The Hollywood : Reign 》Audrey...

By RedBeautifulPink

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It has now been a year since Audrey Blanchard has created her youtube channel. Since then she has launched an... More

A VLOG INTO THE LIFE OF A BUSY BEE ! *insert clickbait title*
Ant & Dec's Undercover Prank On Audrey Blanchard !
Instagram drama
Twitter Drama !
Audrey : from doubts to embarrassment..
The TRUTH about the Audrey Blanchard COACHELLA ASSAULT !
Audrey's official statement
Audrey's public appearance at the Queen's birthday concert..
The Return of Audrey Blanchard


766 23 14
By RedBeautifulPink

"What's gucci, Blanchers ! How you doin' today ?"

"And before I forget, good morning, good afternoon and in case I don't see you, good evening and goodnight ! So yesterday was the MTV European Music Awards and guess who won an award ? Yeah, Audrey Belle for the win ! Uh huh ! I'm now in Manchester with the fam but last night I won the award for best new act, which amazing ! So today, we are travelling all the way to Warrington because my friends from The Vamps are  having this mini event and I'm joining them for our song and to share a small performance of a couple of songs of my new album, then I'm taking the train down to London for an interview and I think that's all that's planned out for the moment but it's currently 9am I'm supposed to be in Warrington for 10.30 so with a bit of luck, I'll be there with some time to spare. Will ! You ready ?!" I shout putting on my coat while holding onto my vlog camera

"Yep, you got everything ?" he asks me, I nod while adding a beanie and a thick scarf to my outfit to keep me warm "You're not bringing that think are you ?"

"That think ? No... I'm bringing my camera to film, my daily life." I say ironically "He doesn't know that vlog life." I tell the camera while getting into his car "So guys, this is my cousin Will. Do you want to present yourself, maybe this will finally help you get a girlfriend ?" I say poking fun at his 'love' life

"I'm good." he says as he backs the car out into the road and we drive off, our drive to Warrington later ending up into a carpool karaoke :


"What's up guys ?! Finally landed in Wa- wait did I just say landed ? Will has just dropped me off in Warrington. He has now gone to work, because he has a real job. By that, I mean he's got a regular job. Now, I've entered the building through the backdoor but I have no idea, where I'm actually supposed to go. I know I'm supposed to be rehearsing on stage, before the actual performance but I don't know where I'm supposed to go- Oh wait James is calling me. Yeah, I'm at the venue but I don't know where I am."

"Are they any signs near you ?"

"Signs ? I've got the emergency exit map sign thingy on the wall next to me."

"Where's does it say you are ?" he asks me

"Entrance B." I explain

"Audrey's at entrance B." I hear him say to someone through the phone

"Entrance B, belongs to the school next door, she needs to get out and head for the closest red door on her right."

"Did you hear that, love ?"

"Yeah, I'm heading there now."


"I'm finally at the venue with the band and basically what happened is that the venue we're performing in used to be gigantic and so now part of it was given to the school next door as an auditorium/conference room. And basically I broke into part of a school without meaning to. So yeah, anyway... I'm now here with the lads." I walk from where I'm standing in the middle of the stage down to its edge, to sit down next to Brad who's sitting on the edge of the stage "Boy, don't take it personal, but personally I think you'd be better with somebody like me..."

"That's so corny." he tells me with a smile

"Hey, it's your song." I tell him

"But you're featured on it."

"Still your song that you wrote." I tell him


I'm laughing as the camera is turned on "Guys, this show was amazing ! I had so much fun with my boy, Brad !" I grab his cheeks like a grandmother would "Isn't he a pretty boy ? Yes, he is. Yes, he is." he pulls away laughing at my silliness

"Hey, I'm the oldest one, here. So show some respect, me dear." he tells me

"True, true... I was always told to show some respect to the elderlies !" I mock him, wearing a big smirk

"Why, you little !" he picks me up and twirls me around quickly

"Okay, smarty pants, you're the one, that said you were older than me !" I argue as he puts me down

"Yeah, well you are like, I don't know sixteen ?" he jokes making me scoff

"Well at least, I don't look like I'm thirteen !" I counter attack

"Okay, kids. Settle down !" James says as he walks to us

"Yes dad." Brad and I both say at the same time "Jinx ! Double jinx ! Triple jinx ! Quadruple mega jinx ! Peanut butter on a baseball bat ! With a cherry on top ?! Why ? Stop- Stop repeating me ! Me, no you- Stop-"

"Audrey, your car's here !"

