Void World: Shattered Souls

By SanjeevanPaul

1.2K 141 271

Demion had always been an outcast to the world. He didn't belong anywhere. Not human... nor anything else. Th... More

The Alchemist
The Snow Monarch
Rivals & Foes
We Meet Again
Unwanted Treaties
Esker in Lethiel: Part 1
Esker in Lethiel: Part 2
Esker in Lethiel: Part 3
Demion & Hilda

Back In Skelen

50 7 1
By SanjeevanPaul

Aracius looked up. Well-oiled metal hinges turned open, letting entry to General Helios. He looked around to check if everything was all right. All guards in their assigned positions, Helios frowned in disappointment. This time around, he expected something to be out of place. But his prisoner was unexpectedly calm, sitting cross-legged with a friendly smile on his face.

Aracius had been sitting cross-legged for too long, the iron bench was hurting his legs. He dropped his legs on the floor, rubbing his knees through his prison uniform. Cracked knuckles & scratched his back palms, in faint hopes of removing the black crosses over them. Anti-magic curse marks, impeding him from using magic. As far as Aracius knew, he was in a underground dungeon. Caged inside... a cage, not a cell. From the stench and size, he deducted the cage held a bear before him. Guards were swarming around, eyes on his every movement.

Helios took the only spare chair inside the cage. "So how's all going?", Helios coughed as the back of his mouth tried to adjust with the fetor.

Aracius questioned himself what would be the perfect answer. Should he express his discontent about the bear stench, the low quality food disposed to him or the taunting of the guards? Maybe not. If you wanted to save the continent from the hell of battle, then you have to digest all this shit. "Well met. As good as ever.", he grinned. "How's your day, General?"

"Normal.", Helios coughed. "I know I've asked this before but still, have any idea on the position of Esker? You know, he went missing."

Aracius had been interrogated a dozen times before. And every time, it started with the same question. When he heard about Esker being missing for the first time, he was puzzled. But Now, he knew his answer didn't matter, his body language did. The aim was to know, if Aracius had any connections to the outside world. And fortunately for Helios, Aracius didn't had any. But you can't just believe the words of someone who has connections with the demon of sorrows & an ice monster. Helios was observing Aracius, keeping a keen eye on him, examining from tip to toe. Trying to get hints.

"No. But don't worry, he's trustful.", Aracius replied, hopeful.

"If you say...", Helios was disappointed. "Now, moving on to......"
The interrogation proceeded for about another 20 minutes, Aracius was faced with all kinds of enquiry & stuff. In which he tried his level best not to look anymore suspicious.

And just when Aracius thought Helios was going to leave, Helios asked, "The mage who betrayed the King of Skelen, freed the demon of sorrows... Was that you?"

Aracius was perplexed, bemused & filled with bewilderment. He was at sea, desparetely searching for an acceptable answer. If he said no, it surely would sound ridiculous. Who else would be better suited than someone who can teleport himself? And if he said yes,... he was sure before anyone else that wild princess would kill him. And that would be the end of it. No treaty between the great nations.

"I ask, was that you?", Helios repeated.

"I was.", Aracius said. He took his chances with the truth. After all, playing fox with your allies can backfire anytime.

"I see.", Helios sighed. "Well then, until next time..." He stood up and left.


Riding down the familiar streets of Skelen, Demion felt a bit of rue for the place. It's only been a few of weeks but his surroundings were all rotten & filthy. Streets covered in excrements and rotting food, intoxicated humans lying along roadside. Air full of blood stench, indicating recent mob conflicts. The city of Obidos, one of the biggest cities of Skelen, now seemed to be dying under mob-rule. Demion didn't wished to come to this place but Yeathein didn't had any boundaries with Adelham, so he had to cross Skelen. He gave the reins another jerk and drove on through the crowd.

"Hey! Catch that girl!", Demion heard a shout out & felt a jolt from behind. He turned to find a little girl sitting on his horse's back.

Demion's first response was, "Hey kid, get off."

She gave a ugly frown through her dirty blond hair and punched the knife in her hand into the horse's butt.

"Is that a knife in your hands? Hey wait, what are you doing?" But it was too late, the horse cried out & erupted into a fury of speed, racing down the market streets.

By the time the Demion regained control over the horse he had scared the life out of a ton of people, ran over a cripple & almost crashed into a bullock-cart. "What are you?", Demion asked.

"Wow! That was a blast! Hope they aren't after us anymore.", the girl huffed and puffed trying to catch her breath.

Demion wasn't much pleased about the fact that his interrogation was ignored. "I asked, what are you?"

"Oh! It's Aylin!", she grinned wide.

"No, I don't want your name-", Demion was cut off by her. "Huh?", she looked surprised.

"Don't interfere when I speak. What I wanted to know was, why did you jump on my horse? Why are you bothering me?"

"Well you're the one who's a knight in shining armour. I thought you might help."

Demion regretted that he was covered in an armour from tip to toe. Gloves of iron covered his arms, a helmet was tightly strapped with the breastplate & backplate to cover his great secret. He hated the extra weight but it was necessary, if anyone saw his arms or his headless body... it would be trouble. "Well seems like you're pretty save now. So go away.", he gestured 'get lost'.

"Hey, aren't you a knight? Where's your chivalry!", Aylin revolted.

"Don't bother me.", Demion caught Aylin by head and threw her on the ground.

Aylin fell face first. "Hey! What was that! What's the deal with you!", she sobbed with weeping eyes. "It hurts..."

"I'm leaving. Let our paths never cross again...", Demion pulled the reins, commanding his horse to turn.

"You're running away! You're no man!", she yelled again, wiping off her tears & rubbing over her bruised face.

All of it seemed laughable to Demion. A little, feeble female human was judghing him by her standards. "Running away...? On that point, you were also running away from a bunch of people. Why?", his voice showed hints of amusement.

"I... I.. stole. Cause I was hungry!", she sobbed. "Since the King died, things here have been very unstable. There's a scarcity of food."

Contrite... Remorse.. Rue. Even if terribly trivial, Demion felt it. There was no need to kill the king, he could've let the king live. "I see... If you're feeling hungry, I know a place where you can find food."

Aylin's face lit up, "Really?"

"Yes. It's a few blocks away.", Demion said pointing along a narrow lane.

Aylin hurriedly jumped on the horse's back. "Then let's go!", she cheered.
The horse stopped beside a shop sign that read 'The Enchante'. Demion got down and entered through a small, crampy door, while Aylin followed behind. The interior was covered in timber with tall wooden shelfs full of things all over. A large full body armor stood at a corner while animal heads & various weapons covered every wall.

"Hey, it doesn't looks like a place where you can get food.", Aylin frowned.

"This isn't a place where you can buy food. It's a magic store."

"Then why are we here?", Aylin objected.

"Cause I don't want to spent money on you. And here we can get food for free, I know the shop owner.", Demion replied. Aylin frowned at that.

Demion walked up to the old man on the counter. "I need food, for this kid", Demion pointed Aylin.

"Sure, Master Demion.", the old man bowed. "And who might be this little miss?"

"No one. No need to tell him about it.", Demion sighed.

"If you wish so, I won't." He then went to the backside of thr shop and returned with bread & turkey.

Aylin's mouth watered as she digged in. She was savouring the turkey when she stopped to ask, "Umm, what was your name again?"


"Oh... So Demion, what's this magic?", she asked while stuffing a leg bone in her mouth.

"You... don't know?"

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