BeyBurst Scenarios + Headcann...

By LuckyValt

339K 3.5K 6K

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date your favorite boy? Read and enjoy! Here's what you'll fi... More

୨♡୧ Information ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Meetings ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Friends ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Feelings ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ First Kisses ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Cuddling ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Sleeping Headcanons ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Hugging ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Them as Cats୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Grocery Shopping ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Yandere AU ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ School Headcanons ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Relationship Headcanons ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ I Love You ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Happy Valentines ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Crushing/Pining Hcs ୨♡୧

୨♡୧ Grateful୨♡୧

9.3K 179 174
By LuckyValt


What He's Grateful For

(Also what he loves abt you LMAO)

*these are all lowercase and in paragraphs


Aoi Valt

Your Overwhelming Support

valt knows he was a handful (still is!), even when he was younger. that little ball of sunshine and constant energy never seemed to have tired you out. valt remembers when he was just starting out his beyblade career with just his first version of valkyrie and just the basics of beyblading. you never once discouraged him and only supported him in his decision of creating the 'best beyblade club the world has ever seen'! he adores the fact that you were always the first to comfort him after a loss, the first to encourage him, the first one to be told about a future design of valkyrie, the first person he asked to bring across the world, and his first s/o. he will never forget the heartfelt supportive words you gave him once after he lost his first-ever national tournament thanks to lui. whenever he'd win a battle, he will, no matter what, become shocked each time you come up running to him with flowers and a 'congratulations!'. it's always a nice surprise that he'll never get used to. but at least he'd look at you with adoring brown eyes each time without fail with a light blush on his cheeks. honestly, he genuinely thinks he would never be here if it weren't for your constant encouragement.

valt loves the fact that even though he was champion and #1 in the entire world of beyblade, he would have to be traveling regularly, and yet you never seem to mind. sure, you'd get sad n' such but you'd be the first person he'd see when he comes back home to you <3.

Aoi Tokonatsu

Your capability of seeing him

tokonatsu loves his brother and always will, but sometimes it's so tiring to always be asked about him whenever someone greets him. nika gets the same thing yet not as hard because she isn't a blader. tokonatsu takes the biggest hit because he, too, is a blader. but you never seem to ask or even mention valt whenever you're with him. instead of asking to give something to valt, you always compliment him and every little thing he does. you know how to differentiate between the aoi brothers and he couldn't be more grateful. he doesn't have to be so worried about how he'll look if he loses to someone around you because he knows you won't berate him. its actually really cute to see him so flustered whenever you compliment him on something that's uniquely on him. his concentrated adorable face, the little fidgets he does with his gloves whenever he's so focused, the small hum every now and then when he's close to winning, the cute snorts whenever he laughs. it's all so special because its coming from him. you sometimes bring these cute habits up and he always grows red as a cherry and stammers a protest.

Kurenai Shu

Your patience and love

shu had a very rough childhood. being left alone for most of his adolescent life up until his teen years, shu didn't know how to show love in both the romantic sense and platonic sense. truth be told, he's very awkward whenever people hug him or show any sort of romantic (or platonic!) action with him because he just doesn't know how to react. that's why he's so thankful for your patience in handling him and making sure he's comfortable in each step of your relationship. it starts off small with the simple hand-holding now and then, evolving to a hug, then becoming comfortable to the more intimate actions such as forehead kisses n' such. it was all very awkward in the 'firsts'. you cant really blame him, scarred an eye, having to deal with the loneliness of not having his parents around, being manipulated in the hands of a madman, dealing with lain, he's become very distant in terms of emotions at times. you have to handle his feelings like you're dealing with the most fragile glass in your life. but its okay, because if shu loves you so much to the point where he's fine with a few mistakes here and there, this relationship will blossom healthily. shu can become very loving if your patient with his every flaw.

Kiyama Rantaro

Your personality

rantaro is the type of guy who practically merges with anyone he meets. he gets along with so many people that it's kinda hard to hate the guy since he plays his role so well. however, there is a certain thing that really draws him in. rantaro is the type of guy who wouldn't go for looks nor talents within a person, but rather, if they're someone he can really get along with. the thing about rantaro is that due to him being around so many people, he's learned how to handle people's emotions well and drive them to do their best. if you have a quiet personality, rantaro will adore the hushed and relaxing moments that you have to offer since he's around the loudest bunch. if you have a loud/extroverted personality, he loves to go out together often to cherish and bathe in the memories you two share. what I'm sayin is that rantaro prefers personality more than anything due to a personality being uniquely belonging to a person since every individual has their own cute quirks. he loves loving you for you.

