WWE-The Challenge-Free Agents

By SinnaMonnBun

47.7K 1.8K 2.8K

What would happen when 30 people get put in a house to compete for the same prize of $125,000? Stay tuned to... More

Author's Notes/Rules
Meet the Cast Pt 1
Meet the Cast Pt 2
To the Thirty!
Challenge 1: Auto Body Rally
Winners and Rumors
1st Nomination
Elimination 1
Challenge 2: Sausage Party
The Viper Strikes
Elimination 2
Paired Up
Challenge 3: Buried Alive
Crying In The Club
Panty Cake
Challenge 4: Curry Up
Im Going Home!
Team Meeting
Elimination 3
The Newbie
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 2)/What's Mine is Mine
Alexa vs Charlotte
The Deal
The Proof Is In The Footage
Elimination 4
What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat
Whatever It Takes
The Secret's Out
Elimination 5
Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack
Separate Ways
Don't Hate The Player
Elimination 6
Challenge 8- Smarty Pants
Truth or Dare
Doing What's Best
Fight Night/ Elimination 7
Challenge 9: Wrecking Ball
Calling You Out
Elimination 8
Challenge 10: Crossover
What Happens in Chile
Finals- Part 1
Finals- Part 2
Reunion Special: Part 1
Reunion Special: Part 2
Season 2

Challenge 6: Too Clingy

675 28 60
By SinnaMonnBun

Challenge 6- Too Clingy.

Everyone arrived at their challenge destination where they saw a cargo net placed above a lake.

Everyone was geared up with their uniforms, knee pads and elbow pads. They finally saw Hunter and lined up in two rows in front of him.

"Hey everyone. Welcome to your 6th challenge called Too Clingy. Now, this challenge requires a lot of upper body strength and im assuming the group of players that is standing before me here today are the strongest among the 30 that was originally here. This challenge will be played in 2 groups each containing 9 players. Now, time to appoint the team captains. Finn, Paige, since you two were successful in the Elimination Chamber you two will be the captain of the teams."

"YES!" Paige jumped up.

Finn shook his head in approval.

VC-Paige- Finally! A reward for my hard work. This is just...freaking awsome! * Claps *

"So it will be Team Finn vs Team Paige. Before I explain how the game will be played I just want to warn you, captains, chose your team players wisely because at the end, there will be a twist."

Worried looks spread across everyone's face.

VC-Alexa- Nooo. Not another twist. Ugh!

"Here's how this game will be played."

  -There will be two huge cargo nets spread across a lake.

-Each team's goal is to get as many players over and under the net as quick as possible.

-Players must crawl over the net, then tranfer themselves under the net either by swinging or crawling.



-If a player falls into the water, they are disqualified.

-The team with the least amount of players to get across, loses.

-In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the fastest time it took them to get their players across.

-Teams will be competeing at the same time, one team on one net.

VC-AJ- Finally, a challenge where i wont feel like an idiot.

Paige and Finn stood besides Hunter, facing the rest of the players.

"Okay Finn and Paige, all these players are to your advantage. Again, choose wisely. Finn, we'll start with you. Who is your first pick?"

"John." Finn confidently said.

VC-Finn- I chose John first because the guy is a tough player. He got big arms too so he should swing his hefty body across those ropes like if they were monkey bars.

"Paige, your pick?"


VC-Paige- Alexa is in my alliance so why wouldnt I choose her. I think we're friends. I dunno.








P- "Randy."

F- "Charlotte."

P- "Xavier."

F- "Becky."


F- "Enzo."

P- "Bayley."

F- "Brie."

P- "Well, Nikki is the last person remaining so I dont have a choice."

The team players all gathered behind their team captains.

VC-Charlotte- Im stoked to be on this team. We have a team of strong players. Maybe the strongest in the house. We have AJ, John, Finn, Becky and of course the queen herself, moi.

"Okay guys, get geared up. Two players from the two teams will start at the same time." Hunter instructed.

Team Finn huddled together for a quick meeting.

VC-Finn- It feels so good to be able to be the leader of something. Id be damned if I dont come out victorious.

"Alright guys." Finn began saying, "Lets start with the girls first. Brie, Char and Becks, you guys will go first one after the other. The order will then be Enzo, Me, Dean, AJ, Seth then John. Got it?"

