thea raised an eyebrow, "Bobbi, with all honesty, you don't seem to have a very good reputation."

Bobbi shrugged her shoulders, "Look, I'm a ghoul woman with big ideas. There's no way I could get anything done without ruffling a few feathers."

It was obvious to Thea that this mission was personal to Bobbi. Could she be getting revenge on Mayor Mcdonough? Thea thought, but she had a gut feeling this couldn't be with him. Yes, the man hates ghouls, but this feels something, even more, closer to Bobbi.

Thea turned away from Bobbi. Looking at Mel, he stared at her, but with nothing to say, all she did was shrug at him. He sighs, running a hand through his hair he ordered Soyna to blast down the last wall. After she blasted the wall, the three walked into what seemed like a large chamber with a solid cement ceiling.

Thea looked around the place, stepping into the water and waiting for Bobbi to say what's next.

"Great, now my socks are wet," Bobbi grumbled, "Well guys, we're right under the Diamond City strongroom."

"You sure this is the right place?" Mel finally questioned Bobbi himself, "I've been mapping it out, and I think Diamond City should be a little further north of here."

"I don't have a doubt in my mind. How about a little trust for the boss?"

Thea snorted, "Tell the truth, Bobbi, where are we?"

Bobbi rolled her eyes, "Under the Diamond City stronghold. And that is the last time I'm saying it." She said sternly, starting to get annoyed with the constant questions, "We still need a way to get up there, though. Mel, do you think your robot will work here?"

Mel looked around, "Look at this place! The foundation is already crumbling, one blast from Sonya, and I bet the floor above would come right down."

"Well, then make it so," Bobbi said.

"Okay, everyone, clear out! Sonya, prepare yourself for a blast at maximum power!" Mel yelled. The three of them hurried out of the basement, getting away from the blast. It was loud and shook the ground and walls.

"That didn't sound good," Mel said, concerned for Sonya he hurried back in after the blast Bobbi and Thea right behind him.

Sonya lay on the ground, sparking with smoke coming from her.

"Oh, no, no, no! Sonya!" Mel cried out.

"Pull yourself together, Mel." Bobbi grunted, "We don't need that thing anymore."

"Have some respect." Thea rolled her eyes, patting Mel on his back.

"But..." Mel stared sadly at Sonya.

"It's okay, Mel, maybe you'll find some parts in the strongroom to make a Sonya 2." Thea smiled at him, trying to cheer him up.

He sighed, "I guess." The two followed Bobbi up the celling part that fell. Thea quickly looted the place, finding caps and ammunition.

"Through here!" Bobbi yelled on the other side of the room. She opened the door to the strongroom, Thea, and Mel, going with her.

"Bobbi, what are you doing here?" Fahrenheit said, shaking her head and standing on the ramp overlooking everything with two guards beside her.

Bobbi brought out her gun, "Shit."

Thea looked at Fahrenheit in confusion. Why would she be in the Diamond City strongroom? She wouldn't care if we stole from Mayor Mcdonough, Thea thought.

"You seriously didn't think Hancock would catch wind of your scheme? He took you in, Bobbi, and you're stealing from him?"

Thea's eyes went the size of golf balls, Hancock? Her mind went completely blank hearing the name of her crush, a man she admired very much. Thea quickly got him out of her mind, returning to her senses she turned to Bobbi furious. She hated being lied to, and if she knew the strong room belonged to Hancock, she never would've agreed to do the dig.

"Son of a bitch!" Thea shouted, "Mel was right!"

"Dammit, Bobbi," Mel said angrily.

"Don't listen to her!" Bobbi shouted looking at Thea and Mel.

"Don't listen to her?! At least someone around here tells the truth!" Thea shouted.

"I see the rest of you are in the dark about this," Fahrenheit said shaking her head, "Nice, No-Nose. You all just broke into Hancock's storeroom. You know Hancock? The mayor of Goodneighbor?"

