The Only Thing That Matters

By rachael_l_wood

362K 9.1K 947

Isbell Murphy had her whole life planned out with her college boyfriend, Blake Williamson. But when she wakes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AMAZON IDEA (unedited)

Chapter 12

12.7K 371 86
By rachael_l_wood

Hello lovelies! I realized I said I wouldn't upload until I got 30 votes or it was next Wednesday, but inspiration kicked in and I suddenly had the urge to write it down and because I finished it, I couldn't just let it wait. However, this will be the only time I upload before I say it will be uploaded. I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

30 votes = early update. (MONDAY)

Other than that, you will have to wait until I get back from my school trip and trust me you won't want to wait!


Comment and vote! I'd love to hear your thoughts!



I watched the highlights of Briarcliff’s meet and greet with Blake Williamson. I watched as my daughter smiled to everyone she remembered from a couple years ago. I could tell a couple of people were asking where I had gone by the way my daughter looked at them when they asked. She looked utterly confused and I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about it.

 I knew she didn’t deserve what I had done. I couldn’t blame her. I blamed myself.

 I’m too childish to face my problems. I’m too scared to be courageous for my daughter.

 All I wanted was to see her again. All I wanted was to hold her again. All I wanted was to smell the sweet scent of strawberries again.

 And the moment I got it, I ran.

 I didn’t know what I was so afraid of. The moment I moved to SunsetValley, I realized I was being stupid. I guess I was in some sort of fog that I didn’t know how to get out of. Apparently, running away was my answer. However, as I sat here watching the highlights of the meet and greet in a town five hours away, I felt very alone.

 Sure, Madison and Darin were in the apartment upstairs and sure, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore right down the road permeated the air, however, I still felt empty.

 By the time I realized how stupid I was being, Blake would have already been done with his thing and he’d be getting ready to leave for Rome. Therefore, I decided to go on with my plan. Maybe a fresh start was what I needed.

 I shut off the TV as soon as the anchorman came back on. I got up from the couch, looking around at the unpacked living room. Everything was still sitting in boxes and I knew that I would have to put everything away eventually. I sighed, grabbing my light jacket from the chair perpendicular to my couch and headed out the door of my apartment.

 The cool, summer air whipped across my face inviting me to take a stroll. A couple walked slowly across the street and I couldn’t help the way my heart sank. If only I were that lucky. It’s funny how much bad luck one person could have. I tightened the jacket around my body and made my way for the beach.

 I passed by a couple of apartment buildings and it quickly faded into beach homes, piled against the water. I could hear a couple of children squealing as their parents chased them around on the sand. I smiled as the little girl, who reminded me of my daughter, ran away from her father and landed in the shallow water, screaming as she did so. Her father rushed over to her, picked her up and held her close, probably apologizing to her.

 I swallowed and kept on walking, enjoying the setting sun that was beating down on my body.

 So much in my life had changed over the past four years, I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I was a strong-willed woman who would do anything for her daughter, but as soon as she fell from my grip, it’s like I just gave up. I hated myself for it. I hated myself for letting my daughter get so far away. All I want to do is amend our relationship. Yet, if I tried now, I would be known as the mother who let her daughter down. It pained me to know so.

 All of sudden, my thoughts were interrupted by wall of muscle. I slammed into the figure and glanced up to see a man, brown-haired with caramel brown eyes looking down on me with a smirk plastered on his face. I backed up quickly and let out a nervous laugh. I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and placed a hand over my mouth. I could feel my cheeks heating up at my embarrassment.

 “Sorry,” I managed to choke out before stepping around him and continuing on, not wanting to embark in any conversation with this man. It was bad enough I ran into him. I felt a hand clasp my shoulder and I turned around. He was smiling and I could tell he didn’t care about the recent incident.

 “It’s fine,” he said, showing the white teeth that shined against his tanned skin. His hair was combed to perfection and he wore nothing but swim trunks and a mesh tank. I suddenly felt myself growing even more embarrassed for looking upon him like a hormonal teenager. I smiled shyly before turning again to continue my walk and get the hell away from him.

 “Wait. The name’s Shane Templeton,” he called after me. I stopped in my tracks and turned. I smiled weakly, tightening the jacket around my waist before opening my mouth to reply to his waiting look.

 “Heather Mason,” I answered. It was weird saying that name for the first time. The moment I changed it at the court office, the moment I realized my life was changing. When I wrote the name on the paper, submitting my final request, I felt new. I felt like me again, although I wasn’t me.

