Stars! (Hamilton Kindergarten...

By TruePower6

1.8K 63 654

Kindergarten! An innocent time in every child's life full of friendship, learning, and singing. Sure, Alex ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
A/N Shoutout
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Tax Day
Chapter 9: Full House + Cover Update

Chapter 5

191 9 102
By TruePower6

Third Person POV -
A few moments earlier
“Stop dancing around and just go!” King George glared bullets at Sammy. “I can’t just go, Sam. There's someone else in the there!” Annoyance lingered in his tone. His eyes went between Sammy and a far off door in an anticipating fashion. He shifted from foot to foot in a goofy dance on the colorful puzzle mat by the bookshelves. Sam rolled his eyes and kept reading. “You know,” Sammy said without looking up from his book, “You could just go to the older kids’ bathroom.”

A quiet pause followed the statement. Confused by his silence, Sam looked up at King. His face was clouded by an all too familiar (and scary) expression. King continued prancing about like an amateur ballerina.

‘All he needs is a tutu and he'll be all set.’ Sam pushed the thought away. “What are you thinking?” Sammy put his book down cautiously. Realization struck and a look of terror crossed Sammy’s face. “Oh no…” King nodded his head.

Before Sammy could retort, King said between his teeth, “I have no choice, Sam! I'm not going to make it. Tell Washington, please.” Sam shook his head. “Y-you could still-”

“Tell Washington!” He hissed. Without another moment's hesitation, Sam leaped from his seat and zipped away to find the teacher.

“Whoa! Calm down, Sam. What's wrong?” Washington chuckled. Sam gasped for air. If he had gone any faster, he could've outran Jesse Owens. “It's..King! He-” He shuddered when he saw how laidback King was. He was as carefree, cool and almost as collected as a feline. Sammy turned his attention back to Washington with a sigh. “He had an accident.”

“IT WASN'T AN ACCIDENT IF I DID IT ON PURPOSE!” King singsonged. Washington dismissed Sammy with a nod and a soft smile as he went to deal with King’s “accident”. Just as Washington left, Sammy saw Charlie skip out of the bathroom. Sammy marched over to confront his husband.

Charlie's POV: (A/N New POV ;) )
I just got out the bathroom and Sammy is already marching over to me angrily. George was being taken away by Washington. Finally!! I wonder what surprising thing I did this time. “Were you in there that long intentionally?!” Wifey ask-yelled.

Ugh! He's speaking gibberish again. “What the heck is a tenshun ally?” Wifey looked at the floor and shook his head. “Were you in there long on purpose?”

I squinted at him. “I did nothing wrong! It's not like I had a choice. I went number--”

“I don't need to know! Thank you Charlie.” He hugged me and walked away. I don't know why he's thanking me for pooping, but I'll take it. “You're welcome. Bye, Wifey!”

John’s POV
“Hey! I need to show you something.” I took a bite of my sandwich and looked at Alexander. “Who me?” Alex laughed so cu...- crookedly.. at me?

“Yes you, silly!” I have some concerns that I desire to share with you.” I nodded my head pretending to understand. A confusing one, that Alex. I wonder if I  can bring my friends! “Can Laf and Hercules come too?” Alex grinned brightly. “That's a great idea, John!” Alex grabbed my hand and lead me to the rest of the Revolutionary Set. I smiled and felt all warm inside. I do have great ideas sometimes.

Laf’s POV
That was gross. I don't ever want to go near the books again. “Why is everyone acting so crazy today?” Hercules asked me. I have no clue what's going on. Maybe it is a full moon tonight. I shrugged my shoulders while shaking my head. “First, Alex attacks Thomas. Now, King George pee peed his pants.”

Hercules scrunched up his nose and shook his head. I laughed and he smiled too. “That's disgusting.” I can't wait to tell Adrienne about my day!

“Laf! Hercules!” John and his new friend approach. “Bonjour! What is going on now?”

John and Alex’s grins made me smile too, somehow. My sweet children. “Alex wants to show us something!” Hercules and I shared a look. Maybe it's going to be “chill”.

“So, while I was in Timeout prison,” Hercules frowned. I guess he is still not warming up to Alex. “I saw this thing taped to the floor by the wall.” Alexander squatted by a piece of paper with writing, on the ground. All of us shared a sense of worry. He was going to find out eventually. Alex looked back at us confused.

“Who's Billy?”


WhErE iS hE??!??!1?1?2?.??
Please don't kill me XD 💜

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