secrets ↠ demi lovato / 5h

By arhtsy

437K 13.2K 2.1K

We never saw Season 4 of The X Factor USA, but here's what really happened. Lea, a troubled, insecure girl, a... More

note: casting
[80] - epilogue
the may 2018 edit.


7.9K 208 58
By arhtsy

Demi and I were sat in the kitchen at 9am in the morning, me on twitter (on her phone) and her typing emails to her manager and label.

"what are we doing today?" I asked, absentmindedly scrolling through my timeline.

"nothing, actually," Demi's eyes never left the screen. "I have things to do for the Neon Lights Tour, but you can go out if you want."

"you're not coming along?"

"sorry Lea, I have to work."

I pouted a bit. "just don't overwork, okay?"

Demi smiled as she leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I promise, baby girl."

I returned to my twitter scrolling. suddenly, I recieved a DM from Camila.


I muffled my scream with my hand. Demi looked up, concerned.

"CAMILA ASKED ME TO HANG OUT!!!" I said exictedly.

Demi lit up as she smiled one of her wonderful smiles. "are you going to, baby?"

"can I?"

"of course. it'll be better than doing nothing all day."

MsLeaRochelle: yes please!! where?

camilacabello97: 11.30am starbucks in westfield? also we're freaking out & normani is fangirling a lot

ignore that i wasn't supposed to tell you

MsLeaRochelle: sure! I'll see you there. =]

i'm freaking out too it's ok

"DEMIIIIII!" I hopped off my chair and started jumping around. "I'm going out with FIFTH HARMONYYYY"

Demi slid off her chair laughing and jumped around with me. "YAYYYY!!!"

after a solid minute of bouncing around, Demi took my hand and pulled me to our room. "now get dressed. where are you going?"

"Westfield," I told her. "at 11.30am."

Demi ran her fingers through her hair. "I'll drive you there. now c'mon, get dressed."

I put on a black skater skirt, a white crop top and the black Doc Martens that Demi bought for me after I won the X Factor. After putting my (now half-working) phone and money into a small purse, I ran down the stairs.

"your curfew is 8pm," Demi told me as we climbed into her car. "I'm trusting you to eat lunch and dinner, okay? don't wander off. if they make bad choices, call me immediately, okay? don't be too quiet. keep safe, don't trust anyone who isn't the girls. don't buy any pets. don't give your number unless it's to the girls. ignore paparazzi. don't drive. don't drink, you hear? also, remember not to lose anything. don't steal. don-"

"Demi," I said gently. "relax."

Demi breathed out slowly. "sorry. I'm getting controlling."

"no," I smiled slightly as we began to drive. "it's cute. just know that you can trust me."

"I trust you," Demi said, sounding more relaxed. "and I love you a lot."

"I love you too."


as soon as I neared Starbucks, I saw the girls sitting on a bench outside. Dinah jumped up so fast she must've hurt herself in some way.

Demi and I headed over to the girls, all of them getting up and waving excitedly.

"heeyyyyy!" Camila hugged me, then Demi. Ally, then Normani, then Dinah, then Lauren hugged me and Demi in turn.

"so," Demi stepped back, looking at us. "look at you. sixth harmony."

"seventh!" Normani exclaimed as she reached over and pulled Demi towards us.

"I'll leave you girls to it, okay?" Demi stepped towards me and kissed my forehead. "stay safe, stay strong, I love you."

"awwwwww!" Camila cooed.

"what time should we get her back? do you want us to send her?" Ally asked.

"8pm is her curfew," Demi said. "and if you could, yes, that'd be great."

"sure!" Dinah interjected. "definitely no problem."

"drop her off at the bus stop on the main road," Demi instructed. "I'll meet her there. and you, baby, text me when you're near there, okay?"

I nodded and reached up to give Demi a hug. "I'll see you. I love you."

Demi returned the hug, squeezing me a little tighter than usual. "I love you too."

she kissed my forehead again, waved bye to the girls, and walked off.


3 hours later, we had gone to 8 shops and none of us had bought anything. we wandered around. I was silently thankful for a quiet day because I still hadn't got used to people coming up and asking me for pictures.

while we chatted, the topic of OTPs came up.

"I'd say, but someone might get mad," Dinah winked and nudged Lauren, who dodged.

"I ship Dea. Dea is my OTP," Camila declared.

I scrunched up my face. "I don't think that'd work."

"seven years isn't an enormous age gap," Lauren mused.

"maybe she's taken, Camz," Dinah winked.

"oooooh!!!" Camila's eyes grew wide. "are you?"

"stop it," Lauren pushed Camila back next to Ally. "don't scare Lea."

"I'm not," I told them truthfully as we gravitated towards Forever 21.

