TWITTER: stories from the und...

By ChrisRantingsOfaGirl

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Users, a selection of people from all over, have to navigate the waters of narcissists, trolls, plagiarists... More

CHAPTER 1 #TwitterConfessions
CHAPTER 28 Tips for Spotting Online Deception
Cast Of Characters

CHAPTER 2 The Day It All Started

146 3 1
By ChrisRantingsOfaGirl

copyright 2019 chris smith  All rights reserved.

"How 2 tweet safely

1. Say ur tweet out loud

2. Pretend ur someone who hates u

3. Attack ur tweet from all angles

4. Wait 10 days"  @JohnMayer

1. Why did you first join Twitter?

@achosenword: I was looking for an outlet, a place to express myself without feeling judged. Most of my family and friends were on facebook so I felt boxed in as to what I could share but none of my family had twitter so I felt I would be freer to share my feelings.

@acousticprint: I joined twitter looking for a quiet spot in a very large abyss. It was a place I could whisper words into a crowd.

A Darker Sunrise: I jumped on ahead of my kids in order to navigate the space properly and keep up to date on what was coming down the line for them.

@angrymemorys: This is actually my 3rd account. I started this one on Halloween in 2013. My previous account was short lived, only 6 months or so, but the one before that I started some time in 2010. I don't even remember that handle. It got up to around 6k followers before I deleted it.

Benjamin: Mostly out of curiosity. I wasn't aware of its existence until 2009.

@darkest__star: I first joined Twitter to follow all of the musicians that I listen to. To be honest, I can't remember why I changed the reason I used Twitter and began writing.

DeadManWalking: I heard "The Cool Kids" would actually interact with the unwashed mass – and it proved to be true. I talked to a variety of well known people! It was fun. (This was before it ever occurred to anyone to be frauds on Twitter)

DusklightMemory: I wanted to explore different social media's other than Facebook.

Entirety: I was following a brand new show called Outlander. I knew a few hard core fans who kept up to date on Twitter about how filming was going. So I opened up a personal account to follow the author of the series and the production company, likewise along with their loyal fans.

@KarinaLawrence: Twitter tells me it was March 2009, which was an odd time for me, as I was graduating from university and going through a tough time with depression. Honestly? I can't remember when I joined or why. But I stayed because of the strong writing community and the great friends I made along the way.

loudcroud: I first joined Twitter back in 2012. I opened up two accounts. One to promote my art, and another to follow the lead up to the 2012 us presidential election. I didn't follow the same people or interact the same way on both accounts.

Maycelle: I first joined with an acquaintance who was gazing at a social spectacle with me, suggesting I use for ideation. I used it then for thought-processing and irony at the start and later became comfortable choosing how to write how I thought in the act of realistic impulses and outward appearance from moments I shape.

Megan Kay: In all honesty, as embarrassing as it is, I joined after the first 50 shades of Grey book had just been released.... I heard Twitter was the kinky place to be.

@pettigrew66: I was going through a divorce & wanted to find an outlet to interact with other likeminded people.

@RantingsOfaGirl: It took me 8 years to figure out the "why".

SierraWhiskey99: I was lonely. My marriage was dissolving. I had two young kids and little social outlet, except for work. I found myself posting commentary and musings to an e-zine, many of the other posters had "@..." (Twitter) in their profiles - I had no idea what "that" was, at the time. A group of "local" posters that were talking about setting up a "tweet-up" (remember those?) and all of the details were being shared on Twitter, it seemed like a light at the end of a tunnel.

@star_grit: I first joined to participate in a contest.

@sunset_junkie: I joined to follow Norman Reedus and the Walking Dead

@th_purpl_lady: Originally, I wanted to find an audience for my writing, and I found that and so much more.

@usedtobejustjen: to try and get the fuck out of my own head

Wilt: I had had a really bad breakup and was always texting the guy, always upset etc. I felt I had no positive way to express my emotions so I used twitter to vent without laying my feelings on my ex or my friends. It soon became a place I could pour all my negative and depressive emotions that I was too scared to share with the people closest to me in real life. I have always loved to write and having this space was very valuable to me. I had never had people like to read me before.

X: I was curious. I heard much about twitter, on tv mostly. I thought I'd give it a try. I ended up with 3 twitter accounts, one in my native tongue, 2 in English, world wide.

@xosm: 2008, according to the time stamp

2. Did you join with a goal in mind? Something you wanted to accomplish or do? Like a writing goal? Promote your products? Or connect with other _________ (writers, artists, etc.)?

@achosenword: I really didn't have a goal in mind other than sharing my feelings and words. Then again at the time I started my twitter account I was searching for connection and understanding.

@acousticprint: I had no goal other than to stay true to who I knew I was. And, to try to leave the same or better than I arrived.

A Darker Sunrise: I had my handle for a long time before I became active. I use the space as an emotional outlet by and large. It's a catharsis.

@angrymemorys: No real goal, just a place to let my masks slip. Say things that I can't in RL. I don't think anyone that knows me in RL knows I write poetry, prose, etc.

Benjamin: I had no goal in mind when I joined twitter, but since then over the years my twitter has been many things, but connecting with others has always been my twitter's primary purpose.

@darkest__star: I joined twitter on another account. I've had several but the first reason for joining was to be connected to what was going on in music and pop culture.

