Discovery - Larry/Ziam/Nosh m...

Af bandhoez9194

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One Direction. World famous boy band, idols to thousands of boys and girls across the world. Theyre making it... Mere

Warnings etc + thank you!!
*Telling the fathers*
A day of You and I.
story time and some terrible smut
*Ziam and Nosh time*
*A meeting and more*
*Interview Time!*
*Check Up Time!*
*A lover's spat*
*kidnapped and a better outcome*
*coming home*
*Drama. Plain Drama.*
*Well, Shit*
5SOS Are Here!!
A Couple Surprises and A Battle
Everything Resolved
Family Time
The (Almost) End pt. 1
The (Almost) End pt. 2
Nosh Wedding
Character Ask
Ziam Wedding
Larry Wedding

*Summer Solstice and a Surprise*

518 9 2
Af bandhoez9194

A/N Hey ya'll how you guys doing? I really hope you guys are liking this, and plz give me some feedback? that way I know what you all like and if there's anything you might want changed...,. but anyway, enjoy the chapter! and I might do another time jump, cuz I am no good with small details during a pregnancy. anyway, enjoy! :-)

2 months later Louis' POV

I sighed as I rubbed my stomach. I was about 7 1/2 months along, and I usually felt fine, just a little swollen, but right now, I felt like absolute shite. I was tired, I was sore, my ankles were swollen and I was a bit crabby.

I was laying in my room in the dark with the Fray playing in the background on my iPod. I really didn't want to see anyone but Harry, and he was cooking dinner for all us boys. Perrie and Danielle were here, and Eleanor was coming soon, seeing as it was the Summer Solstice.

We were celebrating it like usual, but today all I really wanted to do was sleep. I loved everyone out there, but I really didn't want to deal with anyone today. Liam was the same way actually, and was in the room with me right now. "Li, I really don't want to see anyone right now," I muttered and Liam made a sound of agreement.

"How the hell does Niall have so much damn energy?" I asked. Niall was almost full term, his due date in about two weeks, but he was still running around figuratively and hardly sitting down. it irritated Josh to no end, but still.... Niall never listened.

"I honestly have no idea how the hell he can do it," Liam answered my previous question. "I'm eight months right now and I get exhausted easily." I sighed. "And he has twins, Niall must be freaking Superman," I said. he laughed a bit at that and I smiled.

i was still a bit grumpy, but i wasn't as mad as before. i was still tired and sore, but I was better. "A little over a month now, and I'll have my babies," Liam said randomly. I smiled as I rubbed my stomach. he had started kicking three days after I found out in was a boy, and now he never stopped.

"About a month and two weeks for me," I said. I smiled, I can see my baby boy in just over a month. "And Niall is in two weeks, maybe. how the hell can he still move around?" Liam muttered and I laughed. "Who knows," I said and I suddenly jumped as the door opened, revealing Harry and Zayn.

"Boo? El, Per and Dani want to see you," Harry said and I sighed. "I really don't want to move, but for them, I will. but I'm staying on the couch," I said, struggling to sit up. "Li? They want to see you too," Zayn said as Harry took my hand and helped me up. "Ugh, fine, but you'll have to help me up," he grumbled as I stood tiredly and leaned against Harry. I really dot not want to get up, but whatever.

As soon as Zayn had Liam standing and moving, he and Harry helped us two out to the living room. "Louis! Liam! omg, you guys look amazing!" Perrie screamed and hugged us as tightly as possible with our stomachs in the way. "Yeah, thanks for the lie, Per," I said, knowing I looked like shite.

"No really!" she said, standing back and standing with Danielle. "You look as though you are glowing and you seem so healthy!" I shrugged. "I feel terrible though, I'm really tired,' I said and Liam nodded, yawning. "Oh, I'm sorry! you didn't have to come out here, we could have gone in there," Danielle said and I shrugged again.

"Its alright, I knew I had to come out here eventually, Niall would have killed us if we didn't," Liam said and I nodded. "Yeah, and where does he get his energy? he's so damn energetic, its scary sometimes," Perrie whispered and Liam and I started laughing. "We were just discussing that when Haz and Z came in to get us,' I said, still laughing.

The girls and other boys joined in and soon all six of us were struggling to breathe from laughing too hard. "What's so funny?" a voice came from the kitchen, and Eleanor walked in. Niall and Josh followed her and I wiped my eyes from crying from laughing as I tried focusing on them. "Um, just something Louis and Liam said," Zayn said, also wiping his eyes.

The three newcomers looked at us oddly but shrugged. "Well, its nice to see you guys again, its been what five weeks since we girls last saw you six?" Eleanor said, giving me a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek. I nodded and the three girls shook their heads.

"No more long periods of not seeing each other from now on," Perrie said and all six of us guys raised our hands in mock surrender. "Of course your Highness'," I said sarcastically, and Danielle raised her eyebrow at me. "Your Highness? shouldn't it be majesty?" she asked and I smirked sassily at her, saying, "Are you kidding? I'm the queen here." I struck a silly pose the best I could with my belly in the way and everyone started laughing at how ridiculous I looked.

"Okay, you still are the freaking sass queen, Lou," Eleanor said laughing. I smirked and said, "Of course I am, I'll never get rid of that characteristic! I'll always be the sass queen around here!" Harry rolled his eyes and hugged me to his side. "Of course, Boo," he said.

