Love And Games (Editing)

Da Jbooks95

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Dylan and Michaela (Kayla) are soccer-loving childhood friends. After a series of unfortunate events, Dylan m... Altro

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Cast Members
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.

Chapter 15

119 21 35
Da Jbooks95

It was finally the day of the gala, where they were going to announce the winner of that award. I thought I had a pretty good chance. My throws and kicks have been perfect and I've scored many times using different techniques over the last few days. I'm glad that this competition pushed me to be better and work my ass off. I missed one game the day I was sick, but I'm confident my previous games have made up for it. 

I've gone shopping with the girls over the week and I've picked this lacy ivory and nude dress with see-through cutouts on either side of it.

I was now pulling my hair up in a messy up do, leaving random locks falling out. After contouring my face, I added in some smokey dark grey eyeshadow with a hint of nude lipgloss.

"Ok even I had to admit, you clean up very nice." Blythe exclaimed next to me, adding in some last touches on her face.

Her outfit was a dramatic bright red color, hugging her every curve, her blonde hair was curled in ringlets around her round face, which looked striking with her cat eyes and bright red lipstick matching her dress. She looked stunning.

I laughed. "Thanks, but I think you win this round."

"I do, don't I ?" She says observing her frame in the mirror facing us.

She had no particular reason to go seeing as it was in honor of all freshman in soccer from the universities in the area, but our whole soccer team was invited as well along with the boys.

Her phone rang and she picked it up from her bed and answered. I gave myself one last look in the mirror, this will do.

Blythe snapped her phone shut. "Tristan is here. Gotta go." She says grabbing her purse and leaving.

"Alright, see you there." I say. Blythe haven't done a good job convincing people that Tristan and her were just fuck buddies, when it's so obvious that they're practically dating at this point.

I had to go too. I was giving Lainey, and Sofia a ride there, but Gloria was going with her date Bradley. I grabbed my purse and umbrella because the weather forecasted a lot of rain tonight and was out of the door on my way to the elevator, texting the girls that I was going down and will be waiting for them in the car.

It was a half hour drive and it was drizzling a little bit. The girls got down and ran inside while I looked for parking. The venue was beautiful. It looked like a modern building with lots of windows. From the address I had, it was on the third floor. I get in the elevator and it goes up and opens.

The room in front of me was decorated with bright lights, and was filled with many people in different gowns and tuxes, and the air reeked of perfume and alcohol. There was an open bar in a corner and caterers were walking around handing appetizers while soft music played in the background. I stayed rooted to my spot admiring the view until I suddenly felt eyes on me. A couple of people have looked my way when the elevator opened but had gotten back to the whatever they were doing but across the room my eyes fell on the one person staring still. Dylan.

He looked breathtaking in a tux, his muscles filling it out perfectly. His eyes didn't leave me and for a second, it looked like we were the only people at the party. I couldn't look away. I decided to snap out of it and walk over to him. His eyes roamed over my whole body as I got closer too him.


"Michaela." He nodded.

I smiled. He barely ever used my full name, always going by Kay.

" You look stunning," He says. " I'm out of words."

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"I know. I own a mirror."

I smack his arm. "Shut up."

People were coupling up as a new song started around us.

"Do you wanna dance?" He asked hesitantly, like he thought I'd say no.

"I would love to."

He opened his arm for me to slip my hand in and took me to the dance floor, slowly snaking his hand around my waist. I slipped my hand around his neck and put my other hand in his.

I Know You by Skylar Grey started playing and soon we were swaying around the room, our eyes locked on each other. I didn't know what was happening but all I knew was that something was shifting between us. It was overpowering, and it felt like my soul was leaving my body. I suddenly couldn't breathe and I didn't want to. I wanted to stop breathing and for the world to stop, trapped in that exact moment.

I couldn't read his eyes, but they were burning through me and it felt like my body was on fire. I tightened my hold around his neck grazing my fingers through his skin and his eyes snapped shut and opened back up with such intensity. He pushed me closer to him and dipped me all the way down before pulling me back up as the song ended.

"Kayla! There you are. Sis, I've been looking for you." I hear Gloria's voice say behind me all of a sudden. She takes my arm and drags me away, as Dylan's friends come in and do the same, unaware of the moment that just passed. Our eyes reluctantly leave each other as we each go out separate ways and follow our friends.

She takes me to a table with Sofia and Lainey already seated.

"Okay I'm stressing out. The lady that's been watching our games is here already, when is she announcing the winner?" Lainey says, anxiously tapping her fingers on the table.