DeadManWalking: I wanted to talk to a few celebrities and political personalities about their "thing." I also thought it would be interesting to gain worldwide insight on issues from "regular" folks experiencing their countries' issues from inside, and how they perceived ours from without.

DusklightMemory: NO

Entirety: because I joined first because of Outlander my primary goal was just to find out about the series. I ended up opening another account a few months later under the pseudonym. I opened that account primarily to carve out a little space to try my hand at micro poetry.

@Lauree_LauraLee: There were two

Maycelle: As reference to the previous question, I wanted to experience it and see how it would pan out. I kind of treated it like the Markov process where I meant to determine my chances and strengths not of past predicates but by whimsical prospects of how I feel about the experience.

Megan Kay: I wanted to see how the public was responding to the concept of BDSM being in the spotlight. Plus, I thought it was my personal duty to promote who I thought 'should' be Christian Grey in the upcoming movie.

@pettigrew66: No specific goal in mind at the beginning – mainly wanted to see what was available & spent time navigating the platform in general. It was by chance I stumbled upon various interests of a personal nature & writers. I started to follow others, interacted, then my community started to grow from there.

@RantingsOfaGirl: I was going through a dark period of my life with little support in my RL. RL had taught me that sharing would be met with judgement and personal attacks. I did not trust my RL with my truths, vulnerability, or reality. I joined Twitter without a goal. But sharing on Twitter became a safe harbor for me. Twitter gave me, despite all the bullshit, a place to belong and a group of people to belong to. I have grown, both in my writing and my self-worth, because of being here. I built my tribe here, not in RL, in the day-to-day drudgery of writing my way out of two hellholes. I have friends now all over the world, many of whom who would meet me for a cup of tea if I happened by their corner of the world. That's pretty amazing, if you consider I started with next to nothing in RL support.

SierraWhiskey99: I had no idea what Twitter was all about, when I joined. I had friends who regularly used Facebook (I never have) and I was using LinkedIn for professional networking, I was neophyte, I thought it might be like that...boy was I wrong. Most if not everyone went anonymous, "nothing" was at all what it seemed. Curiouser and Curiouser...

@star_grit: the contest was to write pithy statements related to a comedienne's book and the winners would be published in a supplemental publication. Two of mine made it in. I liked the format of 140 characters and thought it would help me develop my comedy writing skills. But I didn't quite "get" twitter.

@sunset_junkie: I wanted Norman Reedus to follow me back.. lol! And HE DID!! I wanted to connect with other TWD [The Walking Dead] fans...cuz zombie geek!

@th_purpl_lady: Yes, connecting with readers and writers in order to gain an audience was my main objective. I didn't really know what I was doing though!

@usedtobejustjen: yes connect with other writers

Wilt: Nope, I didn't really think about writing or anything. My first handle was @lostandalone13 and thats exactly how I felt. It was just my sad space.

X: I am not on facebook or any other social media, not when I started twitter 4 years ago and still not, but I liked the thought of having my own corner on the internet to express myself. I had no specific goals and no idea what to expect.

@xosm: I created an account as part of a Bzz campaign where I reviewed products to give feedback and generate Bzz, I got points for doing it and I'm pretty sure I didn't use it again for years. I had no idea how it actually worked. I became active in 2012 after Hurricane Sandy destroyed our house and we were homeless. For the first few weeks after the storm, we didn't have power & we charged our phones in the car. I read a lot of books on my kindle and went to Twitter doing research on one of the true crime stories I followed. I started following hockey tweeters during the NHL lockout.

3. Did someone urge you to join? If so, who, and why?

@achosenword: No one really encouraged me to join although I heard about it through my brother. I just decided one to try it out.

A Darker Sunrise: No

@angrymemorys: No

Benjamin: No, I was not urged to join twitter. I went to live with my cousin for a short while during the summer of 2009 and I saw him typing away on this strange website. When asked he gave me a brief introduction and I opened an account secretly after a day or two on a whim, purely out of curiosity.

@darkest__star: I have no clue. I imagine Twitter was starting to take off with a lot of chatter about it.

DusklightMemory: NO

Entirety: a few Outlander fans has dabbled their hand in micropoetry and so it was kinda on the backs of their courage to put themselves out there that I felt encouraged to do the same, and the response was overwhelming.

Maycelle: (Refer to question 1.)

Megan Kay: Nobody I knew had a Twitter account, so no, I flew solo on that adventure.

@pettigrew66: No one prompted me into joining Twitter. It was something foreign to me I wanted to explore.

@RantingsOfaGirl: my brother suggested it.

@star_grit: I was motivated by the opportunity to be published in a book.

@th_purpl_lady: One of my friends who helped mentor me in getting my blog going suggested I try Twitter for finding readership. She warned me that it would use a lot of time. Haha. That was an understatement!

Wilt: Nope, in fact none of my friends even knew I had one for a very long time.

X: No.

4. Did you tell anyone in your RL (real life) when you first joined Twitter?

@achosenword: At the time I did not tell anyone but my brother, he knew because he is one of the few people I shared my poetry with early on. I didn't tell anyone else though out of fear of being judged for the feelings I might write or share.

A Darker Sunrise: Yes

@angrymemorys: Hard no.

Benjamin: No.

DeadManWalking: I did. They were underwhelmed.

DusklightMemory: YES

Megan Kay: I told my best friend first, she then joined so we could play, then I told my (then) husband, he too created an account, and so began our time in the Twitterverse.