I was happy at the moment that he was acting mostly civil. he had been irritated with me the last few days seeing as I had started complaining about the pain, and apparently it vexed him to no end. I had reasons, it was sticking out in front of me. the extra weight weighed me down a bit, putting extra pressure on my back, legs, feet, so of course I was sore and hurting. And then if I'd mention it or moan a bit about it, he'd snap at me. And depending on my mood, I, either snap back resulting in a large argument or I'd start crying, then he'd snap at me again.

Either way, it always ended up with him storming out of the door and not coming back for hours at a time and with me in our room curled around my stomach crying again. when he came back, he always apologised and eventually I'd end up curled against him again asleep, but then everything would start over the next day.

It'd been like the last week or so. I don't know if he really knows how much it hurts, especially since the dream where they all left me alone had been coming back again, and then sometimes I'd wake up alone, seeing as he hadn't got back yet from when he stormed out. that scared me often.

I haven't told him about the repeating dream, I didn't want him to feel guilty. but while he was gone those few times, I would feel the urge to go back to my old habit, which I had been clean from for about seven years. the only thing keeping me from going back is Aaron. I knew my old habit would hurt him, and I would never hurt him. but I still had the marks, and sometimes I wanted to add more, but I fought the urge. Harry would be so disappointed, if he ever found out, at least. he doesn't know, and I plan on keeping it that way.

"Boo? Where are you? you are so far into your thoughts I can't see you anymore," Harry said, setting a hand on my arm and making me jump. "huh? oh, I was just thinking. is nothing important," I said quickly and blinked. I glanced around and noticed Liam watching me frowning and Zayn, Niall, Josh, Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor watching me with a confused look on their faces.

"Okay, but we wanted to know, what do you plan on doing for the ceremony?" Niall asked, and I shrugged. "Probably make a shrine to Mother Earth and cast a circle in her honour," I said. Zayn and Liam nodded even though Liam was still watching me with a frown.

I shook my head slightly at him and sent him later, and he sighed softly and nodded. "What will go in the shrine?" Josh asked and I said, "A couple candles of each color for the elements, some incense, and a burnt offering. nothing too special, just something to honour her." all the boys nodded and Harry asked, "How do you know this? I've never done anything like that for Gaia."

I blinked at him and said, "It's in my ritual book, I thought you all knew that." the all shook their heads and I sighed. "Okay, but it doesn't matter what kinds of incense we use, but I have a couple sticks left I use for relaxation," I said and they nodded again.

"I'm assuming each of you have a candle with your elemental color?" once again they nodded and I said, "Well, you guys can bring two, one to hold in the circle and the other to put in the shrine. Okay, let's do this." they all nodded again and suddenly a picture of a group of bobble heads popped into my head.

I stifled a giggle and followed Harry to our room. "Lou, what do we do?" Perrie asked and I blinked. "Oh, um, can you guys get one of the roasts out? and could you start cooking it? that'll be for dinner, and then one of the packages of ground lamb meat that's in the freezer and put it in the fridge? that'll be the offering," I explained and they nodded. "Thanks girls," I said and they smiled.

I started walking to the room again and almost ran into Zayn, which was leading Liam from their room. we all had our own rooms from each house, it was easier. "Oops, sorry Zayn," I said stepping back slightly as he stopped. "It's okay, Lou, don't worry," he said, smirking a bit. I rolled my eyes and continued down the hall.

My and Harry's room was on the end of the hall, right across from the bathroom. Zayn and Liam's was across from Niall and Josh's. Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor shared a room. we had about five rooms, but one of them Harry was turning into a nursery. he wasn't allowing me to see it until he finished it, so I had no idea what it looked like.

Zayn and Josh were helping him, but Niall and Liam weren't allowed to see it either. All three of them were working on one in each house. I was really getting impatient, I wanted to see the rooms, but Harry had the key and locked the door whenever he or one of the other two weren't in there. Another thing that pissed me off, Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor had already seen it.

"Boo, why are you standing there?" Harry's voice came out of the room and made me jump. I blinked and realised I was standing in front of the nursery. "Oh, I was thinking about the nursery and how I was really looking forward to seeing it," I said walking and stopping in front of him, looking at him pointedly.

He smirked and hugged me lightly. "You'll see it soon, hun, the boys and I are almost done with all three rooms. and they're all unique, completely different to each other," he said and I sighed. "I just really want to see the room, I know they're going to wonderful, Zayn's helping, and he's like the best artist I know," I said and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, Zayn did do most of the painting designs. Josh and I just the the solid color," he said and I laughed. "Anyway, I need to get my candle and incense," I said, walking into the room. I went to the closet and opened a small compartment I had made a week after we had first moved in. it was when I needed to keep my witchcraft a secret from the boys.

Now, I just keep it there because it was easier. I pulled out two unused red candles and six sticks of sage, sweet grass, and lavender incense each. Sage to keep the negative energies away, sweet grass to help open a door to the Otherworld, and lavender because I loved the smell.

I closed the door and struggled to stand. I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders and lift me up. I turned and saw Harry standing there smiling softly. "You got everything, Boo?" he asked and I nodded. "Kay then, let's go, the girls have dinner started and the rest of the boys have their candles ready."

I smiled and managed to hold both candles in one hand and the eighteen sticks of incense in the other. Harry laughed a bit and took the candles, which he could hold easier than I could with his hulk hands. I laughed at the thought and shook my head at Harry when he gave me a confused expression. he just shook his head and continued down the hall.

