Captured By Throne

By mayarosestories

29.4K 711 66

Dia Woodser is not your average girl. From having a destructive home life and being homeless for the majority... More

Description And Disclaimer
The Target
The girl
The boss
Family Ties


3.3K 80 4
By mayarosestories


Dias POV

I woke up tied to a chair with my head pounding. I tried to recall what happened. After a few seconds I knew. I felt like my hands were going to fall off from the lack of blood pumping through them. The rope, tight as ever, seemed to be pressing into me every time I took a breath.

I held up my head carelessly, not caring enough to refocus my blurred vision, but to have a faint clue to where I was this time.

I've had no experience being tied up, well kidnapped. But I've watched enough TV to tell me that they probably would of taken me somewhere else. I don't even want to worry about what I left behind.. I have a feeling that my life would never be the same after this. If I make it out alive, that is.

"What's your name?"

I was taken aback, surprised that there was someone in here with me, and at the fact they asked me directly. It was the first time any of them spoken to me. The voice sounded so deep and harsh, I almost wanted to respond on instinct. My ego wouldn't let me though. At least it allowed me to put my head back down. My neck really did hurt.

I stared intensely at my lap as the voice responded.

"I said, what is your name"

"I'm not scared of you" A lie. A big f*cking lie. How is it that my life would end like this? I could already see the headlines. Girl found dead in an alley in Los Angeles. How honorable. What would my family think? No. In my last few minutes I won't spend any time thinking about those low lives, I won't let them get into my thoughts. It's partly their fault I'm in this mess in the first place. If they would just listen to me, then maybe things would of gone differently. Or maybe if I was able to get past that clawing feeling from the back of my mind that I never got rid of from childhood.


I already despised that word, now it takes on a whole other meaning.

"Right, this probably isn't a greeting."

I looked up fast, an other gun shot? My eyes started to water as intense pain came from my shoulder.

"Di- did you shoot me?!!" I winced trying to look down at my shoulder. Blood was already staining my white stained shirt. I bit my tongue to stop from screaming out. And to stop the tears already clouding my vision.

"Now that we know each other, I'm going to ask you one more time, what is your name?" he said slowly

I looked up with the most disgusting sneer I could master. I never felt more hatred for something, someone, in my whole life. Well, I could name a couple people, but no one else matters at this moment. Only him.

"Dia.... Woodser" I said with as much pride I could master through the pain shooting up my right arm. As soon as I said it, I almost wished he would shoot me again. Almost. I could have said any name, any name, but instead I said my own. Well not like it matters, he would end up killing me anyways.

My mind flew to last night. Well I suppose it was last night, I had no idea how long I've been passed out for. From the way those men looked at me when they saw me, it didn't seem like they were there for me. No, it was for the other guy in the alley. His expression was still locked into my head. I wondered if I would ever have a good sleep ever again.

"Good girl"

That snapped me out of my thoughts. What the fu- He started to move closer to me. My eyes flew straight to the gun he was holding, the illuminating outline caught in the light. My eyes slowly went upwards. He wasn't what I was expecting. I imagined a bald guy, maybe in his late 40's. But not this. I would prefer the other version in my head.

He didn't look like a kidnapper. He wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans. He had strangely white pale skin,  with dark eye bags that somehow highlighted his sharp cheekbones. His black straight hair fell between his eyes, making the scar on his cheek more transparent.

Any other girl in any other circumstance might even call him good looking.

I realized in that moment, that I can't leave. I can't die. No matter how hard I've tried not to, my mind flew to her. I have to support her, she only has me to care for her. I won't let her down. Never again. I called to that strength as I spoke to the man who might just be my killer.

"Let me go"

"What did you see?"

My eyes flew straight to the gun. Lie, seduce, beg, cry, anything to get out of here! think, think , think

"I didn't see ANYTHING! I swear! now let me go!"

I screamed once again, tasting metal in my dry crusted throat. I kicked my feet in the air, like a little girl having a fit. The instant pain followed straight after, like little fire ants biting my shoulder, the move I moved, the more the pain intensifies. I have to ignore it. I have too. The pain was too intense, I wanted to cry. To my discomfort, I felt two hot tears escape down my cheeks.

"Do you know who the fück your messing with"

He said it with so much malice, it made me take my eyes off the gun and onto his face.

Wrong move. His eyes greeted mine, his glaze piercing, as if he could see past my every lie. I became aware of how I must look, dirty, washed down, a little girl throwing a tantrum. I could see the dirt in my hair from the corner of my eye. Good, let him see what he did to me. I tore away my glaze, instead looking down at the gun.

