Daughter Of The S/M Goddess

AetherkingYT tarafından

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Diana is the daughter of the Moon Goddess. She doesn't have a father and was created just like the Moon Godde... Daha Fazla

The Beatings
The Beginning of a Journey (Main Character Background/etc)


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AetherkingYT tarafından

Looking around only brought me dread, hell, I was in hell again. Of all the places I could have landed out of the portal I landed here. Although this version looked a bit different. It appeared to not have half as many spikes, demons, and even torture chambers as before. I'm still slightly deafened  from the portal closing, almost lost an ear. I think I'm forgetting something... The scythe! I look around and see it dripping with a Golden substance of some sort.

"He said it opened over here," a deep voice said.

"Are you sure, if he gets mad again I doubt we'll live long enough to see the end of his tantrum," a higher voice said.

"If we do a good job he might just reward us with some free time in the mortal realm. Don't mess this up," the deep voice replied.

"Who says you get to lead Ted?" the higher voice said.

"Dinkle, we both know I could knock you out in a split second. Heck, I should just drain your powers and leave you here. That sound like a better plan?" Ted said.

"No your right, remember 50-50," Dinkle replies.

"More like 70-30, just hurry up before it gets away," Ted replies.

Hearing a gentle flapping of wings I assume that the demons here are much weaker than Lucifer's. Taking a sharp left I run directly into the door which almost cracks open. Finally, an escape from this hell. The wings are closer now, but I know I  can't let them taint the world. I use the little bit of magic I have left and turn into a "huuman" as my mom called it.

"Do you think it came alone?" Dinkle said.

"Yeah, probably one of those puny warlocks trying to get some demon blood again." Ted replies cockily.

They finally make the last right and I see them looking back at me with beady eyes. Their skin like spider webs and fire creating a worm filled moving flesh. Acid shooting out of their pores and lava pouring out of their noses.

"Get ready warlock, gonna make a meal out of you," Ted says.

"I think you must be mistaken. I'm not a warlock, I'm simply a lost human looking for a place to stay for the night. This cave was rather convenient and warm as well," I reply.

"Do you think I'm stupid? This cave is over 2 trillion degrees, heck this isn't even a cave. Sure I've never seen outside... but I know they wouldn't put a grand door like that in some cave. Also, what's a cave?" Dinkle asks.

"Dinkle don't let them fool you. Remember last time, Theran The Destroyer slaughtered our people for our blood. Don't let her mind tricks fool you. Join with me brother," Ted says.

Quickly they rip off their eyes and squish them together forming a rather large eye.

"Brother, she really is human. What should we do with her?" Dinkle asks.

"I say we feast on her tonight, those scrawny bones should be good for my new flute, it's this cool pipe thing the eye showed me," Ted replies.

"What is this eye exactly?" I ask.

They begin to look at me as if I knew nothing. Their laughter begins light but grows very loud quickly.

"The eye is a magical being that can only be conjured by 2 royal demon families. Our father once believed in over population to keep the bloodline steady but we lost millions of brothers and sisters to Thesan. The eye allows us to see through basic wizard tricks and even through the doors themselves," Dinkle replies.

"Do you mean these doors?" I ask.

"Yes, our father has been trying to open them for years," Ted replies.

"Well I could easily open the-"

Before I was able to say another word I was pinned to the ground and then brought up by my hands. They quickly forced my hands into pushing the door and a ray of sunshine shone through it. I just realized, I had been in this human body for mere seconds and I had already done a sin, lying. They would surely kill me for this.

"Well, Well, well, you boys have done me quite well. Found that thing and it appears that she holds the key to our freedom. Obviously we could just leave but what if one of you idiots leave something and want to return. We need that power to ourselves. I'll be taking your scythe with me," an Evil  voice says.

They slice through my back and I barely feel the pain. This was nothing compared to all those years of torture. But then they begin to slice furiously and even begin enjoying my blood spilling and soaking in it. If I wasn't healing so fast I'd be dead by now.

"I definitely think she's not an ordinary human. It appears she can't die," Ted says exhausted.

"Let's just put her in a cage and let her starve until she spills her secrets. I'll go get the poison toads to snack on," Dinkle replies.

"What's a snack?" Ted asks.

"It's kinda like food but a little bit of food in between food. Apparently a thing called grapes are the newest craze but we don't have those. We do have poisonous toads though," Dinkle says.