Entirety: maybe one or two people knew I had joined Twitter under a pseudonym, but only my bestie knew my handle. I was freshly in the midst of separating from my husband of 17 years, so I was quite private about my account to my real life community. Besides I was writing some raunchy sexed up poetry, I wasn't in the mood for judgment.

@KarinaLawrence: Very few people in my RL actually know about my twitter account. Or if they do know I have twitter they don't know my handle and it's not something I would share with them. Oddly my twitter feels too private for people I actually know but perfect for likeminded people on the internet. My mom still doesn't think internet friends are a real thing, even though I've explained to her that now it's more common every day.

@Lauree_LauraLee: Yes because I either encouraged them to sign up or followed them because they already had a twitter account.

loudcroud: I connected on my artist account with some family members and friends, But very few. On the other account, I was mostly a lurker to read the opinions of others and didn't tell anybody. That account has been deactivated for years.

Maycelle: I told a few who I worked with, once—co-working allies and schoolmates I comfortably trusted that I know I converse with for semantics. My parents were close call ethicists about it when it then became a much more acclaimed medium. It was a reason of what it was and why it became a magnitude of writing for me by alglorithms and how such party became this distant blanket of connections.

@pettigrew66: I told some family & friends, but no one I actually KNEW personally was using it. Everyone else was using Facebook.

@RantingsOfaGirl: my brother, my parents, my BFF.

SierraWhiskey99: No I didn't tell a soul...I wasn't sure what this all was nor how it worked. I stumbled around, starting following and interacting with others from the e-zine "community" where crude humor and "college (high school?)" antics were rampant.

@star_grit: I think I just searched for people I knew to follow and that's how they would have known I joined.

@sunset_junkie: NO WAY!! Well, not at first. I joined Twitter to get away from the people in my real life.

@th_purpl_lady: I told lots of people: my friends and family, and I even reached out to school connections at the university I was attending.

@usedtobejustjen: No

Wilt: Maybe not right away, but my 3 closest friends know about it now. I slowly opened up and tried to get them to understand what was so important about it to me.

X: Yes.

@xosm: it wasn't a secret but it was just a news community to me in the beginning. I talked to my husband a lot in the beginning because I was shocked that people were following me. I remember us laughing so hard that I had 100 followers! At that point it was mostly people I talked with about hockey and some family members. Many of those old people I still talk to!

5. How many years ago did you join (originally)?

@achosenword: I believe I joined twitter in 2013 so about 4 years ago.

A Darker Sunrise: About ten years ago

@angrymemorys: 2010

Benjamin: Eight years ago.

@darkest__star: I don't have my original handle but I think it was around 2011.

DeadManWalking – 8 years, 5 months

DusklightMemory: (4+)

Entirety: nearly 4 years ago Entirety was born.

@KarinaLawrence: 8 years and about 10.9K tweets ago...

@Lauree_LauraLee: 8 years ago (January 13 2009)

Maycelle: 5 years!?

Megan Kay: I joined in 2011... seems like an eternity ago, and only a few breaths.

@pettigrew66: Approximately 8-9 years ago.

@RantingsOfaGirl: November 2010.

SierraWhiskey99: I joined in April 2013

@star_grit: 2009

@sunset_junkie: I joined with my first account (@jkstills) in October, I think.

@th_purpl_lady: It's been over six years ago that I joined Twitter, and I've never regretted it.

@usedtobejustjen: 9

Wilt: 4 years ago, I believe 2013.

X: I started twitter about 4 years ago.

@xosm: 9 years

6. What did you expect from Twitter when you first joined?

@achosenword: I really went in with no expectations except to feel freer in terms of expressing myself.

@acousticprint: I only intended to inhale words and exhale words.

A Darker Sunrise: I had no expectations at that time.

@angrymemorys: Anonymity.

Benjamin: I was not aware of twitter's capabilities when I joined the site years ago so I had little expectation. It would be different now if I were to open a second account.

DeadManWalking: Fun, and knowledge

DusklightMemory: No expectations

Entirety: truly I had just wanted to see pictures of Outlander cast and sets, getting to know a few fans seemed like a sweet idea as well. I never knew I would gain a writing community out of it though. I feel like I struck gold in that respect, because as a new writer, I was welcomed with open arms; validating my desire to pursue writing further.

@Lauree_LauraLee: I was curious about the future value of an online presence. I was not comfortable with facebook in my personal life.

loudcroud: I really didn't know what to expect when I first joined Twitter. I thought it might be a way to keep up on current events and maybe promote my art to see if others were interested.

Maycelle: I don't think I gave myself a set of hope much then. I had a short-span of rash hope that if I went deep I wouldn't get swallowed from a play of truth or acceptance. But I later made emotional mistakes and anchored to the depth of connection. However, clearly, I've grown expectant in how I would behave in connections, in transience, in the next concepts and exchanges.

Megan Kay: I didn't really know what to expect, so, I simply posted my content, and realised quickly that Twitter wasn't really a space for the weak hearted.

@pettigrew66: No expectations whatsoever – more curiosity with intent to explore

@RantingsOfaGirl: I'm not sure what I expected since I had no idea what I was doing.

SierraWhiskey99: I thought it might be something like Facebook, but a little broader. A place where you shared musings and pictures with people who you followed. Naively I thought that an @ comment was like a "Direct Message" and only the intended recipient could see it.

