Non Partagé

By MelaninBisou

51.8K 3.7K 2.2K

Tavion an 18 year old from Columbia SC trying to find himself during his senior year with Heartbreak, Friends... More

Last Time.....
Number 61
You Deserve to be Happy
His Scent
Michal Allen
Turn Up
I want You (Updated)
News Flash
What If He's Right?
Stalk Much Pt. 1
Stalk Much pt.2
Date Night Pt. 1
Date Night Pt. 2
Going Out With A BANG

Pre-Prom pt.2

1.6K 111 56
By MelaninBisou

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ALSO PSA: I have a Kik group for Wattpad writers and readers alike. This group is for others to share ideas, find new interests etc.... If anyone is interested message me or give me your kik name in the comments.

Hey Guys CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK Black Bodies

"Tavion...." Alec said coming up to me as I was painting graduation hats on the drywall.

"Yes..." I said hesitantly.

"I need a huge favor from you." He said smiling awkwardly.

"What is the favor?" I ask him.

"The school is demanding that all seniors have some type of community service hours, so the football team has asked if they can help set up for prom and i need someone to supervise them." he said.

"Umm no." I said.

"Tavion, please you're the only one who seems keen on helping me, I would do it but I have so much shit to do, please Tavion." He said begging me.

I thought about it for a second.

"I guess I can."

"Thank you,thank you I swear you won't regret it." He said hugging me and walking off.

I shake my head and turn back to the drywall...

But then I remembered that Trent is on the team, but he couldn't be trying to get credit, I mean his mom is the principal, he gets community service just by being her son.

A pair of hands close over my eyes and a voice in my ear says, "Guess who."

"You know this is the corniest thing you've ever done, right?" I ask Danny.

"You can't let me be corny for one second, can you?" He asks me.

"No I can't." I said as I kissed him.

i licked my lips, "you been eating chocolate haven't you?"

"Yes sir, you know i love my almond joys." He said sitting on the chair nearby.

"Those things are disgusting." I said feigning disgust.

"So how's the progress going?" He asks me.

"It's a mess honestly, I have painted so many graduation caps today I might not want to see my own graduation cap." I said putting my brush down.

Danny laughs, "Well you're doing better than Alec, he's over there about to have a stroke."

I look over at Alec and he's frantically walking around and scribbling on his notepad like it was his life's work.

"I don't see why he's so hung up over this." Danny says shaking his head.

"Well Alec has been dreaming about this perfect prom and graduation since we were in middle school, his brother was the president of SGA and his concept for prom got him into Carnegie Mellon University, so this is a huge deal for Alec, something he doesn't want to mess up." I tell Danny.

"Damn, I didn't know it was like that." Danny said looking at me.

"Yeah, so I want to help him make his dreams come true, and thank you for helping me help him." I say as i give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Oooh, not in front of the kids honey." He said smirking.

I looked at him and shook my head as he got up, "Okay babes I have to go I'll see you later tonight." He said while giving me a kiss on the lips.

He slid his tongue in and i chuckled.

"Ahem." A voice behind us said.

we turned around to see almost the whole football team behind us.

I stood up as Danny looked up, "What are ya'll doing here?"

"How about you mind your business boy." KJ said smirking at us.

"How about you watch your mouth, before i knock your hairline back in shape, how about that?" Danny said raising his eyebrow.

"Bitch you.." KJ started as he walked towards.

"HEY, HEY HEY." I said getting in between them.

"KJ you need us remember, get your testosterone in check." I said looking at him.

He looked at me like he wanted to respond but knew he couldn't say anything.

I pulled Danny to the side, "The football team is here to help, so that they can get community service hours."

"Why the fuck should you help them?" Danny asked me.

"Alec asked me and I couldn't just say no." I said to him.

He shook his head, "Danny look it's gonna be alright, okay i can handle myself."

"Okay I guess." he said and i smiled.

We walk back over to the group, "You sure you're okay?" He said looking at me.

"Yes, I'm good." I said sighing.

"Alright, call me if you need anything." He said looking directly at KJ.

KJ smirked as Danny walked out.

"Okay guys so, I'm gonna need three of you to put up streamers and balloons, umm four of you to move the backdrop and help Karl assemble them, he's over there." I said pointing to the stage as seven of them of them went to their recommended stations.

"And.... the rest of you guys can help Alec put up the vinyl and get the chairs and tables from the storage room and make sure you get Alec to sign your community service sheets before you leave." I said as the rest of them went, except KJ.

He came up to me and said, "And what do I do?"

"Umm I gave you four options." I said.

"Nah I want to do something important." He said smirking,.

"You can help me set up the stage." Alec said coming up to me.

"Aight." he said smirking.

I was confused to what was going on but Alec and KJ left and went to the outside potion of the auditorium, I shrugged and went back to painting my little caps. This went on for about ten minutes until i heard someone come up behind me.

"Yo, I was told you were the one giving orders around here."

I turned to see it was Trent.

"ummm, you're late." I said getting up.

"Yeah sorry ran into some personal issues." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Well I guess you can help paint the drywall over there." I say pointing to the paint and drywall.

I watch him walk over to the drywall and pick up a brush, "So just keep painting like this." He said pointing at the already painted portion of the drywall.

"Yeah." I said not looking directly at him.

He looked back at me and then back at the wall, picked up a brush and started painting. I went back to painting my portion, and i looked over to see him painting all wrong.

"You're supposed to brush side to side not up and down." I said to him.

He looked over at me with a blank expression and started painting horizontally. I went back to painting my section. Every now and then, for some reason I would glance over their to where he is, but he never glanced at me not once.

I got uo and walked over to him, "Are you good, do you need any help?" I ask him smiling.

He looks up at me clearly aggrivated, "No just do what you're doing, I got this."

"Are you sure, I.." I started.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm just seeing if you need help."

"Why?" He asked standing up.

"Well I.."

"You do remember the last time you spoke to me you told me to leave you alone and you were happy. So why are you coming over her? You haven't been "friendly" in over sixth months, I've respected your wishes, I haven't talked to you or your little boyfriend and I've made sure my team hasn't either, so how about you do me a favor? Stay away from me." He said as his jaw twitched and he turned around.

I looked around to see if anybody had heard what he had said.

"Trent I'm sorry I just.." I started.

"You what? You played me, you lied to yourself, you lied to me, you lied to your boyfriend, and you're lying right now. You didn't come over here to help me, you came over here just to play these games again, but I'm making this clear to you right now. I'm done with you and I don't want you, so go fuck your boyfriend because I'm not him." He said with anger seeming in his voice.

I looked down and then went back to my station, grabbed my coat and keys and headed for the door. As I was walking out I see Alec coming back in.

"Hey where are you g.." He started but before he could finish I was already out the door.

I went outside and got in my car and cranked up the car. I felt like somebody had ripped a piece of my soul out of me. It's ironic because this moment is exactly what I've wanted since Trent's party. Or is it? I felt so many emotions that i was out of breath. I felt embarrassed, heartbroken, angry, sad all at once and I really didn't know how to process this, because I didn't know why I was feeling this way. What Trent said hit me because a part of me realized it was true. It's true that even though I'm with Danny and I love him, I still lied to him and I did have feelings with Trent and ended the friendship because of these feelings.

I put the car in gear and went down the road as a stray tear fell down my face.

I guess this chapter is over?

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