"Hey peoples, we got all the stuff," Harry said and everyone turned. "Bout time, it took you ten minutes," Niall said amused and I flipped him off. "It took me a while to get to my hidden compartment. so shut it," I said, slightly irritated but I was trying to get it underhand. Harry always got pissed at me when I got testy, and he was finally starting to warm up again. I didn't want to lose that.

"Sorry Ni," I sighed and he shrugged. "Its okay," he said and I sighed again. I was really tired and cranky and didn't want to deal with anything at the moment.

"well, shall we get this started?" I asked, and they all nodded. I took one of each incense and gave them to the boys so each had a sweet grass, sage, and lavender. then I led them to the back woods in a clearing where I had a tree stump flattened out and was quite wide, so it would work perfectly. I glanced at the clock as we headed out and saw it was the perfect time for this, high noon.

"Per? can you bring out the lamb meat please? Thank you!" I called and she yelled back, "Okay!" I nodded and glanced at the other boys, who seemed curious. "Where are we going, Louis?" Josh called from the back, and I said, "There's a clearing about ten yards into the trees. I have a stump flattened out from a couple years ago when I first found it, it's where I've always done my rituals and ceremonies."

He nodded and I continued on, carefully walking so I wouldn't trip. "Careful of the tree roots, they're everywhere," I called and Zayn and Josh helped Liam and Niall as Harry helped me, although I didn't need help. I knew every rock, branch and path in these trees, its where I'd escape to when everything got too much.

We got to the clearing and I said, "Okay, Harry, North is that way, and I think we can find all the positions after that, right?" everyone nodded and the three girls hesitated. "Girls, if you want, you can stand right there and watch. or you can stand to your closest friend in this group except me, I'll be walking around casting the circle," I said and they nodded looking relieved.

Perrie went to stand next to Zayn and Danielle stood next to Liam. Eleanor hesitated a bit before going to stand next to Niall. I was her closest friend in the group, but Niall was always the one she could go to if I wasn't available. or if she wanted to get drunk, seeing as she was the only one who could hold her alcohol as well as him. I took a breath and went to stand in the centre with Liam and Danielle.

I had taken the lamb meat from Perrie as she passed me to stand next to Zayn, so I set the open package in the metal brazier I had set up on the stump. I asked earth silently to lead me to six good sticks for a fire and it let me a few feet away. I found multiple good sized tree limbs but picked up six medium sized ones.

I suddenly realised everyone was watching me and even though I loved attention mostly, this was a little weird. I was so used to doing this alone, it was going to take a while to get used to having eight, like right now, or five others, when the girls weren't here, watching me. I took another breath and walked back to the centre and set up the fire.

I called my closest element and said, "Fire, please send this offering to Mother Earth, Gaia, and send our love." the fire roared in the brazier and the smell of lamb meat filled the air.

I smiled as I felt fire and earth swirl around me. I turned back to the group and smiled at them. they all smiled back and I walked to Liam in the centre. "Okay, with the offering burning, I'm going to cast the circle. just hold your candle up, and send kind thoughts to Gaia," I said and they all nodded.

I walked to Niall and Eleanor and lifted my face up so the sun hit it. "Air, you are the breath of our goddess, the breath of us. Please help us honour her and please come to our circle,' I said loudly and confidently and the wind whipped around us as the candle lit.

The wick didn't go out and Niall's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow," he whispered and I laughed. I smiled at him and walked to Josh. "Fire, you are the warmth and heat of our goddess's heart. Will you please help us honour her by coming to our circle," I said and fire started running up and down my and Josh's clothes and hair. The wick lit so brightly that everyone but me and Josh had to turn away. I smiled as I felt Fire and Air swirl around me, playful. Fire and Air always got along best.

I smiled at Josh and walked to Zayn and Perrie. I smiled at them and lifted my face again. "Water, you supply the coolness and relief of our goddess's love and kindness. Will you please help us honour her by coming to our circle," I said and soon it felt like water was lapping at our feet as though we were standing by a lake. Condensation was running down the sides of the candle even though the wick was burning brightly.

Zayn shook his head and I smirked. "Jeez, that's amazing," he whispered and I nodded in agreement. I walked to Harry and my boyfriend smiled softly at me. "You look amazing with the elements around you," he said softly and I flushed a bit. I smiled at him and lifted my face up.

"Earth, you are the body and nurturing soul of our wonderful goddess. Will you help us honour her by coming to our circle please," I said and earth manifested, with gentle summer breezes that smelled like hay and the feel of grass beneath our feet even though we were wearing shoes. I sighed in contentment as I felt the first four elements swirl around me and I smiled.

I gave Harry a soft smile and walked to Liam and Danielle. Liam was smiling at me and said, "Your eyes are glowing." I blinked in confusion and Dani laughed a bit, digging through her purse. she held up a mirror and I saw that the first four colours of the elements were swirling and mixing in my eyes.

I gasped and Liam nodded. "Why don't we finish this circle now?" he said and I smiled widely. I lifted my face and called happily, "Spirit, you are our goddess's soul and life. Will you please help us honour her by coming to our circle?" Spirit jumped inside me and even the girls gasped as a bright light flared in a shape of a rope connecting all four of the outer elements and connecting to Liam.

the circle flared again and all the light flew to me. I gasped as the light hit me, a sudden surge of power that had me collapsing to the ground. "Louis!" Harry called and I shook my head at him as I struggled to get the sudden energy I had under control.

