I Miss You, Asshole.

By SocialButterfly21

294K 3.8K 498

Meet Hazel. She's a naive, teen-aged girl starting off at a new school during senior year, you've all been to... More

I Miss You Asshole.
I Miss You Asshole. - The Beginning.
I Miss You Asshole. - Mixed Personalities.
I Miss You Asshole. - First Day.
I Miss You Asshole. - Making Friends.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Pixi Sticks.
I Miss You, Asshole. - What Would You Do For Ben & Jerry's?
I Miss You Asshole. - Sleepovers & Hugs.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Saturdays.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Walmart.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Awkward Moments.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Belly Piercings.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Hidden Pleasure.
I Miss You, Asshole. - In Too Deep.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Other Plans.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Happy Birthday!
I Miss You, Asshole. - Changed Perspective.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Realization.
I Miss You, Asshole. - School Days.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Truly Quinn.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Daily Dosage.
I Miss You, Asshole. - New Years.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Resolutions.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Old Strangers.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Mother of Pie.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Family Dinners.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Quinn.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Senior Prom.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Last Day.

I Miss You, Asshole. - Jocelyn.

8.2K 118 8
By SocialButterfly21

I dedicate this to the real Jocelyn who proved to me: "Life ain't worth crying over. YOLO." Also, Jocelyn is played by a known girl: Brookelle Bones! Google her beautiful green eyes! :D

"Hazel, your name is so ironic," Jocelyn said.

I blinked sleepily. "Um...thanks?" I took a short nap on the couch next to Jocelyn. She had woken up two minutes ago, but decided she was going to play with my hair.


"Whaaaaaat?" Jocelyn was twirling the brown strands around her finger. It kind of hurt but I'm trying to make a good first impression so I don't complain.

Logan appears in a black and gray striped sweater, black jeans, and white socks. "Why are you messing with my girlfriend's hair?"

"It's sooo silky!" Jocelyn giggles in glee.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Nineteen," Jocelyn replies. Suddenly, there's wide green eyes in my face. "What of it?!"

I jumped in surprise, my hazel eyes going large. "N-nothing!"

Jocelyn sits back and giggles. "Logan, she's a keeper."

I smile at the compliment. I look up to see Logan bend over and kiss my forehead. It left a tingle where his lips were.

"I know," He said.

"Hey! Where are you going all fancy-dancy?" Jocelyn asked quizzically. It was quite amusing being around Jocelyn. She just switches randomly from one subject to another in a blink of an eye.

"I'm just trying on clo-"

"We should go to the mall!" Jocelyn interrupts, her green eyes lighting up.

Logan and I exchange a playful eye roll. "Sure, why not?" Logan shrugs.

In a flash, Jocelyn is out the room and returning wearing a white 1D sweatshirt, white jersey shorts, and white sandals. "Leggo!" She shouts, tugging Logan towards the door.

I close the door for them and follow them out to Ashley.

"You can ride shot gun, Haze!"

Jocelyn jumps in the back seat, Logan starts the engine, and I barely have the door closed while he's driving off.

Jocelyn tisk-tisked him, shaking her head back and forth. "That is very, very, very dangerous mister."

"What do you know about danger Miss Attitude?" Logan retorts.

"I know a whole bunch, thank you very much!"

We joke and laugh throughout the whole ride. The mall is on the outskirts of town. Just beyond the 'Welcome to Brinch' sign is a lot of big businesses like McDonald's and Sears.

"This is 'The Mall'." Jocelyn explains to me dramatically.

"Why do they call it 'The Mall'?" I ask in the same dramatic voice.

"Because-" She starts.

"Because it's not in a town and no one bothered naming it so it's called 'The Mall'." Logan smirks at Jocelyn's sour expression.

"I wanted to say it," She whines, stomping her foot childishly.

"Too bad." Logan sticks his tongue out.

"Too bad my ass!" Jocelyn sticks her tongue out and does a silly dance.

I laugh.

It was so fun being around the two. They squabbled over the littlest things like what they had in Hot Topic or who could help me zip up a dress in the dressing rooms. Jocelyn won every time. We didn't buy anything by time it's evening.

Logan suggest going to the food court. I find myself eating A&W while Logan chases Jocelyn around the food court. Mall security was just arriving when they decided they've had enough.

"Tired?" I asked them.

Jocelyn shakes her head yes and bit into her cheeseburger. Logan takes long sips of Mountain Dew, also nodding.

I laugh at how calm they could be after doing the wildest things. They were so fun to be around. I wanted to do this everyday. I could do this everyday.

I smile at the thought.

"There's a fire starting in my heart, reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark." My pocket sang. It was my mom calling. Ironically, I put Rolling in the Deep by Adele as her ring tone. She loved that song too much.

"It's my mom." I mouth to them before leaving the table. I walk over to a quiet corner and answer my phone.


"Hazel-bay, I've been so worried about you!"

I realized I forgot to tell my mom where I was. "Oh! Sorry, Ma, I totally forgot to call you!"

