Suffer. (Chris Brown Love St...

By princesstakeover

81.5K 2.2K 795

23 year old Ranae Collin who joins Chris Brown crew as a dancer, escapes her pass and starts her life over. B... More

Note To Readers.


2.3K 70 2
By princesstakeover


I put on my earring looking at myself in my full body mirror. I most admit I look quite fine. I grabbed my mask from the dresser top and tied it on my face.

(not her)

I grabbed my phone taking some body pics and made some snapchat videos. I was then interrupted by a call coming in.

Me-"Hey Chrissy"

Chris-"Hey I'm outside"

Me-"Ok here I come"

I hung up and grabbed my clutch bag and lipstick checking myself out in the mirror one last time.

"Damn" I said.

I went downstairs making my way out the door. I saw Chris standing outside of his grey Lambo smoking a blunt. He was staring at me as I walked towards him.

"Woah" He said.

"Well hello to you too Mr. Brown" I smiled.

"You look" He said nodding his head.

"I look what?" I side eyed him.

"Beautiful" He looked me up and down. I blushed and pulled my hair behind my hair.

"Ohh uh yea we gotta get going" He said opening the butterfly door. I got in and he shut it making his way to the other side to get in. I went on my phone camera to check my lipstick.

Chris turned up the radio and took another puff of his blunt.

"You got another one of those?" I asked.

"Oh shit you smoke?" He asked sounding surprised.

"When I was sixteen I was but then I stopped but then I started again but I haven't had time to roll up lately"

"I have the shit but they not rolled up, you can have this one" He said putting it in front of me.

"I just want a few puffs" I grabbed it putting it between my lips and inhaling it. I looked at Chris and he was staring. I took it out my mouth and exhaled.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing" He smirked pulling off.

Party here we come!


We arrived at the party and it was pretty lit. The boys were in their suits and the girls were in their dresses. Everybody had mask's on so it was hard telling who's who.

"Chris over here!" I turned around and saw flashes.

"The fuck" I said blocking the light.

"Come on" Chris said grabbing my hand.

We entered the party and it was music blasting. It was dim but the disco lights were going. People was dancing on the floor and people were in their sections drinking and conversating.

I looked around and spotted Kait dress. She was taking pictures with people in the section in the middle.

"This way" I said leading Chris to the section.

"Kait!" I yelled over the music.

She turned around and gave me a confused look.

"It's Ranae" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh hey bitch!!" She gave me a hug.

"Umm chris why you don't have a mask on?" She asked.

"Forgot one"

She reached behind her and grabbed a black mask and handed to him. I looked at him as he put it on. I smiled at how mysterious and sexy he looked.. I mean he was decent.

"Girl you look amazing that dress is hugging every curve and your mask is super cute" She looked me up and down.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Y'all can sit in this section, the bottles are on the table and Chris the boys are over there being boys" she pointed.

"I'll be right back" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and he walked off.

Kait and I sat down on the couch and I grabbed the bottle of white wine and a glass that was prepped on the table also.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing just came to have a good time" I popped the bottle.

"You better, you need to. Don't think about Kyrie alright, just have fun" I smiled.

"So about your date" She grinned.

"He's not my date he's my plus one and we're just friends" I sat back and sipped my wine.

"Mhmm well don't get too drunk or you gon regret talking to cj tonight" Her saying that caused me to chock on my drink.

"Kait" I gave her this look.

"Don't act like you don't know about cj" I just stared at her.

"Girl I'm sorry I'm a little tipsy excuse me" I laughed, this girl.

"Here come the boys and the clown" She said referring to Brandon.

"What was that Kait? I know you said some smart shit based off your face expression"
Brandon said.

"Yea I said you was a clown"

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?" He said and I took another sip of my wine.

"Man shut the hell up" She sipped some of her drink.

"And who may this lovely lady be" He said looking at me, I chuckled a little not trynna laugh.

"It's Ranae dummy"

His whole expression changed.

"Whattttt" He said.

I laughed at his face expression cause this nigga is so salty.

"Well you look nice but I'm leaving if y'all need me I'll be on the dance floor" He said.

"Wait! I'm coming I feel like getting my groove on" Kait said putting down her drink. Brandon rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand helping her up. Kait looked back and winked at me before she disappeared in the crowd.