"You mean Miriam Lackey?" Gloria says.

"Yeah, yeah, her." Lainey replies dismissively.

"Geez, calm down. I just wanna enjoy the party for now." Sofia says taking a sip of her drink.

"Me too," I say. "I'm still nervous though."

"I can distract you all." Gloria says. "Bradley and I are officially dating!"

"Oh my God. So happy for you."


Then Lainey. "Who cares about that stuff? Why isn't that lady saying anything about the award ?!"

"Okay, Laine sweetie. Calm down. You're gonna get high blood pressure." Sofia says. "It's just an award."

"It's just an award? It's just an award??? How can you say that? It's everything!"

Sofia sighs hopelessly .

Gloria just shrugs. " I'm gonna go find Bradley and dance some more. You guys deal with.... that." She says pointing towards Lainey.

"Hey! No fair." I say pouting as she leaves.

"Yes, you guys are stuck with me." Lainey says smirking.

"I need a drink. Sofia, how did you get yours? I hear they're checking IDs." I say.

"I got a guy buy me one, fake IDs don't work for me cause I look 12."

"Same." I say. "That's why I never bothered getting one."

"If I could get everyone's attention please." A voice says in front of the room on a microphone.

"Oh my God." Lainey says.

It was Miriam Lackey.

"Welcome to everyone. Hope you are all enjoying the party. Now, we can get to what we all came here for."

My stomach tied in knots and my heart started beating really fast. I really want this God. Please. Matt would be so proud.

"I got to observe all of you young women play and you were all wonderful, but there has to be a winner. The person I feel showed a lot of improvement, strength, technique and contributed the most to their teams effort is...."

She stopped and smiled , before opening a small piece of paper. "Mei Wong from ASU!"

My heart dropped as everyone started clapping. I guess I didn't do good enough. Wow, I didn't feel like celebrating anymore and just wanted to go home at this point.

"Bummer." Sofia says next to me. "Oh well, the chances of me winning were slim anyways. I was half asleep these last few games cause classes have been kicking my ass, but I thought at least you'd get it Kayla, you've been working so hard over this. No offense Lainey." She babbled on. "You were good too."

"Aww thanks. But we'll get over this. They don't deserve us. Right, Lainey?" I say. I turned to Lainey, and realized she was frozen in her spot, not moving, her eyes still facing the front of the room where that Mei girl was getting her award and taking pictures with a bunch of important people. "Lainey?"

Her eyes snapped out of it full with anger and started tearing up. "I did all of this for nothing!" She snapped, angrily grabbing her purse and leaving the table.

I stand up to follow her, but Sofia grabs my arm. "Leave her. She just needs some space. She can't go that far, we're her ride remember?"

"Right." Maybe all she needs is some space. I was kinda dreading having to comfort her when I need to be comforted myself. I lost too. "I'll just go look for Gloria then and see how she's taking the news."

"Alright. I'll wait here."

With that in mind, I get in the crowd and start looking for her. I see Dylan near the doors seeming to be looking for someone as well. It occurs to me, that it might be me, probably wanting to check on me after the news. I can't be dealing with Dylan on top of everything, I'm way to confused when I'm around him. I go the opposite way to where he's standing. I finally spot Gloria in the middle of the room speaking to Bradley. He had an arm protectively around her while her head was rested on his shoulder.

She sees me and waves at me to come over to her. I try to swim through the crowd but I bump on someone with a drink, and it spills on her dress.

I look up to the eyes of Miriam Lackey.

"Oh my God. Ma'am, I'm sorry." I say "I wasn't looking."

"Oh it's alright. I don't think the dress is ruined, plus it gives me an excuse to leave this party filled with hormonal young people now that I've done what I came here for." She chuckles.

I laugh but I don't really want to. I want to hate her, which is very childish of me. That lady's just doing her job.

"Alright then, glad I could help." I say preparing to leave.

"Wilson, right?" She says, stopping me, tilting her head lightly.

"That's me." I say in a sing-song laughing awkwardly.

"A piece of advice. Next time don't let life's mundane pleasures get in the way of your goals."

"Excuse me?" Um, what?

"Look, I'm not supposed to say this, but you have so much potential and it wouldn't be right of me to let it go to waste and not say anything."

"Uh..thanks but I'm not really following what you're getting at...."