@star_grit: I'm not sure what I expected. I followed everything related to my life at that time. Lots of comedians, foodies, work related organizations. I was using it more like Facebook which didn't translate well.

@sunset_junkie: I think I expected a sort of fellowship with like-minded people, aside from my "real-life" friends and family.

@th_purpl_lady: Honestly, I didn't expect anything. I was astonished by how quickly people took to my brand of purple flare.

@usedtobejustjen: To calm the storm inside my head

Wilt: an antisocial social outlet, a space to write.

X: I had no specific expectations but I felt lonely in my busy, crowded life.

@xosm: when I first became active I just was happy to have something to do besides read a book to escape the stress & craziness after the hurricane. I like reading about other's ideas about the hockey lock out.

7. How did you come up with your original handle?

@achosenword: My twitter name is also my pen name as a poet so I decided to use it because I knew I would be sharing mostly poetry.

A Darker Sunrise: I used my real first name! Mistake

@angrymemorys: I don't even remember my first handle. This place... I use it to let the darker things inside of me out. No masks, so my handles tend to be darker. I think my first handle was something to the effect of darkersoul with a 0 for the o. If not that, something close to it. My second account was actually Angrymemories (with ies not ys), and after I deleted that one and started fresh a few months later my current account had the handle itsalongstory. But after a few months I decided to go back to angrymemorys (this time with ys instead of ies). I never have more than 1 account at a time though.

Benjamin: I used my nick name and added the last five digits of the phone number I was using at the time. Although it looks like a computer generated handle it is quite original, not to mention unique. (laughs)

DeadManWalking: Spoofing on a bit created on a TV show

DusklightMemory: It was my name

Entirety: oh that's a favourite story of mine to tell!! In 2010 my then husband got quite sick and was hospitalized for over 6 weeks due to mental illness. I was at home with 4 kids, the youngest 7 months of age. I was overwhelmed to say the least. I was angry, sad, frightened and needed an outlet. Those were the days of blogger. Remember blogger? So I opened up a small blog called Entirety in Bits and Pieces, and invited my 6 closest friends to read but otherwise kept it a closed blog. It was like a diary I suppose. I could tantrum (and oh Entirety still does that every now and again), and explain my feelings surrounding the losses and fears I was experiencing. So when I needed to come up with a handle, the decision was rather simple, unlike @Sir69 or the likes, no one had yet to have the handle @Entiretyinbits. It was mine and it was original and truly, all of me in the bits and pieces of those 140 characters.

@KarinaLawrence: I was really original and just used my ACTUAL name, no one ever believes it's my real name, which I suppose makes it pretty genius, right?

@Lauree_LauraLee: My original handle was my first and last name. My thought then was that if I said it I would own it. It seemed very important to me to not be anonymous in my views.

Maycelle: I played with my actual name and moved it in directions coming up with a cheesy handle once marked '@ellemacetweets'. And then I played with my name again in close vibration.

Megan Kay: My original handle was @IanIsMrGrey as I said, my goal was to create Ian Somerhalder as Christian Grey in the film.. I mean c'mon, ChristIAN it's in the name already...

@pettigrew66: I knew I wanted something identifiable to my own name

@RantingsOfaGirl: I agonized over what to use. I'll be 80 fucking years old and still be "@RantingsOfaGirl". lol I used to do playlists of my favorite songs on CDs titled "Rantings Of a Girl 1, 2" etc. and give them out to a few close friends.

SierraWhiskey99: My original handle was my name.

@star_grit: my original handle was a nickname from university.

@sunset_junkie: I changed my original handle once..but the original name was created to gain the attention of Norman Reedus.. LOL *blushes uncontrollably

@th_purpl_lady: Short answer: I love purple. I wrote a blog article about this, so if you want the more accurate long answer, contact me on Twitter, and I'll send you a link!

@usedtobejustjen: I'm justjen

Wilt: my original handle was lostandalone because thats how I felt.

X: I picked an avi and a name that I liked. An actress I like.

@xosm: my@ has been my signature since I could write. My first name was probably xosm@xosm. I changed to MaleficentMomMe to FEEL more anonymous. Still had the same followers that knew me though.

8. Do you still have your original handle?

@achosenword: Yes I do!

A Darker Sunrise: Nooooo

@angrymemorys: no

Benjamin: Yes.

@darkest__star: No

DeadManWalking: Yes

DusklightMemory: NO

Entirety: sure do! My personal account and another more private account lies dormant though, and I host a hand written poetry prompt from another handle as well.

KarinaLawrence: Yep! I went back to it a couple years ago.

@Lauree_LauraLee: No I do not

Maycelle: Haha. Now, I don't.

Megan Kay: Oh God no! haha that handle lasted about 2 months before I moved on to my next.

@pettigrew66: I certainly do!

@RantingsOfaGirl: Fuck yes. For better or worse, until death.

SierraWhiskey99: No, I don't have my original handle

@star_grit: I have it but it's deactivated

@th_purpl_lady: Most definitely.

@sunset_junkie: The original account does still exist... though rarely, if ever, used. I use @sunset_junkie mostly because it is more expressive of my heart and fears and wonder.

@usedtobejustjen: No

Wilt: no, but I can't get the account to delete out.

X: Half of my handle is still original.

@xosm: yes, thought about changing it once to be less identifiable but I love that it is only 4 letters & everything else short was taken.