"Whats the point of this order?" AJ asked.

"Lightest to heaviest. Lets do our best to get everyone across that net today! LETS GO GUYS!" Finn yelled like a football captain.

"Okay so who wants to go first?" Paige asked her team.

Everyone just stood with their hands folded looking at one another.

"Any volunteers?" she asked again.

"Fine, i'll do it."Alicia said.

First pair: Charlotte vs Alicia

Charlotte started off first. She carefully made her way over the ropes, placing her feet on the large netted holes and crawling like a spy.

Then, she got herself under net.

Her lower torso was now hanging off as she tightly gripped onto the net with her hands.

Everyone from both teams looked on closely analyzing what she was doing for possible strategies and mistakes.

She swung body as she reached for other net holes and inch by inch, she got closer to the finishing line.


"Shes going as fast as she can. What if she goes quicker and falls off. That means we already lost 1 player." Seth said.

"Was I talking to you?"AJ barked.

VC-AJ- So I find myself on the same team as that smart ass Seth again. The guy literally talks too much. Like, shut up man, you have no friends!

"Hey buddy listen im just trying to state the obvious here."

"I dont need your opinion! Just try to shut the hell up sometimes would ya?" AJ shook his head and turned his attention back to Charlotte.

Alicia did the same thing Charlotte was doing, taking occasional glances at her to follow suit.

Charlotte finally made it across with a total time of 2 minutes, 30 seconds. Alicia made it with a time of 3 minutes, 45 seconds.

VC-Alicia- I made it after Charlotte but im proud I didnt fall off. I swore to god many times I would splashed into that lake but my fear of lake monsters kept me strong.

2nd Pair- Brie vs Renee

Both women easily crawled over the ropes. Then they got to the hard part.

VC-Paige- Im a bit worried because my girl Renee over there is quite skinny. She doesnt look like she does deadlifts or bench presses and arm strength plays a huge role here. Remember, you got to carry your body weight across a cargo net by your arms. Brie doesnt look that strong either so I have a bit of hope that if Renee does fall, she falls last.

Renee got under the net first. As her lower torso hung off,her arms started wobbling.

VC-Renee- Oh boy. This is harder than it looks.

She removed one hand in attempt to grab the other rope but as soon as she did, she fell straight into the water.

"GOD DAMN RENEE!" Paige yelled.

Brie was hanging on as well. She was only a quarter under the ropes.

VC-Brie- I managed to move a little bit across the ropes but at this point my arms are giving out.

Brie's arms started to shake like Renee's did.

"USE YOUR LEGS BRIE!" Finn shouted.

Brie heard him and tried to swing her body up towards the net so she can place her feet into the net holes. With a few attempts at swinging, she finally was able to get her legs into the holes.

She  moved further down the net by repeating the same process until with one final swing, her arms gave out and she splashed down into the water.

3rd pair- Becky vs Randy = Both completed

4th pair- Enzo vs Nikki= Enzo fell first, then Nikki.

5th pair- Finn vs Alexa=completed

6th pair- Dean vs Bayley= completed

7th pair- AJ vs Paige

AJ sped across the the top half of the net and quickly made it below.

VC-AJ- Im working with momentum here. Im in my zone.

Paige slowly made her way across the top half.

VC-Paige- This is making me so anxious. My arms are shaking because im just so paranoid that I slip through and fall off and end up drowning. The net is very sturdy but its bouncing up and down.

AJ began swinging his way under the net until he stopped half way.

VC-AJ- My arms are killing me! My muscles are burning, my hand is bloody from gripping onto the rope net. I just needed to stop, recollect myself and get back in the game.

AJ just hung from the net, taking deep breaths as sweat poured down his face. He wasnt worried about Paige, she was way behind him.

"COME ON AJ! WHAT? YOU CANT FINISH?" Seth yelled at him.

AJ looked up.


AJ's face turned red. He was getting pissed.

VC-Seth- AJ goes around the house acting like he's some sort of competition but he cant even complete the challenge without taking a break. In my opinion AJ, you are nothing and you cant even compare to me. Take a seat little boy.

AJ reached for the next net hole and advanced a little further but,Paige was gaining on him.