"I could be your worst nightmare"

His voice indicated he was coming closer to me. I can't die, I can't. I shuddered with surprise and an overwhelming urge to cry again. Funny, how not to long ago I've dreamed about wanting to leave. Now I was begging to stay.

"J-just let me go"

I turned my head away from him. Suddenly feeling a need to be back into the comfort of the darkness, or back in that alley, anywhere besides here. How am I gonna get out of here alive?

"What are we gonna do with you..." Out of the corner of my eye, I seen a corner of his mouth lift. His hands were reaching for me.


My natural reaction kicked in.

I turned back to see him. My spit splattered across his cheek. He gave me a deadly glare. To my discomfort he recovered quickly, wiping it off with his sleeve in one motion.

" You could let me go" I said quickly seeing his face contour to anger.

"I'm not that stupid"

"I didn't see anything!"

"Lying to me won't get you anywhere, have you not learned anything?

He was interrupted by the door being slammed open. He immediately turned away, his attention on whoever interrupted us. I took the chance to take in the room, finding any openings for a quick escape. To my discomfort, my eyes flew towards the torture devices that were on the table. A bunch of tools that I couldn't name, but looked scary enough to want to stay away from. There was more hung up all across the walls of the room. I could name some of those, they looked like tools to work on a car with. To my surprise, no windows or other doors besides the one in front of the room. At least as far as I could see, the only light in the room was above me, which didn't help that it was facing towards me as well. That door was my only way out.

"I'm a little busy in here" The man took quick long strides to the door.

"I'm sorry boss but this is important! Come quick!" The man in the door way paid no attention to me while I tried to piece together all of the clues I've gotten so far.

Boss? So this is their boss.... But why? Probably working in some kind of murder cult. I need to play nice if I wanted to get out of here.

"This better be something with the girl"

"Of course" the guy said awkwardly as he got pushed out of the doorway.

A second later ,the guy came in and shut the door behind him. I was definitely in a different place then last time, made with wooden walls and custom nails drilled into the walls to hold those torture devices. The extra light that came from outside the room helped to get rid of the rest of the shadows surrounding me. No windows for sure and only one door ahead of me. It seemed more like a basement or some kind of cellar then a apartment.

"Drink this" A round object flew in my direction. It hit me square in the chest, making me flinch. He gave out a long chuckle as I shot a deadly glaze his way. He made his way towards me to pick up the bottle. He flipped off the cap with his thumb and held it over my mouth. As far as I could see from under the light, it appeared to be water. Making sure it had no suspicious smell, I finished it in one slip. It tasted funny. But my throat felt so much better then before. When was the last time I had anything to drink?

"You will pass out in less then 10 minutes I drugged your water, while doing so, I need to figure out what to do with you. You can't stay here, your-" he gestured towards my shoulder "needs to be clean." He appeared to be writing everything he said down, his hands flying across a small notepad I didn't notice until now. His eyes kept looking me up and down as he wrote. More in a questioning manner then an uncomfortable one. Weird. Maybe that drugged water was already working.

I was pissed at myself for being so self absorbed , not bothering to question why my captors would be offering anything to me, the person they kidnapped. But if I want to get out of here anytime soon, I have to play a part. I need to give them a reason to think I'm more valuable being alive then dead. Not that it helped going unconscious every few minutes. I wondered how long I could go without eating. Or drinking again.

I decided to put on a mask, forgetting all of my feelings and emotions from before. It was easy, I've had practice doing this a thousand times before.

"What's your name? is it necessary to keep me tied up?"

My voice sounded silky and smooth, I was slightly surprised I've managed to hide the malice that threaten to come out. I bit down hard on my tongue.

"Josh" he said not bothering looking up. But that was all I needed.

"What's the other guys name? That you call boss?" The question slipped through my lips instead, sounding harsher then I intended. So much for that plan.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

Then he eyed me slowly, chuckling loudly as if that question was so absurd. I scowled, wanting to plunge whatever that brown metal bar was on the table onto his head.

"That's not something you need to know"

I started feeling drowsy, and tired. I was so tired of everything. And so, so mad. The pain in my shoulder reminded me that this was real, is real. Was it so bad to just want to lie here and never get back up? Can't I just sleep and never wake up to living a never ending nightmare? No one was coming for me anyways, I had no one to burst through that door to save me.

My last thoughts before I slipped away from reality, was her. Her face embedded into my memories. I could still picture her face perfectly. She needs me. As much as I hate to admit it, I need her. This can't be it, I won't let it.

I'm getting out of here, not matter what I have to do, i'm getting out of here alive.

Next chapter is out!

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