9. If not, how many times have you changed your handle (if you know)? And why did/do you change it?

A Darker Sunrise: I changed it twice. It is my only public platform social media venue and people whom I don't know in real life began to find me on other venues which I did not like and the whole thing felt a little stalkerish.

@angrymemorys: Other than changing this one back to angrymemorys I don't really change my handle. This is the longest I have gone, but normally I get to a point where I am done and I just delete. Then 3-6 months later the itch to write comes back and I just start over.

@darkest__star: I have an account that is my vanilla account. I changed it when I got divorced.

DusklightMemory: (3) Wanted something different

Entirety: I never changed my handle, but primarily was known as Entirety. Once I started working on longer pieces of fiction and non fiction I needed something to publish under, so I changed my name to Entirety J Roberts. I honestly have considered changing my real name to Entirety!

@KarinaLawrence: I changed my handle for a joke at one point to Silver Surfer, my writer friends joked that it was fitting as I write a blog called Silver Linings. After a few years I changed it back because a close friend told me it really bugged him!

@Lauree_LauraLee: I have only changed it once. I deleted my last name from my information and added part of my pen name. Some creepy people found my home with my whole name on there. I wanted to prevent that from happening in the future. Also, I found that my writing and personal

Maycelle: Only twice; this time, I wanted to simplify it.

Megan Kay: I must've gone through about a dozen different Twitter handles. Each time, progressing more into the character I wanted to portray.

SierraWhiskey99: I've changed my handle three times. The first was around Veteran's Day of 2013, someone suggested that we change our handles to Military alphabet in honor of active duty Military and Veterans - which is what you see here. The other two times I changed my handle as a way of "rebranding".

@star_grit: I've kept the original and added two for different writing purposes.

@sunset_junkie: is my second account. I have never changed that handle. The original account handle was only changed once... when I phased out of the Walking Dead fandom.

@usedtobejustjen: Once.

Wilt: twice, I got locked out of my first account because I used an old email address I no longer had access to. I changed it again when I felt an ex may be able to find me online and he was scary.

X: I changed it one time and used a name that was closer to me and an avi of myself.

10. How did you decide on your first avatar?

@achosenword: My first avatar was not a picture of myself, although, I'm not quite sure what I used, but I know I was hesitant to put a picture of myself up. I wanted to remain anonymous.

A Darker Sunrise: Just a picture I liked of myself

@angrymemorys: The one I currently have is the one I have had from the beginning of this account. I think I changed it briefly to one a fellow writer suggested because she said it made her think of me (it was a person on fire looking at their hands, as if to wonder where the destruction was coming from). My current avatar is the base of a tattoo I have on my left shoulder. It is an original drawing of mine, in my tattoo though, there is a rune "Ur" in the center.

Benjamin: I used the default egg avatar for a while but as I figured out Twitter and started making connections I changed my avatar into a picture of myself.

@darkest__star: I used a photo from a concert I took. My "vanilla" account is just a selfie. This account is a photo that's a bit more risque of myself in a bathtub.

DeadManWalking: Found a relevant cartoon illustration in the public domain

DusklightMemory: Not sure

Entirety: I wanted something a little provocative, but because I was in hiding I chose avatars that didn't display my face or were not of me at all; for example like my neck with a choker around it, or images of snowflakes (because it was winter.). I have used several hundred images over the years!

@KarinaLawrence: The most flattering picture of my face I could find, I think.

@Lauree_LauraLee: it was a logo for my business at that time.

Maycelle: It was a humiliating older shot of me that I don't even recall.

Megan Kay: Wasn't hard, Ian Somerhalder looking all Dominant. I still remember the image clearly, him, seated with a leg crossed, tailored suit, and a lovely cane resting beside him... *purrs in reflection

@pettigrew66: I can't remember what it was back then, but I think it was a current day picture of myself at the time.

@RantingsOfaGirl: I don't remember what it was.

SierraWhiskey99: My first avatar was a headshot. When I set up my account, I didn't realize that many of those I had joined to "meet" were anonymous on Twitter.

@star_grit: I used my Facebook avi so my friends could be sure it was me.

@sunset_junkie: My first avatar was a photo taken of me at my friend's wedding. The picture made me feel beautiful. I mean, an unfiltered selfie on social media was out of the question at that time in my life.

@th_purpl_lady: It was a snapshot of just my foot in my favorite purple 5-inch heels. It just felt right as I didn't want to put my face out there yet and still show a little part of what makes me tick. Purple and fabulous shoes.

@usedtobejustjen: I loved the tattoo it was my favorite that I wore (my rib cage)

Wilt: my first avatar was just a flower I believe , flowers tend to be my go to symbolism.

X: I wanted it to be attractive and noir.

@xosm: Used my tattoo, that's always my go to.

11. Do you rotate your avatar or keep it the same?

@achosenword: Yes. Now I rotate my avatar from time to time depending on my mood.

@acousticprint: I have kept my avatar the same as acousticprint. I have never thought to change it and now it is just who I am. I think it is a comfort thing. I am very visual and grow very attached to certain avatars. So much so, that I miss certain avatars when people change theirs. I find comfort in seeing certain avatars on my TL.

A Darker Sunrise: Now I keep it the same but I have rotated in the past. Now it is a work of art that represents my inner self and whom I like to see myself as.

@angrymemorys: Not really, as mentioned in the previous question, I did once for a month or so, but my current avatar is personal.

