Changing For Love (Book 1/3)

By SabrinaSpicer7

333K 11K 1.5K

Book Best Rankings: #1 girlxgirl 27/10/19 #1 book1 29/11/19 #3 lgbt 27/10/19 #21 lesbian 27/10/19 #32 Comple... More

Second Book
Inportant A/N


17.2K 524 47
By SabrinaSpicer7

"Zoè wake up!" Ashley yelled, shaking my body violently. I quickly shot up, feeling my neck ache from falling asleep over my architecture notes.

"Go away," I groaned, shoving her off me and leaning my head in my hands.

"I have a smashing headache and I'm not going to put up with your grumpy ass," she countered, shoving me, causing my head to smack on the hard wood.

"Ashley I'm trying to study!" I explained grumpily, knowing the little sleep I got last night was making it difficult.

"You've been studying so much you fell asleep. Let's go out!"

"Have you even done your assignment for your preparation exam?"

"No, but I'll do it okay Zo. Just come with me tonight,"

"Where are you going?" I questioned, turning on my chair to face her.

"Same bar as last night. Brendan gave me his number and wants to hang tonight," she shrugged, neatening her brunette curls in my mirror.

"Was Brendan the one who wanted to fuck You? Or the one who looked like he wanted to kill you?"

"Don't be so sour, he was the first guy who talked to me. He had to leave early for work. How responsible is that!" She sighed. Her eyes did that thing when your gushing over someone. She was constantly doing this. She would fall for any guy that walked in front of her.

"Maybe he can teach you to be responsible, because I can't seem to control you,"

"I am responsible Zo," all I did was raise my eyebrow at her. Ashley wasn't responsible. She was like a six year old child in a twenty three year olds body. She parties way too much and doesn't spend enough time completing her assignment or studying for the exams that are coming really soon.

"Okay, maybe sometimes, but I'm better with you, so please come with me tonight," she whined, grabbing my hands.

"Fine, But only in case I have to kick Branden's ass,"

"It's Brendan,"

"Same thing," I mumbled, sliding my architect book into my bag. Today is going to be a long day.


I sat at the bar hunched over my book. I was revising for the theory preparation exam in a couple of days. This was my second last exam and I needed to pass. I kept checking on Ashley and surprisingly, she's had the same drink for an hour, plus Brendan has been the same. I turned my glance towards them. Brendan looked like he was an accounting manager or something. He had that stereotypical look to him. Fancy wine, dressed neatly without being too formal, neatly cut and trimmed haircut, light stubble and was fit. I'll admit, Ashley has always had good taste in men. The problem was she never saw past one date with them. Usually she got drunk off her face with them. Brendan must be special.

"I see your friend recovered better than anyone I've ever seen," I couldn't help but smile at the voice that made an appearance.

"She's used to hangovers," I shrugged, turning my attention to Kellina.

"That shouldn't be a good thing,"

"I know,"

"Soda?" She asked, I nodded in reply.

"She's only had one drink tonight," I added amusement in my tone.

"Is that true?" She asked, leaning on the counter. I nodded, trying to not look down her shirt that had opened up to me. But it was very very hard considering she was right in front of me.

"Didn't think it was possible after seeing her last night,"


"Must be Brendan, he's a nice guy," she shrugged.

"You know him?" She simply nodded, "How?" She shrugged.

"Used to work with my brother in the same business,"

"What business?"

"Someone's nosey. Are you sure you're not a journalist?" She smirked, standing from the bench.

"I'm not a journalist,"

"Maybe you should be. You ask a lot of questions, and you have those wrinkle lines that they get on their foreheads from asking all those questions,"

"Are you saying I'm old?" I asked, feeling self conscious under her cold honey stare.

"If you want to take offence you can,"

"You're really-"

"Stubborn? A bitch? I've heard it all princess," she laughed bitterly, serving a man a drink.

"I was going to say charming but I take it back,"

"I would've heard the sarcasm drip from your voice like melted cheese on pasta,"

"Are you sure you work as a bartender? You seem awfully poetic," I watched a small smile play on her pink lips.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be princess," she turned her back to me, tending to another man. I looked over her bare arms that were quite toned but not enough to make her look less feminine. She had the veins on her arms that girls find attractive. She was wearing a low tank top that showed her lean body on the side. You could see her ribs and oblique muscles. I didn't realise she was back in my direction till I heard her laugh.

"Princess I appreciate the attention but I am closed for business,"

"You're married?" I asked, feeling a little pang in my chest.

"Of course not," she chuckled, pulling a stool out and sitting in front of me.


"Do I look straight to you? Maybe the long blonde hair gives it away. Dang, maybe I should shave it off,"

"You're gay?" I whispered. She rolled her eyes.

"Was it the tattoos, the athleticism or the fact that I only talk to you in the bar?"

"None actually,"

"If you're one of those people who disagree with me the door is where you came in,"

"I'm Bi," I replied out of no where. She raised a brow at me.

"Interesting, never would've guessed,"

"You judge a book by its cover?"

"Yep. Someone has to do it," she shrugged. I felt slightly offended by it. Why would someone judge someone by their looks?

"But why?"

"Let's be honest here," she sighed adjusting herself, "You have to be physically attracted to someone to be with them. It's not all personality,"

"But looks shouldn't matter as much,"

"True, but they still matter in my opinion,"

"So are you single?" I asked, getting back on topic. A smirk lifted up her lips.

"Asking me out are we princess?"

"No, I was just making conversation,"

"Well if you must know I am single,"

"Great," I said out loud instead of in my head. I mentally groaned when Kellina laughed.

"I don't do relationships either so go play with someone your own size,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, taking little offence to her comment. She shrugged, not bothering to answer my question. She does that a lot. She either vaguely answers or doesn't answer at all. It annoys me.

"You're friends staring," I turned in my seat to see a smiling Ashley. She winked at me, and tapped her thigh twice. I gave her a warning glare before turning back to Kellina. She was doing one of our secret sayings. She thought Kellina was hot.

"So architecture," she sighed, flipping trough my book. I couldn't help but notice small cuts on her hands. Must've been from broken glasses or something, "Which field?"

"Interior," she nodded, closing my book and handing it to me, "Do you just work here?"

"Asking if I'm as successful as you?" She asked standing tall.

"I'm asking if this is what you enjoy," she shrugged.

"Had no choice,"

"Why?" I asked, watching something shift in her honey orbs, but it was ever so slightly.

"I don't usually kiss and tell, especially before a first date,"

"This isn't a date,"

"Could've broken my heart princess," she chuckled.

"But you don't date, so how could I break your heart?" She ignored my comment, "Do you do friends," I asked, causing her to cock an eyebrow.

"By do, do you mean sex or friendships, only if they're worthy,"

"You sound like we're all peasants," she chuckled.

"I wouldn't be calling you princess then would I?" She smirked, before walking away from me. I watched her figure go into the double doors. She is so intriguing, yet mysterious.

"Sooooooo how's it going?" Ashley asked, setting her glass on the bar.

"How's what going?"

"Red wine please," she smiled to the male bartender.

"Wine now huh?" I questioned.

"What can I say, he has good taste,"

"You never drink wine,"

"Neither do you but we can try new things. Thanks," she smiled.

"Going back to him then?"

"Yeah just for a little longer," I nodded and watched as she walked back over to the smiling guy. I sighed. We will probably be here all night.

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