RWBY X Male reader Volume 1+...

By Akiokasai

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Hey guys!! This is my first fanfic and my first time writing!! Hope you guys enjoy it! This will kinda be a m... More

Author notes
Your team.
Last Mission
The Shining Beacon Part 1
The Shining Beacon Part 2
The Shining Beacon part 3
The Initiation
First Encounter
Blood Arts
While We Wait
The Badge and The Burden
A "Normal" Day
Jaunedice & an Upcoming Fight
An Evening "Lesson"
Forever Fall

The Rose & The Wolf

361 5 1
By Akiokasai

(Y/N)'s POV


Stupid poker game. Because of the damn poker game that I played with Gil and Romeo ( and I obviously lost), I'm on the way to the nearest food store in Vail. On my own. Using my money. Did I mention it was dark out? I was currently walking down the dark streets of Vail and passed by a police patrol. If it weren't for my cap, I would get arrested in a heart beat. As I was strolling down the street, I saw a group of men wearing the same uniform and a man in white suit with a cane, to top it of, he was wearing a black fedora. Totally not suspicious. I mean I'm pretty sure their are tons of people go into a dust shop with swords and a gun in their hands. Too bad I didn't bring Korugane.

Silently I snuck behind the outer wall of the shop and saw the fedora man demanding something from the shopkeeper. Then they loaded the dust. Weird. Why would they steal dust and not cash? I was about to crash the party when one of the gang members and a red cloak came crashing through the window. A little girl with black hair and a pinch of red, who was wearing the said cloak, stood up with a... GIANT SCYTHE?!?!? What the hell?

The fedora man and his group just stared at the girl.

Fedora man: Okay... Get her.

With that, three of them came running out of the shop to attack the girl. I was about to step in when the girl literally just span on top of her scythe and double kicked the man's jaw. One of the man was about to slash her, so I stepped in. Literally. I jumped and dropped an axe kick on the man's head. The girl just starred at me and was about to attack if I didn't raised my hand up.

(Y/N): WOAH LITTLE LADY! I'm on your side.

Red girl: Uhh... You are?

(Y/N): Then why would why kick the poor guy in the head?!

The last two came out, with one of them having a gun in hand.

(Y/N): I'll handle the guy with the gun.

Red girl: I'm with the sword then.

While red head dealt with the other goon, I dashed at the gunman and slid under him and punched his crotch in the process. I know, I'm a terrible guy. He was about to regain his composure until I round house kicked him in the face and sent him flying beside the fedora man.

Fedora: Well you were with every cent. Truly you were.

He then faced the two of us and dropped his cigar to the grown

Fedora: Well Red and... guy, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around.

He then raised his cane and a little scope opened at the bottom of it and aimed at little Red.

Fedora: I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

He then shot something like a rocket at little red...until I swoop in and quickly carried her away from the line of fire. When the explosion calmed down, I looked at her concernedly.

(Y/N): You okay?

Red: Yeah I'm good...Umm you can put me down now.

I could feel the blood rushing at my cheeks and quickly set her down. I could tell I wasn't the only one.

(Y/N): Right sorry bout that. (to the shopkeeper) You okay staying here while we, you know?

The shopkeeper just gave a nod and me and little red saw fedora man climbed the stairs to a roof nearby. While little red used her gun scythe thing to shoot herself up to the roof, I focused my aura to the legs and jumped to the roof landing next to little red. When fedora man was at the edge of the roof, I gave a smirk.

(Y/N): End of the line buddy! Now why don't you just come..!!

Then a get way Bullhead rises up and fedora man entered it quickly. Me and my big mouth. When he got on the Bullhead, he then took out a fire crystal and was about to throw it.

Fedora: What did you say just now? Oh right! End of the line buddy!

At that particular moment, I knew something was wrong when fedora man threw the crystal and raised his cane gun thing. I quickly dashed at little red to cover her, before he shoot. Suddenly when, the explosion came around I felt nothing. No blast of pain or fiery pain.

When I looked at where the explosion once was, I saw a very familiar figure. A woman with blonde hair and purple cape was in front of us and created a circle of sorts to protect us. As we looked at the woman, or I've been briefed, Glynda Goodwitch, she waves her magical stick and shot purple streaks at the Bullhead.

(Y/N): YEAH! You got the bastard!

Then a woman in red came out from the Bullhead entrance.Great. I really need to learn to shut up. I couldn't get a clear look at the face but before I even tried to, the woman shot fire which Glynda blocked it. But the remains of the fire splattered on the floor light up and created an explosion where Glynda got have gotten killed if she didn't dogged it in time. Of course Glynda retaliated and used the shards of the roof and made a torpedo of sorts and fired at the Bullhead.

Of course it wouldn't be that easy. The woman shot another few round of fire at the shards, but the shards managed to reform and Glynda aimed it at the craft. The shards managed to hit the crafts sides but it wasn't good enough to take it down. Just as Glynda was about to launch another wave of attack, The woman created a shockwave of energy to destroy the shards.