Kurogami Daina

Your reassurance

daina is always resorted to being the type of person who would have a good head on his shoulders. the type who you could always go to whenever you need a battle plan or some encouragement. yet, occasionally, daina crumbles under all that pressure and does some dumb things. such as the cheating move he did with yugo, he felt awful and you were the only person who he really trusted in confiding of what he did. he expected to be yelled at, but was surprised when you just reassured him and made sure that he was okay. from that day forward, daina was really reluctant to talk to others about his problems, however, he never hesitated when it came to you. when he told you about his struggles on handling the whole france beyclub team, you just gave him a smile, a kiss on the cheek, and reassuring words. whenever daina felt like he was down in the dumps, you were always there to make him feel better.

Midorikawa Kensuke

Not giving up on him

kensuke moves around a lot so he had to leave the few friends he made behind. not you. you were like an annoying little bug that would never leave him no matter how many times he's tried. kensuke had to harden his heart in order not to feel the pain of leaving friends, that's why he chooses to use his puppets so often to speak rather than doing it himself (other than he's just shy). kensuke was rather surprised when you kept talking to him even though he's already left your neighborhood months ago. hell, he was even more shocked when you kept arranging the dates to come and greet him. why were you so insistent on remaining friends with him? it was a question he kept asking himself over and over, not knowing why he was so relieved to continue being friends with you. and it was then that he asked this question to you. safe to say he was surprised when he hears you saying that you love being around him and him in general. 

Komurasaki Wakiya

Having the capability of grounding him

wakiya had everything in his hands. everything handed to him, born with a silver spoon. its very easy to be disconnected from reality and other people's feelings. honestly, with the way he acts around others, you're shocked you haven't hit the blonde just yet. despite not really showing it, wakiya's actually very thankful whenever you two (playfully) fight. you always have to knock some sense in him when he goes too far in insulting valt, or becoming too cocky when it came to beating others in battle. he knows that he's a handful to deal with and his attitude stems from the emotional neglect he endured as a child, and there's no way he'd tell you all this either. his pride is a little too precious to him for him to admit how much of a big difference you are to his life. since he's too awkward to verbally tell you how much you truly mean to him, wakiya is mostly giving you materialistic things as his way of saying thanks (it's. . .also the only way he knows how to say thanks).

Shirasagijo Lui

Being able to calm him down

lui is painfully aware of how he acts with other people. he's cold, ruthless, bold, and straightforward. he never not talks about whats on his mind to others and could give less of a damn whether or not it hurts people's feelings. he finds people annoying if they're boring to him and will make it obvious to the poor person he's destroying but there's an odd calming feeling when he's around you. you could be the most boring person in the world or the annoyingly (I mean that in the most lovingly way possible) talkative type but lui will find himself strangely attracted to (you and) your presence. he doesn't know what makes you so special but adores the way that the sight of you calms him down after a long day of dealing with people he tolerates. also finds it oddly domestic in a way too, and lui never found himself being the 'domestic' type before you so i'd say its a complete win. he knows that sometimes he says things that might hurt you, but he always finds a way to apologize (which is something he only does to people he likes) since you mean so much to him. lui will always choose your presence over anyone else's. 

Minamo Naoki

Attention and support

naoki grew up with a lot of people not liking him due to how much he info dumps on people without warning. in a way, he's 'annoying' to others. so imagine how much he adores it whenever your attention is on him for long periods of time. being with him will mean that he's gonna ramble for hours and hours on the most random things—but it's all right, if your dating him then you've already loved that aspect of him. you could see the happiness in his eyes whenever you put your full attention on him even for the smallest and quickest conversations, it makes him so happy knowing you love him. you could literally be doing a hobby or something and naoki's walking up to you to tell you the whole fnaf lore and you would stop whatever you're doing to stare at him with anticipating eyes. if he picks up on this, he's absolutely going to go red-faced and flustered during his part of explaining who the purple guy is.

Free De La Hoya

Your hands

free isn't the talkative type, not by a longshot, so he prefers if other people do the talking for him. with you, however, free will always welcome your presence if you ever offer it. there's never going to be a day he refuses your presence because it's such a serene moment of you two bathing in the quietness. during these moments, his own hand fiddle with yours, finding the feeling of the person he loves so calming. a simple reminder that you're always going to be here before completely intertwining his fingers with yours. in his years of living, free never so intimately held another person like this and even finds his own arms/hands gross from how calloused they are from his Number One Blader days. his own arm without his brace might've terrified you if he didn't know any better. but your thumb sliding over the back of his hand sends loving reminders that you love him just the way he is. if there was any point in time he'd pause the world, it would be during a moment like this one. 

Alcacer Boa

Your eyes

boa was accustomed to the glares and rough looks of others from the snake pit. hell, even after he left he still flinches whenever someone glares at him. despite him hardening his heart by force during his time there, he gradually allowed it to melt whenever you look at him like he's the most precious thing in the entire world. he isn't used to the soft looks you send his way with your [e/c] eyes, isn't used to the warmth your flow him with whenever you send him happy looks. even if he grows older and into a well-respected young man, he'll always act like a school boy with a crush if you ever send him the warm look you are so good at. it's quite a cute sight. send him a look of kindness and he'd be completely weak for you and will absolutely do anything for you. but I mean, he already does <3

Carlisle Sisco

Your hair

we all know how prideful sisco is. that sly mf thinks he slick whenever he flaunts his green hair around you in public but will never let the world know he adores your hair more than his. behind closed doors, sisco cant leave you alone. aside from being strangely affectionate, he adores sliding his fingers across your [h/c] hair constantly. its very soothing for him and it's an absolute must each night in your shared bed. he likes holding you like you're the most precious thing in the entire world (because to him you are!!). right before bed, as the moonlight shines through the window, you will feel sisco scooting closer to you, hand caressing your hair, and him burying his face in it. to him, it's a kind reminder that you're here with him even on the loneliest nights.