 However, no matter how hard I try Madison always ends up calling me Isbell. It’s bittersweet in a way. I still have part of my past, yet I had a brand new beginning in my hand at the same time.

 “Nice to meet you,” Shane smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back as he started back to where he had come from. I was about to continue walking when he whipped back around. I didn’t realize I was watching him leave until the same smirk plastered his face once more. I adverted my eyes quickly, hoping to seem somewhat like I wasn’t watching.

 “Would you like to join us in a little adult-version of sand volleyball?” he asked.

 “Adult volleyball?” I laughed. I saw him nod slightly and I felt my feet walking slowly towards him. It was almost like they knew what they were doing although my brain was telling them different.

 “Yep, it’s the same rules as in volleyball, only we can hit it as much as we want to get it over the net. Considering,” he answered, pointing over to a heavyset woman who was laughing at one of her peers. I looked at him in disbelief and he laughed.

 “It’s okay. She owns it.”

 I shook my head slightly, smiling at him and took up on his offer. It wasn’t like I was doing anything anyway. I would just be heading back to my apartment to sit in the dark and wallow in my sorrows.

* * * * *

 When he said as many times, he wasn’t kidding.

 We literally had hit the ball twenty times before we finally got it over only to get it handed back to us. I watched in disbelief as my other five team mates ran as fast as they could, some the pace of snails, to get the ball before it hit the sand. I laughed as the heavyset woman got the ball and went up to slam it over the net, only to be brought back down by earth’s gravity a little too soon and miss the shot entirely.

 I would catch Shane’s gaze every now and then and I found myself instantly feeling self-conscious. I smiled shyly at him before realizing the ball was coming straight towards me and I ducked, managing to hit it off my head and I fell to the ground. I could hear a couple of laughs from behind the darkness that followed. When I came to, I realized that Shane had hit the ball from across the net and was now huddled over me, making sure I was okay. The heavyset woman was right next to him, cupping her hand behind my head lifting it slightly.

 “You okay, hon?” she asked, searching my weary eyes. I nodded slightly, feeling the pain that was now entering my skull. I sat up slowly, feeling the earth spinning underneath me. I clutched on to the woman’s soaken shirt to steady myself. I instantly felt Shane’s hand clutch around my waist to help. I glanced over at him and smiled before the spinning became unbearable and I fell to the ground once more.

 I felt the concerned stares from all the people around me and I waved my hand in front of them.

 “I’m fine, I’m fine,” I reiterated again and again. I steadied myself once more and pushed myself up from the sand. I opened my eyes, and I couldn’t tell if I was hallucinating or seeing the real thing. In front of me, behind the woman I could’ve sworn I saw Jack Reynolds. However, the spinning that was accompanying my head wasn’t allowing me to focus on his face.

 “I think I’m just going to go home now,” I said pressing my fist against my pounding head.

 “Not by yourself,” I heard the Jack Reynolds person saying. By his voice I would swear it was him, yet I couldn’t exactly tell. Yet, the nervous feeling the surpressed me I could make out right away. If Jack knew I was here, that would mean he would tell Blake which would mean they would find me. I felt my blood pressure rising and the ground started spinning faster beneath me.

 “I’ll take you,” I heard Shane offer.

 I turned to face him and smiled. I nodded my head to give him an answer and he clutched tighter to my waist, grabbing my wrist with his free hand and led me away from the group. I glanced behind my shoulder and watched as Jack pulled out his phone, dialing a number I was more than positive was Blake.

 “Which way?” Shane asked as he slowly pulled me along the beach. I turned back around and tried desperately to get my surroundings. It was funny how so far into my thoughts I was that I hadn’t realized which way I had come. Seeing a diner I thought I recognized, I pointed in that direction. Shane nodded and pulled me slowly along, feeling my feet step up onto pavement.

 “So, how long have you been here, Heather?” Shane asked after a few moments of silence. The summer night’s breeze blew through my hair and I couldn’t help but feel at piece, even with the pounding headache that came on.

 “I moved here yesterday,” I answered closing my eyes to breathe in the salty air.

 “Really? Well you’ll enjoy it here. It’s very peaceful,” he said looking at the scenery we were passing. I watched as a woman walked out her front door, carrying two cans of beer and handing it to her friend who waited on the front porch.

 “I enjoy it already,” I stated. I felt Shane’s eyes roam the side of my face but I didn’t feel like opening my eyes to figure out why. I kept breathing in the salty air and breathing it out. I really did feel like I was going to like it here.

 We walked the next few block in silence, enjoying the cool night as the moon rose steadily in the sky. I hadn’t realized we were approaching the apartment until Shane stopped and pointed to it. I was confused as to how he knew where I lived.