I guess little red had enough of just standing around, because she turned her scythe into a gun and shot a couple of rounds, which the woman blocked, until the woman created a circle beneath us. I quickly ran to Glynda and little red to push them away and the explosion went off behind me. The woman and fedora man took that opportunity and flew off. Too tired I sat then on the roof.

Little red: Your a huntress!

She then pulled like an awe struck face

Little red: Can I have your autograph?!

I was chuckling but of course Glynda telekinetically lifted us and brought us to a nearby station. God Damnit! The last place I want to be! If I hadn't pleaded to Glynda to keep my cap on to hide my wolf ears, well let's just say that I would get a gunshot to the head the moment walked through the door. I sat near little red while Glynda was ranting on about our safety

Glynda:I hope that you two realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly. You put yourselves and others in great danger.

(Y/N) & Red: They started it!

Glynda: If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back...

When she noticed little red smiling, she quickly snapped her stick down at the table. Little red gave a little "eek" sound while I just leaned away.

Glynda: And a slap on the wrist... But... there is someone here who would like to meet you both.

She moves out of the way and a grey haired man wearing a green scarf with a mug and a plate of cookies in hand, which completely took me of guard. I couldn't believe my eyes! Ozpin, the Head Master of Beacon Academy!

Ozpin: Ruby Rose...You have silver eyes.

It was then that I realised that he was right. It can't be. Isn't the legend just a myth. Or was it?

Ozpin: So! Where did you learn to do this?

Ozpin then showed us the video of Ruby and me fighting the gang members the fedora man or also known as Roman Torchwick brought.

Ruby: Si..Signal Academy

Ozpin: They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?

Ruby: Well one teacher in paticular.

Ozpin then handed down the plate of cookies on the table. I was about to grab one when Ruby start gulp every cookie down as fast as she could.

Ozpin: It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old.

I knew that Ozpin was talking about Qrow but what Ruby said next completely took me off guard.

Ruby: (mumbles through her full mouth) Oh! That's my uncle!

What the hell?! I mean we all knew that Qrow had two niece but I didn't expect it to be her! I tried to hide my shock expression while the two were talking. Little did I realise little Ruby got to enter Beacon early. When they were just about then I squeaked up.

(Y/N) : I guess you guys forgot about little old me.

When Ruby heard it she quickly glanced excitedly at me and asked many questions about my fighting styles and where I learned to fight and all that. Of course I made it all up. You can't just say " Oh I'm the leader of the best assassin in the White Fang and I've killed many guys before. No big deal!" Yeah not gonna happen.

Ozpin: Okay Professor Goodwitch, why don't you take little Ms. Rose back home. While I have a little chat with out friend here.

Glynda nodded and took Ruby out to the door.

Ruby: I'll see you soon (Y/N)!!

I just waved at the hyperactive girl. Then the room became silent and the energy at the room felt heavy. Little did I know Ozpin already had his cane out. He settled down infront of me and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

Then Ozpin spoke up first.

Ozpin: Alright Mr (L/N), you can take off your hat now.

I then looked at a security camera at the corner of the room. Ozpin must have noticed what I was staring at cause he too turned.

Ozpin: Don't worry the surveillance are down. So please take off your hat and stay calm. I dont intend to hand you and your friends to the police... Unless you want me too?


I then pulled my hat off and slamed it on the table. When things calmed down a bit, we started talking.

(Y/N): I guess Qrow has informed you about me and my team?

Ozpin: The Blood unit? Yes. Intresting and daring tasks that all you've completed during your once carrier must I say.

I just replied with a chuckle.

(Y/N): Well those days are over.

Ozpin: I see. Well that's unfortunate.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Ozpin: Well I've heard from Qrow that you and your friends would like to enter Beacon.

(Y/N): To start over. Yeah that's the plan.

Ozpin: And why would I except killers in my school?

(Y/N): Haha! Well Professor, we wouldn't want the world to know about "The Queen" now would we.

Ozpin or Professor Ozpin just chuckled lightly.

Ozpin: I see that Qrow has told you about her.

(Y/N): Yeah. We know the basics. But of course we would still like to with the initiation.

Ozpin: How noble.

(Y/N): I just have two speacil request professor.

Ozpin: And what would that be?

(Y/N): First, we would like to be a five man team. Second we already have a team name.

Ozpin: Well that could be overlooked. Anything else?

(Y/N): No professor that would be all.

Ozpin: Well how about I request something of you and your team?

(Y/N): Well it's only fair. Of course.

Ozpin: I will inform you of my request later on Mr (L/N). When you and your friends enter my academy.

With that, he took his cane and left the room. When he left, it was then I noticed that I was shaking and sweating. He was that strong huh? I just gave a nervous laugh and existed the station.

When I left, my scroll ringed and the I.D belonged to Romeo.

(Y/N): Ello!

Romeo: Capt!!! Where are you!? It's been two hours! Nana is already trying to eat me!



(Y/N): Haha. Alright. Tell Nana to wait. I'll bring you some burgers asap. And about where I've been... Well it's a long story.

I hung up the phone and walked down the dark streets if Vail.

A/N: HEY GUYS!! SO sorry for the late update. I'm actually on holiday right now. But I'll be back tomorow. Maybe. Well until next time guys and gals!

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