Vernon X Reader [IN EDITING]

By pp-big

54.5K 1.4K 530

~ I was expecting to wake up in a hospital bed with a doctor standing before me. But instead I wake up in a s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

5.2K 124 66
By pp-big

I was expecting to wake up in a hospital bed, with a doctor standing before me. But instead, I wake up in a stranger's bed, with no one around, only the muffled voices beyond the door.

I just lay there, frozen and staring at the ceiling, trying to focus my hearing on the outside world. "Hey! Who took my cake!? I was going to eat that!"

"No one did! I had to move it to the bottom!"

"Coup's? Where's Coup's?"

"What are you talking about, Mingyu? I'm right here."

"Oh, don't worry, found him!"

"Hey, can I borrow someone's jumper? I can't seem to find mine."

"Hansol! I told you to throw that in the bin so many times!"

"That's not even mine, it's yours."

"I'm going to the toilet!"

"Jisoo, can you pass the remote, please?"

"Oh yeah... here you go."

"What's the time? I left my phone in the room."

"I don't know."

"I'm back from the toilet!"


Just how many people live here?

And where am I?

I sit up, and something solid falls off my face. I look at it; why is an ice-pack on my face?

I slide my legs off to the side of the single bed and look around the room.

Another single bed, a desk with minimal but valuable things, not much color though.

And there it is, my bag, next to the desk.

I hop off the bed, an immediate pain strikes my face but I need to get to my bag, my phone is in there and I need to call someone.


Honestly I just need someone to talk about what the hell's happening.

As I go to pick it up, I look up to a mirror sitting atop the desk and I gasp.

I look hideous.

My cheek is a bright red and my eye is a dark purple. How did I not feel any of it? I lightly touch my face, and it doesn't hurt... as a matter of fact I can't feel it at all.



What happened to the boy I was trying to save?

Keyword: trying.

Wait... no... I need to figure out where I am and who exactly is on the other side of this shared room.

I swipe my bag off the floor and throw it on my shoulder. I walk over to the door, turning the knob ever-so-slowly, and peek out.

One, two, three... what the hell!?

There's like thirteen people living in this place, I mean there is thirteen people living in this place.

Wait... they look familiar.

Thirteen boys.

Thirteen... guys.

I'll be working with... thirteen guys.

Is this...? I quietly gasp, hand covering my mouth as I quickly move back into the room.

Is that Seventeen?

I mean, obviously, why would there be thirteen guys all in one place? That would just be weird.

"Okay." I halt my thoughts, taking a deep breath in, "calm down." I once again, slowly, so slowly open the door.

And as I stick my head out, my eyes only meet a plain black shirt. As I look up, I meet the face of none other than Hong Jisoo, or if you would, Joshua.

"Hello," he greets with a thin smile, while also backing up and I outright slam the door.

What the hell, Y/N!?

I take another deep breath in, closing my eyes and preparing myself this time. I quickly open the door, this time it's Jisoo and Seungkwan.

I squeak about to slam the door again, when Jisoo stops it with his hand. He smiles, "are you okay?" He asks.

Oh, he's speaking English.

Of course he would, I'm not Korean.

I don't reply, and he takes it as a time to just continue, "my name is Jisoo but you may know me as Joshua, right?" I nod. "Okay," he notices my bruised face and grimaces, "we're so sorry. We were going to take you to the hospital when we got to you two, but it would've caused a riot if anyone got to you at the hospital." He kindly explains and I nod my head.

"It's okay, I don't need to go, I literally can't feel my face so, it should be bearable," I assure them, while lightly poking my face.

They all look at me with astonished eyes and I smirk, "why would I take up a job here without knowing the language?" I ask bemused. They seem so awed by that, it's very funny looking at their expressions. "What time is it?" I ask, readjusting the strap of my bag against my shoulder.

"It's around nine pm, why? Do you need to be somewhere? I can take you."

I put my hand, "no, I was just wondering. Um, by the way," Jisoo's eyebrow raises and I continue, "which one of you was the uh- the one who was being atracked?" I ask and Jisoo smiles.

"Oh, Hansol," Jisoo moves to the side and Hansol stands from where he was sitting, and turns around to walk toward me.

I continue to stare at him as he bows in front of me. Wavy, blue brown hair, contrasting with his brown eyes. Clear skin, small bulbous nose and thin lips.

He takes both my hands, "thank you," his voice so smooth and slightly deep. I nod, unable to form any words as I notice his jawline.

There it is.

That sharp, refined jawline.

Yup, it's him.

Wait, that hair.

I can feel my face and ears burn, as I remember what I said before passing out. He's still holding my hands and looking deep into my eyes, and I quickly snatch my hands back, "u-uh, don't worry about it. I j-just thought since you were being attacked, you know, I-I should help." I scratch the back of my head, looking anywhere but his eyes and laughing awkwardly.

What the hell, (Y/N)!

Why are you being so weird!?

He huffs, amused. "I will always be thankful to you, if it weren't for you I would've been badly hurt or maybe worse. So thank you-" He trails off, still looking at me. And it takes me a while to realise he's waiting for me to tell him, well all of them, my name.

"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)."

"Well, (Y/N). I am indebted to you." He bows again and I bite my lip, looking at the others as they smile, amused but at something else entirely but I can't put my finger on it.

"Actually," adds Jisoo, patting Hansol on the back once he's up again, "you helped a dear friend of ours, and got yourself injured. And for that, we're all in debt to you." They all nod their heads.

I smile, "okay, then, well... I'm really sorry, but I have to get go-""

"Oh yes!" Jisoo claps his hands together, cutting me off, "I can drop you off home." He suggests and I take it.

"Yes please."

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