Hermione and Harry: Riddle in...

By leviOsaNOTleviosA27

179K 5.4K 850

Hermione Granger have a secret. Albus Dumbledore gave her a mission. When hope is lost, and everything's uncl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18 (Part 2)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 (Part 2)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
The Future
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 (Part 2)
Chapter 31 (Part 3)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

2.4K 87 6
By leviOsaNOTleviosA27

And of course, Hermione was there. How she got there so fast? He has no idea. He went to get the books he needed, and he sat beside her.

“Hello, Hermione.” He greeted her.

“Hello Tom, where did you come from?” she asked.

“Defense, which where you came from, too. How did you get here so fast?” Hermione’s eyes widen, she clutch something in the front of her robe.

“Right. I forgot that we were in the same class.” She said slowly.

“You didn’t answer my question, you know.” Tom said.

“Oh! Er, I ran.” She said, not looking at him.

“You’re not a very good liar. But I won’t ask if you don’t want to tell me.” Tom smiled at her.

“What’s your next class?” Hermione asked him.

“Potions. You?” he asked.

“Same.” They stayed there for a couple of minutes more then they set off to the dungeons. Harry and Ron are already there. Hermione sat with Ron, much to Tom’s disappointment, so he sat next to Harry.

“How did you know?” he asked quietly, since there was five minutes more.

“Pensieve. I, well the other me, gave Dumbledore a memory, the whole war, my days at Hogwarts before, you and Hermione, everything. Didn’t he tell you?” he shook his head. “I’ll show you some other time. Professor Snape doesn’t like it if I’m not listening, he’ll tell my mum.” Harry whispered and they listened to the Professor. Then Harry added, “Though he is better now than the first.”
Professor Snape’s class was tense. The Gryffindor’s, only four continued with potions because only those with top marks are able to, and in Slytherin, only five of them continued, Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, Parkinson, and himself. Professor Snape was probably the most biased Professor he knew, he took points from Gryffindor even though their potions were better than Nott’s. Professor Snape was obviously glad that he was in Slytherin for he was rather gifted with potions.

The class ended and he walked back with Harry, wanting to see the memories. He badly wants to know what he did, or what he didn’t. Harry on the other hand, didn’t want him to know.

“Show me.” He insisted.

“No. You’ll regret it.” Harry said as he went the other way. But Tom was persistent and followed him.

“Okay, but answer my question. Did you give all your memories to Dumbledore, and then continued with the plan?” he asked.

“No, I only made a copy of sorts. Then he gave it back to me last night.” Harry answered.

“Okay, but why didn’t he show it to me? Why don’t you want me to see it?” he asked.

“Because you’ll just hate yourself.” Harry answered. “If you really want to know how you were, what you were, follow me.” Harry then walk up to the seventh floor and stopped in front of a wall. “Do you want to?”

Tom nodded. “Yes.” They walked inside the room of requirement; the room was very Gryffindor-ish. He guessed that this is what their common room looks like.

Harry pulled his wand out and pressed the tip to the side of his forehead. He looked around and in the corner, they saw a pensieve. He let the silvery memory drop in the pensieve.

“Go on. Watch it.” Harry said. Tom moved forward, hesitant at first but he dive in.

The scene he saw was, horrifying. He saw, or rather heard James Potter yell and he was killed. Then he saw Lily Potter carrying baby Harry,

“You are so loved Harry. So loved. Harry Mummy loves you, Daddy loves you.” But then he entered. He doesn’t look like himself. He wasn’t clear, like his features are blurred.

“Stand aside girl!” his others self, yelled, holding his wand out. “Stand aside!”

“No, please, not Harry, no!” Lily begged. “Kill me instead, not Harry, please, have mercy.” Tears ran down her cheeks. Her hands wide open, protecting Harry. But Voldemort didn’t care.

“Avada Kedavra!” green light shot straight to Lily and she fell. Voldemort turned to Harry, “Avada Kedavra!” the green light went straight to Harry, but as soon as touched him, it rebounded to Voldemort, and Tom saw how he was vanished, how his soul split itself, and the other latched itself unto Harry.

The scene changed.

He saw a cupboard under the stairs and he saw a woman knock on it.

“Up! Get up! Now!”

He was confused. Did she expect someone to sleep there?

“Up!” she screeched.

She walked back to the Kitchen. Tom heard the sound of the frying pan being put on the stove. Then she was back, standing outside the cupboard door.

“Are you up yet?” she demanded.

“Nearly,” Tom was shocked to hear someone answer. He couldn’t believe it, someone was really sleaeping in that cupboard?

“Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don’t you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy’s birthday.”

He heard Harry groaned.

“What did you say?” his aunt snapped through the door.

“Nothing, nothing …”

Later on, he saw Harry walk out of the cupboard. He saw his skinny figure walk to the kitchen. He looked even smaller and skinnier than he really was because all he had to wear were big old clothes. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape. He has a lightning shaped scar in his forehead.

The scene changed again. It seems like they skipped a few minutes.

“Bad news, Vernon,” she said. “Mrs. Figg’s broken her leg. She can’t take him.” She jerked her head in Harry’s direction.

“Now what?” said Aunt Petunia, looking furiously at Harry as though he’d planned this.

“We could phone Marge,” Vernon suggested.

“Don’t be silly, Vernon, she hates the boy.”

“What about what’s-her-name, your friend — Yvonne?”

“On vacation in Majorca,” snapped Aunt Petunia.

“You could just leave me here,” Harry put in hopefully

The scene changed again. They were in a Reptile House. He saw harry speaking with a snake. Then his cousin pushed him and the glass disappeared. The snake escaped, thanking Harry.

Then he was pulled out. He saw Harry looking at him.

“That was just the start.”


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