VC-Becky- Seth is literally such a little bitch, its funny.

VC-AJ- Im going to rip the blond patch of hair right out of this jackass's head.

AJ finally started to regain his momentum. Even though his arms were giving out, he managed to push through it.

Paige was 4ft behind him. If she quickened her speed, she could beat him.

Seth still stood with the rest of players throwing aggravating comments towards AJ just enjoying how pissed off it was making him.

VC-AJ- This little skunk thinks im weak? I'll freakin' show him.

AJ was determined to finish. He wasnt going to let Seth get inside of his head. He kept swinging, going further until


He fell right into the water.

Seth laughed out loud as Finn and the rest of the team face palmed themselves.

VC-Seth- I knew he was nothing.

AJ's arms had given out. It couldnt support his body weight by itself any longer. He strained them too much.

Paige safely made it across and went back to her team.

8th Pair- Seth vs Roman= Roman fell

"THATS HOW YOU DO IT, REDNECK!" Seth yelled at AJ on completing his round.

Dean and Enzo had to hold AJ back from tackling him and beating him to a pulp.

VC- Finn-So, we're onto our last pair, John vs Xavier. So far, 3 of our players fell and 3 of Paige's players fell so im praying that Xavier falls to give them the loss. Afterall, im confident in John. Im already tasting victory.

9th Pair- John vs Xavier= John fell.

Team Paige cheered loudly.

VC-Paige- Yes! Victory! Oh my god! Finally!!

Finn bowed his head in shame.

VC-Finn- Of all people, John had to be the one to fall. What purpose are his big arms if it cant carry his big ass across a net. This is just ridiculous. Im so disappointed.

Hunter approached everyone, "Congratulations Team Paige. Well done."

Paige danced.

VC-Paige- Right now, I dont care which girl from the other team goes into eliminations because itll be a win win for me. I have beef with Charlotte, Becky and Brie and theyre the only 3 girls on that team. Whichever one goes home doesnt bother as long as they get the hell out.

"Its good to finally see you win a challenge Paige." Hunter said.

"Well I didnt do it by myself. I owe it to my wonderful team!"

VC-Randy- Our strategy was simple, slow and steady wins the race. We moved carefully making sure that most of us gets across. The other team was more focused on timing and how fast they can go. It cost them big time.

"Great. Team Finn, you guys are the losers today. This means that 1 male and 1 female from from your team will be going home. However, here's the twist."

VC-Charlotte- Oh god, I forgot about that stupid twist.

VC-AJ- Here goes nothing.

"As you all know, Team Paige will be nominating one guy and one girl to go into eliminations. Well, thats not the case for this challenge."

VC-Paige- Woah woah woah...hold up. Here I am doing my happy dance because I knew I was going to throw in Charlotte and then you tell me I wont be throwing in anyone. Come on Hunter, dont ruin this for me.

VC-Seth- All thats going through my mind is that we're going to have another mass execution like the first time we had a twist. The challenge that Charlotte and I won, a twist was thrown at us and we had too eliminate 4 players right there on the spot. Could this be that very same thing? Are 4 of us going to be eliminated today? I dont freaking know and im feeling sick to my stomach!

"We're going to let the losing team decide which 2 players theyre going to be sending in. Something like a little self purge, getting rid of who you think are the toxic and weak players on your team. So Team Finn, you have to choose 1 guy and 1 girl from your team to send into the Chamber. Not right now however. Have your team deliberation and choose wisely. See you guys at nominations." Hunter walked away.

"This sucks." Paige stomped.

VC-Paige- It feels great to win but I was mostly looking forward to sending a person of my choice home. Whatever, all the women on that team I have no ties with so whoever goes home, i'll be happy anyway.

VC-Enzo- This is a massive curveball thrown at us. We have to sift out the weak players and send them into eliminations and somehow, I think its going to be me. I dunno, I just have a hunch. I mean, most of the guys on my team all have their alliances and I feel like the odd one out. I gotta start kissing some ass.

VC-Brie- Im so scared right now. Its only Charlotte, Becky and I on Team Finn and the whole house knows that Charlotte and Becky are best friends. No doubt, they're going to send me into eliminations. This just sucks. * sighs *

Who do you think Team Finn will send into the Chamber?

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