"You should be! Your brothers and sister are driving around town looking for you."

"I'm at 'The Mall,' I think Carly will know where that's at."

"Okay," She sighs. "I'm going to have her come pick you up."

I glance back at Jocelyn and Logan. They're laughing and eating. "Are you mad?"

"No, just worried. Carly is coming to get you."

"Okay bye, love you."

"Love you, too, bye."

I sit back down at the table just as the both of them shot me worried looks. "Everything okay?" Logan asked.

"My mom didn't know where I was, so I'm getting picked up by my brothers and sister." I really didn't want to go, but because of my carelessness, I had to.

"Oh." Jocelyn looked like she didn't want me to leave either.

There was a pause.

"Well maybe you could come over tomorrow!" She grins excitedly.

I grin as well. "Yeah!"

Jocelyn grabs Logan's arm and squeezes it. "Please bring Hazel over tomorrow!"

Logan laughs. "Planned on it."

I smile up at him which he kindly returns.

"Aw." Jocelyn presses her palms to her cheeks and smiles. "You guys are too cute!"

Logan and I both blush shyly at once. It was comforting that I wasn't the one who's head-over-heels for the other. Logan the bad boy blushed tomato red.

"EVERYBODY! Put up your hands, say 'I don't wanna be in love, I don't wanna be in love'." My phone rang out Carly's personal ring tone she set last week.

Jocelyn jammed out to it until I answered it.


Unidentified loud music blasted in the background. Carly obnoxiously smacked her gum in the receiver. "We're outside."

"Okay, bye." I hang up and stand up. Logan stands up with me and follows me out. Jocelyn waves after us saying, "BYE! I'm still eating, though."

We take our time on the escalator, just standing close together, holding each other's waist. I didn't want to leave and neither did Logan.

"Why can't you stay?" He murmured in my ear. It sent a shiver going down by back.

I regain my composer and smile up at me. He leans in for a kiss that last for a good thirty seconds. The people behind us turned away in disgust. A little girl further up screamed, "Mommy, they're KISSING!"

We reach the bottom which is very close to the entrance of The Mall.

Outside, Carly's red bug is parked right out front. Evan is in shot gun with his head sticking out the window singing. Carly is leaning back in her seat and tapping the steering wheel. Zach is sleeping in the back seat.

When Carly spots us she, squints at Logan in questioning.

"Hey Logan." Evan greets us when we're inches away from the car.

"Hey Evan." Logan smiles. He let's go of my waist and I reluctantly let go of his. Evan watches the gesture with an amused grin.

"Bye Logan." I plant a short kiss on his cheek and climb in the back. Zach stirs awake and smiles at me. I smile back.

"Call me." Logan replied, his expression unreadable.

I buckle up. "I will." The car pulls of the curb. I give a final wave to Logan. He waves back until I can't see him anymore.


I jump at how loud Evan sounded. He's talking to me from the side mirror.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you guys were saying 'bye' for the last time of your lives." My heart clenches at the thought. No way in hell would that be happening.

Carly laughs her agreement."Seriously, there's always a tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow." Zach sings.

Evan and Carly crack up in the front seat. Zach keeps on singing. And I sigh sadly. I missed Logan already. He was being so nice today and being the best boyfriend. Jocelyn was awesome, too.

Now I'm stuck listening to my siblings mock me.

I eventually doze off to Zach telling a story about his day at work.

That night, I come home to a new laptop. It's a white Mac laptop. Y'know, the expensive ones. I honestly don't see how my mother affords these or why she gives it to me?

She knows I don't ask for a lot.

"Happy early birthday!" She squealed as soon as I stepped into my room.

I frown. "My birthday's not til December."

"It mind as well be, because you're the best daughter ever!"

"What do you want?" My voice goes flat.

Mom looks up with a serious look. "Distract Carly tonight long enough for me to sneak off."

"Deal." I smile. "But can you keep the laptop? I already have one."

"Planned on it." She pecks me on the forehead before dashing out of my room.

 I sigh. I knew it was too good to be true...

I slump onto my actual computer and log on to Facebook. Surprise, surprise, Aiden has an angry status. He seemed to only get online when he was mad.

Aiden Brown: And to think I had a chance. Just lost two friends today. Fuck them.

All I can do is roll my eyes and scroll my mouse down the rest of my dashboard. A couple of people from school had added me. Some I sat by during Study Hall and others I accidentally bumped into.

One friend request caught my attention the most though - Jocelyn BadAss Holster.


Instantly, a message from her popped up.

Jocelyn BadAss Holster: Hey! Logan locked himself in his room & is trying t text you. Do us ALL a favor and text him bac. ;)

Hazel Grey: Aha, sorry about that. xD

Sure enough, my touch screen lit up with a text. My Babe: I think you have me whipped. You're the only thing I can think about.

My heart fluttered erratically. Was this truly happening? You: Aha, I sure hope so, coz I miss you, too!

My Babe: Good ;) ...I thought it was just me.

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