The Sidekick Club

By TheUncannyCannibal

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What do you do when your powers suck? Ethan Wright doesn't have super strength. He can't fly. Hell, he can ba... More



86 6 53
By TheUncannyCannibal

"Alright, alright!" Sam called over the sudden elevation in noise. In truth, she wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and hide away from the world. Edison. Oh God, Edison. Nefarious had crossed a line this time. A very big line. "Settle down everyone!"

"How do you expect us to calm down when there's a serum out there that can take away our powers?" Beacon called with his arms crossed over his chest. In his outrage, his skin began to take on a yellowish glow, and the room became a little brighter. "And it's in the hands of a villain no less!"

"We don't know how long it lasts," she tried to reason. "It could just be temporary."

Edison shifted a little in his chair before clearing his throat and speaking up. "He's not going after you guys. He's only targeting the heroes. I think it's because he doesn't have very much of it."

"But once he gets rid of the heroes, who do you think he's going after?" Beacon asked.

"If," Sam corrected. "If he gets rid of the heroes."

"And there's no telling whether he'll actually come after us or not. We're sidekicks. We're not much of a threat to him." Another girl, Tonic, pitched in. She was a healer. She didn't have much leverage during a fight, but after it, she was crucial.

"And that is something that we should use to our advantage," Sam said as she drifted off in thought.

"What?" Beacon asked with far too much attitude. "Put ourselves in the line of fire? Why would we do that?"

"Because though we may not be the heroes of this story, we can still be heroic. This is our city, too. When we put on these masks, we vowed to protect it."

Beacon fell silent, his lips pulled into a thin line because he knew she was right.

Sam stepped up onto the table like she had during the first meeting. Straightening her spine, she looked out at all of the sidekicks standing before her.

"We look out for the little guys. We look out for our heroes. But when we are looking out for our heroes, who is there to look out for us?"

"We are," a few voices answered.

"We look out for each other," Beacon responded on his own.

"Who are we?" Sam asked them.

"We are the Sidekicks."


Edison looked on at the meeting in fascination. Though he wished nothing more than to pass out and sleep for a hundred years, the discussions happening around him kept him focused.

It was genius really. The heroes could never band together like this because they'd create far too big of a target. More than two in one place at a time was hazardous to both them and their immediate surroundings. But this... this Sidekick Club, was exactly what they needed to link the supers together.

And it was all thanks to Hush.

She was brilliant. A natural born leader. The way she spoke to them held power and authority, and they couldn't help but listen.

Edison had no doubt that if her powers could be used in a fight, she'd be the best damned heroine in the city.

And she was his sidekick.

Although, he didn't really know if he was qualified to have a sidekick anymore. He wasn't really a hero if he didn't have powers.

Looking down at his hands, he closed his eyes and tried to summon the familiar sparks to his fingertips. Usually, he'd get this tingling feeling in the center of his chest, and then by his command, the electricity would jump and crackle out into the air.

But now he felt nothing but hollow.

Whatever had been inside him, the source of his powers, had fizzled out with whatever chemicals Nefarious had forced into his veins.

He hated it. He hated being so weak and helpless. So vulnerable.

But there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing but hope his powers would someday return and that Nefarious would fall to his knees.

Edison only wished he'd be the one to do it.

"Hey," Hush's voice pulled him from his thoughts. He hadn't realized she was standing right in front of him. "Meetings over."

Edison looked around and found that nearly everyone had left already. "Oh."

"I don't know where Mr. Dependable ran off too," she said with a heavy sigh. "Do you have somewhere you can go?"

"Yeah," he told her, knowing he could just go home. "Yeah I do."

"Do you need help getting there?" She asked with a concerned look.

Edison knew he didn't look too good. He didn't feel too good either. He would've declined her help, but as he stood up, he felt like he would collapse.

Hush helped steady him as he wobbled on his feet. Slowly, he nodded and she helped him towards the door.

There they were stopped by Tonic. Edison took in her blonde hair, tied neatly into a bun at the nape of her neck, and a blood red and white suit.

"May I try to heal you?" She asked with sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm fine," Edison tried to act brave and tough like he had once been.

"I know pain when I see it," she said with her lips in a thin line as she removed her glove. Lightly touching his cheek, Edison felt relief spreading through his muscles. Her touch soothed his pain, relaxed him, and eased some of the soreness in his joints.

He still didn't feel great, but at least he could stand on his own.

Letting his eyes flutter open, he looked down at her and gave her a small, appreciative smile, "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," she smiled back briefly before walking off.

Out of curiosity, Edison tried to summon his powers again, but it seemed as though whatever Nefarious had used on him couldn't be healed by Tonic.

Sighing, Edison turned back to his sidekick and said, "I think I can make it on my own now."

"Okay," she said, giving him a worried look. "You sure?"

"Yeah," he said. Looking down at her, a sad glint shone in his eyes as he said, "Thank you, Hush. For everything."

And then he, too, was gone.


Hey, hey!

Just doing my usual check up.

Who do you think Nefarious is behind that mask? Someone we've met or someone yet to come?

Who do you want to end up together in the end? Any ships you want to see sail?

What do you think is going to happen?

I love hearing your thoughts, so keep the comments coming!

Stay classy,

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