Pink hair and a broken heart

By Writingrockstar316

3.7K 185 919

Seliel is well....normal. She's like us. A fan of the ninja. Espissaily of the Black one. She has posters, he... More

Chapter 1. Humble beginnings
Chapter 2. Pins and needles
Chapter 3. Costumes
Chapter 4. Metallic interruption
Chapter 5. Eclipse
Chapter 6. Jungle hunt
Chapter 7. Armored dresses
Chapter 8. Marble mother
Chapter 9. Into the ground
Chapter 10. And then there were two
Chapter 11. Blue hair
Chapter 12. Insight
Chapter 13. Imbalance
Chapter 14. Heartbeat
Chapter 15. Cave secrets
Chapter 16. Comeback
Chapter 17. Clifftops
Chapter 18. Haunted and hunted
Chapter 19. Hero time
Chapter 20. Capital funds
Chapter 21. Threats
Chapter 22. Power play
Chapter 23. Role models
Chapter 24. Children and Childhoods
Chapter 25. Dearly departed
Chapter 26. Mind over form
Chapter 27. Pressure points
Chapter 28. Farewell friends
Chapter 29. The last recording
Chapter 30. The purple lady
Epilogue: Ninjas and tombstones

SO super big news(Please Read)

153 6 8
By Writingrockstar316

Hey, everyone....So, big news.

DID IT! IT DID IT! If you have seen my previous A/Ns, you'll know that I had my black belt yesterday. Well, 3 hours on the mat, 2 broken bricks and 6 busted boards, I......PASSED! Believe me, it's was one of the hardest things I have ever done but I did it. I threw up on myself and the mat but I did it. SO to share my accomplishment, (And I meant to update you all yesterday but I could bearly move.) this will be the rare occasion that I'll do a face revile. My privacy is very important to me and if some anyone uses my pictures without my knowledge or consent, well, do you really want to mess with a black belt. So the pictures will ONLY be up 3 hours. The same pictures will be up on Pink hair and a broken heart. So please enjoy!

SO above is my professor giving my belt.

Above is me surrounded by all the black belt that tested me. And of course, I'm surrounded by the Pew-wees(Little Kids).

There here I am with the people I tested with. If you can't guess I'm the girl in the middle.

The pictures above are also on my conversation board and Undeniable.

Thank you to all who prayed and wished me buttloads of luck. I certainly worked for this belt to the point of being a lefty for mabey 2 weeks.

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