Benjamin: No rotation.

@darkest__star: I've changed this one every so often. I would say once a year.

DeadManWalking: Same

DusklightMemory: Rotate

Entirety: I am a restless girl...I like change. (Mostly)

@KarinaLawrence: Much like my ever changing hair styles and personal feelings toward myself, my avatar is an ever changing image.

@Lauree_LauraLee: i used to change it for football season or for a group change to match for an awareness event or something like that.

Maycelle: It's to vague to recall, but I have kept it, before, on a upside down angle. Perhaps a couple times.

Megan Kay: I have done both, due to many different accounts, I enjoyed playing with the avatar on my later accounts, the early ones just remained.

@pettigrew66: I do rotate it occasionally. I've kept it consistent the last few years though, because my platform/brand as a writer & nonprofit advocate has developed, grown into a more expansive presence on social media & elsewhere.

@RantingsOfaGirl: I rotate. But I've had the current one for over a year.

SierraWhiskey99: My avatar doesn't change. Each of my successive handles had a unique avatar as a way of "rebranding"

@star_grit: I keep it the same. People seem to recognize you more by avi than by name.

@sunset_junkie: The avatar for my junkie acct is the same as when I first started.

@th_purpl_lady: I kept it the same for a very long time, and then I decided to branch out. I don't change it very often, but when I do, it's because it is a photo that I just have to share.

@usedtobejustjen: Keep the same

Wilt: I tend to change it often, but recently I have stuck to the same picture because it is me but very anon and doesn't make me feel too vulnerable.

X I only changed my avatar once.

@xosm: I change it a lot to reflect who I feel like in the present and bc I'm always looking for the perfect selfie. Some days I sign on and feel like I can't possibly look at that hideous version of myself another minute.

12. Have you ever used a RL (real life) photo of yourself as your avatar? Why or why not?

@achosenword: I have used a RL photo of myself. I feel comfortable now sharing my true identity with my followers; I no longer fear being vulnerable in that way.

A Darker Sunrise: Yes. At first it didn't seem like a big deal and then my following grew.

@angrymemorys: I am not sure I have ever posted a pic of myself. I might have once long long ago, like an eye or something. Because I am anon, I typically don't post pics. Trust me, everyone is lucky ;)

Benjamin: Yes. I've used four or five avatars over the years and they've all been genuine photographs of myself. I guess it has to do with the fact that talking to someone with a real picture makes conversations more real and believable than talking to someone with an egg or an insignia as an avatar; a photograph opens one's imagination.

@darkest__star: Yes.

DeadManWalking: It is now, although highly edited. Not a fan of those who use other peoples' images.

DusklightMemory: NO. Because I follow/followed by people in my home town.

Entirety: it wasn't for a while that I used my own face as an avatar. I had a lot of shame surrounding the content of my writing. I came from a rigid evangelical background and writing erotic poetry wasn't kosher per se. But once my confidence level grew and I became more solidified as a writer and person I took the risk of putting my face out there. I'm not sorry I did, despite the warnings I got about stalkers etc.

@KarinaLawrence: Pretty much always. It's just my face, why not?

@Lauree_LauraLee: i have never used a personal photo as my avatar because i am not sure my appearance is who i am.

Maycelle: I've always used myself as a portrait, though I don't know if I had a genuine reason as to what I really meant for it of purpose. I think I thought I measured my profile with my username to the extent of those who would likely approach any way. It was just a splinter in reflection to my words I believe. I think a self-portrait is purely a dark glass of blended space. My body, in fact, held no symmetry to my words. My self-portrait is just a concept of a dance.

Megan Kay: It wasn't until my final account that I used a RL photo of myself, by this time, I was writing as myself, no pseudonym or masks needed.

@pettigrew66: Yes – always. I feel it's important to I represent myself as ME - as a real person, verified & consistent with all other areas I can be found.

@RantingsOfaGirl: Yes. Several. But then I got "Twitter Famous" and had to rethink my entire strategy. That's a joke, btw. lol ;)

SierraWhiskey99: I did use a RL photo of me for my first two handles.

@star_grit: yes but now I obscure my face. I use Twitter to escape and write humour or whatever is moving me at the time. But I don't want it recognized by employers or family.

@sunset_junkie: My junkie avatar has never been a real life photo. I consider that account a representation of my soul... not my outward appearance. I believe a selfie would create anxiety around sharing my truth in words

@th_purpl_lady: I always use my real photos. As of right now, I haven't ever done a cartoon or otherwise doodle type version of myself. I think those are kind of creepy.

@usedtobejustjen: Yes because I wanted to

Wilt: yes, but I never show my face. I think to truly use something as an outlet anonymity is important.

X: Yes.

@xosm: All of them have been real, my most recent ones are real photos with wacky filters or heavily photoshopped to be cartoonish, but I use regular normal selfies just as often.

13. Has anyone else stolen/used your avatar? If yes, how did you feel about it and what did you do?

@achosenword: As far as I know, no one has stolen my picture.

A Darker Sunrise: As far as I know they have not

@angrymemorys: Not this one, not that I have ever seen. Someone did take the other avi I used briefly, it is odd when I see them in my notifications. I mentioned it to them, and they admitted they got it from my account. It didn't bother me much. I have to admit though, I probably wouldn't like it if someone took my current one since it is a personal drawing. Funny story about my avi though, someone once said they liked it and asked if they would mind me drawing them one with some writing inside, actually one of my tweets, so they could make a tattoo out of it. I never got to see it, but I think someone has a tattoo of some of my artwork out there somewhere.

