Pink hair and a broken heart

By Writingrockstar316

3.7K 185 919

Seliel is well....normal. She's like us. A fan of the ninja. Espissaily of the Black one. She has posters, he... More

Chapter 1. Humble beginnings
Chapter 2. Pins and needles
SO super big news(Please Read)
Chapter 3. Costumes
Chapter 4. Metallic interruption
Chapter 5. Eclipse
Chapter 6. Jungle hunt
Chapter 7. Armored dresses
Chapter 8. Marble mother
Chapter 9. Into the ground
Chapter 10. And then there were two
Chapter 11. Blue hair
Chapter 12. Insight
Chapter 13. Imbalance
Chapter 14. Heartbeat
Chapter 16. Comeback
Chapter 17. Clifftops
Chapter 18. Haunted and hunted
Chapter 19. Hero time
Chapter 20. Capital funds
Chapter 21. Threats
Chapter 22. Power play
Chapter 23. Role models
Chapter 24. Children and Childhoods
Chapter 25. Dearly departed
Chapter 26. Mind over form
Chapter 27. Pressure points
Chapter 28. Farewell friends
Chapter 29. The last recording
Chapter 30. The purple lady
Epilogue: Ninjas and tombstones

Chapter 15. Cave secrets

88 5 27
By Writingrockstar316

{Location: Crystal Pass}(Seliel's POV)

Marci tries touching her gravestone, "I never think to be beside myself in this way." Her hands pass through the stone.

She tries to come closer as AJ freezes up, "Stay back." AJ pulls back the hammer. "Who ever, what ever you are."

I sidestep but AJ stays in front of me, "Is this real?" The fog gets a little thicker as Marci takes another step.

AJ pushes me back, "I'm warning you. Don't take another step."

Marci despite the warning keeps coming. BANG! AJ fires a round. But the bullet passes through Marci and makes a hole in the white fence. "Seliel, it really is me. I'm back."

How do I know? This could be an incredibly elaborate prank. Or maybe I'm still asleep at the station. "Prove it. Say something only Marci would know."

Marci holds still, "You've given me flowers. Every month. Exactly one month to the day."

I glance at AJ. She shrugs her shoulders, "Hey. I only decided to stalk you today."

I swallow hard as the cold air starts biting, "So it is you. How? How are you here...alive." I pause as Marci cooks an eye brow, "Wrong word. How are you here?"

Marci closes her eyes then holds her head. Like she was having trouble focusing on me, "I don't know. I remember feeling like I wasn't finished. That I have something to still do."

AJ slowly places her gun back in her hilt, "And what is that? How do you get back to rest?"

"I remember remembering." Marci opens her eyes again then shivers, "Ugg. Like that's helpful."

Crunch! All three of our heads turn to the sound of gravel just outside the graveyard. I come out from behind AJ and quietly walk to the fence.

I see two men. One is wearing an all black thick leather clothes with a yellow headband. The other has a black jacket on with his pants being a light pair of jeans.

Yellow headband twists around as the loose gravel makes more sound, "SHh! The last thing we need is something small as gravel getting us on the hook."

The other one sighs, "Dude," Victor? Again? Life, why must you give me the sourest lemons? Victor shakes his head then throws his arms up, "Even if we made noise, this fog is too thick for anyone to track us down."

"Still," The first one folds his arms, "Fog isn't a guarantee for safety."

AJ hums by me as Marci half-passes, half-stands in the fence, "Jordan Nom. I thought this punk skipped town."

"Jordan?" I think back. As far as I know, he was his dad's second in command. I guess the power just shifted. "To be honest, I thought the Yellow Tigers would be finished by now."

AJ shakes her head, "Well, these cats have more than nine lives." Then she glances at Marci, who's face is sour, "No offenses."

Jordan looks around wildly as Victor pulls out a lighter, "You know where we're heading?"

"No boss man," Victor lets a puff of smoke out and holds a tape in his hand, "It's not like we can get instant directions."

What a dummy, that's not a GPS. I roll my eyes as Victor pulls out a small black tape player. There's a click and a woman's voice comes on, "This is tape 7. And just because most of my mistakes were on the island. Doesn't mean Chen held his hand from controlling me."

My eyes widen. "Mom?" I breathe as my breath begins to be visible.

Marci holds in a gasp as AJ knits her eyebrows. "You've kept track of the tapes right?"

AJ frowns, "What tapes?"

I watch the two men as they huddle closer for better listing, "Not really. It's been a hard few months."

"What's going on?" AJ raises her volume a tad.

I hold my breath as they hit pause and look around, "Long story." I watch as they scurry down to the old mining caves, "One that desperately needs an ending."