I took another sip of my wine. I looked over and saw Chris sitting next to me with a bottle of his own Henny he was drinking.

"You drink this?" He held up the Henny bottle.

"Yea but not tonight, the worse I wanna get is tipsy"

"Well I'm trynna get lit"

"So I guess I'm driving" I finished my glass.

"I'm just playing, you can get lit if you want don't worry I'm not" He looked at me.

"Bet" I said taking the bottle from him.


"Oh my gosh!" I laughed so hard I couldn't feel my stomach.

"Brandon your such a dumb ass" Kait said because he just spilt liquor on his pants.

"You ready to go?" Chris said in my ear.

"Oh shit you scared me" I laughed.

"Yea I'm really tired" I took my mask off about to lay down on his lap.

"No no, you can lay down in your bed come on" He said helping me up.

"Kait we're getting ready to go, see you Monday" Chris said.

"Hold on" He said to me.

He went over to where the boys were leaving me with Kait.

"I'm sorry I don't wanna leave but I'm really really tired" I smiled.

"That's ok Nae go get your rest you too too lit" She laughed.

"Ok" I said giving her a hug.

Chris came back and grabbed my hand.

"Put your mask on" He said.

"Why" I said.

"Paparazzi" I nodded and put my mask on.

I grabbed his hand and he led me outside to his car. I covered my face as cameras started flashing.

"Chris is this your new girlfriend!?"

"Chris look over here!"

"What's your name?!" One photographer said getting in my face.

"Back the fuck up b" I said moving the camera. Security guards push them back as we got in the car. Chris started the car and sped out the parking lot.

"I'm glad they never found out who I was" I said laying back.

"What you mean?" He said.

"Nothing" I said turning the radio up.

Ready by Chris and Fab was playing.

"This my shit!" I said dancing in my seat.

"And baby we don't need a bed nooo don't need a master room don't need to set the mood, she's like yeahh yeahhh one touch one touch she gon give me all the love" I said touching his face as I was singing. He looked over at me and started laughing.

"Ohh this really ya shit" I laughed taking my mask off and his also, throwing it in the back seat.

I felt my phone vibrate but I didn't bother checking it.

"Yeah, I hear if you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready call you when I get there, you just get your shit wetty" I said touching on myself.

"Oops I mean your shit ready, can't believe I said that least you know where my head at, now nigga where ya head at?" I said to Chris and he laughed.

I laughed and sat back as my eyes got heavy. I closed them getting comfortable in the seat.


"Ranae" I felt shaking on my thigh.

"I'm up" I said sitting up seeing that we was at my destination.

He got out the car and came to my side opening the door for me. He grabbed my hand and helped me get out. We walked up to my door laughing and joking around.

"Thanks so much" I said giving him a hug. It was so warm I didn't wanna let go.

I slowly let go and looked him in his eyes.

"I had fun" I said smiling.

"Me too, I need to hang with you more you really lit ma" He said as I laughed.

"Well I guess this is a goodnight" I said.

"Yeah but I kinda need a favor" He scratched his head and I nodded.

"You got any food? A nigga hungry" I laughed and opened my door.

"Come on" I said letting him in.

"Ahhhh I got some snacks and some left over pizza and wings"

"Its ok I just want something little I'll eat later, you got hot Cheetos and a bottle of water?" He asked.

I went into my cabinet and grabbed the chips, and went in the fridge to grab the water.

"Here" I placed it in front of him on the counter.

"Hang on I be right back" I said.

I went upstairs to change into my shirt and shorts and took my makeup off. I grabbed some Backwood wraps that was in my bottom drawer and the weed that was in my weed jar. I rolled up and grabbed my lighter to light the blunt.

"This some good ass weed" I said to myself taking a puff.

I put everything back where it was and went back downstairs. I went in the kitchen and  saw this nigga eating the left over pizza.

"Oh wow" I said to him sitting on the stool across from him.

"Look I'm hungry, shit" He said chewing the pizza.

He stared at me as I was smoking the blunt.

"What?" I said.

"So you trust gon smoke without me"

I put the blunt in front of him and he just shook his head.

I went in the living room to grab my speaker that was on the table and hooked it up to my phone. I went on chris station on Pandora and Wet the Bed came on.

"One of my fav songs" He said throwing his paper towel and chip bag in the trash.

