The 24th Annual Hunger Games

By SkyShay87

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Leena Schore is reaped for the Annual 24th Hunger Games. And the male tribute is her ex-boyfriend that cheate... More

The 24th Annual Hunger Games
Chapter 1 - The Past
Chapter 2 - The Parade
Chapter 3 - Meet The Tributes
Chapter 4 - Scores
Chapter 5 - Spilling the Beans
Chapter 7 - Revenge Tastes Sweet-er Than Blood
Chapter 8 - Coo-Coo Bird
Chapter 9 - The Tag Along
Chapter 10 - Dreams Do Come True
Chapter 11 - Final 5
Chapter 12 - Finish This
Chapter 13 - The Little Flying Life Saver
Chapter 14 - Impossible
Chapter 15 - The Winner's Dinner (FINAL CHAPTER)
Our Goodbyes ;(!!!!!!
Hehe 20!!!

Chapter 6 - The Dagger

54 2 0
By SkyShay87

Chapter 6

The Dagger

I couldn't remember anything after that night. The only thing I can remember now is me standing on the platform in my running position like the other tributes. I gulped and observed my surroundings. We were in a ghost town, only no town... It's was foggy, and dirty, and hard to breathe in. It reminded me of a swamp. Then the voice boomed the numbers until the games begin.

42, 41, 40...

I licked my lips and took in a big breathe. Then I looked to my side and saw Destiny. Beside her, Trent. I smiled at her and she smiled back. She looked excited and ready to go. I could already see the blood fly like sparks in her eyes.

29, 28, 27...

I could feel my blood pumping a million times a minute. Everything seemed to be shaking. The world felt like it was shaking. I clutched my knuckles and cleared my throat. This was a horrifying moment...

10, 9, 8...

Everything turned blurry and I was unstable. My head was pounding. I couldn't focus... Then I heard a blasting ring and leaped off the platform and sprinted towards the cornucopia. I glanced to my sides and saw Destiny by my side with an evil grin. Then I made a sharp stop at the the cornucopia. I gripped onto 9 knifes and a backpack. Then I sneaked a spear with me. The girl from 5 pulled an arrow on me.

She shot it and luckily I dodged it. I took my first knife and jabbed it into her waist. She screamed and collapsed to the floor. I was freaking out!! Then I ripped the knife out of her waist and stuck it out above my shoulder. The boy from 7 ran right passed me and I sliced his cheek open. He screeched and fell on his knees.

I smiled and glanced at Destiny. She was constantly stabbing the girl from 3 in the heart. Then I felt a slight rip on my face. I screeched in pain and turned to my side to see... Winter... I took the spear and just slung it towards wherever would make sense. Sadly, he missed it then whispered in my ear, "Remember, the dagger?"

My eyes flashed into horrible memories and pain... Right before we all turned 12 and we would be reaped for the Hunger Games, a group of us got together and prepared. For the pain... We called this game The Dagger.

Whoever would do the wrong thing in combat or strategy would be cut with a dagger. I covered up my scars with small tattoos. Winter almost killed me that night. He thought I was just so stupid he went deep deep into my skin near my eye. I had to get stitches and I still have a scar there healing.

He cut me in the same place and it hurt SO BAD!!!!

"AHHH!!!!" I screamed not noticing the girl from 4 about to cut me up into little Leena pieces.

"Heah!!!" Destiny yelled, digging her axe into his back saving my life.

I glanced up at her.

"We're allies, right?" She chuckled standing on the boys dead body. I nodded and laughed.

A little while after the survivors scattered the cornucopia, Trent, Destiny, Roge, Sage and I admired our goodies. Trent took his sword and wiped the blood off of it. Destiny studied my reaction of the games. She also was observing my scar. I looked up at her and she had scratches all over that pretty little face of hers.

She looked like someone took a sharp needle and dragged it all over her face.

"What happened to-"

"Boy from 5. He, um... scratched my face with a arrow. How about your scar?"

I swallowed and said, "Winter, uh, cut me near my eye. Yea.." I shyly mumbled.

She laughed and fell back onto the sticky thick grass. She sighed and smelled the fresh air.

"Leena, your the only person I can feel like I trust. Don't tell the others this, but... I smile and laugh when people die or when I kill someone is because I know I am one step closer to being free. One more step to seeing my family again," Destiny sighed.

She smells the air because once she is dying she won't be able to smell it again. Then I heard a chocking sound. We turned around and Roge was on the ground gasping for air, wheezing, with a small mini arrow was lodged into her back.

"Who is stupid enough to ambush us now!!" Destiny shouted backing up.

"I guess, I am."

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