"I've never seen anyone go after a ball like you do, the sheer drive that goes through your body just to get it through is astonishing. You've shown grace and restraint when it was required, and watching you play is refreshing. But I'm afraid being good is not enough to be a good player, if that makes sense. You have to make it your priority if you want to make it far in this business, and not let your team down." She says clasping my hands in hers. "You were so close to getting that award, trust me, but drinking and partying the night before a game and not showing up because you are too hungover is just irresponsible and not what I'm looking for in a good team player." She finishes letting go of my hands.

What? Did I hear that right?

"But I-I wasn't hungover Ma'am. I was sick..."

"Miss Wilson, there's no reason to lie at this point. I came to the game looking forward to seeing you play one last time before making my decision but you were nowhere to be found-"

"Yeah, because I was in bed fighting a cold."

"-And your friend and teammate kindly let me know that you couldn't make it because you've been partying through the night and were going through the aftermath that morning."

"Which one?


"What friend?" I think I knew where this was going.

"Uh what's her name again? McAdams, I think. Lainey McAdams. Yes! That's that's right!"

My ears were buzzing and in that moment I saw red.

"Well, this shows your level of professionalism. Believing a random student who's in the same competition as me and would have any motive to say whatever she wishes instead of specifically asking my coach about my whereabouts in which case he would've told you that I've caught a cold and was in too weak of a state to play." 

Her eyes widened. "Oh I had no idea."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I have to go." I say walking off.

I was so fucking pissed, and was two seconds away from ripping her head off. I can't believe Lainey would do something like that and sabotage me like that. How much of a fucking lowlife do you have to be to screw your friend over. And to think, at that table she was pretending not to even know the lady's name when she's had a full blown conversation with her talking shit about me.

I could hear Gloria still calling my name over the crowd but I ignored her, one goal in mind. Finding Lainey and tell her a piece of my mind. I'm a fucking nice girl, but don't get me mad. She cost me that award.

I finally found her standing by herself in a corner waiting for this to be over. I marched straight to her.

"Kayla, can we-"

She stopped abruptly seeing the look on my face. I haven't even realized angry tears were flowing down my face as well.

"Oh my God, you know."

"Lainey, what the hell??"

A couple of people nearby whipped their heads our way.

"Look I'm Sorry, Okay? I just wanted to win so bad and you weren't that interested in getting that award and-"

"I wasn't interested? Really? That's what your gonna go by? Not because I didn't bring it on every goddamn second, doesn't mean I wasn't just as interested! I worked hard for that thing! Don't pretend you didn't see that." I say my voice getting dangerously low. At this point we've gathered a crowd.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what else you want me to say. The opportunity came up to get you out of the way and I took it. It's nothing personal. I would've done this being anyone else. I didn't mean to hurt you in the process."

I laughed humorlessly. "Wow, Thanks Lainey. Aww you felt bad, I feel so damn special. Your head is shoved so far up your own ass you don't even realize other people around you. You are literally the most selfish person I know." I say getting closer to her so that she could hear very word. I was so done and I wanted to hurt her back just like she hurt me. "And what does that get you? Nothing. You still were not good enough. Imagine doing all this and still losing?" I say laughing in her face.

She was now crying, her whole face red.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I suddenly noticed Dylan and Gloria on either side of me.

"Lay off a little, she doesn't deserve your words." Gloria says.

I was still so pissed off but Dylan pulled me towards him. "Come on, you're spent. Let's get you home."

I looked at Lainey one last time. She was crouched over in her little corner crying. I nodded at Dylan.

"Take her home." Gloria tells Dylan. "Can you hand me your car keys? I'll drop Sofia and Lainey back and meet with Bradley later." She tells me.

I nod again and absentmindedly gives her my keys, then Dylan drives me away.

It's pouring outside. Big fat drops of rain instantly drenches us once we get outside and my hair gets completely wet. We rush to his car where helps me with my seatbelt.

"I'm fine Dyl. I can put it on my own." I chuckle.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it then." He says going back on his side and driving off. The way back was scary with all the rain and lightning.

I'm ashamed to admit I jumped a couple of times at the noise. Dylan reached over and held my hand reassuringly over the console.

We get wet again once we get home to walk from the parking to our dorms. I should've gotten my umbrella from my car back there.

"Can I go to you place? I really don't wanna be alone." I tell Dylan once we get out of the elevator.

"Of course. I was gonna trick you into getting there anyways." He says, laughing.

We get to his room and he immediately takes off his wet suit and tie while I try to get the clips out of my damp hair. I'm sure my makeup was a mess too.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened out there?" He asks me.

"Not really, no" It hurt to even think about.

"Alright." He says nodding. I'll get you some dry clothes." The minute he says this, I see lightning right outside the window and the lights throughout his room immediately shut off.