Sumie Fubuki

Your warm hugs

after having to deal with aiga's bullshit and dealing with suou's shocking betrayal of him, fubuki craves reassurance. he could feel himself becoming grounded as soon as he feels your arms wrapped around his tensed body. even if you're taller than him or shorter, he'd always find some way of placing his head against your shoulder. In inhaling your calming scent, fubuki could allow himself to be vulnerable for as long as you allow him to. bonus points to you if you have a full-on conversation with him during that or be rocking him side to side while whispering encouraging words to make sure he's okay. fubuki will absolutely appreciate you doing this for him, no wonder he loves you.

Akaba Aiga

Your love and concerns

this GUY is such a handful and consistently bouncing off the walls. if you're dating him then you must've read the terms and service he came with. aiga doesn't like it when people worry for him, in fact, he hates it. he's always out there trying to prove himself out to the world and people are worried about him? he can handle himself with no issue. yet, he's going to allow you to baby him because he simply can't say no to you at all. the one person he doesn't mind tending to his every worry and wound is you and only you. he hates being seen as weak and will spit on those (metaphorically) who think so but will only let you see every imperfection he tries to cover up. he'll allow you to worry and fret over him and he never feels talked down to. he enjoys finally calming down and rolls his eyes lovingly over your light scoldings.

Goshuin Suou

Your kind smile

suou finds flowers beautiful, but your smile quickly overwhelmed that number one spot as soon as he saw you grin at him for the first time. call it love at first sight but there's something about your smile that melted his heart. whether you hand dimples, a crooked smile, or anything that you might be insecure about suou will literally not. care. if you're smiling, that's just you being happy. joy—a pure emotion that he adores when it comes from you. why would he make you feel awful over you being happy? he can't and wont. even if he's having a bad day, suou knows if you gave him a shining smile, his day would become instantly brighter. bonus points if you laugh too, it's music to his ears.

Koryu Dram

Cheering him on the sidelines

sure, dram might have plenty of friends cheering him on during his matches but it just isn't the same when you aren't there. dram will visibly slump his shoulders when he cant find you among the crowds and will pout the whole battle. after the battle, he'll come find you with a pout and a whine, questioning you on where you were the whole time. if you ARE there, then he'll showcase a stupid smile as he gives it all during his fight. dram will turn frequently to where you're sitting almost as if he's asking "did you see that ?! :D". he's just so damn happy that you're there and even if he loses, you're right there to console him. or if he won a battle, he'll tackle you with a hug.

Akane Delta

Being stubborn with him

oh boy this guy. he's so, so, so, so, so stubborn in every little decision he makes. you literally have to fight him off of a bad decision and quite possibly saved his friendship/rivalry with dram. but honestly? delta finds it so endearing that you care enough about him to fight him in decisions that you deem to be 'bad' (when they truly are). he occasionally has tunnel vision in the things he does which leads him to do bad decisions. you basically have to save his sorry ass and force him to reconcile with dram in a major fight they both just had. he remembers snapping at you after a crushing defeat, not really meaning what he said, you just stood your ground and remained with him. delta could not be more grateful as it showed him you did love him enough to put up with him, he promises to do better.

Ronny Gwyn

Your patience

gwyn, admittedly, did not have many friends as he grew up. choosing to follow his math and solve equations left and right, he didn't think that he'd ever need friends to chat with, even less a s/o. you were basically his firsts in almost everything. his first s/o, his first friend (yes, before dram), introduced him to many places outside of that room he stays so frequently in. even after meeting dram, gwyn hardly believes that he'd be able to enjoy the simple things in life without someone he loves accompanying him. you're basically his comfort person and the one he looks to whenever he's down, and you're more than happy to provide. 


even after all these years, valt is always gna be my favorite and the favored LMAOOO

you can so clearly see it during this chapter goodbye

i should make a whole chapter just abt valt but ik some of yall favor the other characters more than him which is a CRIME

anyway this chapter got deleted but magically came back so idk whats up with wattpad. thankfully when it reappeared in the chapters section you can imagine how relieved i was when all my writing was still intact lol

uh sorry for ghosting yall sm recently, lately I've just not been feeling to writing beyburst as much. still not quitting bc I'm so cool like that

nah but fr this is my comfort fandom/show so i hardly ever think I'm FULLY leaving any time soon

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