Bloody Rose: An Inuyasha Fanf...

By CloudedSkies

301K 7.7K 3K

Kimiko Higurashi, Kagome's cousin from America, has suffered a great deal of pain in her life. Recently invol... More

Bloody Rose: An Inuyasha Fanfiction-
Chapter One-
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
The End:

Chapter Fourteen:

10K 319 213
By CloudedSkies

Chapter Fourteen:

“My feet hurt.”

“When dont your feet hurt?”

I punched Inuyasha in the arm. He nudged me back and grinned. “Here, I’ll be a good person and help the needy.” 

I rolled my eyes. “Damn right you will.” I climbed onto his back. Shippo laughed at us from Sango’s shoulders as she walked beside us. Kagome and Koga were a few paces back, chatting with each other as they held hands and walked. Miroku walked next to Sango, telling her about old tales he’d heard.

“Hmm.” I murmured to myself, watching as Sango and Miroku laughed.

“What is it?” Inuyasha murmured back, peeking at me from the corner of his eyes. I nodded towards our friends. “They look…cozy…”

He smirked. “You like playing matchmaker don’t you?”

“No! I just can’t stand it when I see two potential lovers stand in front of me, completely blind to each other’s feelings. I like to help them.” I smiled triumphantly, proud of my excuse. He snickered and shook his head.


I flicked his ear. “Shut up and walk.”

“You know I could just drop you.”

He tilted his head back and I poked him in the nose. “That wouldn’t be very nice.”

“Well not nice things usually happen to not nice people.”

I scowled.

“Well would you look at that. A village.” We looked up as we neared the entrance, villagers frozen with looks of fear plastered to their faces. They mostly glared and Inuyasha and Koga.

“Who are you? Why do you bring these horrible demons into our village?” A man appeared in front of us, glaring at Inuyasha. Inuyasha glared back.

“I am a monk. These are my companions. We travel from village to village as exorcists, exterminating demonic creatures. These demons are simply helping us.” Miroku stepped in, gesturing to us as he spoke.

“You trust them?”

“Very much so.”

The man looked Miroku over once and then looked at the rest of us. It seemed his eyes strayed back to me several times. Inuyasha almost ripped his head off.

“Do you sense a demonic aura here, monk?” Another villager stepped forward, visibly shaking in fear. Everyone turned to Miroku.

He closed his eyes and seemed to think for a moment.

“Yes…actually I do…” Miroku trailed off thoughtfully.

All of the villagers seemed to shrink back into the ground that they stood on, consumed in fear. I hid my smile in Inuyasha’s shoulder. Miroku smiled at the cowards and folded his arms across his chest.

“Do not fear, for as we said before, we are exorcists and we can help. Although…it will cost you…”

The villagers shared a look and then the leaderish looking one stepped forward. “We accept. Name your price.”

“We would like food, water, and shelter for the night. Plus, depending on your village’s amount of gold-” I socked him one. Miroku glared at me and hid behind Sango, clutching his now bruised arm. “Fine. Just food, water, and shelter please.”

The whole village seemed to light up. “O-oh, of course. Right away. Please follow us.”

The people went back to their routine, waving at us and smiling as we walked past them and towards a larger house. Their leader continued to thank us as we walked.

“Really, it’s okay. This is our job.” Miroku assured, every now and again looking to us for help. We simply shrugged, snickering at him.

“I really hope this is to your liking?” The man slid open a door. The room was huge, four king sized beds, one in each corner, and a large pile of food sat in the middle. I climbed off Inuyasha and smiled warmly at the man. “Thank you, it’s perfect.”

“You’re welcome.” He winked at me. Inuyasha snarled at him and moved in front of me protectively. The man looked ready to pee his pants.

“I am sorry. I didn’t realize she was your mate.” He bowed.

“Uhh, I’m not-” I started but Kagome stomped on my foot. “OW!”

“Yes, they are mates.” I glared at my cousin and held my hurt foot. Inuyasha started to protest but Kagome silenced him quick with a threatening glare. He shuffled behind me.

“Then you two may share a bed. You see we weren’t expecting this so we don’t have enough beds for all of you. They are big enough to share however…”

“Great.” I growled. Then I broke out into a huge smile. “Well we’ve already figured out the arrangements. Kagome and Koga would love to share the other bed, I’m sure. Sango and Shippo and Miroku can choose their own beds.” I smiled sweetly at Kagome, ignoring her fierce glare.

We walked into the room and then man bowed. “Have a pleasant evening. You may begin the exorcism tomorrow.” And with that he left.

“Kimi!” Kagome turned on me, glaring.

I stared at her, eye brow raised. “Problems?”

“What was that?”

“I don’t know, Kagome, you tell me.” I snapped.

She clenched her jaw tightly, staring at me. “We don’t have to sleep with the guys do we?”