"Great, we lost power."

He sighs. "I have some candles, hold on." He uses the flash from his cell phone to look around. "Mmm I should have matches around here too."

I look in the drawers near his sink behind me. "Found some!"

"Ok come here. I have the candles. Three, to be exact."

"That'll work."

I give him the matches and he lights up the candles. He places them on the floor and sits down next to them, and I join him down there as well with the lights casting a soft glow between us.

"Now, we wait for the power to come back."

"Could be a while." He says.

I sit right in front of a candle, hoping my hair would dry faster that way.

"I must look a mess." I say raking my hand through my hair.

He looks up at me. "You look beautiful." He says so softly I almost didn't hear it. I don't even think I was supposed to.

He realizes this and looks down to himself.
I guess this is a good time as any to talk.

"I miss him a lot you know." He knew immediately who I was talking about without me having to say it. "I thought this would be the first of my many awards and he'd be so proud of me. It's stupid." I say scoffing.

"It's not. What Lainey did wasn't right but it doesn't matter, he'd be proud of you either way."

"How do you know?"

"Because we were pretty much the same person which is why we got along so well." He chuckles. " And when I see you, see how good you are, not just on the field but in all of your being, I can't help but be grateful that you're here in my life again. He'd be proud, trust me. I know I am."

I felt tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. Gosh, I'm so emotional today. But I liked that he could truly see the real me.

"You too, you know."

His face got rigid. "I doubt it." He laughs humorless. "If he knew what I did-" he stops himself and shakes his head.

"What are are you talking about? What did you do?"

He shakes his head again. "Nothing you should worry yourself about." He says dismissively. "But I'm not a good person, Kay." He says softly, tracing his fingers on the ground.

I didn't wanna push, so I let it go for today. "Of course you are."

"I screw up everything I touch. People are generally better off without me. Learned that the hard way." He says pushing himself off of the floor and getting up not facing me.

I get up as well. "Dylan, look at me." He was still not facing me. "Look at me." I say again. He reluctantly turns around. "You are good." I say taking his face between in my hands. "And if you don't believe it, I'll believe it for the both of us and that will have to do for now until I can prove it to you." I say looking in his eyes, reassuring him. The soft lighting of the candle, with his damp hair gave his face a rugged look that was disturbingly hot and for a second I wanted to forget everything and kiss him.

He seemed to be thinking the same thing because his eyes were on my mouth. He lifted his finger and shaped my face with his fingertip. First, my eyes, then my cheeks,, my nose, like he wanted to remember everything and plant it in his memory. Then, his thumb shaped my mouth, slowing bringing down my bottom lip, his eyes going back to mine once more with so much longing. I licked my lips nervously, my tongue swiping across his thumb as well. His eyes flashed, then before I knew it his mouth was on mine.

I felt my whole body getting on fire. His lips were surprisingly soft but urgent at the same time. His arm went on my waist while the other  went behind my neck. He was lazily sucking on my bottom lip like he couldn't get enough. I wanted more, so I brought my hands around his neck, bringing him closer, and opened my mouth taking his tongue into my mouth. He growled, and picked me up snaking both my legs around him and put me on the counter, never stopping his assault on my mouth. He was savoring every bit of me, his hands all over my body. My lips would definitely get swollen from this. His lips left my mouth and I started pouting before he smirked and continued on kissing my jaw, neck and throat. I was panting at this point.

"Fuck." He murmured, squeezing my sides, before bringing his mouth back to mine, kissing me possessively, like I was his to take. I pressed myself closer to him, grinding my middle on his erection. We both groaned at the same time, and that was the hottest thing ever.

Suddenly his phone started ringing throughout the room, which we tried to ignore but it wouldn't stop. He stopped, panting heavily and went across the room and got to his phone still while staring at me on his counter.

"What?" He says, answering it. "I can't hear- oh okay, yeah- be right there." He hangs up.

"Something wrong?" I barely recognized the sound of my own voice.

"Yeah apparently Bradley's car wouldn't start and he's still at the party with Gloria.  I gotta go jump his car with my battery."


"Yeah." He cleared his throat.

"Well go ahead. I'm gonna go to my room and take a shower." I say getting down his counter, and walking to his door.

"Oh, Alright."

"Oh and Dylan?" I say turning around. "You might need one as well." I say pointing at the bulge in his pants, before closing the door softly behind me.


This is the longest chapter I've ever written and so much happens. Anyways, enjoy! And don't forget to vote ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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