Kings And Pawns {Mavin Fanfic}

By The-Mad-Queen

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The Mad King has ruled for years. Like a dictatorship, no one has been able to overthrow him. Not even the be... More

Chapter 1 -- The Two Musketeers
Chapter 2 -- Edgar
Chapter 3 -- Bad Luck
Chapter 4 -- Race Against Time
Chapter 5 -- Wait For It
Chapter 6 -- Knock Knock
Chapter 7 -- I'm Sorry
Chapter 9 -- Rage Quit
Chapter 10 -- One More Time
Chapter 11 -- My Boi
Chapter 12 -- Not Careful Enough
Chapter 13 -- Potions
Chapter 14 - Rise and Fall
Chapter 15 -- Don't Do That Again
Chapter 16 -- I Love It When You Say That
Chapter 17 -- It's Hot In Here
Chapter 18 -- Can We Not
Chapter 19 -- Rosethorns
Chapter 20 -- Demise

Chapter 8 -- Visitor

511 25 0
By The-Mad-Queen

Chapter 8


(Quick AN - Oh my god, almost 50 reads! <: Thank you all so much!)

{Gavin's POV}

What do you bloody suggest we do, then, Ray?!” I fell onto the bed, sighing as Edgar trotted up out of nowhere. She seemed to come and go when she pleased, and something would always be misplaced or wrong where she had been. She had managed to get into a chicken pen and, when Ray had found her, the chickens had died without any signs of blood or sabotage at all.

Ray sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know, Gav. We can either return her and be fine, or think better of it and not – and probably end up dead.” He leaned against the wall, frustrated. “I say we do the first option.”

I felt Edgar jump onto the bed, settling at my feet with a soft moo. Sitting up slightly, I looked at Ray. “But look at her, Ray. She couldn’t be responsible for all this.”

“You heard what the king said. She causes damage.” Ray gestured to the room – which was not exactly tidy. A small pile of books was knocked over, paintings either torn or had fallen to the ground – even a small corner had a large pile of dead bugs in it. “This looks a hell of a lot like damage.”

I sighed. “But it couldn’t have been her – she hasn’t even got claws to tear the paintings, Ray.”

Ray glared at me. “She could be cursed – or, even worse, controlled by the king himself. We don’t know.”

“That’s the thing! We don’t bloody know!” I shouted, then immediately regretted it, putting a hand over my mouth. “Sorry, Ray, I just . . . he’ll torture her.”

Ray sighed, nodding. “I know, Gav.” He looked outside, the sun beginning to set. “I have to go, anyways. It’s getting late, and there might be something out there come dark. They might have gotten rid of all the creepers, but there are still thousands of other things out there to try and kill me.” He laughed.

“Yeah. Try.” I mocked, smiling. “You better go, though.”

Ray nodded. “See ya, Vav.”

I chuckled, giving a fake salute. “See you, X-Ray!”

Ray, with a swish of his cape, walked out the door, a smile still plastered on his face. Through the window, I could see him mount his horse, immediately taking off in the opposite direction.

I sighed, looking down at Edgar. “What are we going to do about you, love?”

Edgar simply mooed in response.

I scratched behind her ear like a dog, smiling weakly as I laid back down, staring at the ceiling.

Maybe Edgar was possessed. Or something of the sort. I hadn’t even paid attention to the paintings until Ray had pointed it out – for some reason, everything but Edgar seemed perfectly normal. Every once in a while, Edgar would seem dead or injured, and a minute later be fully healed without a scratch or drop of blood anywhere near her. Civilians complained about how their livestock was being threatened – but that was blamed on wild creatures. Maybe that was Edgar too?

I rolled over, sighing and closing my eyes.

Or maybe it was a curse? The Mad King always said Edgar wasn’t a specific cow – only whichever he deemed worthy. Maybe the reason was because it didn’t matter what cow or bull he picked – they all turned into Edgar.

My thoughts drifted – and I felt Edgar move from the bed to the floor. When I moved again, it was because of a small rustling in the corner.

I flipped over again, finding the room illuminated by the moon – which was already halfway through the sky. The paintings were still slightly torn, books tipped, but Edgar sat in the middle of the room. She looked through the window, staring up at the moon. At her feet was a small lump of . . .

I stood, confused. What the . . .

I reached down, finding a dead bird in front of Edgar. She did not look at me as I picked it up, nor when I gently poked her. “Oh, no. Not another one.” I sighed, referring to the third time she had spaced out this week. I walked towards the door, yawning. “What are we going to do with you, really?”

I opened the door, ready to toss the dead bird out in disgust.

“I think I might be of service.”

Standing at the door was a

Curly-red haired

Bear-skin hooded

Brown eyed


My heart skipped a beat as I nearly stumbled backwards over Edgar, who now seemed to be behind me, looking up at the man.

The dead bird still in my hands, I stuttered, “I . . . how . . . w-what are you doing h-here?”

Mogar simply looked at the bird in my hands, his gaze blank. “Here, let me help you with that.”

He reached forward, and I immediately flinched.

His chocolate-colored eyes met mine for a second, and I thought I saw a bit of sorrow in his blankness. He reached for the bird again, and I hesitantly let him take it. He lingered for what felt like a bit too long to be on accident, then gently tossed the carcass outside.

Mogar then turned back to me. “What were you doing with a bird?”

“W-What are you doing here?”

Mogar seemed to be confused at the question. “What do you mean?”

I backed up slightly, finding Edgar had retreated back into the house. “I mean why is the King’s right-hand man here?” I gasped slightly. “Y-You said I had a week!”

Mogar raised his hands slightly, shaking his head. “No, I’m not here for—you think I’m here to kill you?”

I nodded, watching him weakly. He was in my doorway, and hadn’t made a move forward. I was near the bed now, backing up like a scared animal – which, I have to admit, I was. Edgar was looking back at the moon, mesmerized again.


Well I’m not.”

“Then what are you bloody here for?

Mogar sighed, his shoulders dropping. He looked genuinely depressed. “I came because I needed to tell you something.” He reached into his backpack pulling out what I had least expected.

I expected some kind of weapon.

He was definitely playing me – no way he wasn’t here to kill me under kings orders.

I expected some kind of poison.

Or maybe the king’s little dragon. He could easily finish me off just by looking at me.

But I hadn’t expected this.

In his hand were bloody,


Halves of an arrow.


Oooooh my god I’m actually really proud of this chapter!

I hope you guys are enjoying!

Yes, finally Michael and Gavin meet! <: Well, they have before buuut you know, officially.

Hehe Michael you sly fox.


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