They begin to drag my body and I'm magically, spiritually, and physically too exhausted to stop them. Luckily for me, they have really smooth lava stone. I hit a spike and it began to rip through the back of my body. At this point pain is irrelevant, all I need now is sleep and to escape. Sleep? Why do I need sleep? This human body will take a bit of getting  used to.

"This cage or the one further down?" Ted asks.

"It doesn't matter as long as the corpse is left intact," Dinkle replies.

They open the cage door and force me in, the lower half of my body gets ripped apart from the rugged wire.

"Apologies, death may be inedible but it doesn't necessarily have to be painful. I have poisonous toads if you get hungry? Here I'll leave these jiggly things here," Dinkle says.

As he closed the cell door a lock forms. I try to find comfort and after finding it I...




Awaking I find myself still not dead but alive with a plate  of poisonous toads by my head. Struggling to get up I decide to leave and unlock my door when I see a sleeping Dinkle under my cage. He has a smile on his face and appears to be having a good dream. Then I hear my screaming from out his mouth and him laughing saying "Just one more slash". I decide I should go immediately, first I'll need my scythe.

"Kill, kill, kill, pain is nature's love," Ted says as I almost step on him.

Luckily, he was still asleep allowing me to slip away. Spotting a rather large golden chair with skulls on it I assume it's the throne. Inside it lay their father and my scythe. Sneaking I walk quickly towards it and snatch my scythe out of his hand. He doesn't seem to notice and chants the same thing as his son Ted. He might be inducing Ted into some dream state. I look him over one more time and see a snake marking flowing down his arm.

"Kill, kill, kill, pain is nature's love," he said.

This family appears to enjoy suffering, I'll have to make a note of that. I quickly dash back to the doors and push them open with all my might. But they don't seem to budge. I drop the scythe and try again  and the door opens a crack, just enough for me to squeeze in. I try picking  the scythe by the blade and I get cut. I hear a loud shout from their father and instantly see a puddle with my uncle's face in it and their father speaking to it.

"Yes I have the girl, just missing that scythe of yours. I could have sworn I just had it. Those idiots must have been tampering with it," he said.

"Well if I don't have her and it in my hands by sun down the world will need a new demon king," My uncle angrily shouted.

Ted walked in sleepily and began to say "What's going on dad? I had the bestest of dreams. The girl and myself were going on a "date" the eyes tell me and during that I was actually "happy" for once. I can't wait to see her again today. I'm going o find da best poisonous frogs for her dad," he finished, stumbling on his words.

Obviously I found it terrifying that Dinkle only saw use in my suffering but I felt bad leaving Ted and Dinkle here. Even leaving the demon king with basically two babies that didn't know anything of the outside world other than what an eye told them made me feel guilt. Guilt? Most likely another human thing. I guess they just reminded me of myself, getting used and being trapped for so long. I'm so close to freedom... but I must know what my uncle has planned.

My uncle's fury only increased three times as much and suddenly Ted was on the floor crying and holding his head.

"It hurts dad it hurts," he cried out.

The demon king looking hopelessly, drooping his head down in sadness for his son. I couldn't take it anymore and felt myself almost attack my uncle when my uncle started laughing.

"I just realized something... My niece has been given two additions by my dear sister. I've given my niece one already, gave her that vision I think it was called. Should lead her into bad decisions so it was a risky but a worthy gamble. I have an idea that your kids have inspired me to do. If I make her a baby I can mold her into what I want her to be. Thus making her think I'm her father," My Uncle roared.

"Hmm, stupid get the other stupid, I have a mission for you both," My Uncle says.

Dinkle was already hiding in the room and quickly walked into the light, excited for his mission.

"You two will finally get to learn," My Uncle said.

"Yay," They both cheered.

"You two and my niece will be babies and live in society. At 16 you'll remember who you are and I'll need you to keep blinding her of who she really is. Got it?"

"Yup," They both said.

I can't believe how fast Ted and Dinkle forgot how quickly my uncle had tried to kill Ted. I guess for the reward of knowledge they would do anything. I now feel motivated to finding my own goal. Motivated? These human emotions will take a while to get used to.

My uncle sits down and begins praying and my grandpa appears behind him.

"Is this what you truly want?" He asks.


The room around me  begins to disappear as I jump into the crack in the door. Everything goes dark and then...

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