"have you ever?" Camila asked again, interested.

"no," I replied.

"damn," Ally said. "you must've broken lots of hearts."

hahhahaa: lets be real - I'm the one constantly getting heartbroken.

"actually, no," I told Ally. "no one's really offered to take up the burden." that sentence slipped out of my mouth intended as a joke, though it really didn't come through. Ally, Dinah and Normani stopped while Camila had already gone off in search of bows and I assumed Lauren had followed her.

"baby!" Normani cooed as she gently took me in for a hug. "you're not a burden!"

"I'm sorry," Ally apologized. "I didn't mean to push so deep-"

"no, no, it's fine," I faked a laugh as I slipped out of Normani's grasp. "I was just kidding. it's totally fine, Ally."

"Ally, get ready for a poly beatdown" Dinah narrowed her eyes at Ally, who squirmed.

"it's fine," I said again. "I really don't mind."

after assuring the three girls that I was okay multiple times, they went off to look for clothes.

"hey," Lauren's husky voice came from behind me.

I jumped about 5 feet into the air. "damn it, Lauren."

"sorry!" Lauren slipped her hand into mine and we wandered around the store.

"are you sure you're okay?" Lauren asked.

"of course," I said a bit indignantly.

Lauren opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but decided against it.

"sorry," I sighed. "I didn't mean to sound snappy."

"not at all," Lauren assured me. "I completely understand. c'mon, let's go find the girls."


"thanks for bringing her home," Demi said to Lauren as we stood by the bus stop.

Lauren and I had ended up taking the bus home and Lauren decided to take a detour just to bring me back.

"no problem," Lauren squeezed my hand. "Lea's been amazing to have around."

Demi smiled proudly. "right?"

"I better get going," Lauren said, checking the time on her phone. "I'll see you around."

"bye, Lauren," I reached up to give her a hug. "have fun making the album."

"we will," Lauren returned the hug. "bye, Demi."

"bye, Lauren." they hugged. "I'm definitely going to get you and the girls around soon."

"we'd love that," Lauren smiled.

the bus came round and Lauren got on.

"bye!" she called as she made her way to the back.

Demi and I waved until the bus was out of sight. then Demi picked up my hand and we started walking home.

"how was your day, darling?" Demi asked happily.

"I got to hang out with Fifth Harmony!!!!" I nearly screeched. Demi laughed.

"I know, right?!"


when we had taken showers and I was sat on the bed, Demi came in with two steaming mugs of honey water.

"I have an idea," Demi said as she climbed in next to me and gave me a mug.

"what is it?"

"I've been thinking about this: we're going to do something called Confession Nights where you tell me something that happened that day that you'd normally keep to yourself - what triggered you, how you got past it, etc. I'll do the same. and we're going to get through our issues together."

this made me smile. I don't know why, but it did.

"okay?" Demi asked hopefully.


"maybe," we said at the same time. "okay will be our always." then we started giggling.

"okay," Demi said once we settled down. "you first."

after taking a deep breath, I told Demi about what happened in Forever 21.

"I didn't even mean for it to slip out," I said softly.

"Lea.." Demi said as she hugged me gently. "you're not a burden, and you know that. but these things happen and I think if you're comfortable enough with the girls, you might want to tell them about your.. issues."

I nodded. "maybe I will."

"well," Demi told me as factually as she could. "I got Lea and Naya's snapchats today."

"that's nice, Demi," I said hesitantly. "I don't really understand why that'd be something to keep to yourself....?"

Demi looked away as she bit her lip. "it doesn't matter. what did you have for lunch?"

there, that red flush was back again. "I had a veggie wrap and a smoothie."

"want some sorbet?" Demi asked suddenly, springing off the bed. "I bought some today."

"sure," I said. Demi left the room.

I picked up her phone and unlocked it to go on my twitter.

@LaurenJauregui: had an amazing day with @MsLeaRochelle <3

@dinahjane97: went out with ma main ;) <3


@camilacabello97: @MsLeaRochelle we had fun today and Normani would say so too but she forgot her password. we <3 you a lot!!!

after tweeting them back, I put the phone back down and waited for Demi to come back.

Until the phone lit up with a Snapchat notification:


from NaayaRiveraa







WHO SHIPS CAMREN because I'm thinking about making this happen

I'm so sorry this is kind of all over the place. but I still love you guys you know that =] <3

oh! and also, when I was writing the Daya part, Here Comes The Sun (by Glee) came on so therefore Daya is real

next update: I reallly don't know bc exams, but if you want short chapters they'll come quickly. if you want long chapters then hopefully sometime the week after next =] VOTE FOR WHICH YOU PREFER!

stay strong and beautiful my little loves <3


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