"Bye !" Brad and I say at the same time, I then go and give all the guys a hug finishing off by Tris who was holding my camera


"So, I've just sat down on the train and by some coincidence, I've just met two Blanchers. Tell the others your names."

"I'm Noah and this is my twin sister Desirade." the young boy answers

"And how old are you ?" I ask them

"We're thirteen and a half." Desirade says with a big grin comparable to one that the Cheshire cat does

"So, what are you doing traveling to London, alone ?"

"We're going to visit our sister Drey who lives there with her boy friend, or should boyfriend Johan." Desirade explains to the camera

"And we were going to hunt for your hotel and try and get some photos with you..." Noah tells me

"Well, I'm going to turn off my camera now to save some juice, since I don't have a spare battery with me, but I'll see you when I get to London !"


"The journey was okay, now I'm just going to surprise my good friend, Charlie. Basically, he was supposed to leave today and his plane got cancelled so yeah, I didn't really tell him that I was coming back to London. So I just kinda used my celebrity status and said, that I was his girlfriend but we didn't want it in the media yet, which was a bunch of lies but whatever and that I wanted to surprise him and they gave me his room number. Which basically means if you're a celebrity, you can sneak into anybody's hotel room even other celebrity's or is it just because there has been rumours of us actually dating ? I don't know... I don't find it very safe, either way... Anyway, here's the card, that will open up the door and yeah, now I'm going to do the corny, cheesy thing, where I tell you guys to 'shhh...' even if nobody can hear you and I'm actually the one, that has to be quiet." I open the door and start whispering to my camera "I don't know if the mic is picking up any sound, but I can hear the shower running." I step into the vast room

"Superman's got nothing on me !" you can hear Charlie sing from the hotel's bathroom

"Well someone's having fun in the shower." I joke, "Okay, now let's set you up here." I say setting up my camera underneath the tv on an accent table, I then will edit a timelapse of me jumping on his bed waiting, looking around, messing about on my phone, snooping through his stuff, getting one of his flannel shirts out of his cupboard and putting it on, twirling around like a kid, jumping on his bed, playing on my phone, taking selfies, and so on...

The timelapse finishes with me looking at the camera, running around the room deciding where I want to hide... Choosing to just, get under his covers hiding my face. Charlie walks in, unknown to me wearing just a towel around his waist, singing along to my song with Shawn 'Lost In Your Light', he then notices a woman's body that looks asleep, quickly and quietly grabs his phone from the bedside cabinet starts dialing a number, then notices something out of the camera frame, walks closer to it, smirks... taps his phone and puts it back down...

"Oh sh*t, someone's broken into my hotel room... I wonder how ? If only I wasn't so undressed, I would call security..." he speaks up, his voice wavering like a person's would if they were a bad liar "Guess, I might as well-" he jumps on the bed blocking me under the covers, I then laugh "Nota Bene, if you want to scare me or surprise me, you should probably also hide your handbag, especially when it has a key ring attached to it, that I had made specially for you with written Belle, huh ?" he tells me as he lies on top of me, still on the covers hugging me, while let's remember that even though I'm under the covers he's only, only wearing a towel

"Missed you, Otto moto." I tell him

"Missed you too, Belly Welly" he answers me

"Now get off of me, you oaf !" I say pushing him off me, so that I can get out of the stuffy bedding "So, how come you missed your plane this morning ? Did you just forget to wake up or was it something else ?" I ask him laying on his bed, forgetting that my camera was recording us

"I know you're here for two more days, so I decided to change my flight and take a couple of days of my little promo tour." he explains laying down on his back pulling me into him, his arm wrapped around my shoulders and his hand resting on my chest, but not in a sexual way, it was an innocent action on his end, that can be misconceived as something more

"Urgh ! I hate these promo tours, for my first album; I didn't have to do any of this, but now, I have to do it..." I whine like a child

"C'mon princess, I'll be there with you for most of the way... At least, you won't be surrounded by petty people, who don't understand your world and work this time round..."