Benjamin: I don't think so. If anyone has than I sure would like to meet up and understand why, perhaps over a cup of tea.

@darkest__star: Not that I'm aware of.

DusklightMemory: NO

Entirety: it's never been an issue as far as I am aware.

@Lauree_LauraLee: no one has ever stolen my avatar.

Megan Kay: I mostly used Google images for my Avatars, so they're up for the taking by anybody. My personal photo's haven't been taken.

@pettigrew66: No problems with that

@RantingsOfaGirl: Not that I know of. But that would be freaky if someone used one of my real photos for their avatar. Someone else that was following me used the one I am using now and another Twitter Peep mentioned it to me, thinking the one I'm using is "mine". But it's under the Creative Commons.'s weird, if you follow someone and then use the same avatar. But hey, that's just me. ;)

SierraWhiskey99: No one has ever stolen my avatar

@star_grit: not that I know of.

@th_purpl_lady: I have no knowledge of anyone stealing/using my avatar aka profile pic; however, if I ever find someone doing so, I will want to prosecute if possible. My photography is my art, no matter how under-celebrated it may be.

@usedtobejustjen: no

Wilt: No one has ever used my avatar as far as I'm aware.

X: No.

@xosm: Not that I know of, pretty sure I would be flattered.

14. What's the point of Twitter and why do you think it's so popular with some people and not with others?

@achosenword: I think the point of Twitter and its popularity depends on the person. I believe its point is connect people, for some that connection is to celebrities or people otherwise out of reach, to others that connection is through words, shared sentiments, or expressions (like poetry or writing). All in all the theme appears to be connecting people who would otherwise have no connection if but for the interaction on twitter.

@acousticprint: After all this time, I am not sure I know the point to Twitter nor am I looking to find one. I'd like to think it is what you let it be for yourself.

A Darker Sunrise: It forces you to think about what you're going to say and express emotion in a concise manner. Not easy sometimes. It's definitely a form of instant gratification. People not on twitter just don't get it – their words verbatim.

@angrymemorys: I don't think there is a specific point. I think it is popular because it can be different things to different people. Some care about getting numbers (followers), others like myself just want a place to let things out, others still want a quick and easy way to keep up with friends. As for popularity and dislike are actually for different sides of the same coin. The 140 character limit means that whatever you put out there is quick and easy to consume. It also means you can't always get everything out in one go that you need to.

Benjamin: It is difficult to locate "the point of Twitter". I believe Twitter has many points and not just one hence the plethora of different types of users. In my opinion the 140 characters word limit is both what makes Twitter unique and unpopular with some people.

@darkest__star: I think the point of it is to be connected to others and news immediately. I think it's popular because you're restricted to 140 characters.

DeadManWalking: The point is to make Jack Dorsey [Co-Founder & CEO of Twitter Inc] rich.

DusklightMemory: The point for me is to express myself through writing. The connections you make with people could be the reason for its popularity and maybe it's not popular w/people who join and feel unwarranted pressure to write.

Entirety: Somewhere I wonder if your brain has to be wired for Twitter. It is fast paced, like texting, as Facebook is more like emailing. There is a portion of society that is alluded by Twitter and that confuses me, but they outright say, "I don't know how to use it." Others are wired for the banter and variable uses of their 140 characters. Where Facebook is targeted to share your world and thoughts with your friends and family, Twitter shares your thoughts and gifs with the world. I truly believe your reach is greater on Twitter and have seen that in my own accounts on both social media sites.

@Lauree_LauraLee: social media in general is a way for people to feel like they have real contact with people when the line is blurry at best. i think the popularity of twitter varies with the purpose. at first it was mainly a brand builder and a business contact method. now there are some who have begun to use it as a high school sort of popularity contest. many of those become trolls. i think people who mostly use twitter dislike or rarely use facebook. in recent days i think instagram is becoming more popular as a means of reaching out. people set it up to populate all their other social media including twitter.

loudcroud: I see twitter as the Badlands of social media. More anonymous and threatening than Facebook or other social media platforms.

Maycelle: I think it's just like a cold illusion of bare skin, something similar to how flesh feels. As a valve of expression, acceptance I think is a more amped theatre than improvement—as a contingent ideal if that is—while it's beautiful, it's stressless, inert and captivating that we're able to miss our own quiet justices with sympathy to reality. There is no control, and I think that's why we have personalities and forces that draw well when there is a ready limit for it.

Megan Kay: Twitter is a great way to hide behind a mask, and pretend to be anything you desire. I guess some people never chose Twitter due to it being yet another social media site designed to consume all our spare time.

@pettigrew66: The point is to develop a community – to interact, learn, share resources & opportunities. Some people are loyal to Facebook & the concept of Twitter doesn't appeal to them. The same is true for Twitter lovers who avoid Facebook. For some, Twitter moves too fast & they prefer a platform more to their pace & comfort level – I totally understand that. Besides Twitter, I use Facebook & Linkedin.

@RantingsOfaGirl: It's a great way to vent, express, and connect with others who vent, express, and connect. For a lot of other people, they either have nothing to say, believe in the "strangers on the internet" stigma, or don't really understand the value of having a place to vent, express, and connect with others.

