Linstead: Undercover Mission

By chicagopdbabes

96.5K 1.3K 232

Your favorite Detectives take their Undercover skills to Hawaii! Jay and Erin have to portray as newlyweds, w... More

Two Weeks With You
Playing The Part
Not As Beautiful As You
It's The Beginning
He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully
You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye
She Begged for Him not to Leave Her Side
Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen
It Would Become An Everday Tradition
She Needs You
Slowly, it was all Returning to Normal
You Are My Miracle
Our Love is Invincible
Cheers to Milestones
I Am the Dreamer and You Are My Dream
Nature is Even Better Than it Seems
I Am a Better Person Because of You
The Gifts Love Can Give You
These Are The Days We Live For
And So The Adventure Begins
It's Been Too Long, My Dear
When I Met You, Everything Changed.
We Rise By Lifting Others
I Have Loved You Since Day One
The Past Can Be Our Worst Demon
One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone
Our Family is a Circle of Strength
In The End, You'll Always Be Here
The Best Gift is Family Wrapped In Love
A Grand Adventure is About to Begin
The Year's Shadow
Sunday Mornings
Dreams Do Come True
Today Was Long Overdue
The Presents Life Gives You
Living A Two Sided Life
Life Can Go Two Ways
We All Have Our Own Coping Mechanisms

Thankful For The Family We Have

1.7K 34 4
By chicagopdbabes

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the reviews. I'm glad you all liked it. And I will say once the whole Charlie deal goes away, life will be good for the Halsteads for a few chapter. And since this week was Thanksgiving, for the United States anyways, I thought we could use a Thanksgiving edition of Linstead.


The thunder rumbled in the distance as Jay's eyes shot open. He rolled over to wrap Erin in his embrace, but was only met with the cold sheets.

She must have been up for awhile.

Jay got out of bed and wandered down the hall to Jaxton's room. He peaked in, seeing Jaxton sound asleep and closed the door. Jay continued his way to the dining room where he saw her petite frame looking out at the Chicago skyline.

"Erin." He stood next to her, his hand placed on the small of her back. "Come back to bed."

She hadn't slept for the past four nights. It was now early Tuesday morning and she hadn't been acting right since Friday night.

She turned around, her eyes puffy red. "How, Jay?" She shook her head. "Charlie disappeared into thin air. He is after me. He thought Jax was his son with me when he raped me fifteen years ago, Jay! He assaulted me. He won't leave me alone and he is a threat to all three of us."

Jay didn't know what to do with his fiancé. With Scott and Damien, they were both in jail. Now, Charlie was running the streets. "Baby, please come to bed. We have to work in a few hours."

Erin nodded as Jay led her through the apartment and to the bedroom. He laid her down on her side of the bed and he climbed into his side of the bed. Erin curled into his side and Jay could feel her shake slightly.

"It's okay, Er. I won't let anything happen to you." He rubbed her back.

He felt vibration against his chest as muffled sobs filled the air and her body began to shake more. "I'm scared, Jay."

"I know, Erin. I am too. What he did to you was awful, and I promise when we find him he will regret the day he stepped foot near us. I won't let anything happen to you or Jaxton." And Jay would keep his word for as long as he could.


"Jaxton, lets go." Jay grabbed his coat, standing at the door.

"Is mom not coming?" Jaxton had no idea what happened to Erin after he left, he just knew something was off.

Jay shook his head and they began the walk to the car. "No, I decided to let her sleep in for awhile." Jay shut the car door and started the car.

"Is mom okay?"

Jay didn't know what to do. He couldn't consult Erin. She needed to have little stress as possible right now. He thought about calling Will to see if he could take Jaxton for a couple of days, but decided not to. "Yes. She just, hasn't been feeling well lately. She will get better soon."

Jaxton shook his head. He knew Jay was lying to him. He knew both of his parents were stressed but he didn't want to add to the fire, so he just dropped the subject. "Okay. Practice is over at four thirty. See you then." He got out of the car and walked into school.