"In a way, I miss it..." I tell him and he turns his head to the side to look at me, as I snuggle closer and play with his hair "Back then, I was new to all of this and we all came from similar background's and were working towards this same aim, we ended up losing sight of what mattered and discovering stuff on each other and yeah... I didn't fully know everything that had been happening behind the scenes. Barely anybody was actually themselves. I'm so lucky though, I still got to meet amazing people and have amazing adventures, even though I felt used. I mean you've seem me facetime them..." I shrug

He gives me a tight hug "That Jack dude don't know sh*t about who you actually are... Oh, that makes me think- I think someone you know, tried to message me on twitter !" he says grabbing his phone from his bedside cabinet, you can see him messing around on his phone

"Oh that's the queen of the snake bitches right there... You know what, that doesn't surprise me. What she wrote to you doesn't surprise me. You know right before I took the radical decision to contact some lawyers to leave that squad of hypocrites, he contacted me. He told me, that I have to marry him, like a real marriage this time to better my career, MY career. Who da f*ck, is he kidding by saying that, like seriously ?! He was like your contract says this, it says that. If he decides it will better my career any ideas of his would overrule mine and my managers. He kept on hassling me for days on end, even Nick called me and said 'Oh I've always been honest with you, love. You should take the deal. Your career is starting to flop, since you broke up with Jake, this idea that you hate him and Erika, was a fun game while it lasted, but we no it ain't true, after all you did write a song about still loving him and all that, while dating Neels.' That was it for me, that's was the last sh*t, I could listen to coming from them lot."

He turns over and gives me a hug "I think the joke's on them, because now you've managed to transition into 'mainstream' stardom and their still this youtube talent incubator, not sh*tt*ng on youtube either, I came from their to, but yeah... They're not talented enough to actually transition, not like you anyway." he says comfortingly and kisses my forehead

"Aw... You're cute, but to ruin the moment, you're only wearing a towel, we're hugging on your kingsized bed and I've just remembered that my camera is actually recording this room and it's got a very good quality microphone attached to it."

"Then let's give them something to talk about." he whispers, the mic still picking up on that and I stare at him weirdly as it seems as though he's going to go in for a kiss, but instead he kisses all over my face like a parent would "Did you really thing I was going to kiss Belle ?" he asks the camera speaking loud and clearly, but then winks "Don't judge a book by it's cover !" he says as he get's up and walks off into the bathroom, grabbing some clothes on the way, as I laugh at his weirdness

I walk up to my camera and grab it, throwing myself backwards onto this bed "I love this bed, it's so comfy !"

"If you want we can chose this one !" Charlie shouts from the bathroom

"Hmm... I don't know !" I shout to him as he walks out with the bottom half of his clothing on "Damn, Daniel !" I tell him in an American accent "Mmh !" I say then giggle

"Is that my flannel ?"

"Nope !" I convincingly say, while raising my eyebrows at the camera

"I saw that, pretty sure it is mine..."

"Anyway ! So, I'm probably going to edit that out, what we just talked about. They don't deserve to get hated on for them just being sh*tty people, they still have people looking up to them, like I do, so it would be unfair of me to do that to them..."

"I think you're wrong. Look at what they did to those friends of yours and even to you. They don't care, that you are a role model and you've actually done nothing wrong, they still try and ruin you..."

"Exactly, I should be the better person, bigger person, by not being as petty as them." I share my thoughts

"You're right, yet someone is going to speak up one day and you're at how many followers on youtube ?"

