The Past I Want Back

By Geckogirl2000

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Peter Pan is having memories in his dreams about the life he lived in the real world. This book takes though... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
A New Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

103 4 2
By Geckogirl2000

"P-p-p" She stutters.

"Yup...Peter Pan." I rub the back of my neck.

"But, why?" Where did you go? Where do you live now?" She grabs a hold of my hands and won't let go.

"I left. I hated it here. The only reason I was here was for you...then you...I don't know..."

"I what?" She takes a step closer, now curious of what I'm trying and cover up.

"" I hand her the vile of glittery substance.

"Glitter? What's this for?" She asks as she turns the vile up and down, watching it as it tumbles up and down with her movements.

"Pour half of it into your hand." She does what I tell her to then looks up at me as to say 'what's next?'.

"Ok good, now toss it up in the air and walk through it."

"Mason no! Glitter is impossible to get out of your hair, th-" I cut her off.

"Are you coming with me or not?" I ask. She gives me a glare then tosses it up. Putting her hands over her face she walks through it.

"Nothing happened Mason...What does that mean?" She starts to panic.

"Don't worry baby." I take her hand and walk to the window. I step onto the window sill and help her up. She's hesitant at first but then gets up. I lock my fingers with hers.

"On 3 jump." Her face drops.

"Mason! No! Are you crazy?!"


"Mason no way in hell am I jumping out of this God damn window!"


"MASON NO!" She shouts.

"3!" I jump out of the window and yank her arm for her to follow.

"Think of a happy thought!" I scream as I float myself. She squeezes her eyes shut and then starts to float right before she hits the ground. She opens her eyes and they just about pop out of her head.

"You're doing it babe! Come here!" I say excitedly. She hovers up to me and smiles.

"What did you think of?" We both say in unison.

"Well...I think of you whenever I need to fly..."I say sheepishly.

"I thought of that one time by the ocean...I was really happy that night...the night we watched my favorite movie and cut my hand on that piece of glass...remember that Mason?" She asks. Butterflies start to infatuate my stomach. She remembers. I can't believe she actually remembers!

"And that kissed me for the first was amazing. I still remember it Mason. Your hair was dripping wet and the moonlight was on us...Then you, you kissed me..." Tears start to prick her eyes. I pull her up for a hug.

"I really missed you, Butterfly..." I let go of her then grab her hand again. She smiles.

"You-you remembered..." She gleamed as we went higher into the sky.

"How could I not? You were only the cutest thing when we went to the zoo and saw the butterflies..."

That's how she had gotten that nickname. We went to a zoo out of the country. There was a room where you could walk in and actually be with the butterflies. We walked in and she was totally fascinated by all the different kinds of little bugs there were. At one time she had about 20 on her. kind just stuck...

"Babe? Where are we going?" She questions as she lets go of my hand, getting a little too adventurous.

"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning..." I watch her as twirls in the air.

"But that's the way to-"

"Yup!" I cut her off. "Did you not put it all together yet Shaylen?" I ask. "Peter Pan? Pixie Dust? For Christ's sake, second star to the right and straight on 'til morning?! Shaylen, we're going to Neverland!" Her face goes pale.  

"No...I'm dreaming! This can't be possible!" She rubs her head as if she's got a migraine. "Mason, or whatever your name is, you're dead...They-they found you body...Your not real! None of this is!" She shouts.

Before she can say anything else, I fly up to her, pulling her as close as I can.

"If this weren't real, could you feel this?" I ask as I kiss her. Not a long kiss, but not a short one either.

I pull away and she blinks a couple of times, dumbstruck.

"Now come on. We're off to...well you know..." I take her hand and fly to the second star on the right.


Alright guys...I'm sure you've all been waiting for an update on this. I'm going to try for once a week with updating on both stories. Key word: try. I'd love to see some feedback from you guys! Thank you!!! <3

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