Jay stopped to get coffee on his way home and walked inside the apartment. He closed the door quietly and sat his coffee down on the counter, taking Erin's into the bedroom. She was still ruffled in the covers, her hair covering her eyes.

Jay sat the coffee down on her nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed, caressing her back lightly. "Er."

She rolled over to face him, closing her eyes again. "Hmm?"

"Er, are you ready to go to work? We need to be there at ten." Jay soothed.

"I just need to put on... make...up." She yawned, rolling into Jay's embrace.

Jay laughed softly, dipping down to give her a kiss on the head. "Good morning."

"Hi." She smiled.

It was the first time Jay had seen her smile since Friday night. "I brought you coffee." He handed her the cup of coffee. "Go get ready, we'll leave in fifteen." He kissed her lips, and left her all alone in the room.

Erin slowly wandered into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and just stared. Who was she even? Charlie had gotten to her. He violated her. Not in the worst way possible, but close.

How could she let him do that to her? She should have screamed. Erin whisked through her makeup, her mind on pilot mode.

"Erin, you ready?" She jumped at Jay's soft touch on her shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay to work?"

Erin quickly nodded, walking to the door. "Yeah, yeah it's all okay. I just need to work." She opened the door and they both got into the car silently.

The whole ride to the district was silent. Jay stole glances at her, but her eyes were cloudy and looked into the road.

The whole day had gone by fast. The morning had anyways. There was no new case, and everyone had planned a four day weekend with tomorrow being Thanksgiving.

The unit was sitting at their own desks, doing paperwork quietly. "Erin, here. These came in for you." Platt set a vase down on her desk. She walked away after Erin nodded.

Jay raised an eyebrow, watching his fiancé open the card.

We didn't have enough time to finish our game. But soon, we will. You and me, just like old times.

The color from her face drained as Jay rushed to her side. Everyone else was looking at each other. "Erin?" Jay looked down at the card laying on the desk. His blood boiled.

Did Charlie really think he'd get away with this? Jay wanted to see him sink to the bottom of the river. The thought of another man putting his hands on Erin made his whole body stiffen. He wouldn't let that happen to her. Never.

Kim stood up and walked over to Erin. "Erin, let's go to the locker room and talk, okay?" Erin silently nodded and stood up, disappearing down the hallway.

"What happened?" Hank walked out of his office, hearing everything.

Jay turned around to face his future father in law. "I'll tell you what happened. This Charlie guy keeps on harassing Erin. Threatening her and sending her creepy flowers." He chucked them into the trash can. "Talking about how he is going to have his hands on her soon to finish their games." He seethed. "Everyone here knows damn well how I feel about Erin. And if any guy thinks they'll be putting their hands on her, they're going to regret the day they were born. We need to make finding Charlie a priority."

Jay was beyond mad. He couldn't think of the thought of someone harming Erin. Or Jaxton. But Charlie had hurt her fifteen years ago. He remembers the night Erin told him about it a year ago. Jay wanted her safe.

"Jay, you need to calm down." Hank walked up to Jay, putting a hand on his shoulder. "When we all get back on Monday from Thanksgiving we will make it our number one priority. But the holidays are tomorrow, so we need to be happy."

Hank himself was on edge. He remembers the night he found her wandering the streets downtown. She had a ripped shirt and blood was all over her and her sweatpants, bruises covering her face. Voight shook himself of the darkening thoughts.

Jay looked away. "I'm going to go check on Erin."

He walked into the locker room, seeing Erin and Kim on the bench. Kim looked up and Jay motioned her to leave and she did with a tight smile.

"Erin?" He sat down next to her and rubbed her back. "It's going to be okay."

"How?" She looked up at him. Jay saw fear in her eyes.

"It will. Hank said when we get back Monday, it will be our top priority." Jay was going to make sure it was.


"Goodnight Jax. Love you." Erin kissed Jaxton's forehead.