"5 and some..." I shrug

"Million, right ?" he asks and I nod "You have the platform, to spread positivity and kindness, but also the truth... You may only have, half of what that guy has but if only one person out of two knows the truth, then many, many people are going to be aware, notice things they probably didn't before and speak up about it. Have you made up your mind ?" he tells me and I nod

"I'll make my decision later on, when I'm editing."


"Hey, so I'm currently on a plane editing this vlog and I just want to tell you guys a few things, knowing that this video will be uploaded as soon as I land and can connect myself to the airports wifi. So I was about to deleted the clip, you just saw after I surprised Charlie, but then I got thinking of what Charlie said, I've got thanks to each and everyone of you guys out there, a platform to spread positivity, kindness as well as the truth. The truth is in this- At the- I don't actually know how to fully explain this, so I think I'm going to go back in time with you guys and possibly add in a few clips of my vlogs to illustrate what I'm trying to say... My favourite Spanish boys recently came out with this story that at the Team 10 house, a lot of things went on behind the scenes and so I'm going to admit to you guys, that I don't think everybody is as innocent as they seem or say they are. Okay, so I'm going to take you back to this vlog of mine called 'HE NEARLY DIED !'. Basically, you know how Emilio is a 'savage' and jumped from the roof of the old Team 10 house, well this is just one example they are many more but I don't have them all on camera basically in the moments leading up to the jump into the pool, Jake 'joked' to his vlog camera and he even has it in his vlog that she, talking to about the Martinez' mum, who's a lovely human being by the way, won't know that he died if he died while doing the stunt. He showed more emotions towards the stuffed gigantic bears that were in the pool than one of his talents that seems him as an older brother getting severely injured or killing himself. Here's the footage :"

Jake whispers to his camera "She's never going to know, she lives in Spain. I'll just play it off, I'll act like something else happened, like I won't know... I'll get away with this trust me."

"Jake !" Audrey slaps him on the back of his head "Don't be rude."

Both Jake and Audrey, then go outside and see the pool full of bears "Lol, so you're ruining all my bears, let's see" Jake says then starts rounding up how much each wet/soaked bear cost him "these are like two hundred dollars each" and then he counts the bears "one, two, three, five... Come on guys, guys..." he whines

"Now it can be seen as a joke but now, I'm going to show a cute footage featuring Tessa, Emilio and moi from my vlog entitle 'PAYBACK W/ TESSA BROOKS' :"

"Yo, Emilio, where's Audrey ?" Tessa asks the Spanish boy, wondering where Audrey has disappeared to

"Huh ?" the twin asks

"Au-drey, where. is. she ?" Tessa repeats her question slowly

"Oh. Girl. Friend. Girlfriend is... huh ?" Emilio looks around confused

Tessa let's out a shriek and turns her camera, towards herself "Guys ! You heard it here first, #Audrilio is real ! Ahh !"

Audrey appears in the video's frame and looks at her weirdly "What's happening ?" she asks the Californian girl

"You. Girlfriend." he tells me and then picks me up

"I'm your what now ?!" Audrey asks him then stares at Tessa's vlog "When did this happen ?"

"Now you agree with me that is utterly adorable ? For some reason, for a very short moment Alissa and I were friendly towards one and other. Because, let's put it out there, she had something going on with Jake and I was the new girl that Jake invited to move in and was being a very touchy friendly kind of guy with and in that moment it seemed as though I could possibly be dating one of the Spanish twins soon. Admittedly, I did have a crush on Emilio, not Ivan, but Emilio before moving to the states, but upon meeting him, I couldn't imagine him as anything more than a friend, but now after being friends with Alissa for a bit we've both talked about a lot of sh*t that went down between us and this was one of them. So are 'relationship', between us two girls actually worsened from there, because not long after I uploaded my vlog on that day, Jake watched it and apparently would've said something along the lines of that beanie thinks he can get with that hot French girl I flew in ? Why'd you think I'd fly in some talentless sh*t with no following, no talent, no brains, no nothing, except a hot bod. Hmm... Yeah, not cool and sadly I dated that guy for a couple of months, yeah not the smartest decision on my end, but who doesn't get tempted to dated someone, who seems like the perfect guy ? Even though he has a very bully-ish kind of humour ? Now, don't get me wrong I'd hear the term 'beanie' very often coming from Jake's mouth and I probably used it myself, because he used it talking about the Martinez twins and I didn't know the meaning. I'm not from here, I'm not a racist person... I honestly love those guys. That's why there are plans for us to move together, even though I've got no time to do any actual research so I just gave them my maximum budget and told them to chose whatever... Anyway, I'm rambling. Now, one particular moment that didn't stand up to me as a sign was on my first day in the Team 10 house, basically Jake was telling Ivan or Emilio that they were ugly but for like no reason and at the time, I was like that's okay, that's a joke. But is it really okay, to 'insult' a person when they don't have the means to defend themselves ?" I ask the blanchers as I transition into the clip of my old vlog

