Time || Solby

By You_will_never_know-

48.9K 1.6K 1.1K

Sequel to Real || Solby! "I know this isn't really a good place, or time, or plan, or... Hell, it isn't a goo... More

First and hopefully only author note!
Thing 2 is better than thing 1 because this chapter is 2!
Wherefour art thou, Romeo?!
Free high fives sold here for $5
Sixitysixtysiiiiiiii-oh wait
DAD JOKES ARE FUNNY sorry what number is this
Eight ate bait... And got a stomachache
Me: 7+2? Hitler: NINE
Chapter Elven
If you're twelve you're not old enough to read half the stuff on Wattpad
I was tagged..twice
The number thirteen? Not on my watch!
I want to address an obvious subject
Hey, I'm fourte-oh wait you will never knoww!
Fact of the day: 15 is a number. You're welcome.
Should i do it? se- ready? SE- no jk thats old news now
Chapter seventeen.
Remember the teens from the last chapter? They found another teen
Sorry I totally forgot what chapter this is and I'm too lazy to check
This book is now of legal age.... To drink apple juice duh
What an exciting opportunity for you guys
I have no idea what chapter number this would be
Ya know what's a better joke than 24? ........
This is the worst part about writing books

Guess who's a ten...^^^

1.5K 60 13
By You_will_never_know-

S  A  M

After a long walk that was interrupted by Colby's condition, we made it to the car. I drove home quickly, hoping Colby wouldnt have to throw up while we were in the car. 

"I'm sorry Sam. I don't know what's wrong with me." He muttered, resting his head on the car door.

"It's not your fault, Colby. We should have left sooner, and maybe we would've been home by now with some hot drink for you."

"Mmm, that sounds really good." He groaned, closing his eyes.

I smiled a little.

We got home soon without any unfortunate mishaps. Colby dragged himself through the door and plopped on the couch, even though I warned him against that.

"If you get comfy and want to fall asleep, you'd want to be in your room. It's more comfortable." 

"Mm it's fine," he groaned. "You can just make me more comfortable here, right?" He opened one eye to look at me.

I chuckled. "Sure Colby."

I walked into the kitchen, leaving him on the couch and looked through our cupboards. "What do you want to drink?"

"Can I have some tea?"

"Yeah." I turned on the stove and set a pot of water on it, since we didn't have a teapot. I looked around and eventually found some tea bags. They were probably one of the roommates', but I'm sure they won't mind if they knew Colby was sick. 

I poured the boiling water into mugs and set the teabags inside, walking back to Colby. He looked super comfortable and like he was about to fall asleep. "Colby."

He looked up slowly and took the mug. "Thanks." 

"You might have to sit up to let me sit down, or to drink your tea.."

"I don't want to," he grumbled.

"K, I'll just sit on you." And so I sat on his torso.

He huffed and I bounced a little with the rise and fall of his chest. He suddenly smirked and said, "Care to move down a little?"

"Shut up." I sipped my tea.

Mid-sip, he wiggled around and made me spill a little. "Alright, sit up!" I said.


I got off him and he sat up normally so I could sit by him on the couch. He instantly leaned into my chest and I brought up my knees so he could rest his head more comfortably. I played with his hair and wrapped a blanket around both of us. We were a little cocoon of warmth and blankets and tea, and it was obviously putting Colby to sleep. I saw his grip start to slip on his mug so I carefully set it on the table so it wouldn't break. His head grew heavier in my lap and I could hear his slow, deep breaths. 

I stayed that way for a while, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of our position. The only sound was made by Colby and I, our soft breathing mixing in the air. 

I set my tea down and rested my head on the couch to sleep, my fingers still running through Colby's hair.

(JUMPCUT wow this hasn't happened in a while)

C  O  L  B  Y

I woke up still in Sam's lap. He was sleeping, and he looked so peaceful. It was still dark out, and it seemed that nobody was home. Strange, because there's always someone home besides us.

I just sat there looking, half afraid to move in case I wake Sam, and half just giving into my tiredness. 

My eyes found a spot in the hallway in one of the arches. What is that? It seemed lighter there than the other arches. Maybe it's a reflection or something. 

But then it started to dim. Okay, so whatever is being reflected just got dimmer...

It dimmed until it was equal with the other arches, but it continued further. Darker, darker, and darker until it was thick, pitch black. Just that one spot.

Sam. Wake Sam!

I nudged Sam carefully, hoping to avoid moving too much in case I alerted the humanoid thing. "Sam." I hissed.

He didn't move. Seriously? Every other time I accidentally nudge him at night he wakes up and complains. This is the time he wants to be a heavy sleeper?

I nudged him harder. "Sam." I glanced at the thing, and saw that it was closer. Panic. "Sam!" I whispered loudly. I shoved him hard. 

He didn't move, but the thing did. It was slowly drifting towards me. "Sam! Wake up! SAM!" I shouted, shaking him.

He opened his eyes finally, but it wasn't Sam. His eyes were dark, and he growled at me. "Why didn't you stay with me, Colby?" He shrieked. 

I backed away quickly, and the dark mist surrounded him as he crept closer. "Sam? Where's Sam?" I asked the creature.

"Sam's not here," it spat. It cornered me and gripped my shoulders. "You should have stayed!" It's eyes took on a look of insanity and it shook me violently.


My eyes flew open. I was on the couch, panting like crazy and gripping Sam. 


I gasped and hugged him as tight as I could.

"Colby you're squishing me," he said in a breathless voice.

"Sam, you don't know how happy I am to see you."

"Well, the way I woke up sure didn't tell me that. You were shaking me like crazy and you wouldn't stop yelling. And then you just gripped me super hard and it freaking hurt." 

"I'm sorry. I don't know why but I had the worst nightmare and there was thick black smoke and then you were there but it wasn't you because you were evil and you yelled at me and tried to hurt me..." I shuddered just thinking about it.

"Hey, it's okay." He hugged me, seeing that I was upset and I welcomed it greatly. 

"I think the scariest part about it was that you weren't there. I mean, you were, but for the first time you weren't on my side," I said into his chest, calming down a little.

"Well, don't be worried about that. I'll always be on your side." 

A/N so sorry I went missing for like three days! I been busy. Also sorry if I gave you nightmares, I think I gave myself nightmares too

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