The Truth About The Narcissis...

By Captain-General

18.2K 485 627

So I came up with this story, pretty short, I guess?? So anyways.. Edd and Matt are just casually doing thin... More

Part 1: Best Of Friends
Part 2: Unraveling Secrets
Part 3: The Truth About The Narcissist
Part 4: Who?

Part 5: He Loves Me?!

3.7K 115 169
By Captain-General


I couldn't believe it, he actually likes me. I know that I've only fell for him a few minutes ago but, I think-

I think I like him as well.

YES I KNOW, cliché. Yadda yadda, but come I mean, come on, just look at him: He's charming, he's adorable, he's handsome?? Gosh Edd, I can't believe you're thinking this way.


"I actually can't believe that you see me that way. I never knew someone could describe me that way. I'm actually just a straight up asshole."

"What?! No you're not! You're a really nice guy!"

"I'm not! And how could you say that about me?"

"You care about your friends more than yourself, you try to get us to understand each other, and you accept me for who I am. You're just very special to me."

"I'm, just flattered. Thanks."

"You deserve it...."

"I just hope you won't look at me differently, now that I told you." Matt said breaking the quiet aura they had between each other.

"It's alright."


"Yes, I accept. I'm glad you told me though."

"I'm glad to let that out of my chest, I'm glad you're a friend who understands me."

Matt sighed in relief.

"But, I'm afraid that, this is has to interfere with our friendship." said Edd

"W-what do you mean?"

"I'm, so sorry Matt."

Matt sat closer to Edd. He was worried.

"Edd, why??"

"I'm, I'm afraid we can't be friends anymore."

"Edd, you can't be serious."

"I'm sorry, but I am."


"I'm sorry, Matt. I'm afraid this is how it's gonna end."


"I'm sorry Matt."

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Matt weeped.

Matt grabbed Edd and held him tight. He weeped and weeped (like how he usually does when his mirrors break). He pleaded Edd not to tell him those words.

"Please Edd!! You're my best friend! This can't happen!"

"I know, but, we can't be friends anymore."

Matt couldn't do anything but cry. He didn't want to lose his friend.

"I'm sorry, we can't call each other friends anymore."

"I'm afraid we can only be called:

Matt paused and stared at Edd. Edd winked back at him.


"Ahahaha, I got you good!"


Edd kept on laughing and laughing as Matt hit him multiple times.

"You should have seen the look on your face!"


"I'm sorry, I just had to."

The two eventually stayed quiet. They smiled at each other.

"So, uh.."


Edd gave Matt a quick peck on his cheek. Matt gets flustered, and because of this, he buries his face into the other guys chest.

The two are pretty awkward in this moment of time, they never knew that this was actually happening to them now.

Edd lifts Matt's buried face with his hands. He gently cups the ginger's face with his two palms. Edd pulls into a kiss. They had a passionate moment, a thirst for love.
Eventually the door bursted open revealing Tord and Tom carrying a bunch of alcohol cases and grocery bags.
Matt had to break the kiss before the two could see them.

"Oh hey Tom, hey Tord." said Edd.
"What's with the alcohol cases?" Matt asked in curiosity.

"Tom and I had a bet-" said Tord.
"Whoever drinks the most alcohol is the best-" said Tom.
"And the guy who loses does all the chores." Tord added.

"You guys are just plain lazy." Edd groaned.

"No!" the opposing team said in unison.
"Whatever. Just make sure you don't break the place." said Edd.
"Can you guys move over, we've got programs to watch."

Matt thought of an idea.
"Suuure. We'll be in Edd's room for a while. DON'T DISTURB US!" Matt quickly said.
"My roo-?" Before Edd could finish, Matt grabbed him and scurried upstairs.

Matt and Edd continued their 'business' in Edd's room. (Don't worry, it's all PG stuff)

"Boy, they're in for some challenge." Matt said in amusement.

"They're always like that." Edd replied.

Matt sat next to Edd on his bed. (Hey, that rhymes!)

"So, uh, about that kiss, why?" Matt asked.

"No questions, shush."

"You know, you're actually a good kisser."


"Sorry, I just had to."

"Uh, okay? That was the weirdest thing you've ever said."


"Sorry! Okay! But thanks, I guess."

Matt grabs Edd and holds him gently.

He slowly brings his face close to his partner, admiring him.
Matt really adores Edd. He could stare at him for ages. He then finds a pair of lips kissing back, the two were uneasy at first, then Edd kissed Matt passionately, he closed his eyes in embarrassment, Matt on the other hand enjoyed seeing his partner as if he were a beautiful scenery or a masterpiece in a museum, both of those things smashed together. Eventually they broke apart and looked at each other. Matt smiled softly, Edd responded with a tender giggle.

"You're very pretty, Matt."

"You're cute, Edd."

The two blushed at each other. They were admiring each other. They loved each other. The two ended up cuddling and smooching, with cute little giggles while they're at it.

"Hey Matt..."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

They hugged and shared kisses. At the end of the day they cuddled themselves to sleep. These two loved each other so much. These two are too precious for the world.


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