Jake whispers to his camera "I'm talking in English and they like don't know what I'm saying but... his eyes are really blue, he's kinda ugly though." Jake jokes and Emilio turns towards Ivan and Audrey

Audrey vlogs and puts her hands on Emilio's cheeks and tidy his hair a bit "Don't listen to him, he's a big meanie."

"Meanie ?" he asks

"Um... How to explain... Su corazon es muy negro y fea." (His heart is very black and ugly.) she jokes, but tries and explain what a meanie is with a limited level in spanish

"He's mad." Jake suddenly says

Emilio suddenly starts babbling in spanish to Ivan, appearing to be offended by Jake's jokes on his comprehension of the english language and his comment about his physique.

Jake continues "Well you're ugly and no one likes you."

Audrey stares at her vlog camera "Well ! I'm just going to leave, before they start wrestling." she starts to leave and Jake tells Emilio, to go and die, she scoffs but smiles while shaking my head

"When you're new somewhere, you often don't understand the dynamic of that place and will just try and make peace and friends with everybody. Anyway, I'm now going to let you get back to your regularly scheduled vlog."


"I've just left, Charlie's hotel, 'cause this girl is tired and wants to go to bed..." I say and yawn, I open the door to my hotel room, notice something different and whisper to my camera "Blanchers, I think someone broke into my room ?" I walk further into my room and notice a mess that wasn't suppose to be there "Sh*t." I lie my camera down


"We are currently 4.03pm and I've just landed in London. I've been in contact with Audrey's assistant, who's waiting for me in her hotel room. 'Cause I've got a little girl to surprise..." Cameron introduces his plan "No... Spoiler alert ! The surprise in itself isn't me surprising her in England, no far from that, I've got a video on my phone of her manager announcing that-"


A camera slightly hidden on a shelf facing a sliding door cupboard but rotated towards the door "Blanchers, I think someone just broke into my room ?" Audrey whispers as she enters in the room and steps forward "Sh*t !" puts her camera down, she starts tapping on her phone, then puts it to her ear, sighs then taps on her phone and then puts it to her ear "Charlie ? I think someone's broken into my room. No, of course I haven't checked it. What if they have a weapon ? Okay, I'll check it. Will you stay on the phone with me while doing so ? Thanks." Audrey walks past Cameron's camera without noticing it, Cameron who is hidden in the cupboard sneaks out after she's walked past, standing right behind her.

"Voldemort !" he yells, making Audrey scream and drop her phone, then gasp then jump on him to give him a hug, as he laughs hugging her back


"Guys, you won't believe who came all this way to surprise me..." I say vlogging

"Actually, I didn't come all the way here to surprise you. I came all the way here, to haul your *ss back to the US." Cameron says popping into frame with his beard

"Why, you need someone to shave your face ?"

"Haha. You're so funny." he says with a poker face "No, I'm here with a video from Scooter, I'm just a humble messenger."