The three of them had family night when Jay and Erin got home at five. They had been watching Christmas movies all night, putting up the tree. It was everything all three of them dreamed of in life. When they put the star up on top of the tree; Erin's heart swelled with love. Jay had to pick Jaxton up so he could reach the top to put on the star.

Now, it was ten at night and Elf had just finished playing on the flatscreen.

"Love you too, mom." Jaxton smiled, settling in bed.

"Goodnight, bud." Jay peaked his head into the room. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Night dad. Love you."

Jay's heart melted. "I love you more." They shut the door to his bedroom. "I'm going to go take a shower." Jay kissed her forehead and disappeared down the hall.

Erin had been sitting on the couch, admiring the Christmas tree. The holidays always put her in a good mood, and tonight all thoughts about Charlie had been pushed to the back of her mind.

"Hey." Jay sat down on the couch, his hair damp.

"Hi." Erin turned her head and smiled. He looked breathtaking whenever he got out of the shower. His skin always seemed to glow more, and it was so soft. It also could be the fact they have had no intimate time in two weeks.

"Staring much?" He asked teasingly.

Erin smirked. "Well when we have had no intimate time for a few weeks, how can I not stare?"

Jay saw her eyes darken. He felt himself stir under his belt. "Jaxton is in the next room." Jay whispered.

Erin stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his neck. Jay groaned. "That's right, he is. But he is asleep."

Jay couldn't deny the feeling his body had. He had to have her. He attacked his lips to hers, and walked them towards the bedroom. Jay shut the door with his back.

They stumbled towards the bed, both of them falling onto it. Erin cupped him through his jeans and his hips bucked, but Jay swatted her hands away. "No. If you do that it'll be over too soon. I need to show you how thankful I am for you."

Erin released her hands and let Jay take control. His lips made a blazing trail down her lips to her stomach. He could feel her shudder at his touch. She let out a low moan at the sensations his lips were creating.

Jay lifted her sweatshirt over her head, tossing it onto the ground next to them. He let his hands roam over her torso, his lips kissing the new exposed skin. His eyes turned into dark slates at the sight of her breasts slightly popping out of her grey bra. He licked his lips in anticipation and her bra was joined with the shirt on the floor within seconds. He busied his mouth on her breasts, Erin kissing his head as moans escaped her lips. Her hips bucked and she felt herself moisten. "God, Jay."

Jay smiled against her breast as Erin pushed him into her breasts even more. "I love you." He whispered to her. Jay looked up, and Erin saw nothing but love. "So much."

Erin nodded and smiled, lifting Jay's shirt from him and dropping it onto the floor. Erin reattached their lips, relearning his taste all over again. Jay started to undo the button on her jeans, toeing them off of her. She did the same to Jay.

The only thing holding them from each other was their underwear, but those were quickly discarded. "Condom." Jay asked. Erin moved from underneath him and reached over to the nightstand and ripped one open, rolling it onto his hard cock.

"God I missed this." Jay's voice was husky. He lowered himself down onto her core, his arms on either side of her torso. He slid into her, both of them groaning at the contact. Tonight there was no time for foreplay. He wanted to worship her body, showing how thankful he was for her.

With Jaxton being around, they barely had time to fit in sex with him in the room next door. He was at the age where he was learning much more than he needed to know at public schools.

Erin could only reconnect their lips. She was thankful for him. Just a year ago, they were only partners with feelings long held. She didn't even know Jaxton existed. Now look where she is.

They continued their steady rhythm, their eyes never leaving each other's. Their pace never quickened. Tonight they just needed each other in soul. Jay continued to slide into her heated depths slowly. He entwined their hands, trailing kisses over her chest. Erin's head lolled back as she felt her walls grip down on him. He thrusted one last time before Erin let out a muffled scream into his shoulder, her release hitting.

Her release triggered Jay's, a deep groan falling from his lips. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. Their breathes were labored and heavy. Jay threw the condom into the waste paper can next to the bed, and fell beside her, his hands combing through her silky hair. "I love you Erin Lindsay." He whispered into her mouth.