 “That’s where I live. Apartment one nineteen,” he said. I glanced over at him and nodded my head, smiling slightly as I did so.

 “I live here too,” I stated, pulling out my key from my jacket pocket. “Apartment one seventeen.”

 “Really?” he asked a smile creeping up his face. I nodded making my way up the sidewalk and to my door. I stuck the key in the lock and opened the door. I turned around and faced Shane who was standing outside waiting for something. I searched his face for any hints as to what he was waiting for but came up with nothing.

 “Well, thank you for the walk home. It was nice. And thank you for helping me up back at the beach. I can’t remember what exactly happened, but thank you for helping me,” I said. I smiled at him as he shifted on his feet, running his hand through his chocolate hair.

 “It was no problem,” he smiled.

 I made my way into the apartment slowly, holding the door in my hand. I flipped the light switch that was planted right next to it and glanced back at Shane.

 “Goodnight,” I said.

 “Goodnight Heather,” Shane said before turning on his heels and making his way to his apartment. I shut the door, locking the chain before making my way to the refrigerator and pulling a water from the open package. That seemed to be the only thing I had unpacked since I got here.

 I could hear Madison and Darin talking upstairs and I shook my head, hoping to block out the noise I did not want to hear. I took my bottle of water and made my way to the living room, flipping on the TV. I plopped down on the couch and scrolled through the channels, sipping water occasionally. Landing on the Notebook, I placed my water down on the ground and sprawled myself across the couch. The darkness succumbed me and I felt myself grow tired. I didn’t know what time it was, but the way my eyelids felt on my tired eyes was almost unbearable and pretty soon I found myself lulling myself to sleep.

* * * * *

 I didn’t know what time it was, but judging by the light outside my window I would guess six o’clock or so the next morning. I squinted my eyes and rubbed the soreness on my head as I glanced over at the door. Who on God’s earth would be awake at this hour, on a Saturday?

 I stood up, stretching in the process as another knock was heard on my door. I yawned, knocking over the bottle of water as I made my way to the door, deciding to clean it up later. I reached the door and opened it, half expecting Madison to be standing there.

 Instead stood someone I never thought would find me. His blonde hair blew in the morning air. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was hallucinating once more but came to the conclusion that Blake Williamson was indeed, standing in front of my apartment door.

 I suddenly felt anger rise up in me. Why the hell was he here, in front of me after I had started a brand new life? Why the hell did he have the audacity to wake me up on a Saturday morning? And why the hell was he here when he should be on a plane on his way to Rome with my daughter? And speaking of daughter, I did not see her in sight and I couldn’t help but wonder where she was.

 “What are you doing here Blake?” I hissed. I saw him smirk and he let himself in. I gawked at him, wondering where he got the idea that I wanted him in my home.

 “Where did you find me?”

 “Well it wasn’t hard considering that Jack lives here,” he answered, taking in his surroundings, shaking his head in disapprovement.

 “What? I haven’t had the chance to unpack yet,” I growled, going over to pick up the water bottle that I had kicked over. I felt Blake watch my every movement as I made my way to the kitchen to throw the bottle away in a trashcan that didn’t have a trash bag in it. I made my way back into the living room and searched for the box that was marked “Appliances” so I could retrieve my coffee maker and make some coffee seeing as I wasn’t going back to sleep any time soon.

 “Why are you here, Blake?” I asked once more. I spotted the box, unripping the tape and pulling out the coffee maker. Blake made his way over to me and helped me take it out. I looked at him with evil eyes and he backed up. Holding his hands in the air, he made his way to the couch and sat down. I felt myself getting irritated by every passing second.

 “Nice place you got here,” he said, finding the remote and flipping on the TV that apparently I had turned off in the middle of the night. As I placed the mashed up coffee beans into the filter, Blake continued to flip through my channels landing on the news which was ironically playing the highlights of Blake’s meet and greet. I rolled my eyes feeling the anger overpowering me.

 I slammed the coffee maker lid and started the machine, making my way back into the living room and I planted myself behind the chair. I stared at him, still waiting for the answer to the question I had asked two times already.

 “Why are you here, Blake?” I asked through slit teeth, the anger threatening to explode. Blake looked over at me and smiled. He looked so innocent that if I hadn’t known there was something he really wanted to say, I would have figured he was just here to see me.

 “Kayden wanted to see you,” he answered flatly. I glared at him, slitting my eyes so he could tell I wasn’t up for playing games. Realizing I was still in yesterday’s apparel, I wrapped my jacket closely around me and swallowed to keep myself from bursting into flames.

