Chapter Eight: Double Crossed And Rebuilding Trust

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"Repair the robot. I'll be there in five."

Those were the last words she heard before the communication was shut off. The blonde haired baddie expected this. She knew the robot would be behaving in such a failing matter. It was called for. Completely predictable in a sense someone would call it child's play. It was all to simple, because she's the one who did it.
She smiled as she held something in her hand. It was a trigger. Her thumb slid across the shiny button. The screen beside her showed the fallen robot. She shook her head as she walked towards it. It was lying there, lifeless and unmoving. Her hands rested on the table top.

"Alliance only goes so far." Grey spoke.

She looked back at the trigger.

"Don't test me Harper." The former principal threatened.


The four freshman were in the med bay. Ryan was being scanned for any sign of damage. The machine was beeping constantly, representing that he was alive. Veracity checked his vitals again. He seemed stable. His full body scan appeared on the screen.

"That weapon packed a lot of heat. Another one could've had you unconscious. And that body blast drained most of your power." Veracity informed.

"Well, good thing it was a test." Spyder put in.

"Yeah. A test that should've been done before we went up against Harper." Veracity replied to that.

Spyder sighed. That's when Harris walked in. He stood next to the machine.

"Seth's machine is down. But, we didn't destroy it. And, I don't think it's all that damaged either." Harris said.

"How can you tell?" Spyder asked.

"The cam is still facing his robot. It's just lying there." Harris answered.

Spyder nodded.

"Are you okay?" The black haired genius questioned his friend.

Ryan slowly sat up in his spot.

"Yeah. That body blast took a lot out of me." He responded.

"And most of your power." Veracity added.

"I told you! I knew-"

"Yeah yeah. We get it, your right. We're wrong. Moving on." Spyder cut him off.

His friend crossed his arms.

"Hey guys?" Veracity asked.

The boys turned to look at her.

"Where's Mark?" She inquired.

"He--WENT AFTER SETH!" Harris realized.

"Wait, he didn't come back yet?" Ryan asked.

"No." Harris responded.

"Where is he? Spyder wondered.

Harris ran into the control center. And even though he didn't have the energy to move, Ryan pushed himself up and followed the others out. Harris ran to the monitor. He attempted to locate the oldest out of the five. After a few seconds, it picked something.

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