Versus Amends

By SaylorS0

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After the truth is revealed to him, the pressure between whether he's truly good or evil begins. The young te... More

Author Here!
Intro Scene: Revelation
Chapter One: Result Of It All
Chapter Two: He's Back!
Chapter Three: Nightly Plan
Chapter Four: The Conflict Is Among Us
Chapter Six: Bayside Battle
Chapter Seven: The Truth About Technopathy
Chapter Eight: Double Crossed And Rebuilding Trust

Chapter Five: Mission At Dark

80 2 0
By SaylorS0

The water was reflecting the light of the moon while the howling winds brought cold breezes around the area. A man was looking from the outside in. He watched the tides move slowly across the water. The sound of screws being tightened and hammers filled his ears. Turning around, he walked up to one of his co workers.

"Time?" Seth asked.

"8:21." Frank answered.

Seth nodded.

"You think that robot will show up?" Morris asked him.

Seth faced one of his partners.

"Course it will, but like always, I'm prepared." He replied.

"What's the plan?" Grey questioned.

The two men saw her walk up.

"Simple. What's able to fight a technopathic controlled robot?" Seth inquired.

"What?" Morris asked.

Seth smirked as he led them down the stairs. There was a secret room no one else was allowed in. He turned on the lights. It was a huge canister of red ooze and metallic parts. The billionaire smiled.

"An oozed powered robot." He answered.

Grey was surely impressed.

"Good thinking. But, how come it's not put together yet?" She asked.

"Look, all you need to do is dump the parts into the ooze and let it boil for like a good 20 minutes." Seth explained.

Morris grabbed the box full of parts and pour them in. Grey crouched down and twisted the knob below it. The ooze began to heat up. The three of them stepped back and watched.

"Now we wait. Even if they get here before then, we'll just have to stall." Seth continued.

"With pleasure." Grey responded.

The three of them exited the room. Well, the men did. Grey however stayed back. She walked around the canister and smiled. The temperature on it was stable. Stable? Oh, that was unacceptable. The monster changing human returned to the knob. She turned up the levels a bit. The ooze began bubbling rapidly. Grey smirked as she left the area and turned the lights off. The ooze shined, which was not a good sign.


The Mech X crew were heading to the base. Harris was busy checking their distance and how much farther they needed to go. Veracity was up top with Mark. Spyder was checking with the weapons area to make sure they were good to go. The pilot of the team was controlling the robot. He continued to leap closer and closer to their destination.

"Only 14 more miles to go. Almost there." Harris informed.

"Sweet! Hey, you think Harper will blow up if we hit him with a plasma bomb?" Spyder asked.

Veracity looked down at him.

"We're trying to hurt him, not kill him." She replied.

"Well he tried to kill us. Shouldn't we try to do that too?" Spyder questioned.

"No. We make sure he stays in prison. We don't kill people." Harris answered.

Spyder nodded. Mark kept glancing at his little brother. He didn't know exactly what to say. The last time he did it turned into an argument. He didn't want that again. The sixteen year old took a second to think. That's when a light bulb went off in his head.

"Hey um, my buddy Jalen is throwing an epic party next Saturday. He said I could bring anyone I want. You guys up for it?" Mark asked.

"Heck yeah! I'm in!" Spyder replied immediately.

"I'm out." Harris turned down.

His pal looked at him.

"Oh come on dude. Don't be a party pooper." Spyder said.

"I'm sorry. I'm not a fan of parties. I probably can't anyway. My sisters always take over movie night and I want a turn." Harris explained.

"They always take over even when your there." Ryan stated.

"Yeah. Come on Harry the Platypus." Mark teased.

"Aww man! Is that gonna stick?" Harris questioned.

"It's your fault your name rhymes with Perry." Spyder spoke.

"My name isn't Harry! It's Harris." The young genius corrected.

Spyder shrugged.

"Yeah, so while Harry fights with girls over a movie..." Veracity started.

The black haired individual glanced at her.

"I'm not going either. I already had an unintentional party thrown at my house. I'm lucky to even be here. There's no way I'm going to another one." She continued.

"Oh yeah. They trashed that place." Spyder commented.

"And we cleaned it all up." Harris added.

"Yeah, but you took my new invention. So, you kind of owed me one." Veracity responded to both of them.

The two of them wanted to say something, but they nodded instead. She was right...again.

"When did this happen?" Mark asked.

"Oh, you were busy trying to find Grey at that warehouse." Harris replied.

Mark nodded.

"Alright, what about you Ry-Guy? Come on, you know we love a good party." Spyder tried to convince.

"And you've already met some of my friends. It'll be fun." Mark included.

Ryan kept leaping towards their location.

"What's with the sudden gesture?" He asked his brother.

"What do you mean?" Mark returned in question.

"You've had plenty of parties. You never invited me to one and now you suddenly want me to go. What gives?" Ryan clarified.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to come." Mark answered.

"In that case, I'll pass. Besides, I'm not really up for a party right now." Ryan replied.

His brother sighed silently. They all soon made it to the bay. Veracity walked near the panel behind her and the mechanic. She pressed the blue button on the side and pulled the lever down.

"Stealth mode is on." Veracity informed.

The robot went incognito. From the outside, you couldn't see anything but the sky. Harris began to scan the area. That's when something picked up on the screen. It beeped rapidly as it zoomed in.

"Uh guys, there's a massive amount of ooze inside." Harris told them.

Ryan looked back at him.

"This could effect the city in less than a half hour." Harris added.

"Alright, let's go in." Ryan ordered.

He took his harness off. Him and the others headed towards the elevator. Mark had blocked them all.

"What?" Spyder asked.

"We shouldn't go in. Seth is sneaky. He might have something up his sleeve." The former jock said.

"Well we can't use the robot. He'll expect that." Ryan replied.

"He'll expect us either way." Mark told him.

"Then what's your genius plan? Because unless we go in, I'm out of ideas." Ryan questioned him.

"We could take a plasma bomb and bust open the building." Spyder suggested.

The team looked at him.

"Why would we do that?" Veracity asked.

"It'll destroy the place so they can't make any more monsters." Spyder responded.

"That's not a bad idea, but it wouldn't stop the ooze. Besides, who knows if they rigged the place with explosives so if we blast it, we all blow up?" Harris retorted.

Spyder nodded.

"Okay, since none of us can come up with anything, let's go in." Ryan stated.

He began to leave, but Mark stopped him.

"It still won't help." He said.

"There's a stealth mode on our Mech links. We just sneak in that way." Veracity spoke.

"There we go! Then Seth can't see us and we can find the ooze." Ryan agreed.

He attempted to leave, but was blocked once again.

"Even with the mode, Seth probably already knows about that. The time that me and nerdo sneaked in we still had Harper's tech. He'll know we're there." Mark told him.

"That's all you've been saying. Where's your good idea?" Ryan questioned him.

That drew a blank to the sixteen year old's mind.

"Exactly. We have tech too you know. So why are you doubting this?" Ryan asked.

"Because we've dealt with this before-"

"And that's why we're better prepared now." Ryan cut him off.

"Dingus, would you listen? We don't know what Harper's been doing since he disappeared. He could've upgraded to something we've never seen. And you think we're better prepared now?" Mark stated sharply.

"Yes I do! And in case you forgot, half of the stuff that was made to help this robot was done by you. So your down playing your own work. Real embarrassing Mark Walker." Ryan snapped back.

"I don't wanna fight with you." Mark said.

"Then get out of my way." Ryan responded.

He walked past his brother and into the elevator. The others followed behind. Mark rolled his eyes and came with. Once they were all in, the elevator shot them down.

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