{Location: Crystal Pass}(Dawn's POV)[Time: 1 year after assassination attempt.]

I look at my ring finger on my left hand as I rub my stomach. What a year. James and I got married, moved to Crystal Pass and not a word from Chen or his minions. I sigh a little as the sun rises. "Can this really be my life?"

James yawns and hugs me from behind. "Yeah. Last I checked. So unless everything I know is a lie." He kisses my cheek. He's dressed so normally. A simple tan and white stripes t-shirt, long jeans and slacks.

My cheeks get hot and my lips dry, "I don't think so." I turn around and smirk at him. We're currently renting a motel in Crystal Pass. It's just a standard room with a small kitchen, a sole queen sized bed and a tiny nightstand and a slightly bigger dresser stuffed in the closet, "And today's agenda is?"

"Work." James sighs, at least he's got a job at the Mayor's office. It may just be a secretary job but I trust that he'll get to the top sooner rather than later. "Speaking of which, I've got to go." He searches the pantry, grabs a protein bar, and the key card. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Bye." I wave and look for something to eat. My cravings have been off the wall lately. One second I'll want chocolate, the next I want lettuce. My hands look for who knows what. I haven't stopped my training. Guess it's just something built into me. I've even taken to writing some of the forms down. My search is interrupted by a knock at the door, "Coming." I open the door to a small pretty young man.

The young man has a purple uniform, light brown eyes and black hair, "Are you Dawn J. Shadow?"

"Not exactly." I rub my smooth ring, "Did I get mail?"

"Oh yeah," He digs around his bag, spilling out many more papers, "Sorry. I just got this job."

I bend over, "I'm sure you'll get better at it." I help sort his mail. "Here."

He holds up a small dull yellow letter, "This is yours." He hands it to me as he takes the pieces of mail. He takes the rest to quickly and gives me a paper cut.

"Thank you." I hold it, the ink is somewhat smudged.

"Now," He holds his bag and buckles it close, "If you'll excuse me, I have a mountain to climb."

"Who lives on a mountain?"

"Some old guy. I think I have a tea package for him."

I smile as my finger bleeds a little harder, "Well, have fun." I wave as he leaves.

He mutters something under his breath. I turn around and look for a letter opener. Now, this could be just a super fancy bill from the hotel or a pamphlet from one of the busybodies from the town. But with my luck, it's more likely to be some threat.

I shuffle through the junk everywhere soon finding a silver knife with a bird on top, "There we are." I slip it under the opening and pull it a cross.

The letter inside is just like the envelope, dull yellow. 'Dear my dear Dawn,

Word has come to me that you've been bested by one of my former students. I must say, I'm disappointed in you. I thought I've trained you to be much better. Due to the fact that you failed in such a small matter, I can't trust you to fulfill your mission.' I sigh and fist bump in the air, 'Consequently, I can't have you return to the island again.' Stay in Ninjago. Yay! I lick my lips. That should be it, nothing more, but why are there more paragraphs? 'There is something I can trust you with. Something that can't be done on the island.' He needs me again. No. I should be out. I should be free. 'There's a small yet very powerful group of people not from Ninjago called Fays. There is next to no information on them so please don't go looking. What I need is a way to harm thing if they ever come back.' No. Harm an entire race? I thought Destiny said I'd have a safe future. I shouldn't be involved in this, 'I can only trust you to do this.' Then there's a spray of ink that is also written sloppy, 'And if you don't, it would be a shame if something were to happen to James or his carries.' Something cold shoots down my spine. Not James. Chen can hurt me but he will not hurt James. 'I hope this helps make your decision easier. From, Master Chen.'

I set the letter down. Well, I'm out from under Chen's control. But now James is threatened. I won't let my past hurt him.

Guess I have to work for Chen again.

I sigh a little. Destiny stinks at her supposed future telling abilities. But mabey. I look through some stuff and find her little book she gave to me. I can't read any of it. Leading me to believe that Destiny may be off her rocker. "I need to clear my head about this." I get dressed, grab a key card. Maybe I can catch that Mailman and send the book with him. Save me the trouble. I head out to the dingy looking lobby and spot him heading out to his bike. "Hold up."

He looks over his shoulder as he sits on the purple bike, "Yes Mrs.?"

"I don't have any envelopes," I bat my eyelashes and stick my bottom lip out a bit, "And I need this to go to the library of Damo."

He scratches his head a little, "I don't know. I can barely deliver letter over a small area. I dunno is nearly on the other side of the Pass."

"Please?" I really don't feel like traveling right now. I just want to stay in one place and relax.