 “If she wanted to see me, why isn’t she here?” I spat.

 “She’s sleeping with Teresa at the hotel. I figured I’d come check and see if this was a suitable place for her to stay,” he answered calmly. Knowing my daughter was with some self-centered woman killed me and Blake knew it. He liked to fuel my fire and make every situation worse. However, he said Kayden was staying. What did he mean by that? Was I finally getting the visitation I was granted? Oh, he shouldn’t have.

 “What do you mean stay?” I questioned feeling my breathing start to pick up.

 “Stay as in here for the summer while I’m away,” he answered as if this was the stupidest question he had ever heard. I smiled, steadying the anger that was at the brim. I popped my neck and made my way back to the kitchen. Blake continued to watch TV as I made a glass of coffee. I went to the kitchen and pulled out what was left of my creamer and stirred it into the cup. I threw away the carton, giving myself a mental note of putting a trashbag in the trashcan today.

 “Well thank you for allowing me visitation I already knew I was granted,” I said sarcastically. I sat down in the chair and made sure my eyes watched the TV and not his face because all I wanted to do right now was bash his face in.

 “Don’t give me that damn sass or she can stay with Teresa,” he warned. I nodded slightly, cursing myself. He knew that I didn’t have the money to fight for my rights and he used that against me. I wanted to cry I was so pissed.

 “Sorry,” I replied sweetly making a statement. I took a sip of my coffee and turned to face Blake who was watching me intensely. I glared at him before taking another sip and watching the news.

 “Isbell,” he started. I whipped around and put my hand around to stop him. I looked him dead in his blue eyes and put one finger up.

 “First off, my name isn’t Isbell anymore. It’s Heather,” I snapped. He looked at me in shock before shaking his head and going on. He dismissed my whole comment altogether.

 “Isbell, this visit wasn’t about telling you I was letting you have my daughter for the summer,” he said, eyeing me.

 “My daughter,” I corrected.

 “Whatever. Anyway, there is something I need to tell you,” he said. I could tell whatever he was about to say was making him contemplate everything. I felt the anger rise up in me again, trying to put everything together. If he was bringing me back to court, I would have his ass for supper.

 “Isbell, I want you back,” he said.

 I felt the breath knock out of me. I stared at him in disbelief and all of a sudden I felt the coffee splash across my lap. I yelped in pain as the coffee soaked through my shorts and burned my skin. Blake jumped up and made his way over to me.

 I slapped him away as he tried to help. I was so angry right now all I wanted to do was strangle him, one for saying something like that and two, for making spill my hot coffee all over me.

 “Please, let me help,” he insisted reaching for the cup. With the cup still in my hand, I slapped him with it. I looked up at him, rage pouring out my eyes. I couldn’t stop the anger from seeping through each word that I said.

 “Get the hell out of my apartment,” I yelled. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, Blake following in suit. I whipped around, grabbing the rag off the counter and whipping it across his chest.

 “Now,” I snapped before running to the faucet and turning the water on. I ran the cloth underneath and steadily applied it to my shorts, trying desperately to get the coffee out of it. I felt Blake’s presence still behind me and the rage was still building. The volcano was due to erupt any time now.

 “Please, Isbell. I’m sorry, give me another chance. I love you,” he pleaded.

 “If you think I’m going to give you another chance, you might as well die alone. I will not ever give you another chance. You lost that eight years ago when you left me alone because I was holding you back. You son of a bitch. You can not just come in here and confess your love to me, especially when you’re engaged. Get the hell out of my apartment before I call the police,” I yelled shoving him towards the door. Hurt flashed across his face before anger clouded over. He looked at me and opened the door and made his way out, not before he whipped around and pointed a finger in my face.

 He crouched down until he was eye level, burning passion in his eyes. I felt bile rise up in my throat as I took in the tobacco smell that permeated the air around me.

 “You can forget about Kayden spending the summer with you. You had your chance. But you blew up in my face and I can see why the judge gave her to me. You’re a selfish little bitch who doesn’t know how to communicate with humans.”

 I smirked at his comment in disbelief considering it didn’t make any sort of since. I watched as he turned around and made his way down the sidewalk and to his car. As he was getting in, he looked in my direction and a smile creeped up his face.

 “But I know you, Isbell. Your eyes say it all. You love me and as much as you want to, you can’t deny it,” he yelled before shutting the car door, looking at me before a few seconds and then drove off.

 I slammed the door of my apartment and screamed. I’m surprised Madison didn’t come down to check for murder.

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