Obsessed [k.th × j.hs]

By -bon3dAdee-

437 19 32

"Theyre begging us to kiss, should we?" "Im willing if you are." ~~~~~~~~ Taehyung is obsessed with taking p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Three

57 3 0
By -bon3dAdee-

Taehyung was sitting on his couch, only in his boxers still. It was 130 PM. He had already eaten and was debating wether to talk to Hoseok, or shower. He decided he would shower first. But, as he was showering, Hoseok called him and sent a few messages. Lucky for Hoseok, this was a time Tae decided to take a quick shower. When Tae was out of the shower, he put on a black long sleeved shirt with white stripes on the arms. Then some simple dark blue jeans. He then went to his phone and saw

Two missed calls from Happy Seok😄

"Shoot." Tae simply said and he then read the messages

Happy Seok😄 Taaaaeeee. Pick up

Happy Seok😄 Did you die? Orrr

Happy Seok😄 ughhh. You better not be dead!

TaeTae😜💦 im not dead, i was showering. Whatd you want?

Happy Seok😄 oh thank god! Anyway! I have good news!

TaeTae😜💦 since i know youll likely ask for a picture later, here

Happy Seok😄 why thank you. 😘

TaeTae😜💦 anyway, whats the news?

Happy Seok😄 my fans liked the live steam last night!

TaeTae😜💦 not surpsinging

Happy Seok😄 but i also have bad news.

TaeTae😜💦 oh no, what is it?

Happy Seok😄 i wanna do a livestream like that again 😂

TaeTae😜💦 woooow. Horny cow!

Happy Seok😄 rude! You dont even know if thats why i would do it again!

TaeTae😜💦 it probably a big part of why you would

Happy Seok😄 actually. Thats not to much why. It's mainly cuz my fans liked how i put a twist to it. Cuz i usually just play a game while talking alot, and keeping them entertained with my randomness.

Happy Seok😄 so, i could even use a different twist, not just use that one.

TaeTae😜💦 hm. Okay. Now, if you dont mind, i have to head to work.

Happy Seok😄 you dont seem like the type of guy to have a job.

TaeTae😜💦 i dont work every day. I only work when im needed. Bye!😄

Happy Seok😄 byee! 😘😜

Tae sighed as he got up. He put his phone in his back pocket and went and got his jacket, a grey one. He then left his house. He sometimes was a baby sitter, though he also worked at a cafe on Saturdays, usually, mainly for the money, if he didnt have thess two jobs, he would likely be sitting on the side of street.

This day was luckily his pay day. He was low on food still, and he needed more cologne stuff and stuff like that. Once he'd finish working, he was definitely going to the store. His shift was from 2:30PM to 4:30PM. While everyone else was paid every month, Tae was paid every half the month, and the full month. He and his two friends were the only three who worked on Saturdays. They worked pretty hard too, and were very good at their job. Tae looked at his phone while walking, realizing it was 2:10, and he wasnt to close to his workplace yet.

TaeTae😜💦 are you busy?

Happy Seok😄 not at the moment.

TaeTae😜💦 do you own a car?

Happy Seok😄 yea, why?

TaeTae😜💦work starts in 19 minutes and i have to walk. It takes me almost 30 minutes to get there.

Happy Seok😄 oh! Where are you?

TaeTae😜💦 on the corner of *street* and *street* im sitting on a bench, you should see me.

Happy Seok😄 i live close to there!

TaeTae😜💦 good!

Happy Seok😄 yep! Ill be there in like a minute or 2.

TaetTae😜💦 good. Im so glad you wernt busy!

Happy Seok😄 yep!! 😜😄

Tae put his phone into his pocket again and stood up to wait for Hoseok. As he was looking around the area, he wondered why he hadnt took a picture of the area before. He didnt have his camera with him, but at least he had his phone. He took a picture of the street, having a nice view of the buildings around in the picture, and he smiled, for the picture was very good and beautiful.

As Tae was going to sit down again, a guy came up and slapped his ass, which made him slightly yelp. Tae glared at the guy, and as the guy was getting closer to Tae, a car horn went off, and the guy ran off. Tae smiled as he saw it was Hoseok.

"Hoseok!" Tae exlaimed as he hurried to get into the car. Once Tae was in, he said the cafe name, and they were off.

"So! We meet!" Hoseok exlaimed.

"Ye-yea..!" Tae stuttered, his shyness kicking in.

"Something wrong?" Hoseok asked

Tae shook his head no and was silent.

"Youre shy arent you."

Tae hesitated but nodded after a little, which made Hoseok smile a little.

"I never would of thought you would be shy! You seem so outgoing over text!" He laughed a little.

Tae shrugged "Th-thats over t-text..."

Eight minutes later they arrived at Tae's work. Tae got out of the car.

"Thanks....sorry i...didnt say much..." Tae managed a smile then shut the door and entered the cafe.

