Louis Tomlinson is my Brother

By jaymie_stretch

70.1K 861 127

Would having a huge boy band member being your brother be good? I wouldn't know Louis Tomlinson isn't my brot... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Epilogue

Chapter 15

2.2K 29 3
By jaymie_stretch

Chapter 15

(Jess’s POV)

“Here you go Niall” i pass him his hot chocolate, “and here you go Louie” i pass him his hot chocolate, “so did you get Mel and Lachie out yet?”

“No, we decided to give them more time” Lily smirks “You can go get them if ya want” she gives me that little innocent look,

“Ok fine i will” as i start to walk away from them and towards the cupboard someone yells,

“DONT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN LACHIE!” eyes wide in shock i bolt for the cupboard and unlock it once unlocked i swing open the door and barge in grabbing Lachie by the collar and pushing him to the wall,

“I warned you Wooding, and you have lost that last chance, you should leave this house before one of the other people in this house have to restrain me from hurting you too much” still holding his collar i spin on my heel, dragging him around with me, and face Melody who has teary eyes, “Melody slap him” she looks surprised but draws back her hand any way. With a loud ‘SMACK’ her hand contacts his face sending his head flying to the side, “good, now Wooding follow me, you are about to find out what happens to boys that mess with my friends” pulling Lachie out of the walk in cupboard i drag him past the living room entrance which still holds most of the people in it but as soon as i walk past they are on their feet following me to the front door.

I get to the door and open it pushing Lachie out and following him as he stumbles around, “did you make Melody cry?” he looks up confused, “I SAID DID YOU MAKE MELODY CRY?” i screech and he nods slowly, “well that was easy wasn’t it Wooding” i punch him in the gut which makes him hunch over and groan out in pain, no one knows just how hard a girl can punch, “oh im not finished yet Wooding” and with that i kick him in the balls, hard, “there now im finished, good bye Wooding, oh and btw i can punch and kick harder than that” with that said i slam the door shut and spin around on my heel,

“i can always count on you to beat up the stupid ones cant i Jess?” Mel giggles,

“Yes, Yes you can Mel” i smile at her,

“Jess?” Zayn asks,

“Yes Zayn?”

“What the hell was that?”

“Well ya see in high school i told the girls ‘if any guy ever hurts you or even makes you cry in a bad way i will punch him in the gut and kick him in the balls’ and i have punched and kicked around 3 guys for both” i smile and walk off to the living room with them all following,

“Good job sis, see i did teach you well” Louie says sitting down next to me,

I roll my eyes “whatever Lou, ya know i am very tired so im going to bed, night guys” i wave to them and walk off to the stairs,

“NIGHT JESS” they all chorus together and i giggle.


“Jess, are you awake?” i hear someone whisper,

“I am now” i start to open my eyes still having blurred vision i cant see who it is so i raise my hands to my eyes and rub them,

“Sorry but i need to talk to you”

i take my hands away from my eyes and open them,

“Oh its Liam?”

“Yeah it is, so can we talk?” i look over at the clock,

“But its only 8 in the morning, ugh i hate waking up early” i pull the blanket over my face,

“i know and im sorry but its the only time i will ever get to talk to you, please?”

“Fine what is it?” i sit up moving over to give him room to sit down,

“Ok well now that Lachie is out of the picture i kind of wanted to talk to you about my feelings for Mel” my mouth drops open,

“YOU LIKE MEL?” i whisper yell,

“Yes and i don’t know whether she likes me or not and i know that she only just broke up with Wooding but i really like her and... i was wondering if you could talk to her for me?” the last part came out in a rush but i caught it all,

“What do you mean?”

“Well you know ask her if she likes me or not... but don’t rush it let her get over Lachie first and then ask so that i can see if i should ask her out” he rambles,

“Naww of course i will do that for you Liam you are a great friend to me and is all ways there to talk to if i have a problem, yes i will help you, come here” i pull him into a bone crushing hug that gets interrupted by the door bell, “ill get it” i tell Liam pulling away from our hug and getting out of bed.

I grab my bath robe and put on my ug boots (I love my Uggies) whilst i walk out of the room, slipping them both on i try to fix my hair to make it presentable.

I open the door, “Sam?”


What is Sam doing?

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