The Many Talents of Luffy

By izzywolf22

269K 6.4K 1K

We know that the captain of the Mugiwara no Ichimi holds secrets, but what if he accidentally/purposely/or th... More

Chapter 1 - Monkey D. Luffy the King of Cuts
Chapter 2- Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Mathematician
Chapter 3 - Monkey D. Luffy the Magnificent Pianist
Monkey D. Luffy the Master Thief
Monkey D Luffy the Pro Gambler
Monkey D. Luffy the Funny Ventriloquist
Monkey D. Luffy the Amazing Tailor
Monkey D. Luffy the Talented Singer
Monkey D. Luffy the Substitute Doctor
Monkey D. Luffy the Pirate Ninja King
Monkey D. Luffy a.k.a. Portmonlook the Author
Monkey D. Luffy the Language Wizard
Chapter 13 - Monkey D. Luffy the Hunting Pro
Chapter 14 - Monkey D. Luffy the Awesome Bartender
Chapter 15 -Monkey D. Luffy the Substitute Navigator
Chapter 16- Monkey D. Luffy the Baking Pro? LUFFY VS. SANJI
Chapter 17 - Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Detective
Chapter 19 - Monkey D. Luffy the Great Magician
Monkey D. Luffy the Medium
Chapter 21 - Monkey D. Luffy the next Picasso
Monkey D Luffy, the Secret Hypnotist
Chapter 23 - Monkey D Luffy, the Surprisingly Good Actor
Chapter 24 - Monkey D Luffy, the Emotion reader
Monkey D Luffy....the Swordsman?!?!
Monkey D. Luffy the Professional Dancer
Monkey D. Luffy the Child Whisperer
Monkey D. Luffy the Chess Pro
Chapter 29: Monkey D. Luffy the Astronomer
Chapter 30 - Monkey D. Luffy the Great Debater
Monkey D. Luffy the Fashionista
Chapter 32 - Monkey D. Luffy the Charmer
Chapter 33 - Monkey D. Luffy the Florist
Chapter 34 - Monkey D. Luffy the Connoisseur
Monkey D. Luffy the Lie Detector
Money D. Luffy the Tutor
Chapter 37- The Exorcist of Monkey D. Luffy
Chapter 38 - Monkey D. Luffy the Circus Performer
Chapter 39 - Monkey D. Luffy the Cellist

Chapter 18 - Monkey D. Luffy the Reluctant Mannered man

6.1K 145 10
By izzywolf22

This is for Zulqar95, Okay I used your plot but with my twist of course and thank you, you saved me trouble from brainstorming lol.

To answer to your previous review: thanks XP and ik i like the name Portmonlook too.

The crew landed on Manā island[1], Luffy instantly hated it since it reminded too much of Goa Kingdom, 'Sabo' Luffy thought of his brother and sighed.

The only thing he kind of liked was that they were only barely less stuck up than the nobles in Goa but he still hated them, the crew never really liked nobles either but they never had a hatred for them like Luffy did, but being the man he is he hid his hatred."Oi Luffy look it's a beautiful restaurant!" Nami said excitedly, Luffy shrugged, "Whatever let's just get our supplies and get out of here." Luffy said out of character. Zoro looked at Luffy with suspicion.

The crew went back to the Sunny with their supplies for the next trip, Nami and Sanji groaned. "What is it?" Luffy asked still out of character, "We want to go to that restaurant!" they both whined. Luffy was about to argue but those two spat out what they saw which made everyone want to go to the restaurant.

Unlike the others Zoro, Robin, and Brook had the most self-control when it came to urges, they completely withheld their urges when they saw the brief morbid face on Luffy when they talked about the fancy restaurant, no one else caught the expression.

Luffy thought, 'Oi Luffy, Ace come here.' Luffy and Ace walked over to Sabo. 'What Sabo?' Ace asked while Luffy beamed, 'There might be a time in our lives where we might have to act different, even if it's a way he hates to act.' Sabo replied to Ace's question. Sabo glared inwardly which surprised the two, 'As much as I hate to say it, I think it's best if I taught you how Nobles act, it might help you one day as much as I despise the idea.' Ace and Luffy looked at each other with frowns at Sabo reason but reluctantly agreed.' Luffy sighed, "Okay fine, I'll make something for the guys and girls if needed, they're strict about those things." most of the crew cheered, totally ignoring despite in their captain's voice only to be noticed by Zoro, Robin, and Brook. Since Luffy had a sewing machine[2] he made his crew suits and dresses for the restaurant. The crew got dressed and headed to the restaurant, everyone looked well dressed, they reached the reception desk.

"I'm sorry but your scars are inferior to this restaurants deco-" Luffy pulled out a fake nobleman crest he made to look similar to Sabo's when he was little. "My...My apologies great noble sir." Luffy looked at the man in disgust and Noble attitude.

"May I request a private room for me and my fellow noblemen." Luffy bowed slightly and the other bowed as well as they were shown to a room. Luffy was even walking like a nobleman by puffing his chest out 'proudly and smugly' while looking like he was superior to everything in his nobleman's face, and he hated every single thing to the bone.

The mugiwaras were surprised by Luffy's manners, they entered the private room with multiple plates, bowls, and utensils in different sizes. They received their food and Luffy picked up his soup spoon and ate at a normal human pace, even wiping his face like someone with manners had. If the Mugiwaras never met Luffy and saw him now, they would think he was a rich man or noble.

After the crew ate their meal and paid they left the establishment and returned to the ship, the crew thanked Luffy for the night, while Luffy was changing out of his shitty suit and act.

When he was done he stepped out on the deck and laid on the grassy deck thinking of his earlier actions, he was happy they were leaving the island in the morning.

"Hello Sencho-san" Robin stated her presence as well as Zoro and Brook, Luffy turned to them, he motioned them to sit on the grassy deck. The three looked at Luffy, he sighed. "You three are the wariest of the crew so I guess you guys saw me slip a face or two right?" Luffy asked they nodded.

"You were obvious that you were completely uncomfortable being on this island, or at least obvious to us three," Zoro said, Luffy chuckled a bit. "Yea I just anything noble-ish or fancy, that's why I never have manners, I despise them," Luffy stated.

The others were somewhat caught off guard by Luffy's response, "You don't need to answer, but why do you seem to hate manners or noblemen?" Robin asked. Luffy trusted the whole crew, he usually trusted and told secrets to Zoro, but if he didn't tell Zoro or anything else he would trust these two.

"Well even before the war I hated how nobles were, I hated the government.... they took two really important people away from me...either on a whim or just by their name." Luffy spat the last parts in venom as he visibly made a fist of anger.

"Zoro you met Ace, and we already mentioned Ace to you guys, but only a few people who knew me when I little knew that I had another Ace," Luffy said the three pairs of eyes and sockets eyes widen slightly. " other brother, a formal noble taught me how to act like them if it was needed, it was hard for him to teach since he had a hatred for nobles as well as we both did, he was different from them. He was killed by a celestial dragon 3 months later, so I always hated these 'manners' and towns like these..anything related to them." Luffy said spitefully but quiet.

The three understood and just nodded and spend a while chatting with their Captain.

That was the day the Mugiwaras found out that Monkey D. Luffy can be a good nobleman, and the others found the hateful meaning in that talent.

[ 1]Manā -Manners in Japanese

[ 2] reference in chap 7

Okay I have to make everything angsty because of otaku science, I didn't mean for this to happen but Zulqar95 I hope you like it XP. This is probably one of my favorite chapters :)

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