"D-don't break the c-circle," I gasped and he hesitated, but nodded. Liam was standing close to me and Danielle was kneeling next to me with her hand on my shoulder. Perrie and Eleanor had run up to me also and was trying to help me stand. I finally made it to my feet and I looked up at Harry.

The younger boy gasped, his hands flying to his mouth. "Lou! Your eyes!" he exclaimed breathlessly. I shook my head, the elements still a large turmoil in my chest. "w-what?" I said, trying to control the elements again. I felt really dizzy, and swayed once I managed to get completely upright.

"Lou, maybe you should break the circle," Niall called concerned and I nodded. I glanced at the girls and they nodded, knowing what I was asking. they helped me to Liam and I called, "Spirit, we honour and thank you tonight. You may go now."

my spirit jumped more than it already was and the mess inside my chest lessened a bit. Eleanor and Perrie then helped me to Harry as Danielle followed close behind. "Baby, are you okay?" Harry asked urgently and I nodded. "Earth, we honour and thank you tonight, you may go also," I said weakly, and earth left. I was getting weaker as I let each element go, and I was scared to see how much of my energy would be gone by time I got to Niall.

Harry helped Danielle and Perrie bring me to Zayn, who was watching me with concern and a bit of fear in his eyes. "Careful, Lou, I think you overdid it," he whispered and I nodded weakly. "Water, we thank and honour you tonight, you may go now," I said, my voice a loudish whisper.

water brushed me and left, leaving me almost completely numb. Harry practically carried me to Josh and I whispered, "Fire, we thank and honour you tonight, you may go now." fire brushed me also, giving me just a big enough boost to let me stay awake enough for Harry to bring me to Niall who was looking terrified.

"Air, we honour and thank you tonight, you may go now," I breathed and as Air brushed me, I finally collapsed completely and my vision was blurring rather harshly.

"Fuck, we need to get him inside now!" Harry said, even though it sounded like he was talking from another end of a tunnel. I felt him pick me up and stumble a bit. He caught his balance and quickly carried me out of the woods. I was having trouble breathing and had no strength left.

I felt the coolness of the house and felt someone set me down on a soft surface. "Boo? Stay with me, baby, c'mon, you can do it," I heard Harry say, but I could barely hear it. I moved my head a fraction of an inch, but that was all I could do before sighing and completely blacking out.

Harry POV

As Louis passed out, I was completely freaking out. What the hell had just happened?! "Louis? Sweetheart, please wake up," I whispered, a piece of me going crazy. I was scared for him and our baby boy. "Someone call Damion, please," I called and I heard someone run out of the room. "Harry, he'll be fine, its just an energy drain from the circle," Liam said and I tried believing him.

"But what was up with the odd lights? What was going on with the glowing light around him? and why were his eyes pure gold and silver? it looked amazing, but I don't know what happened!" I said, keeping my eyes locked on Louis' slack features and a tight hold on his hand.

"Harry, I honestly don't know what that was. I think it was Gaia claiming him, he is the first person in over three to four thousand years to have an affinity for all five elements, and I think she wants him in her service. All I know is that it is something bigger than all of this. of all of us," Zayn said and I couldn't help it, I started crying.

I was terrified I was going to lose my baby boy, my boyfriend, my other half. I couldn't lose him, I'd die too. I felt multiple pairs of arms wrap around me and hold me tight. "Harry? I'm here, what's wrong?" I heard behind me and I blinked rapidly and wiped my eyes, turning to see Dr. Snyder standing there looking worried. "

I-I don't know. we cast a circle like normal, for the Summer Solstice and everything went normal until the end. Something happened and a light hit him, making him glow and his eyes turn a mixture of gold and silver. and finally, as he broke the circle, he got w-weaker and weaker until f-finally, he-he collapsed. and n-now, he's here," I said, my voice getting softer and breaking near the end.

Dr. Snyder frowned and walked over. everyone but me and Liam backed up. I was refusing to let go of Louis' hand and Liam kept a hand on my shoulder, knowing I needed the comfort. "Harry, I'm just going to check his vitals and see if the baby is fine. I'm sure everything is fine," Dr. Snyder said and I nodded weakly.

I stood back slightly, not getting too far from them and kept my eyes locked on Louis' face. I knew something was wrong as he wasn't moving he was barely breathing and he was pale. I started trembling again and Liam hugged me the best he could with his stomach in the way. "Haz, he'll be fine," he whispered, and I nodded, struggling not to cry.

I focused on my thoughts, telling myself that it was only a slight energy drain, he and Aaron will be fine, and nothing was wrong. I repeated it over and over to myself until Dr. Snyder stood and walked over to me. "Harry? He's completely fine. He's going to recover, just don't let him move from the bed when he wakes up until I come by and visit again. The baby is fine also. just make sure he doesn't overwork it again until he has him and make sure he's as stress free as possible. He's going to be fine," he said and the dam I had built up against the tears ruptured and I collapsed in tears, completely relieved.

"Th-thank you, D-Damion," I whispered and the doctor knelt by me and hugged me. "Anytime, Harry, just call," he said and I struggled to stop crying. I was making a big deal over something that I didn't need to, and I was stronger than that. I wiped my eyes and stood with Dr. Snyder, who helped me up.