SierraWhiskey99: Twitter is for sharing whatever you want and interacting with people around the world. There seems to be infinite "flavors"of Twitter (Sports, Finance, Politics, Comedy, Sex, Art, Poetry,'s all in there) can be like the Old West, Through the Looking Glass and The Matrix all mixed up.

@star_grit: I think it depends what part of Twitter you want to be a part of. Many use it to connect with celebrities. Some find connection in foodie communities, science, religion, business related communities. It's not easy to figure out how to to be "social" with it at first. There are a lot of unwritten rules if you want to make Twitter a fun experience. It takes some time to figure out. Not everyone is up to it. And those who are end up loving it for a while.

@sunset_junkie: the thing I love about Twitter is that each person can make their account precisely what they want it to be! It can be used for artistic expression, sports, comic book fandom, following the Donald [US President Trump]... whatever one's interest may be... they will find others on Twitter who share them.

@th_purpl_lady: The point of Twitter is to make connection, connection with people, brands, information, news, art. Some people probably are affronted by the text heavy app because they want a more graphic infused experience. Me? I love words. I'm a freelance editor, writer, and English teacher, so Twitter is right up my alley.

@usedtobejustjen: I think it's the anonymity that appeals to most users

Wilt: I think twitter is popular for those who like to write and read, and also those who are trying to escape from their present reality.

X: Twitter can unite, divide, break and build, it's a place where you can share without being in the spotlight yourself. I think twitter is popular because everybody can use it for their own reasons. Those reasons are infinite; wanting to express political statements, news, sharing art and music, flirting, making friends, finding lovers, venting, promoting yourself or your product etc. I think twitter is not popular with people who are not attracted to the digital world or writing.

@xosm: The point is different for each of us and we are naturally attracted to different things. For me I don't have a point as much as a place to clear out the stories in my head. Some things are feelings and lots of it is just a story or a characterization of something going on in my world. Some things are total fiction. Some things are a fictional or exaggerated version of something that happened in my life, some things are straight up exactly what happened. Those are usually my favorite even though they don't get many likes.

15. What do you think is the biggest misconception the world at large has about Twitter?

@achosenword: I think the biggest misconception about twitter is that people only use to twitter to follow celebrities. I mean sure it is a great way to feel connected to them but it is so much more than that. It is an outlet, a promoter of people's products or work, or a tool to help one get better at writing through connecting with other writers, as was the case for me.

@acousticprint: I think the idea that it is just a place that people use to bully and state opinions that they would never voice if they were face to face is too narrow. I have found kind, compassionate and open minded people. I have found a gentler side to Twitter.

A Darker Sunrise: That only celebrities tweet – or Presidents, unfortunately. It's become a bit of a farce because of the current uncensored [US] presidential tweets.

@angrymemorys: I don't know if it is as much a misconception as it is a lack of understanding, but I think people not on twitter don't fully grasp the diversity. Famous people typically use it as a platform of some sort, so that's what they think of it as. I don't think they would expect all the various sides of it (witty, erotic, poetic, etc.)

Benjamin: That it is social media platform like Facebook or Orkut.

@darkest__star: If it's on there, it's true or real. There's a lot of false information and people who catfish. There's a lot of ignorance and hatred. And, I don't think people realize how much damage can be done by a single posting especially if it goes viral.

DeadManWalking: That all we talk about is brushing our teeth, what's for lunch, when we shit, etc.

DusklightMemory: I don't know.

Entirety: that it's hard to use.

@Lauree_LauraLee: that people there know what they are talking about.

Maycelle: I think one big misconception of Twitter being a powerful universe is that it is a free truth adjourning an empire of personal identities. We are marching in notoriety of an adage picking ego that compensates power to be rivals in a medium that should ever free a dynamic form of intuition. How do we have new conceptions of an idea in the lasts of dunes? Our image machine is quite attached to the dead fever of culture relaying our values into shallow ethics. Reason is too sidestepped and arguable.

Megan Kay: That any of it is real.

@pettigrew66: I think some people still assume it's celebrity focused, but it's not. Times have changed since I started using it & right now, it's thought of as "Trump territory" & it doesn't have to be unless a user chooses to follow that type of content... such a waste of energy in my opinion.

@RantingsOfaGirl: It's a waste of time. That we're all wasting our lives staring at screens all day. It's a useless distraction. They probably judge it in the same category of staying in bed all day playing video games or Netflix binging.

SierraWhiskey99: I think that the biggest misconception that people have about Twitter is that it is "about" whatever they are interested in...not understanding the breadth and scope of what's available

@star_grit: I don't know about general perceptions. Mine going into it was that it would be harmless fun. And it was for a while. But then it became work. And navigating prickly relationships. And negotiating my own self worth with wolves.

@th_purpl_lady: The biggest misconception about Twitter is that bots rule the roost. Not true. At least not to me. If you find good people to follow and block the bots and people who share bot-like information, you will have an enriching Twitter experience.

@usedtobejustjen: That it's just an app, it's real life people behind every word

Wilt: I don't think there is a misconception, however I think people use twitter for very different things and are unaware of certain sects of twitter.

X: I heard many misconceptions about twitter, they are all equally absurd and all partly true at the same time.

@xosm: I have no idea what the world thinks about twitter.

"Tweeting is merely the art of keeping large groups of people wondering 'what the fuck?'."  @realHamOnWry

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