
By kingnonymous

3.4K 201 82

I never thought I could see the bright side of life anymore, that was, until I met him. After breaking up wit... More

🍁•prologue - sunsets & clouds•🍁
🍁•one - Edward guy•🍁
🍁•two - getting to know you•🍁
🍁•three - he's engaged•🍁
🍁•four - Mr. Strawberry Shortcake•🍁
🍁•five - broken trust•🍁
🍁•seven - meeting Mr.Collins•🍁
🍁•eight - love & death bed•🍁
🍁•nine - the dysfunctional family•🍁
🍁•ten - dad ❤•🍁
🍁•eleven - do I love him?•🍁
🍁•twelve - dark past•🍁
🍁•thirteen - a invitation•🍁
🍁•fourteen - a wedding•🍁
🍁•fifteen - about Camila•🍁
🍁•sixteen - a proposal•🍁
🍁•seventeen - knocked up•🍁
🍁•final - soon to be parents•🍁
🍁•epilogue - his & hers•🍁

🍁•six - party & a kiss•🍁

158 11 4
By kingnonymous

As days passed by, I kind of got used with having Edward by my side. He'd ask me over for lunch dates - except when he's busy. And people tend to ask me if he was my boyfriend and I tend to say no, because he wasn't. I'm not sure what Edward and I were too, honestly. Are we friends? Best friends? Lovers? People who we'll tell problems to? I don't know.

Watching Edward walk in my office, he smiled. "It's not lunch yet." I said as he nod his head. "I know." he said. "I'm here for business." he said as he sat in front of me.

"My company will be having a ten anniversary party. We'll be having it at our own ball room and I want you to design it." he said.

"Can you be specific on what design? What type of flowers you want?" I asked.

"No specific designs. I just want you to do whatever you want to. You own creativity." he said as I smiled. "Alright then. Budget?" I asked as he tapped his chin. "Ten thousand dollars but don't use all of them if you could." he said as I nod my head. "Alright. When is the event?" I asked as I wrote the information down. "Three months from now. Don't let me down, alright?" he said as I chuckle. "I'll try not to." I joked.

Noticing him wearing his engagement ring. I couldn't stop looking at it. He took the ring off, looking at me. "She's coming back here in a month." he blurted as I looked at him.

"Do you love her?"

"I do not."

"Then why are you wearing the ring?" I asked, looking at him.

"You wouldn't understand." he said, looking down as he licked his nervously.

"Then help me understand what you're going through, Edward. Because I don't want you to live your life, the way you don't want it to." I said as he chuckled.

"It's not that simple." he said as he pushed his hair back. "I really don't want to talk about this." he stressed. "I really don't want to." he said as I nod my head." he said as I nod my head. "I get it."

Whatever I thought we were was wrong.

We were friends, maybe.

Best friends? I doubt.

Lovers? Haha to that.

Maybe both of us were just two lost persons, trying to find that one thing that could make our lives less miserable - maybe that's why we found each other. Maybe.

Sitting on my seat, I continued on doing my work before Edward took his phone out, sighing. "I can't have lunch with you, today. I'm going to be busy." he said as he got up. "It's alright. There's always another day." I said, keeping my eyes on my laptop as he left. Though deeply in my heart I knew, it wasn't alright.


Leah looked at me as she listened to my confession on Edward. "That's messed up." she said. "That's just - oh my god." she said as she sipped her drink. "How could you possibly be with someone whose engaged?" she asked as she looked at me.

"I don't know what to tell you, to be honest." she said, making me feel guilty. "But don't get me wrong I once heard this ; if you've fallen in love with two person, pick the second one. Because if you truly loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one." she said. "And I guess maybe that's why he chose you." she said as I bit my bottom lip.

"You know what? I know what will make you feel better." she said as she smiled.

"Let's party."

"I don't want to." I whined.

"Oh, come on. It's already eight months since you broke up with Jonas, we have to celebrate that shit." she said as she got up, pulling me.

"Yet zero seconds since I've moved on."


You can never really run away from Leah when it comes to partying. You can never and you will never. She's been a party girl for a long time, I guess since she's so used to it - she would even go to parties which she aren't invited to, too. It's just her. You can never really change someone, unless they want to change and in this case, she doesn't want to. All I know was, she wasn't like this before. Like me, most of us, she had got her heart broken and she's been searching for that spark in her life again.

Like me, she hasn't found it yet. Yet she will, all of us will.

Fixing my make up, I looked at my reflection as Maya stopped in front of my opened door. "Well, you look good." she said as I looked at her. "Thanks." I said. Grabbing my bag, I walked towards her. "As usual, call me at 11 o' clock if I'm not home yet." I said. "And if you don't answer?"

"Come and get me." I said as I walked down the stairs, bidding goodbye.

Leah was already outside, in her car. Getting in, she started to drive to the party. "Make sure you were invited to this one." I said as she chuckled.

