Chapter 16

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"Hello?" I call into the tree. No answer.

"Damn it." I sigh.

"Cubby! I have a cookie! I'll eat it if you don't come out!" I finish my sentance as Cubby,the Lost Boy's leader, pops out of a hole in the tree.

"Hey! You don't even have a cookie!" He pouts.

"That's not important right now. I need you and the boys ASAP."

"Where's my cookie?" He pleads.

"You don't need anymore fucking cookies! Just go get the boys!" I scream. He pouts and stomps off to go get them.

"What are we doing?" She asks hugging me and staying cuddled up to me as we sway.

"We'll find out here..." I breathe out. I'm not sure if I really wanna do this...Maybe I shouldn't. I don't want her to forget everything. Just some things.

Like her adoption...her abuse...her father...her brother that was killed by her father with her in the room...I want her to forget the bad things...the things that I couldn't help her get through...

"Mason...can you stay in the real world with me when you bring me back?" She looks up at me, her green eyes sparkling. My breath hitches.

"'re not going back. You're staying here with me. Away from your dad...and your mom."

"Mason. My mom died 2 years ago." Her eyes are shiny now.

"Have I been gone that long?"

"Yeah. I need to go back. I can't leave Devon there by himself with my dad." She starts to pace.

"Devon?" Who the fuck is Devon?!

"My little brother. I can't leave him there my dad will kill him." She pulls at her hair.

"We can bring him back here baby don't worry." I try to calm her down.

"Please Mason. We need to go back. Quick!" She tries not to let her tears come out and if I do say so, she's doing a pretty good job of that.

I look over to where Cubby walked to and back to Shaylen. I really want her to forget...but I don't want her little brother to be killed...

Fuck havin' her forget. I don't wanna see her like this.

"Let's go. Quick. I don't want them to see us leave. I can't believe I'm doing this...

I grab her hand and start to run through the jungle.

"Mason. Mason." She swats the bugs out of her face as we run.

"Wait! Waiiiitttt!!!!" She says breathless as she pulls me back. She puts her hands on her knees and tilts her head down.

"What's wrong?" I brush the hair outta her face. She just stands there shakey, gasping for air.

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