I started dancing slow doing everything and anything. I ran and slid on the floor but that wasn't a good idea because I fell and busted my ass. I wince in pain but then started laughing.

"You ok?" Chris bent in front of me helping me up.

"Yea" I said standing in front of him. I went over to the island and grabbed his phone.

"Let's take some pictures" I suggested.

I gestured the phone up and put the timer on.

I ran and jumped on chris back. I put my arms around his neck and smiled for the camera.

"Ok last one" I said putting the timer on again.

I went to his side and he put his arm around me.

"Send me those" I said.

"Wait last one" He said putting the timer on.

"Ok" I said.

He cane back to me and we stood in the same position but this time he put his hand around my waist.

5,4,3,2.. He then turned my body towards him and moved his face closer to mines. His soft lips touched mines. He slowly kissed me and I didn't stop him. I heard my phone ringing but I didn't bother answering it right now. He pulled away and looked me in my eyes.

"I been wanting to do that for some time now" He said.

I was confused and lost for words plus I was tipsy and high asf. I didn't know what to say so instead I grabbed his face and pressed my lips towards his. My phone ringed again and I ignored it. He grabbed me on my butt and lifted me on the counter still kissing me. He took of his suit jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Suddenly I heard banging coming from the door. I jumped and got down the counter.

"What the fuck" I said walking towards the door. Who ever it was continued banging like they was the damn cops. I swung the door open and there stood Kyrie. I tried to slam the door but he barged in and pulled me towards him and started kissing me roughly. I pushed him off me and backed up.

"Leave now or I'm calling the cops"

I saw Chris come in to see what was going on.

"What the fuck this nigga doing here?" Kyrie said.

"Nah nigga the fuck is you doing here?" Chris started coming towards him but I pulled him back and Kyrie started laughing.

"Oh so y'all really are fucking" He started cracking up.

"You can have the bitch homie, just make sure you go to the clinic after you fuck because that pussy been places"

It was no more talking to this nigga since he don't listen. My pussy been places?! Bitch where, for all I know his dick been places. I went in the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest and biggest knife I had. I walked back in the room and charged towards him with the knife but I felt Chris arms wrap around my waist.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME! I'm tired of this nigga trying to play me like I fucking did his ass wrong!"

Chris grabbed the knife and slid it across the floor to the other side. He went up to Kyrie and took a blow to his face.

"YOU A BITCH ASS NIGGA" Chris punched him again.

"Come back around here again and on my momma you gon end up in the hospital" He punched him again.

"Oh and if you fucking touch her again you gon end up dead" He pushed him on the floor.

"Now you got 5 seconds to get the fuck out" He said. Kyrie slowly got up and left hold his face. Chris closed and locked the door. He looked at his knuckles and they were bleeding.

"I'm so sorry Chris" I said sitting on the floor with my head in my hands.

"Hey it's not your fault the nigga can't fucking listen" He said coming to me and lifting my chin up.

"I think you should go" I said holding back my tears.

"Hell nah not after what just happen, I'm staying I have to make sure that nigga ain't gon come back and try something"

"Why?" I said.

"Why what?"

"Why me? We was just seconds away from having sex, you think I'm going to be your little hoe or something?"

"Woah Ranae, no I like you. I liked you every since I laid eyes on you" I looked in his eyes.

"Your Chris Brown. I find that very hard to believe, you can get any girl you want, any celebrity and you chose a nobody from the Brook New York" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need someone who is known or those instagram hoes, I'm cool with a lil baby that's unknown, that's perfect" He said moving closer to kiss my lips.

I kissed him back but then backed away.

"As much as I wanna keep kissing you, imma take a ring check and go the bed cause I am fucking tired" I yawned and got up.

"Well we can continue this tomorrow then" I laughed and nodded.

He walked me upstairs to my room and I got in my bed. I turned on the tv and Martin was on.

"Well I see you tomorrow, goodnight Ranae" He said about to walk out.

"Nooo lay with me" I patted the spot next to me.

"You ain't gotta tell me twice" He said taking off his shoes and shirt and jumping in the bed.

"You stupid" I laughed.

He got comfortable and turned off the lamp. I got close to him and laid my head on his chest. A few minutes later I felt myself dozing off.


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1. Will Ranae remember everything that has happen? Or is it something she can't forget?

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