"It'll be okay, Harry, don't worry. Call me when he wakes up, okay?" he said and I nodded. he gave me another hug and Zayn walked him out. I took a shaky breath and walked back to Louis. I had laid him in our bed and he looked as though he was just sleeping. "Harry, everything will be fine. We're going to go to the kitchen until dinner's ready. we'll call you when its done, Kay?" Liam said and I nodded.

Someone walked over and kissed my forehead, a faint musky smell telling me it was Zayn. "Don't worry, everything will be fine,' he whispered and left with everyone else.

I sighed and walked over to the closet, pulling out one of my old sweaters and went to Louis. I gently took off his jeans and T-shirt, smiling softly at his stomach. I gently settled my hand on it and felt a gentle fluttering. "Don't worry baby, daddy and I will love and care for you forever, and we will both be here forever," I whispered softly and slipped the sweater over Louis' head and got it on him.

even with his belly the sweater was rather large on him, showing how small he was compared to me. after I got the top on him, I pulled the covers over him and crawled in next to him. I pulled him close and he moved slightly, curling around his stomach to bury his head into my neck.

I sighed in soft relief as he moved, showing he was already getting his energy back. I kissed his forehead and rested there with my eyes on his rested features. he looked so innocent and younger when he slept, I just want to cuddle him and protect him with all my power. I loved my Boobear, and our baby Aaron, and nothing will hurt them as long as I was alive.

As soon as I swore that to myself, Josh ran in panicking a bit. "Harry! N-Niall's in l-labour!" he yelled and I gasped. I glanced at Louis and looked out the door. "Fuck, okay, go with him to the hospital, I have to stay here with Louis. if he wakes up before Niall has the twins, I'll bring him there. Relax, Jay, he'll be fine, now go!" I said and the drummer nodded panicking still and I rolled my eyes.

I called fire to myself with Louis' power and had it go to him. I couldn't feel it but I could tell Josh could when he relaxed. "Thanks Harry, I'll be back soon to tell you the news," he said and rushed out of the room. I held Louis closer as I heard the front door open and close. I watched out the window as the car pulled away.

Liam and Zayn walked in and I nodded at them. "Josh seems scared," I said casually and Zayn smirked. "A little,' he replied and Liam shook his head. "I'm worried about Niall, after all, he was always a bit sensitive," Liam said and my smirk faded. I sighed and pulled Louis closer. "I'm trying not to worry, I'm worried enough about Louis. Are you guys going to go there soon?" I asked and the nodded.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Nothing will happen to our Nialler, he's practically superman," I said and Liam suddenly burst out laughing. "what?" I asked surprised, looking at Zayn in bewilderment. "L-Louis said the exact s-same thing earlier," he gasped out between laughs, and Zayn shook his head amused.

"Huh?" a voice said weakly and I gasped, looking down to see Louis moving slightly. "Boo, are you awake?" I asked gently and he hummed a bit. "Mhm," he sighed and I pulled him closer until he was functional enough to open his eyes and focus a bit. I took in the normal color of his eyes, his usual turquoise blue, but noticed flecks of gold and silver mixed in.

they made his eyes even more beautiful than before, and that was saying something. "Hm, what's going on?" he asked softly, his voice rough with sleep. "Well, you passed out, Dr. Snyder said to not let you leave the bed until he checked on you, and Niall is in labour," Zayn said casually and Louis gasped.

"Niall is in labour!? But I have to go to him! I promised I'd be there for him no matter what!" he exclaimed, struggling to get out of bed. "Louis Tomlinson, you are not going anywhere until Dr. Snyder checks on you," in said sternly and he shot his eyes at me, his eyes flat and cold.

"I will and am going to see my best friend have his children. Nothing will make you stop me," he said and somehow summoned some energy to stand and pull on some jeans. he kept my sweater on, and started to the door.

"I will drive myself if someone won't take me," he said, his voice showing that he wouldn't accept no for an answer. I was shocked. he sounded superior and in charge, powerful. "I'll take you," I said softly and stood to get my shoes and keys.

Liam and Zayn gaped at me and Liam sent me, we'll go with you. have him wait a second while we get our stuff please. I nodded and walked after Louis who was standing at the door wth his arms crossed. "Baby, Liam and Zayn want to come also, do you mind waiting a couple minutes while they get ready?" I asked a bit hesitantly and he nodded.

"Sure, I don't mind. but they better hurry, I want to be there for Niall,' he said and I sighed softly, nodding. "Of course, Boo," I said tiredly and Louis sighed. "I'm sorry Harry, I just really want to be there. I promised when we first found out that I'd always be there. That I'd help out with everything if no one else could," he said and I softened.

I walked to him and hugged him close. "I know you want to be there for him, and you won't break that promise, I just don't want you overworking yourself and hurting yourself or Aaron," I said softly and he stiffened a bit. "I could hurt Aaron?" he whispered and I hesitated a bit.

"Damion said that you were not to overwork yourself, or you could hurt yourself and the baby. that's why we tried to keep you in bed. he said to not let you up until he visited and checked you over," I said gently and he sighed. "I won't go back on my promise, but I'll take it easy," he said and I nodded.

At that moment, Zayn and Liam walked up to us and Liam nodded, saying, "We're ready," and we all walked out the door. I got into the driver seat and Zayn got into the passenger, while Louis and Liam got into the back.

