Versus Amends

By SaylorS0

1K 22 2

After the truth is revealed to him, the pressure between whether he's truly good or evil begins. The young te... More

Author Here!
Intro Scene: Revelation
Chapter Two: He's Back!
Chapter Three: Nightly Plan
Chapter Four: The Conflict Is Among Us
Chapter Five: Mission At Dark
Chapter Six: Bayside Battle
Chapter Seven: The Truth About Technopathy
Chapter Eight: Double Crossed And Rebuilding Trust

Chapter One: Result Of It All

129 2 0
By SaylorS0

It was fifth period by the time they all got back. The principal had asked about where they were. Spyder came to the rescue with a very convincing lie. Well, it wasn't all that convincing, but it was enough to get the principal off their backs. They had a few minutes before the period actually started. Instead of talking to them, Ryan distanced himself from the group. Once those doors had opened and they were inside, he left. The others watched him go up the stairs. Dane and Sean had joined them soon after. They were coming down the stairs, but saw their best friend's brother running up. That puzzled them.

"Yo Walker!" Sean called.

"Dude, what's up with your brother?" Dane asked.

Mark sighed.

"He's just mad." He answered.

"Why?" Dane questioned further.

"He's mad at me." Mark clarified.

"Again, why?" Sean asked.

"It's personal. Let's go." Mark replied, not really open to talk about it.

He walked past the both of them. The two sophomores looked at the freshman. Harris gave them a look and they shrugged. The two caught up with their friend.

"Seth Harper? I mean seriously, that's insane. You sure the tests are right?" Spyder questioned.

"I don't know. Leo's the one who did them. Besides, if it wasn't right, than it wouldn't of been kept a secret." Harris answered back.

"Well is anyone gonna talk to him?" Veracity asked.

The boys looked at her.

"I mean, I wouldn't know what to say exactly. It's Seth. It's not like you lost $20 in the street and someone else took it." Harris responded.

"That did happen to me! And I was hungry that day man! Could've bought a sandwich." Spyder complained.

"I told you it wasn't spent. I found it and gave it back to you." Harris told him.

"No you didn't! You took it and gave to your sister." Spyder argued.

"That was MY $20! And she was being very feisty that day." Harris replied.

"Hey!" Veracity shouted.

The boys stopped. The female genius sighed.

"Let me take a shot at it." Veracity suggested.

She walked away and headed up the stairs. Harris watched her go as Spyder still looked upset. The young, brilliant minded boy stared back at him.

"What?" Harris asked.

Spyder shook his head as he began to walk away.

"$20 bill stealer." He accused.

Harris threw his hands in the air.

"I didn't steal it!" He protested as he walked after him.


Veracity was on the top floor of the building. Lots of seniors and juniors were hanging around there. She searched to find the pilot. Shoving her way past them, she turned a corner. The only thing she saw were more older kids. Veracity sighed. It was obvious that he went up here. She was about to turn around when she heard a door close. Veracity looked back and walked near the area. She ended up near an empty classroom. Looking through the glass, she saw the technopathy sitting next to the window.
  A team was all about having one another's back. And being a friend was about being there for someone when they need it most. Even if they pushed you away. Veracity had never really depended on others to be there for her. She was independent and mainly relied on herself. But now, times were different. She was part of a team that sometimes did rely on one another. It was new for her. She had to adjust to it. Maybe this would be a good start.
  The young female genius put her hand on the knob. She twisted it, opening it slowly. The sudden creek from the door made the pilot turn his head. The intelligent freshman walked in and closed the door. She made her way over to him. Not really knowing what to do at the moment, she sat down next to him. A few more minutes of silence had taken over before she started to speak.

"Okay, I'm not good at this whole 'comforting' thing. It's not my strong suit." Veracity stated honestly.

The pilot didn't respond. Veracity took another shot at it.

"Would it help if I said that this might not be so bad?" She asked.

"Name something worse." Ryan replied.

Veracity thought for a second.

"You saw...a naked man running from a squirrel." She said.

Ryan chuckled.

"That actually happened." He told her.

"Shut up." Veracity responded in disbelief.

"He had a towel around his waist. The window was open near a tree. I think people said the squirrel jumped through his window. It chased him all the way to the park." Ryan explained.

Veracity laughed.

"Geez, is he okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. It didn't bite him. Dane's dad will be fine." Ryan reassured.

"It was his dad?! Oh man, did the squirrel ever leave?" Veracity questioned.

"They had to call animal control." Ryan replied.

The two of them laughed. The pilot sat up straighter. Veracity did the same, as if she wasn't sitting straight enough.

"You didn't have to follow me." Ryan spoke.

Veracity shrugged.

"Teammates watch out for each other, right?" She asked.

Ryan shrugged.

"How am I doing?" Veracity asked.

"Not bad." Ryan answered.

Veracity nodded.

"Is Seth being your dad reminding you of what you don't know?" She questioned.

Ryan shifted uncomfortably.

"Now your pushing it." He retorted.

"I know. I'm just saying that yeah he's a bad guy, but is there more? Like, you don't have any other reason why your so angry?" Veracity inquired.

Ryan sighed as he looked at the ceiling. He shook his head before answering her questions.

"I found out some things about myself that I don't like." Ryan started.

Veracity adjusted her jacket.

"I mean, having the power and robot is cool, but now there's all these secrets that I'm just finding out and I don't know what to do about it." Ryan said.

Veracity nodded.

"Not much you can do about it." She replied.

"I don't think that I'm right for this. The wrong person got tested. And that's true since an evil threat is my dad. I shouldn't of gotten the power. Maybe, I shouldn't be in that robot." Ryan continued.

"Now that's a little much. I admit, being related to an evil piece of crap does somewhat give off a refelection of what you could be. But, there was a reason you got it. If Leo didn't think you deserved it, he would find a way to take that power out of you." Veracity replied.

Ryan glanced at the wall before looking back at her.

"Believe me, I don't think anyone else could replace you. Or replace us." Veracity told him.

Ryan smiled a bit.

"I'm still not sure." He admitted.

"Yes you are. The worst thing you could do right now is doubt yourself. The threats are only going to get bigger. And you've done big before. Don't let Seth be the reason you give in." Veracity responded.

Ryan watched as she got up and put her bag back on. She was about to leave, but not before she waited for the technopathy to accompany her.

"Coming?" Veracity asked.

Ryan tilted his head as he looked up. He shifted his eyes back at her as he got up. He took his stuff and followed her out. Once the door closed the door, he began to walk.

"For someone not so good at comforting, you sure know how to give a pep talk." Ryan complimented.

Veracity nodded.

"So I passed?" She asked.

Ryan smiled.

"With flying colors." He answered.

Veracity smiled as well.

"But I'm still not-"

"Ok? Your not supposed to be. Time is a long term best friend. That's how people get over anything." Veracity cut him off.

Ryan shot her a look. She shrugged.

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