Thea angrily kicked a can that laid on the ground. Not to mention the man that sets a fire in my heart! Thea angrily thought, what is he going to think of me now?

"Fucking hell!" Thea shouted. Mel crouched trying to contain his anger.

"Listen, guys, I know this isn't what you expected but there are still a ton of caps on the line here. Help me take her out and all of it is ours." Bobbi said trying to convince us.

"Enough!" Mel yelled standing he walked right up to Bobbi, "Don't you hear yourself? This is Hancock we're ripping off here! I don't know if you realize this but the guy tends to hold a grudge."

"Bobbi, what sort of beef do you have with the man that you're wanting to steal from him?" Thea asked remembering the conversation from earlier.

"Everyone one is so damn afraid of him or in love," Guilty as charged on that one, Thea thought to herself, "He thinks he's invincible. I wanted to show he wasn't."

"Jesus Bobbi."

"Counteroffer. Just go back into your tunnel and we can forget this ever happened. What do you say?" Fahrenheit offered.

"Let's go if we leave now we leave with our lives," Thea said having a stare-off with Bobbi. She didn't want to go but a ghoul knows when they're outnumbered.

"You're right." Bobbi sighed lowering her gun her and Mel left going out the door they come in. Thea was about to follow them but Fahrenheit's hand on her shoulder prevented her from doing otherwise.

Thea turned to her with confusion before she could say anything Fahrenheit spoke dropping her hand from her shoulder, "Good choice but Hancock wants to see you. He wasn't very happy to hear that the great Sole Survive was involved with this."

Thea's heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach, "But you had to believe-"

She waved her hand dismissing what she had to say, "Talk to him about it and I have strict orders if you don't head there now I get to drag you to him by your hair." She threatens with an evil laugh.

Thea swallowed hard, "Okay, okay! I'm going!" Thea left the strongroom heading straight to Goodneighbor.

Hancock anxiously sat down on his couch lighting up a cigarette waiting for Thea to show up. He glanced at his coffee table his favorite drug Jet laid there begging to be used but for the first time, he didn't want to. He needed to deal with the matter at hand with a sober head and no it's not the fact she broke into his strongroom it's the fact since she first showed up at Goodneighbor he's been feeling things he's never felt before. The feeling is stronger than Jet and he's not sure how to feel about it.

Thea burst through the door taking him completely by surprise he stared at the beautiful brunette in her blue 111 vault suit, "Hancock, I'm so sorry about what happened! I had no idea what Bobbi was up to!" Thea gushed pacing back and forth biting on her thumbnail. He's never seen the Sole Survivor so worked up before.

He put out his cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table, "Thea, take a seat." He patted the spot beside him wanting her to sit. She came to a halt with her pacing walking to the couch she sat down beside him her heart racing, "It seems you're going to have to make it up to me." Hancock smirked at her getting comfortable in his seat.

She stared at him, "H-How?"

Hancock placed a hand on Thea's thigh catching her off guard, "By telling me how you feel about me." Feelings are the one thing Hancock hides from fear of being rejected runs deep within him and if Thea were to rejected he would never be this sober again but he wouldn't dare to let her know that.

Thea's face went bright red staring at his hand on her thigh, "I, uh, Hancock," She was at loss for words. Her brain suddenly went into a scrambled mess her heart yelling the answer at her.

She liked him -obviously- she always has since she met him. He was cool, collected, and always looked out for his people and him being a ghoul never bothered her.

She wished the words would spill out of her mouth but instead of saying it, she showed him instead. Thea climbed onto Hancock's lap taking the ghoul by surprise she wrapped her arms around his neck placing her lips on his loving the rough feeling. Hanock quickly recovered wrapping his arms tightly around her waist he pulled her closer to him tired of the space.

The simple kiss turned into a makeout session. Hancock ran his tongue across Thea's bottom lip wanting access to her beautiful mouth. Thea shyly opened her mouth letting his tongue slip through he rubbed it against hers loving the feel of the flesh. He could sit like this for hours just kissing her she was so intoxicating but he ended up breaking the kiss first knowing she had to breathe eventually.