"Will someone call Paul and tell him what's going on?" I asked and Zayn pulled out his phone, saying, "I've got it." I continued down the road as Zayn talked to Paul and the two in the back talked. I had my mind focused on Louis and over working himself, Niall and his birth, and general worries.

"Paul is going to stop by the hospital and check on Niall if we aren't there soon," Zayn said and I sighed. "Traffic is a bitch right now, but I'm doing the best I can," I said tersely and Zayn patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, Haz, everything will be alright," he said and Louis leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I automatically calmed down and relaxed enough to focus on the road again.

after another twenty minutes, we finally made it to the hospital and it took another five to find a parking spot. once I was parked and everything, Zayn and I got out and helped Louis and Liam out of the car and us four walked up to the door.

"You're here!" Josh gasped and ran forward, hugging Louis tightly. I was surprised, they had never really gotten along before. "Oh my gods, the doctor said I had to come out here until it was about time for the birth, and Niall is in so much pain, I'm scared what if something happens?" he gasped, a couple tears sliding down his cheeks.

Louis gripped his shoulders and made him look into his eyes. Something about the oldest man made people want to listen, especially now. "Josh Devine, Niall will be fine," he said softly but sternly. "You have fire as an element, and if you recall, fire is a healing element, you can help if you need to. everything will be fine."

Something about how he voiced it and something in his tone made everyone calm down and relax. Josh took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, I believe you,' he said softly and hugged him again.

Everyone relaxed and soon Dr. Snyder walked over. "Louis, why are you here? I told the boys to keep you home," he said giving me a glance. Louis straightened his back and looked up at the doctor. "I came because my best friend is giving birth, and I swore to him that I would be there even if no one else was. I had to basically fight everyone to convince them to let me come," he said, his voice strong and demanding to be obeyed.

it showed that no one would tell him what to do, and he would do anything to get his way. He was showing his role as leader. in the beginning, we might have joked around saying Louis was the leader, but it was true. he always kept us happy and calm, even if it was Liam who had kept us in order.

Dr. Snyder watched Louis for a second before nodding. "Okay, but while you're here, I'm going to check on your vitals. and you will not argue about that one," he said and Louis nodded stiffly. "Okay, but the main reason why I came out here was to say Niall is close, and wants Josh and you to go in there," he said to Louis and they nodded.

I almost protested, but caught myself. Louis was always closest to Niall after Josh and there were only allowed two people in there. "you three are going to have to stay out here, I'm sorry," Dr. Snyder said and we nodded. "Its okay doctor, but can you tell Niall we're out here?" Liam asked and he nodded. He, Josh and Louis left and us three sat down in the chairs.

"Wait, how did Niall know Louis was here? he was still out when they left,' I said suddenly and Liam blinked in surprise. "I-I don't know, do you think Louis sent him a message?" he asked and I shrugged perplexed. "I don't know, maybe."

Liam sighed and opened his mouth, but before he said anything, a voice called, "Where's Niall?" we turned to see the girls who had just arrived. "He, Louis and Josh are in the room," I answered as they sat down. "Did anyone call Maura and Bobby?" Perrie asked and we winced.

"Uh, no?" I said hesitantly and the girls sighed. "Boys are hopeless," Danielle said, pulling out her phone. "I'll call her, don't worry." She pressed a button and held the phone to her ear. "Hello? Bobby? no, Greg? Hi, its Danielle... yeah, I'm good, but I'm calling about Niall, is Maura and Bobby there?... yeah? can you put it on speaker?....Hi Maura, Bobby, I just wanted to tell you guys something about Niall.... he's fine, nothing bad happened, but do you remember the interview a few months ago when Niall said he was pregnant?...yeah, well he's in labor right now, I thought you guys might like to see your grandson and granddaughter be born... you can be here in an hour?... okay, awesome, see you then, love you guys too, bye," she said, hanging up the phone and saying to us, "They'll be here in about an hour. Can one of you tell someone?"

I shrugged and said, "I can tell Louis, we've got our connection." She nodded and said, "do it then." I closed my eyes and strained to get our connection. I managed to touch his mind and say, Louis, can you tell Niall his parents will be here in about an hour? I felt a nudge in my head as Louis answered, okay.

before I withdrew contact, some of Louis thoughts filtered through and I saw Niall laying on the bed his face a bit red and suddenly I heard a loud scream, both inside my head and out. I gasped and pulled away. "D-Did you hear that too?" Liam whispered. We heard another scream and he gasped, burrowing closer to Zayn. Somethings wrong, Harry. the baby is stuck Louis sent me and I paled. They're going to have to to a c-section, he said and I winced.

"What? What's wrong?" Zayn asked and I glanced at Liam who was crying a bit and to the girls who were shaking. I decided not to say it out loud and sent Zayn, Louis told me the first baby was stuck. They're going to have to do a c-section. he winced too and nodded. we all winced as another scream was heard.

Louis walked down the hall and ran to me. "H-Hazza," he whispered and I stood, hugging him to me. "H-He's bleeding," he whispered, terrified. I frowned as I remembered when he was bleeding. I pulled him as close as possible and whispered, "baby, remember what you told Josh? How he was going to be fine? He will be fine. nothing is going to happen. Trust me."