"Hi Audrey, we spoke earlier today at the moment you're watching this, I've watched you win yet another award in your already oh so short career and I can't help but feel so proud of you. I know, you love your rap and a rapper that I'm not going to say his name right away likes you as a vocalist. That's why, I have the immense pleasure to tell you that you will be performing on Saturday Night Live alongside..." Scooter pauses "Eminem." Scooter pauses "Now by the time you must have received this message it should be early evening on the 13th in England, so by 2am on the 14th, which means in a couple of hours I expect you to be checking in to your flight in destination to LA, because we have to move your schedule around since its such short notice."


"No way, no way, oh my freaking world ! I can't believe it ! I'm gonna be performing with Eminem on Saturday live on-stage.  Oh my world..." I say in shock as a knock on my hotel door can be heard "Yeah ?!" I yell "I'm not expecting anyone, unless..." I think out loud and then flash my camera to the floor, where my phone is laying there fast asleep, I then walk up to the door opening it "Hello love !" I greet my guest as I'm wrapped in arms "Umph !"

"You scared me." he mumbles into my ear

"Hey, Cameron's the one that broke into my hotel room to surprise me !" I tell him as he let's me go

"Huh, reminds me of something that happened to me today." he says as he bro hugs Cameron "Hey, man !"

"Hey !" Cam greets him

"What are you doing here ?" Charlie asks him

"Came to bring Audrey back to L.A." Cameron says honestly

"So you're coming to France with us ?" Charlie asks my best friend

"About that... I've been called back to America." I announce vlogging him "I'm gonna be performing with Eminem on SNL !"

"Why do you have to go back now then- Wait, don't you have to film- When are you headed back to LA, then ?" he asks me



"Guys, look who's a few seats in front of me !" I whisper to my vlog as I film the Martinez twins sitting in their seats but turned towards me waving at my camera "My babies, my bros... I'm gonna say hi."

"Audrey !" Ivan shouts making everybody else look at us annoyed

"Hi boys, I didn't realise you were going to be here... How are you doing ?"

"Good." Emilio nods "This is our friend Ruben."

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Audrey. A friend they met back in L.A." I greet

"Yeah, she my girlfriend." Emilio adds

"Yeah, still don't know when that happened or when I agreed to it." I say laughing, then spot Cameron walking back to his seat, which is next to mine "Cam !" I yell waving at him to come over, making the people from earlier grumble about spoiled kids "Guys, this is my best friend Cameron and Cam this is Ivan and Emilio my European bros and their friend Ruben." I introduce them, since they have never met in person

"You're Cameron Dallas ?" Ruben asks with big eyes acting surprised and like a fan boy

"Hi, can you return to your seats ?" an air hostess asks us as she squeezes past us

"No problem." Cameron asks as I answer by a simple "Sure." as we walk away

As we can hear Ruben say "Audrey is mmh..." making me raise an eyebrow "Oh my god and Cameron Dallas ? He does not look real." I turn around and spot Emilio filming him on his phone

As I sit down, I pull out my tray to set my tripod on it "We now have come to that part that you all hate. Yes, today's notification shout out goes to @CelestiaGaming for having my notifications turned on, from now on the first person who comments gets a shout-out on my next vlog ! Thank you for watching !"

I love you all very much ! Thank you all for watching and I will see you all very, very, soon ! Don't forget to like and subscribe ! À plus, bisoux ! (See ya, kisses !)


November 13th, 2017


The music videos for History and Let Me Go have been uploaded :

In History, the current boyfriend is played by Logan Paul and the ex is played by Cameron Dallas and Olivia Holt by Audrey Blanchard.

In Let Me Go, the love interest is played by Joe Keery and Hailee Steinfeld by Audrey Blanchard.


A/N : Whouu ! What is happening in this universe ?

What did you think of this chapter in particular ?

What do you think of the vlog ? What did you think of the twitter feed ?

Did you grab your blanket to read this newest vlog/development in Audrey's story ?

What do you think of her siding with the Martinez twins ?

Lastly, who do you want to see more of in Audrey's vlogs ?

I love you all and I will see you next Saturday aka December 23rd and also as a Christmas present on the 25th ! Byyyyyeeeeee !

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