He sighs, "I can take it."

I pull the old over excited girl routine, "Oh, thank you." I clap my hands and blow him a kiss.

He tips his hat and stuffs the book in the bag. He peddles off as I catch the tour bus. Now to very reluctantly work for Chen again. Maybe I can start in the old mining caves. No one really goes there and there's plenty of unused material down there. I find a seat near the front after paying about five bucks. My stomach twists around suddenly and I get light headed.

An older lady found of a very bright annoying yellow color chuckles, "I see."

"What do you see?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Honey," She looks more sympathetic than anything, "I've had enough morning sickness to see it on the spot."

I quiet down after that. I just got married. Is it possible to have a kid this soon?

{Location: Crystal Pass/Old mines}(AJ's POV)[Time: present day]

I follow Seliel and the ghost as the heads of the Yellow Tiger gang dive into the earth. Seliel seems more concerned with the people rather than the ghost. I'm half tempted to pull out my gun despite it not working the first time. If it isn't obvious, I hate ghosts.

Seliel stops around the entrance as the men light a lantern, "What are you looking for?"

Marci is right next to her. Fading into the wall for a better look. My fingers wrap around my baton, my dad's constant words ringing in my head. Never trust a ghost. Not after what they did to your mom.

Then I'd ask about my mom and Dad shut up. I lick my lips.

"AJ." Marci waves her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah." I hide my contempt and let go of the baton.

"We were thinking, I could fade through the walls and follow them." Her lips twitch in a weird way. Is she trying to be my friend? Heck no. I've got to shut this down.

"Sounds good." I halt a growl from rising in my throat.

"Be right back." Marci steps into the rock and disappears.

I wait a few seconds as Seliel keeps an eye on the door, "What makes you think you can trust her?"

Seliel wipes around, nearly blinding me with her long pink hair, "I've always trusted Marci. We've been friends since she passed."

"She may have died your friend, but she's a ghost now." If I'm going to stay alive near a ghost, I need her on my side, "And ghosts are unpredictable."

Seliel faces me now, "There's something else isn't there?" She looks hesitant. Like what she has in mind is possibly dangerous, "You've encountered ghosts before."

"Not me." I fight small tears as the reason comes up in my mind, "My Mom."

"And where is she?" Seliel raises an eyebrow.

I get the typical rush of emotions about this. Anger, fear, disappointment. I tuck it down a bit. I am strong. I'm not weak. I'm stronger than this pain, "I don't know. I know that ghosts were the reason my dad was a single parent."

Seliel looks ready to say something, then a ghostly head pops back out. Marci steps between us as she breaths heavily, "They stopped. They're coming back this way."

My hands travel over the weapons on my belt. So easy. So quick. I should dispel this ghost now. Save me the trouble. Which weapon? "Did they do anything else?"

Marci nods, "Yeah, they marked a wall with an x."

Seliel tries pushing Marci back into the wall then pulls me behind a tall rock, "I hear them."

Dang it. Missed opportunity. I bite my lips as the men emerge.

Victor takes out a cigarette out of his mouth, "So. I'll keep an eye around here."

Jordan pulls up his hood, "And I'll bring the boys and the big boom." Jordan holds out the tape player, "Are you sure your not-girlfriend knows these are missing?"

"To her," Victor takes a deep inhale, "They aren't." He cackles like an old timey villain, "I made copies. And the dummy thinks I keep my nose clean."

Seliel growls some unpleasant words as Jordan sneakers. Jordan rubs his hands together, "Good. We've got 9 hours to work tonight." He looks at his watch, "At sun up, we'll either have our prize or we'll come back tomorrow night."

"Can't wait." Victor leans up against the outer wall as Jordan hikes up the hill.

Seliel starts creeping towards the main road up here, "What are they looking for?"

The ground below us has a light green glowy spot that follows us. Marci pops up again, making me karate chop her head, "A very good question."

I think back to my fellow boys in blue, they could look into this. But then again, Commissioner Ben might break for an half-an hour donut break. I'm on the scene now. And no plans for tomorrow. Plus there's a change I'll get to work with my hero. The only draw back is this ghost. "I'll stay here. Keep an eye on Mr. Crown here."

Seliel smirks, "Perfect. I'll run up to my place and grab my stuff." She seems giddy to get back in gear. I suppose she just needed a little push. Seliel and Marci ninja run up the hill as I circle back and hide behind the rock.

I settle into a comfortable position and pull out a round of special ammunition sent from Dad. Dark medal only known as deep stone. Hard to find, easy to chase away ghosts with. "Be sure to leave the ghost behind." I wait as I roll a bullet between my fingers.

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