Louis nodded hesitantly, and buried his head into my neck. I held him close, letting myself comfort him. I glanced at the girls and mouthed, how much longer until Maura and them get here? Dani whispered "twenty minutes" and I nodded. we heard another scream and Louis gasped, breaking down into tears.

I kept a hold on him and said to the others, "I'm going to take him up to the cafeteria for something to eat," and they all nodded. "B-But I can't go! I need to be here for N-Niall!" he protested and winced again as another scream sounded. "You need to relax a bit and calm down before you overwork yourself," I said and he sighed, nodding.

"But only f-for a few minutes," he said and I nodded, taking him to the elevator. for some reason the cafeteria was on the third floor instead of the bottom, and we were on the second floor. I hit a button and waited a second while the elevator came. Louis was trembling again as another scream sounded, even if it was fainter than the others.

the door opened and I pulled the shorter boy in, keeping my arms around his waist. "Louis, calm down baby, he'll be fine. Maura will be here soon and she'll help him, okay?" I said, kissing his mouth gently and he kissed back. I held my mouth there until the elevator dinged and i pulled away. he nodded and I led the way to the cafeteria.

"food here stinks," Louis said softly and I chuckled. "Yeah, it does but its filling," I replied and brought him to the counter. "How may I- wait, you're Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson!" the girl behind the counter squealed and I shook my head, looking around a bit.

"Please keep quiet, hun, we don't want to be noticed,' I asked and she nodded, the smile never leaving her face. "Okay, let's start over. How may I help you today?" she asked and I smiled. "Lou, what would you like?" I asked and he shrugged. "A cheeseburger and some watermelon please,' he answered and she nodded. "I'll have the same, just minus the watermelon," I said and she wrote it all down.

"Drinks?" "Sprite," Louis said and I frowned a bit, knowing he only got that when his stomach was upset. "Pepsi, please," I said and she nodded. "Okay, I'll call you when its done," she said and I smiled at her. I brought Louis over to a corner table and helped him sit in a chair. "are you feeling alright, baby? you ordered a sprite," I asked and he shrugged, his arms around his stomach.

I sat across from him and he said, "I'm feeling a bit nauseous, but I'm sure it'll pass." I frowned, but let it go saying, "Okay, but tell me if it gets worse, kay?" he nodded and the girl from the counter walked up to us with our drinks. "Here you go, and your food should be ready soon," she said and I smiled at her.

"What's your name?" I asked, and she said, "Victoria, but you can call me Biiku or Vikki, Biiku is Vikki in Japanese." I nodded, saying, "Okay, thanks Biiku." she smiled and walked away. Louis sighed and sipped at his soda. "Are you still worried about Niall, baby?" I asked and he nodded. "He'll be fine, don't worry."

He sighed again and said, "I'm worried for him and the kids. I already lost one child, I don't want him to go through the same thing, it'll break him." I nodded in agreement, frowning as I sipped my Pepsi. I sighed but before I could say anything, Biiku came with our food. "Here you go boys, call if you need anything," she said, smiling.

she left and Louis started eating quickly. "Hungry much?" I asked amused and he shrugged. "I haven't eaten since lunch and earlier today with the circle and such left me hungry. and I also really want to get back to Niall," he answered and I nodded, also eating.

it wasn't as bad as usual, but still not the best. it was five star compared to other hospitals though. I snorted slightly at the thought and Louis gave me a questioning glance. I shook my head and said, "I'm just thought of something, its not important." he shrugged and finished eating. "I'm done, Haz, can we go back to Niall now?" he asked urgently and I smiled. "Alright, Boo, we can go. C'mon," I said and I stood to help him up.

Once he was standing, I pulled out a twenty and walked to Biiku, handing it to her. "Huh? Oh, the meal was only ten," she said confused and I shook my head, saying, "Keep the change, hun." She smiled at me and pocketed the extra money. "Thank you Harry, Louis, have a great day!" she said, and Louis and I kissed her cheeks. She blushed and turned back to the counter.

"Bye Biiku, we might see you again soon," Louis said, smiling, but obviously impatient to leave. I rolled my eyes and took him by the hand and brought him back to the elevator.

As soon as we got back upstairs we walked back to the group seeing Niall's parents and brother. "How's Niall?" Louis asked urgently. "He's under anaesthesia and is in surgery right now," Maura answered, her voice breaking slightly. Louis walked forward quickly and pulled the woman into a tight hug, working around his belly.

I glanced at Liam and Zayn, who where both pale and Liam was shaking slightly. I felt what they did, Niall's element swirling around asking for help. I shivered and walked over to Louis, setting my hand on his arm. he looked at me and I noticed he was also pale, more so than the other two.

"Lou, I think I know a way to help Niall, but I also want you to take it easy when we do it," I said softly, and he nodded in understanding. "I'll be right back, Maura," he said and she nodded, going back to Bobby. Louis followed me and the other boys down the hall to a secluded area.

"We need to find a way to get the elements to him, as many as we can. You can't do fire and air at the same time, Lou, I'm hesitant enough with letting you do any at all right now," Liam said and Louis glared at him. "You will not fucking tell me what to do. I'm not weak, I'm not a little kid, and I will help my best friend any way I can," he snarled, and Liam took a small step back.

"O-Okay, Louis, I was just being careful, you did just pass out not too long ago from an energy drain," he said, a bit nervous. Louis sighed but didn't say anything against it. "Whatever, but we need to help Niall,I can feel air, its agitated," he said and shivered a bit.