He rests his forehead against hers listening to her breathe, "So you do feel the same as me."

"You like me too...?" Thea asked staring into Hancock's eyes he placed a hand on her cheek caressing her smooth skin with his thumb.

"Yes, very much so. I wanted you to admit it first because honestly, I hate rejection, and if you didn't feel the same way it was gonna be buried and done with. This is quite new to me and yes I used what happened in the strongroom as an excuse to see you."

Thea smiled at him, "So you're not mad at me?"

"How could I be mad at you?" He stood lifting Thea up with him she wrapped her legs around his waist his hands under her butt holding her up. He walked to the corner of the room where the bed was gently tossing Thea onto the bed. She squealed with laughter bouncing on the bed he laughed at her getting on the bed himself he crawled to her capturing her lips again in a heated kiss. Thea shoved his red jacket off wanting more than just his lips once it was off she tossed it to the other side of the room then started unbuttoning his already halfway unbutton shirt greedily taking the shirt off Thea ran her hands over his back shivering at the feel of his rough skin.

"I have to ask...Are you sure you want to be stuck with this ugly mug?" Hancock asked wanting to make sure this is what she wants.

"Yes, of course now shut up and kiss me." Thea laughed wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Damn, I'm gonna be really mad if this turns out to be one big Jet fantasy." Hancock amused grabbing the front of her vault suite, "I hope you don't like this too much." Being the impatient man he is he ripped it right off of her throwing it across the room.

"Hancock!" Thea squealed.

He laughed at her, "What?" He said innocently, "It was in the way and this is too." He tore off her bra tossing it across the room he wasted no time attaching his mouth to her small bud.

Her laughter was replaced with moans as he sucked harder on her nipple his hand playing with the other one not wanting to leave it lonely. He was getting turned on more by the second her moaning and her nice nipple in his mouth made him wild.

He let the nipple out of his mouth with a loud popping sound. Thea blushed as he moved lower down her body leaving a trail of wet kisses along his path till he reached his desired goal. He wanted to rip the obstacle -her panties- away in a second getting to the main course but he wanted to take his time with her but it was hard all he wanted to do was bury himself deep inside of her.

He licked the outside of her panties tasting her wetness he couldn't hold it in any longer he ripped her panties off placing his mouth right on her clit he licked and sucked it.

Thea gipped the mattress underneath her feeling her body unravel with his mouth on her. It was amazing and got even better when he slipped in a rough finger. She gasped tightening her walls around him. His finger felt foreign but it didn't take her long to get used to it he added a second finger moving them in and out faster and faster each time.

Her body began to quiver feeling close to her peak he suddenly removed his fingers and mouth earning a slight whine from Thea.

The ghoul devilishly smiled at her, "The only thing that's going to make you cum is my big dick." He quickly rips off his pants sticking his member deep inside her. Thea was completely taken back at the size of him she was in pain but his kisses made it better.

"Thea..." Hancock whispers into the side of her neck.

"Yes, Hancock?" She hummed the pain she felt replaced with pleasure. She started rocking her hips Hancock deeply moaned into her neck.

"I love you." With that, he pounded into her not giving her the chance to say those words back. She was lost in the pleasure he was giving her already close to orgasming.

"Hancock!" She cried out his name arching her back her body shook underneath him as she came around him, "I love you too.." She said softly he almost didn't hear her from all the panting and moaning.

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her up to him where she was on his lap. He groaned into her hair thrusting a few more times then finally releasing himself inside her.

The two laid down panting beside each other. Thea curled up around Hancock snuggling up to him in comfort.

"I should break into your strongroom more ofter." Thea joked with a smile looking up at the ghoul while rubbing his chest with her hand.

"Do it again and you best believe my big dick will be there to greet you."

Thea giggled, "That wouldn't be so bad..."

He flipped them over getting on top of her, "How about round two?"

The two went at it all night losing themselves to each other over and over.

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