Jungkook and Jimin were already there, they didnt live that far, so they usually got there early. Tae was usually there five minutes before he was suposed to be. Tae walked up to Jungkook and Jimin, and they looked at him.

"Youre earlier than usual." Jimin noted.

"Its because i got a ride." Tae replied.

"How? With whom?" Jungkook asked.

"This new guy i met." Tae replied walking away.

"New guy? What?!" Jungkook and Jimin said at the same time.

Taehyung laughed and started working, ignoring Jungkook and Jimins pesters.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jungkook had went home, he got hot coffee spilt on him and got burnt, so he was aloud to leave early. Jimin and Tae got some extra money since they worked alone, only two of them, for the last hour. Tae had spilt water on his shirt, and there was luckily a spare shirt in the back, he also took a cool hat he saw back there.

On the walk back, Tae took a photo of himself and Jimin. He sent it to Hoseok, but he hadnt replied yet. He also posted it to his insta of course.

taekmeaway Jimin and i are walking home together 🤗

He got likes quick and only postive comments. All his haters seemed to have left him.

Happy Seok😄 who are you with?

Tae didnt reply because he was walking and talking with Jimin. Tae decided to tell Jimin about Hoseok.

"I met this guy on Instagram. Ive been talking to him alot! We're friends id think."

"Thats good! Whats his name?"

"Hoseok. We've been talking since yesterday, but we seem to get along very well so far."

"Hoseok....the name sounds familer. Is he a streamer?"

"Yea...did you see his stream last night?"

"Yup. It was...interesting." Jimin laughed

Tae chuckled. "I told what to use. If you didnt see my name in the comments."

"Good job." Jimin said and laughed again.

Tae grinned and started running from Jimin.

"Hey!" Jimin followed Tae, running.

Tae ran the rest of the way back to his house, Jimin had stopped because he had went to his house. Tae got in, shut the door, and leaned against, breathing hard from all the running. He laughed at himself a little, he didnt think he could run that far. Tae looked at his phone

One new message from Happy Seok😄

One new comment from yourhope

Taehyung clicked on the message first

Happy Seok😄 who are you with?

TaeTae😜💦 i was with my friend Jimin, we work together, and Jungkook, but he got burnt and get to home early to treat them.

Hoseok didnt reply right away, he knew he shouldnt feel jealous, but he did, he wasnt sure why, he'd only just met the boy, but, it was the way he felt.

Happy Seok😄 you three must be close. How long have youve been friends?

TaeTae😜💦 we are! And, its been since high school, 11th grade, i was new, they started talking to me noticing my loneliness, i didnt talk much at first, but now we're best friends!

Happy Seok😄 well, that shows theyre good people 😊

TaeTae😜💦 yep! They are! 😛

Happy Seok😄 also, think we can move our plan to tomorrow? My schedule was cleared since i managed a live stream last night.

TaeTae😜💦 yea! Thats fine!

Tae smiled to himself, he was still afraid, but Hoseok seemed like a good guy, so it should be fine.

Happy Seok😄 perfect! 😋😁

Tae then checked the message Hoseok left on his post on Instagram.

yourhope who is the other boy?
taekmeaway Jimin, @babyboyjimin, my friend 😋

Tae then slid his phone into his pocket and left his house to go to the store. It took him 20 minutes to walk there, then he took an hour and a half to find what he needed, then 40 minutes to get back home, because of all his bags, plus he stopped at a gas station to buy himself a tea.

Once Tae got back home, he put all his things he'd bought away, and then looked at the time. It was 7:52. He went to his room and took a 30 minute shower. He then got into a tank top and boxers, blow dryed his hair, and then went out and got into bed. It was 8:27 by the time he was in bed.

Tae scrolled through his instagram, seeing things his friends posted. He wasnt following many people, so there wasnt much to see.

At 8:42, Tae decided he'd try something, he went into the app store, and downloaded the app called Wattpad. He thought he would search his name to see if there were any storied about him. And there were. There were storied with him and Jimin dating, and him and Jungkook, and all three of them together, there was also some where he'd be dating the reader. He cringed at the thought of being with some random person out there, especially if it was a female. Tae wasnt to fond of girls. He wasnt full on gay, he'd date a girl, but, they would have to be pretty special and different, not your usual every day, stuck up bitch of a girl. Thats why Tae perfered guys, and yea, he loves kids, but, you can still adopt.

After looking through Wattpad stories about him, he decided he would looked up Hoseok to see if he had any, and, he did. Tae looked at a more recent story, called Instagram (taekmeaway x yourhope), he cringed again and off the app, though he didnt delete it. He then plugged up his phone, sat it on the bedside table, and then he layed down, snuggling into his covers. He smiled at the thought of the next day, and at the smell of his washed sheets. He may have not washed them for three days, but they still smelled amazing.

For how dark Tae's room was, and for how good his sheets smelled, Tae fell asleep almost right when he layed down. Tae dreamt about the next day, and how fun itll be to do something different for once.

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