“Inuyasha, would you share a bed with Koga?”

“Hell no! I’d get fleas!” Inuyasha growled, leaning against a bed post.

“Does that answer your question?” I looked back to Kagome. She sighed.

“Hey, you started this thing.”

“Sounds like you don’t wanna sleep with me, Kagome, I see how it is.” Koga teased sitting on the far right bed. Kagome blushed and shook her head. “It just doesn’t seem appropriate.”

“As long as you guys don’t do ANYTHING in here while we’re here, your good.” I walked over to the bed Inuyasha was leaning against. “Is this the one you want?” It was in the far left corner, a large window on the wall it was pushed up against. Inuyasha looked back at the bed and simply nodded. I crawled in and yawned.

“I’m tired.”

“You need to eat.”

I looked to Inuyasha, who was now sitting on the bed, holding an apple. “I’m good.”



“Jesh you two argue a lot.” Koga complained, already snuggled up in bed with Kagome. Miroku was no where to be found. Sango and Shippo were already asleep in their bed with Kirara curled up at their feet.

I snatched the apple out of Inuyasha’s hands and chucked it at Koga, hitting him square in the back of the head. “Bad wolf.” He glared at me out of the corner of his eyes but didn’t move because Kagome was already asleep.

“I will get you back later.”

“Sure sure.” I rolled my eyes and laid back down.

“I’m not getting you another apple.” Inuyasha growled.

“Okay. I wasn’t very hungry anyways.”

Inuyasha glared at me but said nothing. I smiled sweetly and poked his nose.

“I’m bored. Let’s go explore!” I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.

“Don’t get pregnant!” Koga called after us. I was already planning his death for that one.

We started waking around the house. Loud music and laughter came from one door. We heard Miroku laugh.

“I’m scared.” I murmured to Inuyasha.

“I know, me too.” He whispered back.

We opened the door. Miroku was surrounded by ugly females, all whores who were willing to bare his children. He smiled up at us and stood, much to the whores distress, and walked over to us.

“I am so sorry, ladies, but it is time for me to bid you goodnight. Sweet dreams.” He bowed. The girls practically burst into tears as he closed the door.

“Leaving behind some broken hearts, Miroku?” I sneered as we continued to walk. Miroku gave me an irritated look and shuddered.

“Those were the ugliest girls I’ve ever seen.” Inuyasha stated, disgust written all over his face. I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know, I’ve seen worse. At least they were wearing clothes.”

“Ewww!” Miroku and Inuyasha both shuddered and gagged. I laughed. “You guys are so mean! It’s not like it’s their fault.”

“Oh? Then so what’s your excuse?”

I punched Inuyasha in the arm. “Ass.”

He laughed, rubbing his arm. “I was just kidding!” Miroku shook his head and laughed lightly.

“So when are you going to fix this ‘demon’ problem?” I asked Miroku. He shrugged. “I have a few spells that’ll protect them from demons so I’ll use one of those tomorrow.” I nodded in approval.

“So there’s not really-Ow!” I pulled Inuyasha’s ear. The house was suddenly silent, I could tell people were trying to listen.

“Yes there is. Did you not just hear Miroku, he’s going to use a spell that will erase the demonic aura and protect the villagers.” I gave him a look. Inuyasha clamped his mouth shut.

“Let’s get to bed, you two, before you kill each other.” Miroku walked back towards our room. I sighed and we followed.

I crawled into bed, still wide awake. Inuyasha crawled in next to me and turned his back to me. I kicked him.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?!” Inuyasha turned back to face me.

“You were in my bubble.”

“Your bubble?”

“Yes, my bubble.” I showed him boundary lines. “Cross these and you’re gonna get kicked.”

He sighed and moved out of the boundary lines. I kicked him again.

“What the hell was that one for? I moved!” He growled, turning back to me.

“I just felt like kicking you. You know, you’re fun to kick.” I smiled up at him sweetly.

“Good night you two.” Miroku snapped from his bed. Everyone else was already asleep. I sighed and turned around, my back to Inuyasha.

Someone kicked me.

“What was that for?” I hissed, turning over.

“Payback.” He smirked.

“I will push you off this damn bed if you kick me again.” I growled softly. He rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah. Night brat.”

He landed on the floor with a loud crash. He glared at me as he stood and got back into the bed.

“Whoops. My bad.” I sneered, turning back to my original position. He growled at me and nudged me lightly. I turned back around, our faces inches apart.

We both blushed. I thought about what Kagome had said. I pressed my lips to his quickly and then turned away, blushing beat red.

“Sorry I pushed you off the bed.” I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut and hoping for sleep to hit me quick. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close. Lips pressed against my red ear.

“It’s okay.” Inuyasha murmured, moving his lips from my ear and pressing his cheek to my head. I took in a shaky breath and turned around in his arms, resting my head on his chest, falling asleep.

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