You and I{Sequel to The Retur...

By TheHarryPotter

151K 4.8K 2.3K

After Lucius Malfoy kidnaps Ginny, Harry goes looking for her. His friends, who happen to be Ginny's family... More

You and I {Sequel to The Return to Hogwarts}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not a Chapter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note: Cover Change
Chapter 25(I think) Part One
Chapter 25(Part Two)
A/N: Future Updates
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 9

4.2K 130 117
By TheHarryPotter

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



I kissed her.

I had to.

"I'm sorry,Ginevra, I had to know," I said after pulling back. I ran up the stairs and threw Ron's door open. Ron looked up, startled.

"Whats wrong, Mate?"he asked. I ignored him and laid on the bed. I sighed.

"Harry, what's this about?"


"What about her?" Ron asked, confused.

"I need her. I need to get Dean away from her. She's mine," I said.

"She doesn't remember you though, so she doesn't know that she loves you."

"I still can't believe Dean took advantage of her memory loss. I thought he liked me," I stated, and when Ron gasped, I remembered that I only I knew about what Dean had said.

"What?" Ron asked.

"One night, two years ago, I was lying in bed at Hogwarts, thinking about Ginny, and I heard Dean talking to himself. He said the he was going to get Ginny out of the picture so he could have me for himself. I bet he's the one that helped Lucius Malfoy get out of Azkaban," I said, sitting up. "This whole thing is his fault."

"Harry, are you sure?"


"But then why would he go after Ginny when she was found, and not go to comfort you before?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out."


Harry was wrong. I knew who helped Lucius Malfoy. But if I tried to say anything against her, Harry would get all defensive.

It was Romilda.

The next morning, when I woke up, Hermione, McLaggen, and Hermione's parents were still at the burrow.

I walked into the kitchen at the same time McLaggen leaned down to kiss Hermione. I suddenly wanted to punch McLaggen, and I almost did, until I remembered that Hermione wasn't mine anymore. I was over her.


George walked in and sat down next to the two lovebirds like he was used to it.

"Ron,I don't need you to come

in today, the other employees are taking care of it. I'm not going in either," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Harry and I have something planned."

George's girlfriend, Angelina Johnson, appeared, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Good morning Love," George said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Good morning," she replied as she turned so that he would kiss her on the lips instead.

It soon turned into a snogging session, George and Angelina, Hermione and McLaggen.

Harry, Ginny and Dean soon appeared, and Romilda ran in and jumped up on Harry's back, surprising him.

"Anybody up for a game of Quidditch after breakfast?" Harry asked. George winked.

"Yeah, we need to re-teach Ginny so that she can play for the Holyhead Harpies," George said.

"Who are the Harpyhead Holys?" Ginny asked, confused.

"The Holyhead Harpies," George corrected her. "They're your favorite quidditch team."


"I'll explain later," Harry said and Ginny gave a small smile. Harry's face turned red and he looked away. Ginny did the same.

What happened between them?

After everybody ate, we grabbed brooms and went out to the field where our family usually played quidditch.

I looked over to one side of the field and saw Hermione and Cormac snogging, so to prevent myself from punching the git in the face, I looked over to the other side of field and saw Harry explaining Quidditch to Ginny. Dean walked over and Harry glared at him.

"Alright, the teams are Me, Ginny, Ron, and George against Dean, Cormac, Bill, and Charlie," Harry said, and it was Dean's turn to glare.

During the game, Hermione kept cheering for Cormac which distracted me.

Cormac's team ended up winning, though Harry caught the snitch. Hermione ran onto the field and pulled him into another snogging session. He led her into the forest near by. I was about to go back to the burrow when I heard Hermione's voice.

"Cormac! Stop! No!" I ran into the forest and saw McLaggen trying to take Hermione's clothes off, and Hermione trying to resist. I grabbed the back of McLaggen's shirt and pulled him off of her. I repeatedly punched him in the face, Hermione tried to get me to stop. Eventually Cormac passed out, and I dropped his shirt.

I turned around and saw the tears on Hermione's face. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into my arms, crashing my lips against hers. I felt electricity shoot through my body, and I realized I still loved her. She pulled away.

"Ronald," she whispered, but she wasn't angry, she was scared. I looked down at her.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked.

"No, but you did," she said.

"What? When? I never touched you," I said.

"Not physically, mentally. Ron, I'm sorry. I do love you, I always have. When I accused you of turning Harry in for selfish reasons, I wasn't thinking."

"Hermione, it's okay. Let's get McLaggen back to the burrow, and then we can spend the whole day together," I said.


"So, Ginny, in Quidditch, there are usually seven players on each team. One seeker, a keeper, two beaters, and three chasers. But since we only have eight people, we will have to improvise. So we have four people on each team today. I will be the seeker, you the chaser, George the beater, and Ron the keeper," I said.

"Okay, what does the chaser do?" Ginny asked.

"There is a ball called the quaffle, it's the big red one. The chasers try to get the Quaffle past the keeper, and into one os the three hoops at the end of the field. Got it?"

"Yeah, I think."

Ginny was fantastic. She never lost her quidditch skills. I caught the snitch, but we still lost, because Ron was distracted by Hermione cheering for McLaggen.

After the game, Ginny ran up to Dean and congratulated him, which was like a stab to the heart. I walked to the lake by the burrow and sat down, taking my shoes and socks off and putting my feet into the water. I needed to think.

After about an hour of thinking, I decided that I needd to get away from all the drama, just to give myself some time to get over Ginny. Without Romilda. I needed to be alone. I decided to go to some place in America. I stood up and walked back to the burrow, meeting Ginny on the way.

"Harry, I need to talk to you," she said.

"Ginny, you don't have to say anything. I know you like Dean more than you like me," I said.

"But Harry I-" she began.

"No, it's okay, but could you tell your parents that I have soemthing to take care of, and that I probably won't be back for dinner."


"See you later Ginny," I said, and went up to Ron's room to get my things.

I apparated to a hotel in a small town in Maine that some touring Muggle gave me a pamphlet for, and went into the lobby to get a room. As I was setting my sack down on the bed in my room, I heard a knock at the door. A hand gave me a pamphlet of all the things I could order and I saw something that you couldn't usually get from muggles. On the menu was firewhiskey. I wanted to get drunk so I could forget. I called the lobby, and within minutes I had the bottle in my hands. I took the cap off and raised the bottle to my lips, tipping it back and gulping down the Firewhiskey. I was soon drunk.

There was another knock at the door. I opened it to see the last person I thought would show up.

"Gin-" I was cut off by her lips against mine.


Sorry I couldn't update yesterday. I had planned on doing it last night because I was at all nighter thing so I would be up all night, but my iPod died and I was too tired to think of any ideas.

Anyway, I want to know if you guys think I should start doing this story in third person, or keep it in first person.





Thanks Loves,


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