"I love you too, Jay Halstead. Thank you for saving me." Without Jay, she would have died in Damien's torture house. But now, that's in the past, and here she is now. Happy and thankful.


"Let's eat!" Camille finished putting the last pot onto the table. Everyone ran into the kitchen, taking their seats at the table. The Voight household was all decorated in assorted colors, but soon to be Christmas theme.

Hank sat down and looked down the table at the thirteen people in front of him. He was so thankful they were here. "Happy Thanksgiving." He smiled as he handed the knife to Justin to cut the turkey.

"I'd like to make a toast." Antonio stood up with his wine glass in hand. "To family. This year has definitely been eventful. With new relationships," He looked at Sylvie then to Erin and Jay, "And new family members." He smiled at Jaxton, "But, damn, it has been a good year. I'm so thankful for you all. We band together, like a family should. Hard cases come, and we all come together and protect each other everyday. I'll be forever grateful for you all. I love you guys. To family!" They all raised their glasses.

"To family."

Everyone began sharing and passing around the assorted foods, all smiling. Each and every one of them were blessed, and they knew that. The Intelligence Unit was not your typical unit. They were a family.

"So," Al looked over to Erin and Jay who were in a conversation with Sylvie and Olive. They all turned to look at Al, and all eyes were on them. "Have you guys set a date?"

Erin's lips rolled into a smile. She looked over to Jay who also had a smile plastered on his face. They both looked back at their family. "Yes."

"When?" Camille asked, showing great interest in the wedding.

"We know it's soon, but January twenty seventh. We have an appointment at the Alder Platinum on Monday." Jay smiled, wrapping his arm around Erin and planting a kiss on her head.

The whole table erupted in cheers. "That's great! But wow kid, only two months? That's a lot of planning." Hank smiled.

"Yeah, but we wanted a wedding soon. We figured since, we'll if she wanted to, if Camille wanted to help plan it? Like a wedding planner. We know oh work at the church, but in your free time help make arrangements?" Erin offered.

Camille's eyes lit up. "Of course I will, darling! I'd love to!" She reached her hand across the table to Erin. "I'll do what ever you need. I want this to be a fairytale for you.

Erin smiled sheepishly, tears stinging her eyes threatening to fall. How did she get so lucky? "It already is. I'm marrying Jay, so that's a fairytale right there." She looked into Jay's eyes, her heart so full it was painful.

"Have you guys thought about a honeymoon?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. We bought the tickets and everything. Reservations have been confirmed. We are going to the One and Only Reethi Rah resort. It's a water villa thing in Southern India in the Maldives. Completely exclusive and here is so much to do. We have round trip tickets. We fly out early the twenty eighth and come back February third. And come back to work on the fifth if that's okay." They looked to Hank.

"That sounds great kiddo! And yeah, I'll just pull up a few patrol people if needed." Hank smiled.

After multiple rounds of food, Thanksgiving was coming to a close and everyone was prepared to go home, go to the next place, or Black Friday shopping. "Bye Hank, see you Monday!" Antonio waved walking out the door.

Now, only Erin, Jay, Jaxton, and Justin's family was left. Erin walked into the room, where Jay and Hank were chatting away about the football game on. "Camille, are you and Hank watching Jax Saturday while we go house hunting?"

Camille closed the dishwasher. "Yes. You are dropping him off at ten, right?"

"Yep. And we could have supper after? I was thinking about chili or leftovers?" Erin leaned against the counter.

"Sounds perfect. We will see how much food Hank eats by then." They both laughed. "You know, they get along well."

Erin looked over at Jay and Hank who were raving about football still. "Yeah they do. And I was worried Hank would never warm up to Jay."

Camille chuckled. "Darling, the night Jay joined the unit and Hank came home, he told me Halstead would get into your pants. I always knew something would happen between you two." And Camille was right. Something did happen between them.

A fairytale.

Hope you guys liked that chapter. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. I love this book so much, it's an out from the real world. Hope you all had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. See you all next week with another Linstead filled chapter.

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