"Bruce, the bartender invited me." she assured. "Are you two a thing now?" I asked as she laughed. "I don't know..," she said as she continued on driving. Parking in front of the house, I could hear the loud music that was being played.

Walking in, she was instantly greeted by the Bruce guy, just as I went to the nearest couch - as usual. Leah shook her head as she looked at me, pulling me back up.

"You will not just sit here." she said as she pushed me into the kitchen. Giving me a cup of beer, I drank it while before looking back at her. "Dance." she ordered.

"I obviously don't know how to." I said, rolling my eyes. She scoffed as she started on dancing. Bruce instantly grabbing her hips as she looked at me.

"Try to tell me you don't want this to happen to you." she dared as I sighed.

"I'll just sit..," I said as I squeezed through the people around me, sitting on the couch. Holding onto the cup in my palm, looked around as everyone was having the time of their lives. Chuckling, I drank some more. Almost everyone, I guess. As time passed, I went outside to the pool as I watched people around me laugh and swim.

"Boring, isn't it?" someone asked as I looked front, noticing a guy in front of me.

"Excuse me?"

"Boring. It's boring here." he said as I chuckled, "Well, you're not wrong."

Looking back at the pool, he cleared his throat. "I'm Chance." he introduced himself, extending a handshake.

"I'm Chloe." I said, accepting the handshake. He nod his head as he looked at my cup. "Your cup is almost empty, want me to refill it?" he asked as I shook my head.

"That's alright." I said. "No, please let me." he said as he took my cup, getting back into the house to refill it. Looking at my phone, it was already 2230, I guess time passed when I was too busy watching everyone else.

As Chance got back, he gave me my drink. "Thanks." I said as I took a gulp from it.

He drank his drink, looking at me. I took another drink before I felt my head spin. I guess the alcohol finally got me. Holding onto my head, I placed my cup aside.

"You alright?" he asked as I slowly nod my head. "I'm alright." I lied, trying to get up. I almost fell, making Chance run towards me, catching me from falling. "Whoa there." he said. "Let me call whoever you came in with." he said as he carried me inside. "H-Her name is Leah." I whispered.

"I can't hear you." he said as he carried me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked, which also came out as whisper. "Putting you upstairs as I'll call your friend later." he said as I groaned.

"N-No. Wait." I said as my hands reached for my phone. I couldn't do much - I knew what he was going to do. Forwarding Edward's number to Maya, he then took my phone. "We don't need this." he said as he turned my phone off before locking the door. Placing me on the bed, I tried to get up, only to feel even more weak.

He smirked before I laid my head on the pillow, losing every strength I had and with that, everything turned black.

I could hear some noise, followed by being lifted with just as a few rays of street lights.

The next day

Blinking, I rubbed my eyes as my head still felt dizzy. My hand went to my eyes as I noticed that I was in my room. What the hell happened last night? Yawning, I got up as I noticed a figure beside my bed.

It was Edward.

Looking at him, I think I know what happened yesterday. Taking my pillow, I got down, laying beside him, his sleeping face facing me. Closing my eyes, I felt his hand on my cheek as my eyes shot back open. "Good morning." he whispered. "Good morning." I reply, just as he looked at me, noticing that I wanted an explanation, he cleared his throat.

"Maya noticed you sent my number to her so she instantly called you. When she couldn't reach you, she called me, panicking. So I told her to send me the address of the party. I came over and Leah, I think told me that a guy carried you upstairs. I got up and found one of the doors locked and I had to break it." he said as I bit my lip,

"T-Then?" I asked.

"He didn't do anything to you yet. So I punched him and carried you in my car and drove you back home. I didn't want to leave until I know you were alright." he said.

"So, are you alright?" he asked.

Tears in my eyes. I looked at him. "No." I blurted.

He pulled me closer as he kissed my forehead, "There, there." he said. "There's nothing to be ashamed of." he said, hugging my body.

I felt so dirty - I have never done such thing ; I didn't know it'll feel this bad. Edward held me closer as I rested my head on his chest. Looking up at him, he smiled. "You alright now?" he asked as he sat up, I followed him. Looking at him, I bit my bottom lip, just as I crushed my lips onto his. It took him by surprise ; I know it did.

His eyes widened, just before he closed his eyes. Hands holding onto my neck, I felt so safe. Wrapping my hands around is neck, I kissed him harder. It felt magical ; it's been awhile since I felt someone's lips against mine - someone who could make me feel differently. I spent eight months trying to move on and I'm still not sure if I truly did.

All I know now is that his lips against mine just feels so right. I felt as if I'm in place. Pulling away, I took a deep breath. My nose against his, I watch as he leaned in to kiss me once again. His hands were on my waist as I pulled him closer just as he pulled away, his lips moving to my neck, planting small kissed on them. He looked at me, as I looked back at him.

"I'm alright now."


a double update for ya ❤🌸

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