Tiberius Salvatore: Mikaelson...

By LivingTheDeadLife

61.7K 1.3K 131

It's been a year. Rio's heartbroken, but with Anya depending on him he knew he'd have to find a way to move o... More

48 [Epilogue]


1.5K 33 3
By LivingTheDeadLife

"Alright, Klaus. Enough is enough. Blake is a great poet but I'd rather something less depressing right now." Rio took Klaus's book away from him, setting it on the coffee table.
"Please. All your favourite poets only ever write depressing poems."
"It's hard to find a decent, happy poem." Rio said, giving up, as Klaus took his book back.
"Poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees. Looks like someone's worried about impending daddy-hood." Rebekah teased her older brother. Rio chuckled. The two were trying to get a bloodstain out of the two century old carpet, but to no avail.
"Nonsense. Elijah's back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie-dust and float away!" He replied sarcastically, catching Rebekah's eye, and the two smiled at each other, in the way siblings do.
"Strange, I don't recall any pixie-dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure." Elijah joined in the conversation.
"I'm sorry, Elijah. It wasn't the best decision I've made."
"That implies that you actually make good decisions." Elijah shot back.
"I do." Klaus defended. "I chose Rio to be my friend."
"Besides that?"
"I..." He tried to think. "have some. Just give me a moment."

"Honey I'm home!" Sam called, interrupting the Mikaelsons, as she walked into the Mikaelson Manor. "Boy, you did not make this place easy to find!"
"Um, who are you? I think we really should start to lock the doors if everyone's just going to come inside." Hayley said.
"I'm Sam. Who are you?"
"You're a werewolf." Sam said.
"So are you."
"What's Rio involved himself with now?" She sighed. "Tiberius Salvatore!"
"Hey, Sammy." He winced coming over. He looked at Hayley. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys she was coming. This is Sam, she's a really good friend."
"Nice to meet you."
"And this is Hayley. Newest addition to the Mikaelson family."
"Oh dear, you got roped in too?" Sam said, in mock pity.
"Heard that Samantha!" Klaus said walking into the foyer.
"Oh, hello Niklaus."
"You do know werewolves aren't allowed in New Orleans."
"Yet you're hiding one in your house."
"She has an excuse. She literally can't leave the town."
"Evil voodoo witches?"
"Yep, evil voodoo witches." Rio confirmed.
"Alright, but I'm still staying."
"I promise, I have no more people up my sleeve." Rio put his hands up. "I'll take your bag, Sammy."
"Thanks, Rio."

Rio found him once again looking at his phone once again. Elijah's words had gotten to him. He stared at Stefan's number and decided to call him. He rushed out of the house to somewhere his call wouldn't be overheard.
"Hello?" Stefan answered, seemingly unsure.
"Hello, Stefan."
"Who is this?"
"It's been a year, I doubt you'd forget my voice that easily, little brother."
"Little brother? Who are you?"
"Rio. Stefan, are you okay? You sound a bit... off."
"I have amnesia."
"You what now, mate?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"Is anyone near you right now?"
"Um, Caroline is."
"Pass the phone to her, please."
"Um, okay. Hey, Caroline? Some guy wants to talk to you." Stefan said, in the background.
"Some guy?" She questioned and took the phone. "Hello?"
"Caroline Forbes. Why has no one told me my youngest brother has amnesia? Better yet, how is it possible that he does have amnesia? No, why has nobody told me?"
"See, with witches, anything is possible especially travelers, and I think Damon should be the one to answer your other question."
"Is Stefan okay?"
"I thought you were mad. Why are you calling?"
"I'm mad, but I do need to check up on them to see they're not dead, and since Klaus moved away, I no longer have my informant."
"Even after what happened?"
"Caroline, please. I'd rather not talk about what happened with the Mystic Falls crew."
"I understand. Just know, we're all really, really sorry."
"What about Kol? Didn't realise I might've had other friends sired by him? Listen Caroline, I don't want to get into this. Please?"
"Okay." She replied, deflated. She forgot Kol was an Original and that Rio had friends all over the world. "Well, we're working on a way to get Stefan's memories back."
"Alright. If anything like this happens, please keep me posted. If my brothers are harmed at all, please tell me."
"Okay, you're not coming?"
"I can't. Not yet."
"Bye Rio." She said.
"Goodbye Caroline." He put his phone away. Meanwhile, Stefan stared at Caroline confused.
"Why did he call me little brother?"
"Because he's your oldest brother, Stefan. There's three of you Salvatores. Tiberius, Damon and you. Rio only reunited with you guys around two to three years ago. You and Damon thought he was dead, and he thought you two were dead."
"Oh. Why isn't he coming?"
"Because last year, you and Damon and the rest of us lot conspired to kill the Originals-"
"The first vampires?"
"Yes, and most of them are Rio's friends. But they were evil. And well, they were all linked, but just as we killed the eldest Mikaelson, Klaus managed to unlink his family, so we only killed Finn. When an Original vampire dies, their entire sire line dies with them. Rio's wife was from Finn's sire line, so he hasn't managed to forgive us or step foot in this town since Charlie died. He still cares about you guys though, and he's kept tabs. But now that Klaus is no longer in town, he has to call you guys up. It's the first time since what happened, happened that he called you."
"I killed his wife."
"Well you, Elena and Matt were there. You three helped kill Finn. Not his wife. None of us knew that his entire sire line would have died."
"How long were they married?"
"A century and a half or something. Ever since you guys turned, except possibly a year or two later."
"Isn't that longer than he actually knew me?"
"I'm afraid so."
"And as soon as we got him back, we managed to kill his wife. Why doesn't he want us dead?"
"Rio's a saint. He's never killed. No human, vampire, werewolf, witch. Ever."
"Wait, seriously? That's a thing?"
"Seriously. And he's got this way of seeing the good in people. It might take a while, but he'll forgive you eventually. He still cares, he's just upset."

"Rio?" Damon sounded surprised. After Rio spoke to Stefan- well Caroline, he called his other brother.
"Hello, Damon. How are you?"
" I'm fine. How are you doing?"
"I'm faring well. How is Stefan?"
"He misses you a lot. Well I say misses, when I should say missed. Little brother has amnesia."
"I heard. I just wanted to see if you'd actually tell me. Wanna fill me in on how?"
"Yeah. There's this whole thing with the first ever doppelganger, a few thousand years ago. Also, Stefan is a doppelganger too."
"You didn't call me?" Rio asked, hurt that Damon would keep Stefan's situation from him.
"Well, I figured we could get his memories back and you wouldn't have to come back to this godforsaken town. That is what you want, right?"
"Damn it, Damon." Rio swore and hung up the phone. He ran back to the Mikaelson Manor where he bumped into Klaus.
"Rio, you okay?"
"Not in the slightest."
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Kill Damon. And no, I do not mean it literally. Do not actually kill Damon."
"You sure?"
"Klaus, do not go to Mystic Falls and kill Damon."
"Fine. So what's happened?"
"Stefan has amnesia. I took Elijah's advice and I called them. Stefan doesn't know who I am. And Damon wasn't going to tell me."
"Tough break, you gonna go?"
"No, I can't. They have the situation in hand."
"Doubtful. Afterall, Stefan has amnesia. And he's also a vampire. You can see where I'm going with this."
"I can't Klaus. I can't. Not now, please."
"Okay." Klaus sighed. "But you will have to face them sooner or later."

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