I wrapped my arms around him and asked, "Are you going to do air or fire then?" he said quickly, "Air, it'll help him the most. Josh is already using fire on him, I can feel that too." I nodded and we all got into position, minus fire. "Just call the element, I can't move around and do the circle at the same time," Louis said and closed his eyes. "Air, I know I'm not your usual host, but he's hurting right now, and really needs your help. Can you come to us and go to him, healing and soothing him please?" he asked softly and Air started fluttering around him, messing with his hair and clothes.

Zayn nodded and closed his eyes also. "Water, please help Niall, keep his blood flowing and strong, keep him healthy, and keep him strong," he said softly, his voice showing how scared he was about Niall. I took a breath and closed my eyes also. "Earth, give our Nialler your strength and courage, keep him strong, keep him well please," I asked, my element giving me strength and keeping me centred.

I didn't open my eyes as Liam finished everything and said, "Spirit, keep Niall here, keep him uplifted keep him strong please."I felt the circle flutter and I opened my eyes just in time to see the circle glow and turn into a bright light, flying down the hall, in the direction of Niall's room.

I felt my element and all the other ones at work and sighed. I knew then the elements would work and Niall would be fine. I just hope the twins would be fine, he would die if he lost a baby.

"Louis?" Maura's voice called down the hall and everyone turned. "Yeah, Maura?" Louis answered, looking at her concerned. "Niall's awake, and he wants to see you," she said and I glanced at my watch. I blinked in surprise to realise that we'd been down here for a little over an hour.

"Oh, okay, I'm coming,' Louis said and she turned back down the hallway. "We've been down here for over an hour," I said to the group as we headed down the hall after her. "Really? Wow, it only felt like ten, fifteen minutes," Liam said surprised, and everyone nodded. We got to the front and saw Josh standing there with something in his arms and everyone crowded around him.

"Jay?" Zayn called and Josh turned to show a small pink bundle in his arms. "Is that Adrianna?" Louis asked softly and excitedly. Josh smiled proudly, nodding. "Guys, say hi to Adrianna Lynn Devine,' he said softly, looking down at the small baby. we all crowded him and looked at the little girl.

she was sleeping, but we could see small stuffs of dark brown hair, light skin, Niall's face structure but Josh's nose and mouth. "Has she opened her eyes yet," Liam said softly, smiling at the sleeping baby, and Josh nodded. "They're a gorgeous blue, just like Niall's," he said, rocking her softly. "Where's Alex?" Zayn asked slightly hesitantly and Josh frowned.

"He's alive, but a little small, they're going to keep him here for a few days," he said softly, obviously worried about his son. "He'll be fine, we can send him our elements and he'll heal. his dads after all have Air and Fire, the two most compatible elements out there, and his uncles have all the elements too. He will be perfectly fine," Louis said softly but something in his voice seemed to hypnotise Josh and he relaxed and nodded. "Okay, I believe you," he said, looking back down to his baby girl.

She shifted slightly and yawned. she opened her eyes and I gasped at the deep blue color of her eyes. She looked around slightly and scrunched up her face. "Shite, she's going to-" Louis started but cut off when she started crying. "Cry, do you want help, Jay?" he finished and Josh nodded, looking a little freaked at the baby crying in his arms.

He handed her to Louis and the oldest boy took her and started rocking her gently. "She's hungry," he said softly, and Josh waved over the nurse and told her. she nodded and came back with a bottle. "Here," she said to Louis and he took the bottle and started feeding her. Josh relaxed as she stopped crying.

"How do you know how to do that so well?" he asked and Louis shrugged. "I grew up with five sisters, Lottie only about seven years younger than me. I helped a lot when, when Dad was out," he said, practically spitting out the word 'Dad'. I watched him with a small smile as he rocked the baby girl back and forth as he finished feeding her and lifted her gently to burp her.

the nurse had handed him a towel to put her on and he had started to gently pat her back. after a few seconds, she let out a small burp and he smiled. "Okay, she'll go back to sleep now, but will probably wake up soon, maybe a half hour or so," he said and he handed her back to Josh. "Thank you Louis," he sighed, slowly rocking his baby girl as she slept. "You're going to have to teach me how to do all this," he added and Liam and Zayn nodded.

he laughed and said, "alright. Anyway, Niall wanted to see me, I'll be with him.' Josh nodded and I kissed his cheek. "Have a nice talk with him," I said and he nodded, walking down the hall.

I watched him go and turned back to Josh, who was humming lightly as he rocked his newborn baby girl with a soft light in his eyes. I smiled and knew everything will be fine.

Adrianna and Alex will be safe, as will Aidan, Andrea, Asia, and Aaron. Our kids will have a bright future, even if Management tries to get in the way. from what I could see, Josh would never let anyone get in the way of raising his children, and no one would tell him how to do it either, except Niall, but he always listens to Niall.

I personally would not let anyone hurt my baby boy, and if management or the media or even fans tried it, I would not sit by and watch. Aaron would have the best protection, and no one would hurt him. as I watched Josh and his daughter, I swore it on my element, and would never break it.

A/N sorry for the shitty ending, but yeah. Niall had his children!! :-) Liam might have his soon too. anyway, I hope you liked it, love all of y'all, and all that stuff. :-)




please for One Directions babies? :-)

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